Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arteta: Aubameyang is in a good moment

Mikel Arteta has backed Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang to score the goals Arsenal need between now and the end the season, having come through the most difficult period of his North London career.

The striker who routinely gets 30 goals a season, went through something of goal drought, tied in with the team’s inability to make chances, niggling injuries, and some trying off-field issues.

However, he’s looked a lot more like his usual self of late, with 10 goals in his last 14 games, and Arteta acknowledged the improvement.

“Yes, obviously, they are much better stats,” he said “and more related to who he is and what he needs to bring to the team.

“But still, I think he could score many more. I think he can do better in other aspects. He needs to keep having that mentality and he has that mentality.

“We need players performing at their maximum, with Auba he’s in a much better place and the team will be in a much better place because at the end, things are decided in both boxes and what he can produce in the opponents’ box, he has an incredible impact for our team.”

And on the timing of this improvement, with Europa League knock-out ties and still points to play for in the league, he backed the striker to do the business – hopefully starting in Athens on Thursday night.

“In big moments, you’re going to have the need for big players performing and making the difference,” he said.

“At the end, it’s what is going to define where we are ending the season. It looks like in this moment, he is firing, he’s happy.

“Physically, he’s in a good moment and he’s full of confidence. It’s a good moment for him and the team.”

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Fucking love you blogs

Johnny 4 Hats

Get a zoom.

A room would be unlawful.


I love it when he scores and when he smiles.


Can a person be ‘in a good moment’? Surely having a good moment? Honestly, whilst we’re shit on the pitch, can we at least have some standards of English?


Idioms, sentence structures and phrases do not translate perfectly between languages.

I am blessed to be a native English speaker, and from observation of both Mikel and Unai’s usage of the word ‘moment’ I find it highly likely that ‘in a good moment’ translated to Spanish makes perfect sense to a Spanish speaker.

I could be wrong, but let’s just lay off the “standards for English” as this is a worldwide game and talent in both coaching and playing is uncorrelated with ability to speak the English language.

Did you have any trouble understanding what he meant?


Calm your farm. I think he’s making a joke.


y tu español es perfecto, supongo?

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

Disculpa Headingthecloudz, no esta en un buen momento.


Yeah, that’s much more important than actually being a good manager…

Which current EPL managers tick your boxes? Rodgers? Parker? Hodgson? They all sound like upgrades…


Rodgers isn’t an upgrade on this clown?


I go back and forth on Rodgers. I remember when he was linked with us towards the end of Wenger’s time and he just didn’t do it back then. After a year of Emery I thought that I should reconsider. I guess it’s my nature to think of him in the context of who the current manager is. Not an upgrade to Wenger, a definite upgrade to Emery. Jury is still out with me on Arteta. In the meantime I will support him because he is our manager. Let’s see how we all feel about Rodgers v. Arteta this time… Read more »


What a shit comment. Really? ‘Blogs lost his dad, we’re all here for the footy, there’s a pandemic on, and you’re going on about “standards of English”?



Glad to see you’re still abiding by the behaviours policy.

Gudang Bedil

Not a good moment for you, mate.

Kentish Gooner

You’re entitled to an opinion. But now is not the time or place, so I suggest you keep it to yourself 👍🏻.


It should have been ‘having a good moment’ (in inverted commas). There should have been a comma after ‘Surely’. And we do have ‘some standards of English’ – perhaps not the standards you aspire to, but standards nonetheless.


How good is your Spanish?, I’m genuinely curious.


Yes an annoying trend in football some of these phrases catch on.

Even hear English players saying they are in a good moment.probably because they heard Ronaldo saying it.
Not the brightest bunch


Time to bring your head back down to Earth.

Vic lin

you is not in a good moment with this comment 😉

Naked Cygan

How many languages do you speak? You think all the Arenal fans were born in England? Fking twat.


The word “Clouds” is spelled with an “s”.


First chance to offer condolences blogs, sorry for your loss. Never easy to lose a parent whatever age. Anyway everyone is getting on to headinthecloudz so BUNDLE.!!!


Yes clearly. All I can say is apologies to anyone who has been offended by my attempt at humour. Sometimes the meaning gets lost in the translation.

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

Does grammar allow to quote without proper quotation marks?

Pastor Simon

Aubameyang still remain an elite striker. How will he rack up goals when the team can’t string out 3 clear cut chances in a match.


People are entitled to their opinions but i sometimes if some commenters are truly Arsenal fans

santi's thigh grab

People are entitled to their opinions but we get some stupid fucking opinions on here mate, completely devoid of context. Manager been here 15 months, parachuted in for 3 months, then bang a pandemic. No training time with the team, no money to buy players (we did anyway) and can’t sell players because no clubs have any money and he’s being held to standards as if everything were normal in the world. An opinion without context is just a stupid fucking opinion. And then because reasonable people with context don’t want to comment, it just becomes and echo chamber of… Read more »


Yeah, the expectation that we will suddenly challenge for the title if we just had a different manager is crazy. The PL has become so much more competitive, which is exciting, but makes it harder for everyone. Just look at Liverpool, they walked the title last season.


A tad unrelated, but why hasn’t Auba or anyone from the club gotten that c*nt Piers Morgan to take our captain’s picture out of his twitter avatar?

I can’t think of anyone I’d less like associated with our club and its values.

The club has entire initiatives dedicated to combatting racism and promoting mental health (along with… Prince William, the irony!) but allows this c*nt of MEGAc*nts to continue using Auba’s likeness.


For me, PM is just about the most obnoxious broadcaster on mainstream British TV at the moment However, he has a right to express his nasty and stupid views without losing his job.

Here in England we have a tradition of allowing open debate, even if it offends certain people.


Generally I agree he is an obnoxious character but entitled to express his opinion, but I’m not sure it’s his place to question the state of somebody’s mental health. Of course I recognise that is potentially a slippery slope.


As long as a broadcaster doesn’t try to promote racist, homophobic, anti-women or other bigotry then he should be allowed to say what he wants. MM had a right to reply to his rubbish.


You had me until the “without losing his job” part.

The idea that freedom of speech = freedom of speech without consequence is false, a recent innovation of people who like to say bigoted things.

The state shouldn’t persecute you for saying bigoted things, but no one is obliged to do business with you, associate with you or employ you.


What PM said was NOT bigotry: he basically called MM a liar and a fraud. He’s wrong as far as I’m concerned but, like I said, he has the right to express that opinion.



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