Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arteta: We’ll keep supporting Pepe and Willian

Mikel Arteta insists he’ll keep supporting Willian and Pepe despite the pair continuing to underwhelm when given first team opportunities.

The Spaniard turned to the Brazilian and Ivorian to add attacking thrust to his much-rotated starting lineup at Saint Mary’s but neither enhanced their reputation as Arsenal exited the FA Cup with a 1-0 defeat to Southampton.

Both players look bereft of confidence in a limp first half and while Pepe, our £72 million club-record signing, did create a couple of chances for Eddie Nketiah after the break, neither looked capable of taking the game by the scruff of the neck.

Unsurprisingly, the pair were the focus of a number of questions in the post-game press conference, and the boss did his best to defend them.

“What I am saying is they try to give their best,” said Arteta. “You could see how hard they are trying, with more or less quality, but the intention is there and the willingness is there.

“This is what we demand them to do. And after the decision-making, the final pass, the final goal, the opportunities they have, it is the end product and that’s the hardest thing in football.”

Asked whether the pair can turn things around, he added: “I hope so. We are going to keep supporting them as much as we possibly can, as a coaching staff and as a club because that is what they need.

“They need to keep working hard and try to improve their performances. I want to think positively and think that they are going to reach their level very soon.

“And the way they train every day is to reach that level and we are here to support them again – and not to think in a negative way.”

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walking around the pitch and/or standing still doesn’t seem like ‘trying to give his best’ from willian. at least pepe is trying to *do* stuff (usually doesn’t come off, but its something).


Willian never seems to look tired.


Still on the first shirt, not even dirty.


Credit where it’s due, he sure knows how to pace himself.

The Arsenal

Does not even Glisten let alone sweat.

Alexis Cazorla

Playing Pepe in the team without ESR, and with Willian, will only shatter his confidence more. Everybody in the team looks bad when we play without our CM. It’s not really how we should be supporting a player.

Johnny 4 Hats

If we can somehow get Willian off the books this summer and get around £25m for Pepe, I’ll consider that a really good summer of outgoings.

I’ve defended Willian a few times on here, just because you assume a player of his (previous) quality will eventually turn it round. But nothing is right about this guy, most importantly his body language.


How? I think Jesus used up his miracles already.

Johnny 4 Hats

He needed them to beat Cheltenham Town.


Body language is now officially a category at the FIFA Awards.

Auba auba laca partey

It was a good team selection as rotation was necessary. Yes some of these players are just not good enough (Eddie/Willian) but it is what we have. Given the amount of energy Southampton spent today I wouldn’t be surprised if we are head and shoulders above on Tuesday. It will justify today’s selection and us going up on the table. Arteta sacrificed the queen FA cup to win the game (top 4). Let’s wait and see.

Tomaury Bischfeld

I don’t know if it’s true if Willian has multiple gears and is just choosing to coast in 1. I actually think at 32 he isn’t really capable anymore of playing an intensive game in an attacking position that demands that. Maybe his effort, and certainly his body language / attitude play a part but truth is signing him and expecting physically demanding performances was stupid.

Fred Merz

I was only to catch the final half hour. Pepe was at least trying to take people on. He won that free kick on the edge of the box that he then hit over and created the chance that Eddie toe poked. Not much is working for him but he’s trying. Willian contributed nothing except a few tidy back passes. I have zero understanding for how he played 90 minutes.

Forget about it

Why can’t Pepe go out on loan? Might do him some good …?

Johnny 4 Hats

Napoli were willing to pay +£50m two years ago. Surely they might still be willing for around £30m? A loan with an option to buy could work…


Look at today’s positive:
Willian and Pepe started in a cup game – that means they’re now fringe players.

El Mintero

I’m convinced Ozil never left. He’s just disguised himself in a big wig with a jersey that says Willian on the back…


I am surprised with Willian’s struggles. He was always an underwhelming package compared to his reputation, but he was still a PL top 4 level player. He mostly had 6-8 out of 10 games for Chelsea. For Arsenal, he has been consistently at 2-5 out of 10, and 5 is being generous.

When I first saw Pepe, I thought we must fire the guy who bought him. Not Pepe’s fault that we spent so much for him. We must pity him, and release him on a free next season. Else he might become depressed like Jordan Ibe.


He’s here for the same reason Cech came. London is convenient. Except Cech wanted to prove himself useful again and Willian wants to just hang with frenz and enjoy the PL life. Maybe Mikel is privy to something we aren’t but going by the Ozil saga, I wouldn’t be surprised if the top bosses want Mikel to keep playing Willian just to avoid acknowledging this was a bad call all around.

Wiltoooooooooord !!!

Simple question…
With all due respect to Arteta, if I show enough determination and keep trying .. will he play me ? Is that enough in his eyes?

Hail Gus!

Probably 🤦🏼‍♂️

Tomaury Bischfeld

Have you mastered the Willian’s dribble towards the goalkeeper or Pepe’s “run a little forward, realise your right foot is as useful as an chocolate teapot, turn and play a ball backwards” routine. If so, why not?


Did you see him hoof the ball at the refs arse today? Not long after hitting an opponent player in similar fashion. You’d think he was on a mission to whack the ball full pelt at every person on the pitch before time.

That display cost us 200+ k this week. Must be fun being Willian.


How much of the 200+k have you contributed personally? Don’t get me wrong – I don’t like Willian either and I think we need to be cutting ties this very month. But don’t grudge him the deal that he has worked for. Football shouldn’t be about money to the fans. Don’t bring up salary that has been negotiated fair and square. It’s disgusting to see every player being judged for the money every time they are out of form. There’s a time to bring up contracts. No one snipes about your monies when you turn in work late or if… Read more »


He negotiated it so fair and square it got the guy who negotiated on our behalf fired. The contract was so fair that his previous club refused give it to him. Football fans all spend money and energy to follow this club. They can complain about whatever they want. I believe players’ salaries to be a double edged sword – they can choose to earn more, but it they do, they’re opening themselves up for more criticism. Sure, both sides agreed to give him the contract – but Arsenal probably expected performances comensurate with the salary – and he clearly… Read more »


To be fair, Pepe just as often decides to take on three and loses the ball, so…..


Hmm, maybe, who did you say your agent was again?


If he doesn’t have an agent I know a guy who can sell any old shit to PL club’s (well Arsenal anyway) for top money. He’ll get Wiltoooooord a deal without a shadow of doubt.

Jean Ralphio

I think he’s hoping Willian and Pepe score or assist to regain confidence. With Willian I can’t understand his level of performance, watched him a lot last season for Chelsea and he was so influential for them. Pepe plays better when there are better players around him.

Hank Scorpio

True but he shouldn’t need that. In any case it would be interesting to see him play a few games with the likes of ESR and Saka in the team instead of these patchwork teams consisting of players who seemingly have no chemistry. As for Willian, we’re stuck with him for 2 and a half years. We won’t be able to shift him.

Alexis Cazorla

Why shouldn’t he? Think about our games just a month back when the whole team looked bad, even Auba and Laca. Everyone started looking good the moment they were supported by the right players in the right position.

That’s the nature of football. Even Messi can’t win you a trophy if the players around him aren’t right for his style (Argentina), and even Ronaldo won’t score ton loads of goals if the players around him are not quality (Portugal). It applies to all players, from Lewandowski to Zlatan. There are no exceptions.


You will need Kia as your agent too


“We are going to keep supporting them as much as we possibly can”.

Yes. Help them clean out their lockers and follow them to the bus stop.


I think the “we” is a very restricted number and does not include fans Mikel. Only Cheltenham continuing to beat Citeh will save him in tomorrow’s headlines.


…..and that miracle disappeared, sorry.

Paul Roberts

Support them on the bench I hope he means?

Tomaury Bischfeld

At a club that has Champions League aspirations, “trying hard” is not good enough for two well paid professionals. “hope” is not a viable strategy when they have been given ample chances to show some character. Cut our losses, give them the Ozil shoulder and play young players.

Tomaury Bischfeld

Or at least when you play them, play them for one half alongside the players who actually seem hungry. I don’t think we’ll ever see anything from either of them if they play together.


Or when we 3 nil up


To be honest, he never said: it was enough. But I really agree that the main problem today was (and a couple of times before) that Arteta played them (Willian, Pepe) together, coupled with a totally passive ElNeny and Nketiah whose ability to combine with others is nowhere near compared to Ceballos/Lacazette. With these players on the field together – their lack of self-confidence, and lack of experience of cooperating together are just simply too much.

Bilge Tekin

Don’t this show Srteta is not capable to manage a PL Ckub?

Auba auba laca partey

Didn’t realised we played for a top 4 spot today. Stupid selection then!

Cranky Colin

Thing is…….. Willian couldn’t be arsed.
Pepe is working hard.
Surely that’s a big difference


It’s a valid point, but in the final analysis neither offer anything to the team. If I see Pepe slow play up, come inside on his left and hoof the ball out for a goalkick again, I’m going to glue my knackers to a train.

Fred Merz

Only saw the last half hour but Pepe created the only real chances I saw (winning the free kick just outside the box, which he proceeded to blast over the bar; the pass for Eddie to toe-poke). This team is just not able to break down teams that defend half way decently and it’s a combination of tactics and personnel. I’m not really defending Pepe but everything just felt so predictable. Does anyone think we could have brought anyone on who would have done a better job? They let us cross all day and it was so crowded for anyone… Read more »


No point in crossing to small players like Eddie, Willian, even Laca. Best option at the end would have been to push Holding and Gabi up there permanently. Best option against crowded defence is more shots from edge of box – you may even get a deflection !


Pepe is trying you can see that. When the team starts to play well consistently I could see Pepe fitting in and contributing without having a detrimental affect on the team.
Willian is just slowing us down, looks like he can’t be arsed and adds nothing to the team. He just isn’t good enough for us and decisions like giving him a 3yr contract are a massive reason why our club is in the shit it is and has been and probably will be for the foreseeable


I find it staggering that, even during the Ozil fiasco, someone (probably on a 7 figure salary) thought Willian was a good idea. It’s like having a wart removed and going straight out to kiss a frog.


I think everybody finds it completely baffling. After 2 & a half years of the Özil saga you would think Arsenal had learnt their lesson not to give extravagant wages without a guarantee of playing well but apparently not. I can understand if Silent Stan is reluctant to give them any more money to waste having seen £100M spent on Pepe & Saliba who won’t have played for Arsenal 2 years after signing


Exactly. Well said.


Willian appeared not to be trying after a good debut. He has since drained his own confidence and it doesn’t seem to matter what he does.

His contribution is less than Bernt Leno could offer in attack.




Even a bernt cheesecake can at least give you some energy

Timorous Me

You could’ve said Jay Leno and I think most would agree.


I dunno, I bet on today’s showing Bernd could offer a lot up front.

Least he knows what a goal looks like…

Bilge Tekin

Arteta & Edu must go. They only put Villain & Pepe on because they feel shame for the wrong selection of players brought in and hoping they can justify the generous wages and contract they granted to these two.

David Hilliers Arm Cast

I agree, Pepe looks much more interested but it seems nothing really works out for him. Some of his touches are breathtaking, but then he will just fall over or produce a poor pass.


What choice does Arteta have? Nobody wants to buy Pepe and Willian won’t leave London. He has to manage them appropriately by talking them up to the media because we’re stuck with both of them for the next few years.


It’s true, but it was his choice to pursue willian. So he’s definitely a part of it. As for pepe, he has to be a contender for worst signing in EPL history when the money is factored in. I’ve been trying to hope there is something there with pepe, but today’s rubbish was the straw… He was terrible. Willian is just robbing everyone, couldn’t be bothered and I’m not sure there is anything left even if he could. He’s a contender for worst FA signing in EPL history.


Could we pay West Ham to take Willian on loan?

Paul Roberts

Wilian is gone at the game.
Pepe plays well in a counter attacking team and we are not that type of team! How this was not thought of when we signed him beggars belief!


Except when pepe had counter attacking chances today, he completely bollocksed them. That one when Héctor set him off down the right was flat out embarrassing.


That showed just how one-footed he is. He tried to come inside straight away instead of taking it forward and then beating his man.


Pepe’s not super-quick. Good PLn fbs can keep up with him. Then he has to try his tricks but he’s coming up against better defenders than he faced in France.

The club will try to hide what really happened with that transfer but it’s a sign of how disinterested the owner is.


The owners are not disinterested. Last summer saw a big clean out at Arsenal. Many staff got the sack, allegedly for having had a finger in the purchase of Pepe.

He is not totally untalented, but not better than Willock or Maitland-Niles.


Seems Unai was right all along. With Zaha you know what your getting with Pepe it was an expensive gamble that looks like a losing hand.


When watching Borges and thinking Özil was kicked out for football reasons. Yes, let’s give Joob’s player more time… he’s got still 3 years to have a shoot on target.


Support them out the door


I really wonder why we decided to rely on Raul to make signings for us.


That was a Gazidis decision. The foundations Gazidis put in place post Wenger have spectacularly collapsed. Now we see why .he did a runner before the collapse & why all his appointees have since left.


If Mikel Arteta can see intention and willingness in lazy, sulky, useless Willian he needs to come off the drugs.


Here’s a thought, don’t.

Old but Gold

I’m not sure what you’re expecting the manager to say. He obviously isn’t going to throw them under a bus in front of a TV reporter.


The problem is that he keeps playing William, and if when get the loan guy in, he will still play him


If there aren’t a couple of academy players who aren’t better than Willian then there’s something wrong in the academy. I’m sure Jeorge Bird who follows the academy could name a couple of candidates.


There are some excellent young players in the academy but they probably need another year or two, we’ve got some stars for the future but not quite yet. I’d still like to see the likes of AMN, Nelson get some playing time, they’re not worse than what was out there.


“You could see how hard they are trying, with more or less quality(…)* Don’t like the sound of this. I think we will see Willian more then we want to avoid another Özil situation. I think Pepe will leave in summer. He doesn’t seem to enjoy Arsenal. I feel sorry for Arteta to have to deal with these two, specially Willian. I understand him wanting/having to play them put I just can’t bare watching it anymore. Willian seems to just turned into shit as soon he singed and Pepe looks like Bambie on ice Act II. For me both deals,… Read more »


Sorry for the spelling :-*


Rage spelling bongo! I worry that he persists with Willian because he was a costly signing but was Ozil really worse option than that?


Pepe. Yes.

Willian. Fuck off.


To be fair…what should he say? You just can’t publically trash your players but I do really hope he’s filing these performances away in his mind.

Paddy K

Exactly. And the saddest part about it is, we’re gonna need both of these players. Only half way through the season, we gonna need them sharp as possible. Can’t blame him for playing them, trying to play them into form, rotation was and will be needed.


I think the way he is saying it at least shows he is aware of the problem. Now he has to bite the bullet as he did with Ozil and Papa and leave them aside until they prove themselves capable


“You just can’t publicly trash your players?”

What, you mean like how he publicly trashed Pepe…?


If I just bang my head against it ONE MORE TIME this wall is bound to fall down.


Hopefully this is the manager equivalent of the board’s “vote of confidence.” As sad as it will be we have to cash in on Pepe while we can recoup something at least. And Willian, I think if a team were willing to take him on 2 yr loan wth us paying 2/3rds of his wages it’d have to be considered a win.

Potato Gooner

Willian isn’t leaving London mate. He will run down his contract with us whatever happens.


Brentford loan then?


They’re still paying for him having only paid a down payment with the rest spread over a number of years.


If Pepe does play, I think he looks more useful on the left. At least he doesn’t scream “I’m about to cut inside”.

Jeremy DG

I’d like to see him down the middle. He’s got no right foot which makes him too predictable down either flank. Down the middle it doesn’t matter so much.


he cant hold the ball up because his 1st touch is shite and hes always tripping over the ball and getting it stuck under his feet and losing possesion he has no place playing as a striker.
he is a very poor player we got shafted on that transfer
we need to cut our losses while he still has some value


Arteta and Edu needs to be fined for buying Willian and thinking he could be a source of creativity for us. What a waste of money and space. Willian is part of the reason why we’re at 11th place. Bad idea to get him on a 3 year deal. As for Pepe – I feel sorry for him. Saka has emerged to be better than he is on the RW but let’s not act like Arteta hasn’t killed his confidence. Pepe needs a run of games to get into form. Some players don’t but he does. When last did Pepe… Read more »


Where do you get this idea that Pepe will come good? Its just hope that he does right?


Josh Kronke was all in for Pepe as well when the club were getting a hard time from fans.

Be honest, that most of us were very excited by Pepe after watching some youtube videos.


I think that’s the most frustrating thing with Pepe, is there is a good player in there.

Is it lack of confidence? Because he’s has some fantastic moments and has scored a few lovely goals/free kicks.

But his first touch can be horrible a lot of the time setting himself up for a lot of work to do to retain the ball and actually get where he wants to go with it.

Willian, I don’t understand what’s happened to him, was pretty decent last year by all accounts, just seems lost/uninterested in playing for Arsenal.


I remember when we signed him. I’d never heard of him and neither had almost other people. I was excited that we’d spent so much, thinking the powers that be knew more than I did. I do recall thinking that I’d have preferred to sign Zaha though with his PL experience. Turned out I was right. I also thought the Willian signing was a bad idea.
Maybe I should see if they’ve any vacancies in our recruitment team. Did someone mention a seven figure salary earlier….?


You will lose your job soon if you keep going with this your said support


Think he has realised that… And that is the reason we ain’t seeing them in the league. Today’s game hardly mattered, even taking martinelli off didn’t really irk me.


Not sure I agree that today’s game didn’t matter, it was about our best chance at qualifying for Europe next season.

The league form has improved, but I can’t see us having enough to qualify, which will make any deals we do in the summer even more difficult.


Pepe looks like a player who won’t thrive with Arteta’s style of play. He might be better suited elsewhere… He is not a player who is going to whip in crosses like how Leroy sane did for pep. Think moving him on in the summer is the best for both parties involved. We need someone like neto from wolves, any proper winger… Pepe to be honest looks more of a ball carrier, might do well from midfield than from wings.

As for Willian…he is just SHIT


Well if Arteta keeps supporting Pepe I can see why and I guess maybe he is also better if he’s playing with a proper 10 like ESR. But if they keep supporting Willian then the real question is “how long are we going to support Arteta” …


I have a question: Why does it matter so much how hard the train if, when the moment comes to actually do something, you know, on matches and on the pitch, they do nothing? I understand it has to do with “professionalism” but would you rather have someone who gives everything on training but when the moment comes to show on matches, the player dissapears? or maybe someone who takes the training not so seriously but actually shows on matches?


I dont know if you have to have the either or. playing a player who doesnt bother in training sends a terrible message to the squad.

that being said, im sure we have other players trying in training we could use.


How come they don’t get similar treatment to ozil, sokratis, Nelson, guendouzi, and kolasinac?


Ozil was frozen out, probably political of were honest. Nelson’s cheap. Guendouzi’s cheap. Kolasinac too professional to make a noise about it, and is cheap. But is also Ozil’s mate. Sokratis also too professional to make a noise about it, and also cheap. Willian, for what he’s paid weekly, should on paper be a starter, else it’s just ludicrous in terms of an investment/management. Pepe, probably on significantly less per week that Willian, but the price we paid for him (got our buttocks slapped by Raul’s dodgy dealings), is also another reason why there is a commitment to the player.… Read more »


both need to be out of the club asap including Arteta!


We know that neither Willian nor Pepe are up to first team standard.
We know he can’t say they are crap cause hopefully we may try to get rid of them.
The rest is just hot air


Flashes of brilliance from Pepe but hardly enough to warrant what we paid for him. Willian…the less said the better.

Not forgetting there is a young defender we forked out 27 million on who will soon be in his third season with us not having played a single game.

When is the waste going to end?


Support them with hospital visits if they show up at London colony monday


This is the difference between the great managers like Ferguson and wannabes like Arteta. Twenty years ago, how long go you think Pepe and Willian would have lasted at Man United under Ferguson? Ferguson would have booted both of them out by now and not looked back. He made plenty of bad signings, but he acted decisively when he got it wrong. Arteta, on the other had, just keeps making the same mistake. United had a culture of excellence and 100 per cent commitment; we have pisstakers like Willian, Ozil and Pepe. But they can get away with it because… Read more »

Forget about it

Didn’t Ferguson get away with that BECAUSE of his successes? Arteta can hardly act that flippantly with the club’s money. It should also be said, the sums were a little differnet then.


So he should keep playing shit like Willian even though he’s contributing nothing?

Arteta’s brief is TO WIN FOOTBALL MATCHES! You don’t play players who don’t perform just to save face!!

If Arteta is gone by the end of the summer then Willian will be his epitaph.

Billy bob

Can I have a 100k a week contract (half of what Will-i-aint is earning) for trying my best?


I’m trying my best, can I rely on the support of all gooners?


It won’t happen in this window but in the summer we have to be realistic & cut our losses.

Both seem miserable & don’t want to be here.

If William is just going the motions & isn’t be professional then fine him & force him to move.

Same with Pepe, he looks like he’s be happier in another league, either back to France or to Spain.

Both are surplus to requirements here.

David Hilliers Arm Cast

Aaaaaand that’s the problem. Persisting with those two clowns who have proven over and over again they are not good enough.

Reminder, Willian is the second highest paid player in the team.


…..and Nketiah. I don’t know why Mikel 🙁


Arteta is making a cross for his own back and he is damaging his image with these inconsistencies. Why does Nelson, AMN and Willock only get half chances but Willian is allowed multiple chances to play.

Also he brings his coaching into question. If both players are so lacking then why play at the same time. The positions are too close together so neither can play themselves into form as they both negatively impact each other and the downward spiral continues for both!


Let’s face it the last decade had been a massive disappointment. Punctuated by the cartoonish 6-0 to Chelsea and the lowlife scumbag. FA Cup triumphs have been the only positive. But we have to rebuild the club, part of that is changing our orientation. I don’t want the FA Cup to be our one priority every season. That isn’t the appropriate ambition for Arsenal Football Club. We are currently 7 points off 4th place. Arteta made the correct call with his team selection. Arteta had every right to expect today’s group of players could defeat Southampton. And despite the abject… Read more »


Pepe would be more effective with the likes of esr and laca to link with. He only started getting service when partey came on and pushed the midfield. Yes he’s underwhelmed but he’s also been surrounded by shite and isolated in most of these b sides


surrounded by shite my arse ,he is shite. he would look a disaster of a buy at even half what we paid for him. get rid

Robert m

Arteta needs to stop allowing Chelsea player coming to Arsenal their mentality is weaker than ever with their own club it has been proven so many times like today Willian was shocking fighting for the ball but no scope no ambition like he ran out of ability. Luiz the same his back passing put us under far too much pressure saying that Rob Holding another player with no ambition as he took on Luiz’s shocking back passing we are behind when this happens and it is time wasting, Look at the forwards in Arsenal screaming pointing for the forward pass… Read more »

The only sp*rs i like is san antonio

I get it if they played bad just once or twice. But this is beyond any of that and they constantly play bad the whole season so far. I don’t know what Arteta is thinking anymore aside from stubbornness.. Sigh


I guess what’s he gonna say, if he admits they’re shit it will tank their value further


I am really saddened by the team that Arteta chose for the March at St Mary’s. Does he really believe that we can get a European spot via the league!
Surely the only chance we had was by defending the cup. Shame on you Arteta.
How much longer must we keep giving Pepe, Willian and Nketiah the privilege of wearing an Arsenal shirt!


Willian was predictably a bad signing. But as I recall, many people like to will themselves into believing with every signing, Arteta or Edu or Mslintat knew what they were doing. Its been some hits but critically too many misses with impact to bottomline and future spend. And it bears out with current window. We simply don’t have money now and we need to scramble to find ‘creative means’ to bring in players or compromise on quality. Willian frankly I don’t mind loaning out for duration of his stay with us. He looks a player bereft of hunger pandered to… Read more »

Man Manny

Such is the absolute disaster Arsenal’s transfers have been in the past couple of years roles are reversed.
Saka and ESR are rested in the kind of games they should be playing to aid their development, while these established professionals play in games they should be rested!


I don’t even see why some of these younger players need to be rested. Given magnitude of this game, I would think to start the first 11 and grind out a lead then start to think of rotating secondary players in to keep legs fresh for Tuesday.


Have not watched the match yet will watch later on ArsenalPlayer when available. But I’ve mentioned before, Arteta has been guilty of over rotating. We are only left with two competitions and we’ve now squandered away one more. How he could decide to start with so many changes against a strong Soton side is beyond me. Nketiah is still developing. The fault is on the manager in thinking this would be a good time to gamble on him. Willian Arteta continues to try in the middle out of desperation because sans ESR, he does not seem to have any other… Read more »


I think we need to persevere with Pepe, given what we paid for him. He does show flashes of brilliance. Willian on the other hand was a massive mistake – as many said at the time – he’s played one decent game for us and that’s it. We should try to cut him loose in the summer.

Kentish Gooner

F*ck Willian man. I’d fully support paying him off now and letting him go for a free. Absolute sham that he’s getting game time ahead of FAR younger professionals that are more committed and dedication than he’ll even be.

Mikels Arteta

Looks like they doubled down


Pepe wasn’t bad?

Not 70m but not bad.


Bring back Giroud or someone who can hold the ball up and bring others into the game. Also an aerial presence in the box would help.


We have yet to hear from Kia Joorabchian who normally has a lot to say for himself, especially when it comes to his Arsenal clients.

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