Saturday, July 27, 2024

Southampton 1-3 Arsenal – player ratings

Arsenal reacted impressively the 1-0 defeat to Southampton in the FA Cup on Saturday, coming away from St Mary’s with all three points after a 3-1 win.

Despite falling behind early on, Nicolas Pepe equalised shortly afterwards, and the superb Bukayo Saka put the Gunners ahead before the break.

He turned provider for Alexandre Lacazette’s 10th goal of the season, and Mikel Arteta’s side worked hard for what was a deserved win in the end.

Read the Southampton 1-3 Arsenal match report and see the goals here

Southampton 1-3 Arsenal – Player Ratings

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Clock End 20

Nice to get some payback for Saturday, we deserved it, bring on the Mancs!

El Mintero

Pepe’s best game. Liked the look of him down the left. Saka is a joy to watch. What a talent.

Sylvain Won'tord

Soares really has picked up. Nice to have competition


Saka is surely future Ballon d’Or winner 😀 That´s how you go round the keeper, how cool was that. I felt that Lacazette should´ve done something similar on that first chance, but it was a good save from the keeper, fair play to him. Cedric was good today on the left, what a pass for the goal, it reminded me of what Rashford did against Liverpool on Sunday. And we are now quite close to Liverpool in the table as well : ) Everyone played well today, Pepe on the left looks an interesting option, good that he finally got… Read more »


I think it needs to be said that Liverpool is somehow close to us. They have fallen off the title race.


I Felt Lack should have chipped the GK on the first chance you have to dink it thats the only way he was rushing out and was pretty low to the ground you just have to dink it over him or round him, but in that situation since he was diving right rounding him would’ve been difficult because he could’ve stuck his hand out. Dinking it over him was the only way top strikers know when to dink when to round and when to out it through the GK legs .


As I’m sure you’ve done on many occassions in your career?


Cedric 10/10 for one of the best disguised unintentional back passes to Leno in the first half (whoops)


C’mon now Pepe, use this as spring board. Go on son, go on!


First yellow of the season 😆 I imagine that yellow will be properly rescinded.

Maybe his training is starting to come out in games? One can hope!


Yellow cards can’t be rescinded. Although if there was ever case for allowing them to be, this would be it.

Timorous Me

A yellow card for going off too slowly even though he didn’t go off.

Sorry, I just had to type that out to see how it felt even though it was stating the obvious. In a world filled with absurd officiating decisions, this might take the cake.


I guess the yellow was for time wasting, so the fact that he didn’t go off was irrelevant is the answer you’d get.


But as ESR was on the deck, presumably even this muppet of a referee had stopped the clock?
i can’t help thinking this is an Arsenal booking, Would Fernandinho have been booked for this?


TIme wasting while the clock is stopped, waiting for the physio to come on to tend to another player who’s down awaiting treatment???
And if Kevin NewDean Friend hadn’t stopped the clock, then that his incompetence, not Pepe’s timewasting


Kevin Friend is the new Mike Dean… god help us!


An “A” for effort from Pepe. He is quality when he is on.


A previously unnoticed string in the Pepe bow: he showed a Alan Smithy-like ability to pull down the long ball and be on his bike with one or two touches. More moves in a tight corner than the Artful Dodger

Fireman Sam

Yep that was a sweet touch.


I think I’d go as far to say that was Pepe’s best game for Arsenal. Know he’s had the odd blinder in the Europa, but that was his best workrate by some distance i feel, and against tricky opposition. Glad you mentioned his aerial presence, that really stood out to me. Certainly not the best player on the pitch, but he deserves credit. Perhaps just playing him in a functioning team is the key?! I’d also go as far as to say my ideal fullback pairing right now is KT on the left and Cedric on the right. His crossing… Read more »

David C

I thought it was Pepe’s best game too! Thought he deserved a higher rating. He took on 4 guys at one point and kept the ball. Keep it up Nico!

David Hilliers Arm Cast

That’s a great point that I have never given him credit for. He for sure makes a great effort in the air. I still think he is a long way off the finished article but again showing positive signs.


I agree with you on both. Pepe was very good playing on the left and our second goal was concieved by pepes involvement in an aerial duel.

As far as Bellerin goes, I would argue that our most effective and dangerous play ofensively on the right hand side came from our left back.

Bellerins popularity is at odds with his performances. He sais all the right things but has been playing poorly now for third season in a row. Time to sell.


Also think Cedric had one to prove on his old stomping ground… something lit a fire under him, certainly!

A Different George

We’ve seen glimpses of this Pepe before. If he can play like this regularly, we are a much more dangerous team.

Fireman Sam

Love how he did that run through 4 opposition players. Even if it doesn’t often come off, and he needs to improve his decision making, it’s nice to see a guy that is not afraid to take on players. He put in a shift.


Ref was so bad tonight.. Happy to brandish cards to us.

Soton tried to use the same tactics as Spu*s and it almost paid off for them, especially in the first half of the first half. They created the better chances, but for Walcott and Valery they could have taken the game from our hands.

The clear hole between the Luiz and Cedric was impressively used by Inga & Adams. I hope Arteta looks at these little things.

Still remember clearly how Spu*s created two chances all game and scored two goals..

David Hilliers Arm Cast

Yeh ref was terrible, the call against Xhaka was down right silly. Luiz I thought was pretty bad tonight, I watched him twice track the same player Holding was tracking leaving someone floating in behind him. Think that should be his last game.


I agree, he’s last in line for me now. In new benevolent arsenal supporter mode, and as he comes to the end of his arsenal career, I can compartmentalise his flakey performances of the past and think about the good performances he’s had for us. But that double error near the end when first he let his concentration slip and then nearly fucked Leno with the absurd step over in the box was exactly the kind of brain fart that has lost us games in the past. Mari, Holding and Gabriel are the future. They need to be playing as… Read more »

Fireman Sam

What the hell was Luiz doing? Such an odd guy.

Luckily Holding was solid enough to hold the fort, so to speak.


Stupid ref tried ever so hard to spoil the game for us. Kevin “Muppet” Friend


Kevin “not our” Friend


Kevin ‘The Dean’ Friend


Troubling to see these injury issues. The lack of solid options from the bench is a worry. Hope Odegaard gets upto speed quickly!

Hopefully Partey & ESR are fine after the game.

Overall a great win. Let’s March on.


Very direct point MA made to camera about 5 players needing a rest last Saturday and how he won’t risk injuries for these young players.

He clearly recognises the need for them ahead of experienced players but will not use them at the expense of serious injury.


Saka really is a special player. Was convinced from the moment he scored that goal in the Europa league a couple years back. Ball was heading to him and he jinked to the left, just gently poked the ball forward with his left foot and just curled it in the bottom corner. Was a beautiful goal, one of best of that season A lot of players in Saka’s position wouldn’t have scored the goal today because their balance would have been off and they’d probably only be able to manage a scuffed shot goalwards. Looked a simple finish but anything… Read more »


Three underrated moments last night. The technique and awareness for the goal, the ridiculously difficult cross for Lacazette (eye of a needle pass with weak foot on a bouncing ball) and the press conference.

“I told Lacazette I would run behind…he listenined”

This guy is a natural leader, intelligent, brave. At 19 I don’t know if we’ve seen a talent like him with every attribute to be one of the greats.


It’s been a while since the Academy has gotten me this excited…I’m old enough to remember a young Irish lad named Liam.


Feeling good after the 3 points and hoping this confidence and winning streak continues against ManU. Hoping Tierney is fit and I would give Cedric the nod over Hector for RB position. Glad Pepe scored a goal but I would still put Marinelli as the LW. Lacazette continues to do so much for the squad and glad he finished his performance off with a goal!!!


Also towards the end “bad Luiz” started playing and giving the ball away and you can’t do that against ManU. Night even fancy bringing Gabriel back in alongside Holding.

Tomaury Bischfeld

I’d love to have heard the conversation inside his head. Good Luiz: NO, I CANNOT DO THIS, I AM A PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALLER. Bad Luiz: Go on David, what’s one little stray pass. A baby one. Go on. It’ll be ok. Noone will notice… – as they both wrestle for the joystick in Luiz’s brain.


Hahaha idk but everytime the camera is on him after a mistake it really looks like he is talking to himself


…..and the hair is thinning rapidly with all that thinking – may need to revise style.


Prefer Mari for that game.


Defs – he has a ruthless solidity about him.


NOTICE how he’s only doing so much for the club the year he’s about to renew his CONTRACT?? Remember Ozil best year just before his contract renewal?? Remember Auba last season was also sensational just before his contract renewal?? Yeah I’m not buying it with Laca still must be sold this summer


Nice game. Looking forward to the weekend. Alles gute Auba… COYG.

The Arsenal

Lets remember we bought Holding for 2 million. Maybe Wengers last piece of great business. Partey is making me make sounds Gary Neville would be proud of. Haven’t been happy with any of our midfielders since Santi, this guy is real deal. He isn’t even out of 2nd gear yet. Speaking of, my hate for Xhaxa is well known. But he has been excellent since his red card in particular since being alongside Partey. Still need a better player but im coming around to idea of him staying. The young bloods have rebirthed Laca. He was always good at hold/link… Read more »

GeoffRey Hurstmaker

I’m with you on Xhaka. He was very good tonight despite being called for a couple of nonexistent fouls.


If we want to progress we need better players than xhaka . This happens every season they have a spell where they can’t win a game, cock the season up. Then have good spells in between and a decent end to the season everyone thinks they are the players to take us to the top. Xhaka has the odd solid if unspectacular run of games then goes missing and back to his usual shite self. He has proved over 4 or 5 seasons now that he just isn’t good enough to play for a top 4 side. Hence why we… Read more »

Fireman Sam

If Xhaka plays like he just did, I’m happy to forgive him his previous sins.


Ref displayed bellendry of the highest order. I’m sure some of them must be on the take, they’re all that bad.

Well played lads, though! Feel we’re on the cusp of good times aplenty


Is ‘bellendry’ when he pings Hugo for a non-existent foul.

Fireman Sam

Kevin Bellfrend


I can’t help but think Pepe plays all his best games when Aubameyang isn’t in the side


Both times Auba was out of the lineup, so yes I agree…


FA cup final?


No Pepe played well against city and Chelsea with Auba in the side last year fa cups semi final and final and in other games too so I don’t think so. Pepe is just Pepe he’s not a very intelligent footballer like Saka or ESR but he can dribble but everything else he doesn’t do well enough. I feel thats down to his footballing education. Just like we all go to school not all schools and colleges and universities are made equal. Saka is very intelligent and got a good footballing education Pepe is not very intelligent and don’t think… Read more »


Eagerly awaiting your next novel…

Charles MMM

Basically everybody in that team (except Luiz) was very impressive and worked hard to earn the three points. Congratulations boys, you really made us proud tonight.

Wolffman Paul.

Yes Luiz did have some FFS moments.


Bellerin was woeful I thought. I don’t know why he gets preferential treatment be Blogs. The way he lost the ball. Got spun and just lofts crosses in when Tierney and Cedric smashes them in, meanwhile being captain… Yet he gets no criticism ever. I was worried every time they came down his side

A Different George

He was very good. Read Lewis Ambrose’s tactics column today to get one aspect of the way he played that you apparently missed.


I like auba but iv got to say we do look better when he’s not played recently I find it hard after tonight where he fits in


The difference between our 2 performances in the last 4 days, didn’t tell us much we didn’t already know Take a couple of key players out of this team, and we have the potential to seriously struggle. Pepe won 5 aerial duels tonight We were too open in the first half, the gap between midfield and defence was massive. Apart from the silly free kick Xhaka gave away, and Luiz being lackadaisical towards the end, our shape was much better in the second half, and we defended well We’ll need to be much better to take the points on Saturday,… Read more »


The REF last night, who supposedly was a Friend, was the real silly act on the pitch last night.

Watch again properly, the “silly” free kick and the other “silly” foul that Xhaka supposedly had committed.. and you would see what I mean….I hope…

Malaysian gunner

Hopefully Arteta doesnt tinker too much for the big game.
If Abu plays he would add another dimension to the attack.
I thought Arsenal had a legitimate spot kick denied when one gunner
was pushed to the ground.
Thatswhy these guys in black shd be monitored carefully.

David Hilliers Arm Cast

As annoyed as I am at Laca’s miss, his work rate is amazing. He may not have the pace, but I can’t imagine how annoying it is as a defender to have him nipping at your heels and just never giving up. I love it.


Annoyed because he deserves a brace. Every game he busts a gut and leaves it all out on the pitch. I remember at halftime all I wanted was a Laca goal. His workrate and recent form deserve to be rewarded with numbers. Long may it continue!

Wolffman Paul.

Ok pepe has proved me wrong tonight. However I do hope this is a start of some better performances not just a flash in the pan. Willian however only made one worthwhile pass possibly more luck than judgement. instead of helping out with defence he was just jogging around in no mans land. He also doesn’t seem to get the High press. he was far too slow to close down. Allowing the defender time to bring the ball under control without any pressure and look up to make a pass. The High press breaks down like that and could easily… Read more »


Please don’t start Luiz again. Against the big teams he will cost us games.

Cool Papa Bellerin

I love watching Partey so much. When he made that move early in the 2nd half where he collected the ball on the edge of our box and took a touch towards our goal before turning Adams inside out, I was absolutely sure the first touch was an accident because nobody could possibly be that cool. Then I watched it again and realized he totally meant it. Ice cold.


Partey and us are a match made in Heaven.


To me it’s clear, Pepe is not explosive enough both in reactions and descision making for the PL, now today huge credit to Arteta for not moving the starter and rather forcing into position the man coming in, such important descision. Idk how we go forward with Pepe his one footedness limit’s an already strugling player imo. If playing him on the right or maybe center makes him less prone to hold the ball and try to much that’s progress!


Why is it that a left footer carries this accusation of being limited by his one-footedness? Would you say the same about Messi, Maradona, Beckham, Giggs etc… ? Nothing wrong with having one foot, as long as you play in areas where you can be effective. Pepe’s problem is that he isn’t a winger, yet that is the only place we have played him, and even worse he only has a left foot and yet we play him on the right wing. He always has been a striker, and even when he did start on the right of an attack… Read more »


Agree , he has imo played better on left as has had to take fewer touches , to get a cross , shot or key pass away . . Before defence can get back. Which is what I remember for his highlights video in France. One touch , shoot , score
One touch, pass , assist


yea mate i could imagine if wenger was manager he would be moulding him into an RVP type of striker


Absolutely nothing like rvp


It’s cuz he does every thing with his left, his touches, his body shape is all geared one way. As you say you can be one footed, lot’s of players are, but you need to be good enough with you’re weaker foot to disguise this fact. There is a need to take touches with both, faint to go to your weak side now and then to spring on to your strong side, eaven if a defender knows your one footed, you don’t want to remind him about it every step of the way….. Unless you’re Robben, if that’s the case… Read more »


Whatever limitations there are to his game (like all players), during even his more mediocre performances he has grafted for the team. Its not been only last night that he competes in the air for the ball, and tracks and presses. I like him and I think we need to stop focusing on the price tag and look more objectively at performances.

Exit the Lemming

Clearly not a popular opinion but a correct one. Pepe ran about a lot to little effect, gave the ball away constantly and cheaply in the first half (as he always gets bullied off the ball by streetwise defenders) and was badly at fault for their goal. he did improve markedly on the 2nd half but this is a mercurial 35 million winger we paid more than twice that amount for.


So awesome to see Pepe getting in the game, and gelling with team. Saka though is just next level. If he keeps up at the rate he’a going, he’ll be a legend for Arsenal and England!! Looking forward to seeing him in the Euros!!


I’m genuinely more excited by the Young Guns now than I was with players over the last 15 – 20 years. These guys have true talent, but most importantly, they’ve taken responsibility and fair play to them for it, we’ve seen experienced older heads ducking it. They have so much more to give – all ahead of them


I have to say, Cedric’s avatar looks mischievous


I totally know what you mean about that Thomas Partey moment. I watched it again to make sure I had seen it properly. Amazing skill.


Good overall team effort today. Granted they were somewhat leggy and without first choice fullbacks but we were far quicker with transitions today and we did a lot of off ball work to support our players with the ball which made a difference. 1) Leno – At least two great stops to deny them. Also comes out to cmmand and grab those crosses and launches them now quickly forward as much as possible where before it was always slowed down by dogma of having to play around 6 yard box with two statues on either side. 2) Bellerin – One… Read more »


Blimey maybe start your own blog if your gonna write a blog in the comments section of a blog.




You must be new here….

Billy bob

Not sure you need to add in the derogatory “some like to w@nk off about”, cut that out and your comments make a better read

ONG Vincent

Bring on MU

Exit the Lemming

If they attack us it will be a high scoring game where we might just outscore them. If they sit deep (more likely) Man Ure will exploit our lack of pace at the back like they normally do

Mike Burton

Very good performance last night. Arsenal should bid for Diallo, he was amazing, him & Partey is the midfield of dreams!!


How good is Leno!! He’s making match winning saves most games, he’s reliable and solid. Defenders seem to be comfortable with him coming out for crosses etc

A goalkeepers composure helps set the team, especially the defensive side.
As a retired sunday league goalkeeper, I can vouch for that!

I personally don’t think he gets enough recognition or plaudits for it.

Fireman Sam

Well said sir


Great win. We know we can still be better. Consistent. COYG

Jon Bouillot

Cedric appeared genuinely two – footed. The step-over with the left when going past someone (who eventually blocked the cross) was beautiful.

Tim Brooks

you don’t offer voters a ‘0’ – though you often use that number yourself as in ‘not on long enough to rate’. Keep up the good work!


Bellerin was woeful I thought. I don’t know why he gets preferential treatment be Blogs. The way he lost the ball. Got spun and just lofts crosses in when Tierney and Cedric smashes them in, meanwhile being captain… Yet he gets no criticism ever. I was worried every time they came down his side


Who knew Cedric had a Beckhamesque diagonal in him?
The Xhaka enigma yo-yo continues with a highly effective performance.
Leno – fine Solingen steel

Hugo – well, he’s just, erm… Hugo.

Holding – Keowned the Saints strikers… loving the Dr Evil grin he gives ’em afterwards.

Luiz… still one ice-block short of Caiperinha.

Ice-Ice Partey.

ESR – Freddie’s link-up brain on top of 20-year old feet.

Laca’s Duracell’s show no sign of fading.

Super Saka… ’nuff said.

Pepe – feet faster than Gregory Hines on Ritalin, but finally showed some strength and energy to match.


Oh yes – and Kevin Friend is the new Mike Dean (God help us!)


Oh yes yes… and ESR’s the lucky talisman continues to juju our opponents. It’s now 17 PL starts for him – losses: ZERO!

Exit the Lemming

Excellent performance which showed strong mentality after a setback. Just can’t seem to share the communal high fiving of Pepe’s display. Took his goal well certainly (but a petulant goal celebration) and ran around a lot but to little effect and lost possession cheaply numerous times in the first half. Improved markedly in the second 45 but this is a 70 million player we are still only getting flashes of ability from

Fireman Sam

It was an odd goal celebration. Not sure exactly what he was trying to express.


Solid all-around performance. They are beginning to make me believe that Mikel is doing the job he’s supposed to. Still don’t like Luiz to be honest, I thought he was the weak link. Thomas took a while to get into the game, which is to be expected. Xhaka, well, he’s turning it on again and it makes me wonder why he can’t keep this level of performance up. Nice goals from open play, for a change.

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