Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arteta explains Martinelli absence

Mikel Arteta has explained why Gabriel Martinelli hasn’t seen more action in recent weeks having played up the teenager’s potential when he returned from injury in December.

The Brazilian striker made his comeback from a long-term knee injury just before Christmas and was quick to remind Arsenal fans what they’d been missing when he produced a scintillating performance in the Gunners much-needed win against Chelsea on Boxing Day.

Hopes were high that the teenager would build on that energetic performance but a twisted ankle – sustained in the warm-up ahead of the FA Cup clash with Newcastle in early January – appears to have taken the wind from his sails.

While the boss trusted Martinelli to start against title-challenging Manchester United 12 days ago, he was hauled off at the break for tactical reasons. He’s since been an unused substitute against Wolves and Aston Villa.

Asked why the youngster isn’t starting more games, Arteta explained, “Well, he came back and did really well, but then he picked up another injury.

“It took him a while to come and now it’s about getting in his rhythm and getting his place in the team like anybody else. Don’t forget that we played him last time against Manchester United and he started ahead of other players, so it’s not like he’s not having the opportunities.

“We know that he’s got a huge potential and he’s done some really good things since he’s come back. He has a lot of things to develop in his game because of course at his age it’s normal.”

To be fair to Arteta, who has bemoaned the fixture pile-up causing injury problems to his players, there are going to be plenty of opportunities to give Martinelli minutes. Here’s hoping he can get into the groove quickly. You sense if he can get a goal, his confidence will soar.

The boss also touched on another young striker, Folarin Balogun, and rebuffed a suggestion that he must be resigned to his departure when his contract runs out at the end of the season.

“No, I’m still very positive that Flo is going to stay with us,” he said.

“It’s what we’re trying to do as a club, and it’s what I’m trying to do as a manager. As far as I know from last week, the player wants to be here, so I’m positive.

“I think he’s made some big progress in a few months.”

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He said that about Salliba and Nelson.


No, he didn’t.


Nobody cares about the truth these days

Johnny 4 Hats

I think it’s just everyone is happy believing their own truth. There’s no consensus of truth anymore.

The X Files used to say “The Truth is out there”.

But now we say “The truth is in here”.

It doesn’t bode well for our species.


Our species is fucked

Raymondo Stoter

So are, Tottenham


That doesn’t bode well then

Nacho de Montreal is tasty

Nelson rarely gets bench time yet did not go on loan.


What’s a Nelson?


Two half-nelsons?


Disappointing that he seems to have caught the Arsenal injury bug. But also slightly good to see that there has been a reason for Willian being incessantly brought on as a sub over him.

Makes you wonder though why he has even been on the bench though if an injury has been what is preventing him from playing…


He’s not injured – his “rhythm is in and out” – and Arteta prefers Willy in the Arse, must have the magic touch.


Only an Arteta ass licker will vote this down!


Mature people vote it down.

Pete Plum

Although Martinelli gives better penetration


His politicking will be his downfall.


The politics of answering a question…


…poorly – most Arsenal fans really like Martinelli and will be wondering why he gets left out after one game and Willian gets to stay in or on the bench. I think a lot of his selection is being questioned by the fans. So the politicking refers to the fact that nobody believes he’s out because he can’t perform better than others – I think


But in fairness to Arteta, Martinelli was not having his best game against Man U.

Go back and watch towards end of first half against Man U. Even though commentators blame Xhaka, it is actually Martinelli who picks the ball up top of our box, and while he has time to make a quick pass, instead he dallies on the ball and turns it over in a really dangerous position that gave opposition a good scoring chance.

Not everything should be a political conspiracy against Arteta…


Yup. That left side was a wasteland first half. It was vastly improved second half and we held possession up the pitch much better after Willian replaced Martinelli.

That’s not to say Martinelli is bad, that’s just not a strength in his game yet and something he needs to improve on.

I really wish people would at least TRY to be objective.

Hank Scorpio

Perhaps the full quote is “It took him a while to come and now it’s about getting in his rhythm and getting his place in the team like anybody else…except Willian”


I have no sympathy for Willian. Certainly don’t believe in justifiable criticism crossing the line into abuse, but he deserves every bit of the criticism. How many appearances for Brazil? How many World Cups for Brazil? How many appearances in the Prem? And he delivers shit every week for us. And worse, at the expense of valuable developmental minutes for young talent like Martinelli and Nelson.
Getting to the point where the “squatting narrative” is creeping into the daylight for me…guy makes me sick…


Take Le Grove with a pinch of salt. Ok, more than a pinch.

Johnny 4 Hats

Arteta’s version of “I did not see it”

Journo – You never seem to play …… anymore.
Arteta – That’s not true. I play him every day in training and also he played in a game once.


Yeah, not buying it when you keep playing Willian instead of him, as if he offered something or had potential.

El Mintero

Willian doesn’t play on the left. Reason Martinelli ain’t playing is because Pepe is on form playing left wing and laca is scoring down the middle. Martinelli needs to beat out those 2 to make the team…


He replaced him with Willian on the left


And our game improved.


Really need to look again at the training ground and the fitness team… Our injuries record is really frightening.


It’s not though, certainly not this season. Every team is picking up injuries this season. The intense schedule & the lack of a proper between last season & this… compare us to other sides & our record is not frightening at all


Actually we’ve come along way since those terrible days in the past. These things come and go – Liverpool were very healthy for a long time, and now they’re breaking down everywhere.


For as hard as I try to be positive this kind of statements makes me wonder if MA is really the right person if we speak about building the team for the future. He seems as he will always play the safer option rather than take a risk which means even more limitted chances for the young players. At the moment we dont seem to be the team capable of finishing in top 6 which will mean no Europa games and even less game time at disposal to give the young players actual game time to develop. MA opted for… Read more »


He is obviously not! Tuchel has taken Chelsea job and made the most of it with same players who could not perform under Lampard. That’s what good coaches do. Arteta is clueless.

El Mintero

You’re fucking clueless. Chelsea’s squad is stronger than ours. Tuchel is enjoying the usual new manager bounce. Let’s see where they are in a month.

Oh and by the way, you weren’t saying this about arteta 6 months ago when we lifted the cup. Back then you were doing a saliba special over how fucking awesome he was. Jog on plastic fan.


Was it not the same squad that looked like 11 headless chickens running around the pitch under Lampard? Obviously you are not a smart guy otherwise you would have seen that I was not comparing the Chelsea squad to Arsenal but simply saying a coach can make an ordinarily good squad look like mediocres!! Now does that Arsenal squad deserve to be 11th on the table? Does West Ham and Aston Villa deserve to be ahead of us on the basis of the players we have? Absolutely not! The only reason we look like mediocrity itself is because of Arteta!… Read more »

pat mustard

another member of the cult of arteta
11th in the league not really that awesome is it


Calm down big man…. Your Lego head is on his last legs. To all the Arteta fan boys ( including Arseblog )
#Artetaout very soon… 😉

jerry fallon

Arseblog sits on the fence mostly. I used to enjoy the podcast but him and that wet lettece james /gunnerblog must have spinters in their arse the amount of fence sitting they do since arteta came in


Why is our fanbase so toxic. Even arseblog commentators have become toxic. Whether you’re arteta out or in it doesn’t excuse the foul language and insult hurling thrown. We’re all Arsenal supporters. Stop acting like a troll.

jerry fallon

still waiting for artetas new manager bounce.

David Hilliers Arm Cast

I remember him falling out of favor last season before the injury also that had us scratching our heads.

My opinion is he just doesn’t like him for some reason, not personally, but his style. I can think of no other reason the ex Chelsea turd would ever start ahead of him. I don’t buy the easing him back into the squad lark tbh.


That’s my one fear, I thought this too.. I was so annoyed with martinelli getting injured in a training session and being out for so long when he was excellent for us and arteta just didn’t play him.. And now willian is getting minutes that could be going to Martinelli


I don’t thinking it is about like or not like. But to me it’s clear that Arteta has an absolute clear vision of how he wants his players to play. So he will pick the ones that fit that description the most. No matter the talent. But both Saka and resent Pepe to shows that Arteta DO see it when he has uniquely gifted players. But he will take his time and sometimes quite long time to shape them so they play the exact way he likes. And not before that will he trust them with games week in and… Read more »


What vision does he have? The one that puts you on 11th in the league? Crashed you out of the FA cup which Emery whom we fired never did but got us to the semis?

Now watch his vision see us crash out of Europa may be then Arteta sycophants will realise we back Arsenal not an individual especially if that person is a clueless coach.

Bob’s Yer Uncle

He’s already one us the FA cup.


Spurs are looking for some new supporters – I think they’re more your style.


Here here Timi… theres always exuces to ‘ defend ‘ Arteta by his fan boys..
Summer time it was KSE needing to spend money = Tick
Coming towards January with bad results , they said get rid of the so called deadwood players = Tick
Now, coming towards end of season, let’s have ‘ sympathy ‘ towards Arteta for the injured players with have = Tick
With that let’s also blame the Ref’s and VAR for our bad results = Tick
They just dont see it, do they… Including the biggest fan of Arteta = Arseblog


Same old Tracey, always moaning = Tick🤣🤣


i could tell the news was going to be ok by artetas chilled out expression. hmmm


Another day, another story about another Arsenal player with another injury. Is the club being punished for some earlier misdemeanour – like buying Mustafi? If so, they should apologise (and promise not to do anything like that again of course) and perhaps this injury burden will be lifted.


Mikael Arteta is very articulate and speaks extremely positively about all of his players by and large BUT his actions are what reflect his actual opinions, not his words. So, while Arteta persistently has talked up Martinelli, Saliba, and Balogun, his actual handling of these players may well end up driving off each of them from Arsenal. If this happens, I believe that will be an unquestionable management failure by Arteta whose consequences he will not escape.

pat mustard

yes imagine those players would have got plently of game time this season add nelson and guendouzi to that and wed have a pretty good young team developing
arteta is clueless wasting another season on finished players like luiz willian xhaka and mustafi to finish 10th

Hank Scorpio

Problem is the club will wear the consequences too


Im so ashamed of myself.

Im a grown man for god sake.

‘It took him a while to come and now it’s about getting in his rhythm’

I’m taking myself to bed. So disappointed.


Don’t rush. Pepe is doing well at the moment. Martinelli will be a plus but we won’t want to aggravate anything at this stage. Hes definitely a 110% player like Alexis Sanchez and Tierney so in many ways, he can also be his own worse enemy. Players with injury record reminds me of RVP. If Martinelli can keep fit, he may have function at apex. I would prefer him to Auba there in lieu of Laca in that respect but at the moment, the Frenchman (Laca) is the player of choice. His experience is telling. The only thing is we… Read more »


Sounds like the usual Artet bs to me. He yanked him at the half for “tactical reasons”. Now he has suddenly picked up a small injury.
Then the bs about getting his rhythm and place in the team…ughhhh.
What this translates to is “when he starts giving the respect I think I deserve then I will play him, or if I have no other options as in the case of ESR and Saka.”


I do think Martinelli is a special talent. I also hope that he gets Willian’s minutes, but we do have to be careful with this young player. I have a feeling like this is not the season for Martinelli. It’s next season. We have to think about developing these players and not breaking them down. Hopefully he can get a good run of minutes and stay injury free.


So bemusing to read all these idiotic comments. We want it here and now, but we don’t want to play the safe option as Arteta is being accused of doing( but is he actually doing it?). Remember some geezer named Wilshere? Remember what happened after he was constantly overplayed and kept on getting injured? Nah I don’t think any of you remember that. Yes, let’s keep on pushing Martinelli until he breaks down again, and again, and again and then let’s attack him for being a constant treatment room visitor. It is however, very easy to bombard manager with the… Read more »


100% this!


Not that we can be sure they’re not training hard – I find that hard to believe of Martinelli – but their frustration may come from the lack of a meritocracy during game time. This is what the fans are frustrated with – we only see who happens on the pitch so depending on what you believe happens behind closed doors/faith in the management opinions are divided. What the pro Mikel bunch can’t argue with is that his selection can be directly related to us getting knocked out of two cups and we are set for our lowest ever premier… Read more »


Arteta is full of crap! This guy has no eye for talent. Can’t wait to see who we buy this summer!


the last couple of games were proper moral destruction of Martinelli by Arteta. 1- Southampton: Martinelli is about to come on, waiting on the touchline. but Partey gets injured, needs replacement. Martinelli goes back to the bench 2- Manchester united: Martinelli plays the first half. Not as his best but still have some important contribution to the game. He get subs at half time for Willian. The whole world thinks of an injury. But its not, just a tactical change. What did Willian do on the second half? nothing. 2- Villa: 60 minutes, arsenal losing 1-0 against Villa. Arsenal is… Read more »


Thank you.


What’s surprised me is that he’s not been played as a striker where he has been most effective. Emery played him there and for all his faults that was a good decision as the kid scored goals and makes good runs. He makes things happen so I guess that’s why he’s been played on the left but he’s been better down the middle and I feel would provide better competition than Nketiah.


I always felt that Arteta was lukewarm to Martinelli and it feels like young players have to do twice as much to impress him.

It would be great to see Gabi as an option at centre forward. I am fed up with seeing no players in the box when balls come in.


What a signing. What a player.

Can you imagine an Arsenal world in which Martinelli, Tierney, and Partey stay fit for an entire season or two…?

That alone would guarantee top six finish, and probably have us knocking on the door of top four…

jerry fallon



If Martinelli is not getting game time because “he has not shown enough” what is it that Willian has shown?

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