Saturday, July 27, 2024

Aubameyang: Sp*rs game can be a turning point

Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang says the North London derby can be a catalyst for Arsenal to get their season back on track after a wretched run in November.

The Gunners head into Sunday’s clash at White Hart Lane eight points behind Jose Mourinho’s table-topping side and are in desperate need of a win having gone three games without one since beating Manchester United at Old Trafford.

Another defeat would be truly dispiriting, all the more so given the opponents. But a win. Now that would be special. A chance to shut up all the gloating Sp*rs fans who’ve appeared out of nowhere and to wipe the perma-grin off Mourinho’s face. We could also do with the points.

Writing in the official matchday programme ahead of the game with Rapid Vienna, Aubameyang couldn’t help but look ahead to the weekend.

“I can’t wait for the derby on Sunday,” he wrote. “I think this is the game that we have to make into a turning point for us this season. There’s nothing better than this game to give you that opportunity to turn things around. We have to understand that if we can win this game then everyone will change their mindset.

“A big result in the derby can really lift the players, the fans – everyone. We know it will be a tough game, they are playing well at the moment to tell the truth but we have to take care of our game, how we want to play the game, and make it all about us. We are waiting for this game – we need to give everything to get the win and change our situation.”

Our captain, who has been out of sorts all season, also reflected on what went wrong last time out, pinpointing a poor first half performance as particularly costly.

“We were not happy with our performance at the weekend against Wolves. I think we showed two different faces in that match. We completely missed the first half, we didn’t play our usual game, how we want to play, and of course, this is really disappointing for us.

“There’s a lot of frustration because we know we can do a lot of things much better than we did. In the second half, we showed more that we are capable of putting the opponent in difficult situations, we created some opportunities to score goals, but in the end, we couldn’t do it.

“I think the behaviours were better in the second half though. For whatever reason, we were not at a good enough level in the first half. We know that, and we know what we have to do better from now on. More games are coming quickly now, and the good news is we knoe exactly what we have to change. So it’s up to us to do it.”

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William Nilliam

It better be!

Heavenly Chapecoense

I want Giroud back. Not to replace Auba but Nketiah or Laca.


Iould love to have Giroud back to pair up with Aubameyang.


And to think that he’s closing in on Thierry Henry’s all time goal scoring record for France, and we let him go just like that


Sorry but after so many weeks playing like chumps, now you will start firing on all cilinders? Can’t see such a dramatic turn in form.

Although it would be very Arsenal to nick a win against that lot and then continue losing against ”lower” opposition (our level clubs now really).


Just read quite an interesting article on Sky Sports about Artetas comments on our crossing against Wolves and I have to say it doesn’t fill me with much hope for a turn around in form. It sounds like Arteta despite realising the obvious (that we have a creativity problem) does not seem to have a rational plan for fixing it. I think everyone would agree that lumping more crosses in is not the solution given the make up of our team and its things like this that are starting to make me lose faith in a man who previously seemed… Read more »


Playing a big team actually suits us much better as we can just play ultra defensive and counter – our plan A. We’ve consistently struggled against any team we’re expected to attack. The only real question is if Maureen looks at our past games and chooses to simply let us have the ball and counter us.


Its great to talk the talk, but pleeeaaassee also walk the walk….we’ll be watching….

A Voice in the Noise

They need to do more than walking though!

Heavenly Chapecoense

The manager too has been defending himself to the detriment of players lately.


This site has become a really toxic. I know its probably only a small portion of the readers that actually use the comment sections, but its almost impossible to find a single positive comment these last couple of days. How about we just support the team. Another off-topic comment: How about we stop comparing Arteta to Emery? As of this point in time, saying Emery being fired was the right choice is still unknown, but it still happened, and Arteta is now the manager, so lets support him until he no longer is. Maybe he isnt good enough? Would your… Read more »


Take my like.

I think you are missing a ‘g’ in your name ‘Ass shaving’. 😉


Do you work for the club’s website, per chance? Or perhaps you head up the match day programme…? This is the real world, pal – and in the real world, we are 14th in the league, we have lost a mere five of the ten games played thus far and serving up football that makes your average pub side look like Holland ‘74. If you want to bury your head in the sand and pretend that everything’s perfect – then be my guest. But don’t tell the rest of us – who can clearly see this shit-show for what it… Read more »

Johnny 4 Hats

I actually got behind on the podcasts and listened to two back to back. It was the United game and then the Villa game. I mean it was laughable, when played next to each other, the unbelievable swoops and u turns in prognosis. But that’s just the human condition I think. How easy is it to laugh about something later that really pissed you off at the time? In the moment, things are always awful. Take the pandemic. Yeah, it’s been tough but I think with a few years hindsight we’ll realise that it wasn’t exactly the apocalypse we think… Read more »

Finsbury Park Gooner

Agreed. Whether he’s ultimately successful or not, Arteta needs time. Nobody can change the culture of a club overnight. And we do absolutely need to change our culture. I see a lot of Arteta-Out stuff in here these days and it’s really disheartening.


Yeah ? I personally find the state of our midfield disheartening.


Wait, “saying Emery being fired was the right choice is still unknown”? It absolutely was the right choice, and it should have happened quite a while sooner. What’s arguably unclear is whether Arteta was the right call.

Reality Cech

Completely agree! Being disappointed is one thing, but the toxicity is unbearable. Our best player from just last season is out of form – not great, but shit happens. The manager who convinced him to stay is also not good enough apparently. Can’t really see where this negativity ends… Geez

Ashburton Red

you do realise the irony?


The site is a snapshot of the Arsenal fans. Arsenal fans are a snapshot of society. Our societies are snapshots of humanity. We need to be the Olivier Girouds of humanity. Not perfect, but determined, dedicated, opportunistic and willing to fight like hell. We all need to give up on Arsenal needing to meet our needs and expectations. We are supposed to inspire them to support them and to appreciate them. This is a symbiotic relationship and it takes years to build something but far far less time to destroy or dismantle it. Ask yourself this….what could Arsenal fans do… Read more »

Perry Crows

This coming from the guy who said after the Wolves game:
“They are all fucking shite. Every last one of them. Sack them all and sack Arteta.”
Is that setting a new standard of support and encouragement?


Perry,If referring to me, I have never said anything like that. Please share when I posted that or kindly retract your “mistake?”

Perry Crows

I retract nothing. I make no apologies for your hypocrisy sir, your slander of the team and then your lies to protect a manufactured truth. That is not my apology to make. It is yours. Not mine.


He’s asking you to show him where he said that.

Also, this is not some Victorian debating chamber

Perry Crows

Sir, I do not approve of such besmirching of my utterances. They beget my truth. My words are my valour, my conquest, my currency. Please do not ask for something that I cannot righteously give. Does the air not reek when foul from talk of #ArtetaOut? Does the lark not refuse her merry tune when we hear nothing but play Auba through the middle? For mine heart breaks in the knowledge that such slanderous tones could be directed at our rightful leader and glorious protector. Ask me not to prove my words sir. Sooner ask me to die. Also, I’m… Read more »


It’s hard to tell these days! Carry on 😉




Could you please die? Kthx.

Daan van Lith

It have been a rough couple of weeks losing/ drawing to Leicester, villa leeds and wolves. However, I refuse to lose hope in these players and managers.

We will beat sp*rs on Sunday.

We are the Arsenal.

Baichung Bhutia

Will be great if Auba scores too. Preferably a hat trick. I miss his goals.


Anyone else feels deja-vu when our players come out and say this.


Please just show up on the day Arsenal we can do this so let’s just do it


Auba is in the end a very limited player. He needs to be central and…. and basta. Unable to add to the game, waiting for the right ball in the right area. His stats from the past years are great, no doubt, but he had a playmaker to play with (…). And the captain can also write to the fans after losses especially the third in a row. A captain who grabs the team by the neck and leads it. He doesn’t do it. Now for £400 000 per week we can expect more from a player who has all… Read more »

Toure Motors

Look, mesut ozil has as much relevance to the future of Arsenal as unai emery has. It must be heartbreaking for ozil fanboys to have to build that bridge, but it would be better for everyone if they did


Meanwhile our midfield, minus Ozil, is utter shite.

Any suggestions then, (between now and the summer when we can maybe sign a decent attacking/ creative midfielder) to currently stop the rot…..?

Don’t tell me…..Joe Willock.

Heavenly Chapecoense

His good stats were clearly without any help from Ozil.


Five defeats in ten and the dizzying heights of 14th place, have also been achieved without Ozil.

And, of course, let’s not forget our current midfield dynamos, Willian, Ceballos and Willock – who are currently smashing it all over the place, in Ozil’s absence.

Tottenham are quaking in their boots, as we speak.



Blimey, Auba’s at it now.

Why oh why don’t the players just button it and do the talking on the pitch?

Turning point?

I am actually dreading this NLD – for the first time since 1981/82 when Spurs had Hoddle, Ardiles Villa, Crooks and Archibald – whereas we had Hollins, Whyte, Hankin, McDermott and Hawley.


Hankin and Hawley! I remember that. That was a low point for sure but we also had Paul Davis, Dave O’Leary, Kenny Sansom, Graham Rix, so there was some decent players. We drew 2-2. Alan Sunderland got both.


He did indeed. We led two nil – then let the fuckers back in to it. There was a 1-3 home defeat that season as well. Hawley got our goal with what was actually a great strike – but Tottenham were always in control. We started beating them again after Terry Neil signed Charlie Nicholas a few seasons later, but I think the night we beat them in that League Cup Semifinal in ‘87 – Rocky’s last minute winner – was the night of the power shift. And they knew it. We’ve had that power over the buggers ever since… Read more »


There’s now a clear template for beating us. There’s no way Mourinho does anything but concede possession, try to nick a goal, then force us to commit bodies forward, In the safe knowledge our attack lacks anything resembling creativity, craft, guile or flair, and our central defenders aren’t comfortable pushing up the pitch. The more we have the ball, the more dangerous our opponent becomes, and the less threatening we become. Our issues are quality and squad characteristic ones, and I’m not convinced they can be fixed with the current squad. A back 5 might not be pretty, but I… Read more »


It can be – if you Auba, for example, can actually manage to put the ball into their net. Our team has had only four shots on target (and a solitary goal) in the last two PL games, that’s shocking. We’re going to have to perform a lot, lot better in all areas to get anything from the Spuds game.


This is not about Arteta, this one is about Arsenal.
Players have to make it personal and play solely for the badge and pride.

David C

Give Tottenham the ball, sit back and let them make the mistakes instead of us then hit them on the break. Beat Mourniho with his own tactics. I don’t see us getting a result any other way.

Maul Person

As a fan, I appreciate that fighting talk but, as has been said, I’m not sure it can be turned around so quickly. I’m usually reasonably optimistic when it comes to the NLD but this most recent run has me feeling like Auba’s words are merely for the sale of saying the right thing…

I think we’ll get a sense of the likely outcome as soon as we see Arteta’s team selection.

Ashburton Red

The NLD makes me feel these players need a rousing pre-match speech about what it means on Sunday from one of our leaders!


Step forward Hector……

Ashburton Red

yes! good shout

Auba auba laca partey

I came to think that our biggest loss this season is Guendouzi. He is a power house in the middle, much better than Willock or anything we have currently. Nice comments captain, follow through on the pitch. COYG


Agree.. he offers something different


I wonder if part of the attacking solution is to encourage our pros to play with more spontaneity and freedom in attack. That is important for creativity, magic, and the little differences that are harder for teams to defend against. Arteta is quite directive from the bench. Its hard to tell if that puts the handbrake on a little in attack. Im more fine with defensive instructions.


We desperately need a win. But perhaps even more than that, we need to play well. I can’t remember the last we actually played some decent football in the league.
Furthermore, I would really like to se Auba step up his game and show more leadership and fighting spirit during the game


I read this headline with a song in my head

“I believe in miracles “


Personally I have lost all hopes! I’ve heard this phrase so many times from so many of these players, but nothing changes, they get on the pitch and seems to remember nothing, they see an opponent with the ball, run very fast towards him, then stop midway and run back! I don’t know!


Groundhog Day, yes…


Giroud. Underrated player one of those who constantly criticised by fans but so much better than many could care to see. He’s banging them in 4 goals yesterday but also closing in on Henry’s record for France which is incredible. And he gave us a lot of strenght in the air both up top but also defending set pieces pus he acted as a node to play second line attack in even when not scoring. This is what we still need at the moment. I don’t see Auba able to replicate this. With teams these days more discipline, it would… Read more »

Lonty mark

So he said it can. Not it will…


This aged well

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