Saturday, July 27, 2024

Reports: Smith Rowe and Ben White bids rejected

Arsenal have reportedly turned down a bid for Emile Smith Rowe from Aston Villa.

David Ornstein broke the news this afternoon that the Villains had tabled a £25m offer for the 20 year old, which was rejected out of hand.

Smith Rowe has two years left on his current deal, and is talks with the club over an extension. Elsewhere, it has been suggested that Real Madrid have their eye on the exciting attacking midfielder, and try and tempt Arsenal into a deal which includes Martin Odegaard who spent 5 months on loan with the Gunners last season.

It seems something of a coincidence that as Smith Rowe is negotiating a new deal with the club, this interest has appeared from elsewhere. It’s understandable why clubs would be interested in his talent, but it might also be an agent playing games to ensure the best possible contract.

Meanwhile, Sky Sports report that Brighton have turned down a £40m bid for Ben White.

The centre-half is keen on a move to North London, but the Seagulls are set to hold firm and look for a higher price for the 23 year old who is currently with the England squad at Euro 2020.

Elsewhere, it is believed Arsenal are continuing their pursuit of Anderlecht midfielder Albert Sambi Lokonga having had an opening bid of €15m rejected earlier in the week.

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King 14enry

$25M for ESR?! That warrants a counter offer of 25,000,001 for Grealish just to take the piss


Mikel if you do this I promise to tweet #artetain every day for a week


I guess it is a sign they might know they’re going to lose Grealish. If Chel£ki sign him and halaand… Yikes, game over.

Obviously we’re not selling ESR, but £50M for white (likely close to that to seal the deal) is a hefty fee for a position we are very l stocked in. It is more than a little strange that this seems to be our current priority position.

Jeremy DG

It’s not game over. They are 2 decent players who may or may not play well next season. Football isn’t played on paper and nothing is won or lost in silly season.


Says the man who was hoping we’d be relegated after the Europa Semi final defeat……


“decent players”, Jesús man. What are you smoking. Halaand is the greatest attacking talent in world football. I think he’s even more complete than mbappe (who’s unreal). Halaand’s scoring record at his age is so far ahead of Ronaldo, Messi, lewandowski, and mbappe. Yeah, he’s decent. And Grealish is better than anyone we have. Saka is the only guy with that type of level. And you know, even without them they just won some tiny euro Cup no one really cares about…

Cultured Determination

Our borad has been very strange for the past 10 years or so.


Aston Villa are becoming really easy to despise tbh. John Terry is the assistant too…

Bob's Mexican Cousin

They’re insane or we must not come across as very business savvy. Or both.

It Is What It Is

The £25m ESR offer should inform the club that £40m is waaaay to foookeen high for ANY current Brighton player. It’s ridiculous how we cannot sell for anything but a fair fee, at best.

How much did we get for Cesc?


If ESR is only valued at £25m, surely a £10m offer for Grealish?


It seems they are expecting a bid from us for Grealish.


Easy then. They give us £25m and Grealish, we give them ESR.
Then, when they go to shake hands on the deal, we pull our hand away and thumb our nose at them.

Josh Kroenke

On it


25m for ESR, jeez. we’re never gonna sell him, but please, put some respect on our boy emile’s name. surely nothing less than 40 as a starting bid, anything less is just offensive. love u Emile sign da ting quickly please 🙂

Village idiot

It was a troll bid. But what must ESR be thinking with all these Buendi, Odegaard and other links. Villa’s bid is a reminder to take care of our own or others will.

If I were ESR, I would halt contract negotiations and demand clarity as to why ESR is not the top priority at no. 10.

Bill Hall

Don’t even think about selling ESR

A Gorilla

Not a fucking chance. The man’s a gunner and it’s gonna stay that way

Village idiot

Unles he gets savy and refuses to sign an extension because of all these no. 10s we are chasing.


It’s for his sake as well.. the club doesn’t want to run him into the ground.


Multiple reports suggest we’re in for a big summer spending. And looks like Ben White could very well be our first big signing. If he joins, surely the best move is for us to move Holding on? Somehow, i refuse to believe even WE would sign Saliba for nearly 30m and then sell him without letting him play even one game at the age of 20.

Laddy McLadstien

Any sources on that big summer spending or is it the usual guff about a ‘war chest?’


I think I remember seeing something in the Athletic by Ornstein but can’t find it. But multiple reliable sources (David Ornstein, Chris Wheatley, Charles watts) have reported that we’re looking to sign at least 4-5 new players, and if offers of 30-40m+ have already been submitted for Ben white and Buendia, and odegaard and a new keeper are/were on our list, I suppose it just logically follows that we’re likely to spend at least 100-150m this window. hopefully we can generate some decent funds from sales as well. but yes, full disclosure, these are clearly hopeful observations on my part… Read more »


I think even as stingy as our ownership is, they know long term it hurts the value of this team to be as poor as we have been. We may not spend 100 mil on Haaland but we will make the necessary moves to climb back into the top 4 conversation. I genuinely believe that.

Village idiot

I genuinely feel sorry for you. Prepare to be disappointed.


I don’t believe it will get better. When clubs are buying players on top your list and then bidding for your most promising players – you know Arsenal are vulnerable.

Village idiot

So club officials report their “intentions” to Ornstein and co. Means nothing unless they deliver, which they won’t. We have seen this movie a dozen times before.


You’d think it unlikely, but Arteta wasn’t manager when we signed him and if he doesn’t fancy him then possible that we could sell him.


A lot of it would also depend upon the sense Arteta gets from Saliba about willingness to commit to the way Arteta wants this to work. Will he commit to the manager to stay focused on what it takes and put the past behind and Arteta have the important air clearing talks with him? Or is the relationship spoiled never to be repaired in Saliba’s mind, and we can expect social media complaints and a sour attitude?

Yeah, he got burned in the loan deal fuckup. But if he’s to stay, it’s still got to be harmonious.

Michael Bolton Wanderers

It’s not impossible that our centre back pairing next season will be white and saliba. Who knows maybe it’ll be Mari and Holding


both seem plausible, and yet you forget about the best player in the squad the first half of the year, Gabriel. Would not be upset getting White in, but would be disappointed to see Saliba go.


I don’t understand the Ben White thing at all. We have Saliba, who’s in the same mould, with better physical attributes, don’t think he could’ve done any better in his loan, his ex club compatriot who was rated slightly lower than him is thriving at Leicester and yet we seem determined not to give him a chance. It just seems like a monumental screw up by the club and like it must be due to some weird personal dislike of the player.

Village idiot


If White is signed (unlikely), Saliba is gone (Arteta’s preference).

Sad that roster decisions will be impacted by Arteta who won’t be at Arsenal this time next year. He will do a lot of damage before he gets canned.


Based on nothing more than speculation, I wouldn’t be surprised if the likes of the Ben White deal and others are simply being thrown out there by Arsenal as a negotiating tactic with other deals – particularly potential sales of players. I personally believe that the club will be much busier selling than buying and one of the best things they can do to get the best possible price is create the impression that they are flush with money and don’t need to sell to raise funds. Whilst I don’t pretend to know the intricacies of the transfer market this… Read more »


Tou actually make a good point. Could be a tactic. But I’ll say again, I think even our stingy ownership is aware it’s a big mistake to let this club fall further into mid table mediocrity. It’s bad for the value of the club. Plenty of sales will happen, but they are going to surprise people with some big buys as well.

Village idiot

I am inclined to agree that Arsenal are putting disinformation into the marketplace. I have a different hypothesis, they are trying to show people they are serious and not the clown show that exists in objective reality.



Holding is now one of our most experienced centre halves – why sell him?

Bleeding gums murphy

He’s certainly experienced now and never forget how great he was alongside tge BFG in the cup final but if we could get 20 million for him I would grab it. Good squad player and back up so could keep him. Wouldn’t be unhappy with that. Not a starter for me though. Was at Wembley for the final and Ozil and sanchez were sublime.

Village idiot

Won’t get 20 million for Holding. With the possible exception of Willock, Arsenal will struggle to get their valuation for any of the players they are willing to sell.

Bleeding gums murphy

Says it all really. Brighton reject 40 million, Norwich reject 30 million and we can’t get 20 million. Some of our players are not good enough if we want to be a top four team.


Well clearly we aren’t selling Gabriel, mari is the left footed back up, which leaves holding, chambers and saliba. I don’t think Holding is top 4 quality (too slow, lapses in concentration, iffy ball playing) but that’s just me – I just think it would make more sense to sell holding, both for squad and money reasons, than to sell Saliba (young and buckets of potential, perfect physical attributes as well) or chambers, the ultimate utility squad player who ended the season very well.

Han Kolo

I don’t get this commitment to left foot/right foot defenders. Most obvious solution for me is to sell Mari. Gabriel should be able to play most games in a season without Europe. The odd game he misses Saliba can play there. Then you have Gabriel, Saliba, Holding, White as options. After a year you should have a good idea who to keep long term and who to sell to invest in a left sided CB next season. Main issue with this is Mari probably brings in the least money from sales.

Eric Blair

Think you’re overestimating Mari’s importance to this squad. If a buyer can be found wouldn’t be surprised to see him go.

Village idiot

Because he is mediocre on a good day?


Yeah. Like those FA Cup Finals…..

He was bloody awful. Not.


Arsenal have history in this. Clive Allen was a record signing but was moved on in the same summer to finance the purchase of Kenny Sansom. Don’t think Allen ever played a competitive game for the club.


I remember that well. Once the deal went thru one footy mag trumpeted SAS (Sunderland, Allen, Stapleton)…. And then the wheels turned and Allen became a spud without ever playing a game for the Arse….

Ofcourse in the next few seasons Stapleton went to Manure, Brady left for Juve. Yeah, keep Saliba!


It was Shoot magazine I think. I was a young boy, and had the SAS poster on my wall for the few weeks Allen was at the club. Was gutted when he was sold…but Kenny did not work out too bad.

Martin R

It was a totally one off situation. The signing of Clive Allen was a ploy to buy Kenny Sansom.


No he didn’t.

Village idiot

Reports mean about as much as the report that Gonzalo Higuain was in London for his medical plastered all over the internet. Higuain’s father later explained that Arsenal never even made a bid.

Wake me up when we sign somebody.


For multiple reports read click bait.

Laca New Signing

I understand it might be agent carrot-dangling tactics, but 25m is an insult to the person of ESR.

Village idiot

But also a shot across the bow from Villa. Take care of ESR before spending 40 million on a no. 10. Why not sign a backup to ESR instead of all these expensive toys we are linked to?

Villa is telling ESR people want you. What kind of message is Arsenal sending him pursuing Buendia, Odegaard, etc.?

Teta's cult of personality

I would like for us to at least make a bid for Matheus Pereira of West Brom. I think he’d be good competition and alternative to ESR. I’d prefer if our marquee signing was a CM and not some luxury player.

Bleeding gums murphy

Totally agree. I felt there were a few games when esr played in the 10 we moved the ball so quickly. When Arteta then accommodated odegarrd and pushed esr wide it all became slower.


Mate, we are (supposedly, anyway) trying to build a squad.

We need backup/competition for ESR. All players need that, no matter how good they are.

The Beast

I doubt anyone, including ESR, thinks his position was ever under threat because we want to strengthen in that position.

It’s clear that he needs to be rotated and that we need some strength in depth. It’s also clear that he can play off the left to accommodate another attacking midfielder.

Also, clubs (even ours) are capable of negotiating contract extensions while pursuing transfer targets.


Get out Villa. After they pinched Buendia as well!
Interesting that Madrid might be interested as part of a deal for Odegaard 🤔


Is Odegaard better than ESR? Debateable. And ESR is arsenal through and through. We have him, he won’t cost £60M, why would we swap him for Odegaard (and cash)? We need another technical attacker to complement ESR not replace him. I how we have zero interest in such a deal.


I wasn’t suggesting it was a good deal just interesting that real Madrid, one of Europe’s biggest clubs, see him as being good enough for their squad. But yeah, agreed we need another attacker and not a replacement for Croydon’s answer you know who.

Village idiot

No, Odegaard is not. But Arteta is infatuated with him.


Fucking Villa. Who the fuck do they think they are?

£25m for ESR….? Are they seriously having a fucking laugh?

Look no further than this as to how far we have sunk and what a fucking mid table soft touch everyone now thinks we are – on the pitch and off it.




More like “calm your tits”


Why shouldn’t I express my anger? Tell me what’s to be calm about lesser clubs bidding peanuts for our best creative midfielder….?

Tell me about what that says about Arsenal at the moment – and why we should all be calm about it…….?

Village idiot

Villa is clearly trying to send a message. And they have a point. We are nothing special and our competition is no longer the top 4 (who are way beyond us) but the likes of Villa, West Ham, Everton and Leicester. We are a second tier club running on the fumes of past success, which increasingly becomes distant past success.


Mate, you’re preaching to the converted.

I KNOW how bad this club has been allowed to become under the current regime – what do you think I’ve been complaining about for the past season or two….?

My point is that it’s now sunk to where hitherto lower clubs than us are now bidding pocket change for our best players.

But, hey, most people are apparently cool with that. I’m clearly missing something here.


As I have said, this goes a bit a further than a simple daft bid. We’ve had (and made) plenty of those before. What’s annoying me is that it’s indicative of the state this club is in. And that is down to how it’s being run. And if you can ‘relax’ about that, then that’s also indicative of the apathetic indifferent state of a worryingly large section of this club’s fan base. Football fandom is about passion and Arsenal fans have every right to be angry at the moment. This ‘everyone let’s just cool it’ chiz is beginning to get… Read more »


It’s not the bid per se.

It’s the ridiculously pitiful amount – even for a first bid. It stinks of disrespect.

If they came in with upwards of £40m-£50m, then fine. But £25m for a lad who is clearly going to be a massive massive talent and a nailed on future England regular…? That’s taking the piss.

If people can’t see that that’s indicative of where we are at the moment then this club is in even bigger trouble than I thought.


I happen to think that some of our bids nowadays – if not most – have been an absolute joke – and yes. at times, disrespectful.

When was the last time we got in a top player by making a stupidly low bid for him…..?

You either cough up market value or you don’t get a deal – especially with anyone decent. Bidding ridiculously low isn’t big or clever – it’s just a waste of time for everyone concerned.

Time better spent making serious bids for seriously good players.


No one is better at missing other people’s point than this guy.

I bid $2.49 for him to be on my debate team.

On a side note, ‘absolute joke’ – the title of his sex tape.


Get well soon, mate.

Village idiot

Low bids are sometimes made knowing they will be rejected, like this one from Villa. They are trying to get under our skin and to unsettle ESR.

Arsenal knew with 109 percent certainly that the bid for White would be rejected. It remains to be seen whether Arsenal serious about White or not. Just like it is not out of the question that Villa could come back with a higher bid for ESR.

Village idiot

Transfermarket has ESR valued at 19.8 million dollars. Too low in my opinion but it is far from clear that 25 million pounds is an insult. Arsenal will struggle to get that amount for any player we sell this summer. And we need cash from sales to buy despite the false rhetoric being leaked to the press.

Villa knew this bid would be rejected immediately but it was clever nonetheless.


Mate, you and I both know – everyone knows – that, given his undisputed potential, £25m is an insult for a player who will be a future England regular.

Merlin’s Panini



Mate, take the piss all you want.

It’s easy to ridicule in the close season when there’s no weekly reminder of the shit show this club currently is.

Let’s just see if you’re all still as happy clappy with everything when the new season gets underway and the boos around the Emirates start ringing out.

Merlin’s Panini

Chill out mate, just yanking your chain. I have no expectations of anything getting better but I don’t see the point in getting angry about us rejecting a bid for a player we want to keep who is in advanced talks over a new contract.
Now if we had actually accepted the bid that would be different.


Point taken, my friend.

I guess I do need to chill out. Apologies to all.

I just have zero faith in our ownership and management. First time that’s happened in fifty years of supporting this club. Not even the mid seventies or the early eighties were as rotten as this.

I’d love them all to prove me wrong, I really would.


Life’s a tragic comedy mate

Village idiot

You are absolutely correct. Arsenal area aclub in decline (many years in the making). Villa could be on the rise (too soon to tell) but the disrespect is what we deserve. Nobody fears us anymore because there is no reason to fear Arsenal.



Just don’t get angry about it.


The Beast

Do you think expressing your anger on a fan forum, over a failed bid for one of our players, will sort out the underlying issues this failed bid apparently represents?

If not, why bother getting angry over something so inconsequential?

Teta's cult of personality

To be honest, I don’t think clubs have feared us since we crashed out to relegated Birmingham City in the League Cup in 2011.

Many of our most unflattering scorelines came after that final. I’m sure Mikel still has nightmares from witnessing some of those first hand.

The joke bid by Villa is just the tip of the iceberg.

Cold Gin

But they did bid. They wouldn’t if they didn’t think they had a chance to sign the player. Might be to take thr piss but I doubt that.

Sac, Lac & Craic

How many players have we bid for knowing full well it’d never happen…



Even supposedly Cahill!

So many times. Why? It was speculated to calm fans anger at a star leaaving.

Grealish is off this summer, somewhere with megabucks and Champion’s League.

Cold Gin

Yeah but in all those bids we had reason to believe that the players could sign for us. It might be the case that Villa is much closer to us in stature and ambition than we would like to believe. That’s quite the drop for us in a very short time.

A Different George

I heard Villa offered £35m for Mbappe. PSG is thinking about it.

Announce Bendtner

There’s a PSG fan out there losing his shit and blaming the lack of Champions League trophies for the insulting bid.

Village idiot

A troll bid no doubt. But how many lowball bids have we made over the years?


Two wrongs do not make a right, my friend.

Look at my chat with Blogs and you will note that by pulling up Villa on their infantile bidding figures I am not defending our own daft bids in the past. Far from it.

Someone On The Internet

White doesn’t seem like a 40+ million player to me, but it would be churlish for fans to complain about spending too much as long as we also fill the more obvious holes in our squad.


Define a £40m player these days. I swear you could have picked up one of those for £2m back in the mid-nineties.


You could have picked up one or even two for 50k in the 70s and early 80s


You could probably just get a train and convince them to play for your neighborhood with great pubs and gals back in the 1910s


They’d chip in money for the ball in 1886.


He’s a young English CB in the Euros squad. The players ahead of him in the pecking order all cost more than that. Stones and Maguire cost a combined £130 million.


Last two promising young English CBs we signed were Chambers and Holding. Got them for peanuts and now they are only ‘good’ players. Ben White seems a similar gamble but for a much higher price.


Chambers for 16M in 2014 is not peanuts

Village idiot

Chambers was a right back when we bought him.


What are they smoking over there @ Villa?


Not sure, but it’s probably laced with cocaine if their levels of confidence are anything to go by.

Nainsley Aitland Miles

Hashton Villa.


Why are you quoting someone who was deriding our club?

Bleeding gums murphy

I think it’s called humour.

Cygans parting

Jog on Villa!
Don’t go getting delusions of grandeur now!!!


Whoever coined the term “derisory” was probably thinking of that day in the distant future when Aston Villa would bid £25m for ESR. FFS.

Giuseppe Hovno

Would not be up for losing ESR even if we got Odegaard out of it.


Agreed – Odegaard brings composure and craft and a hint of Fabregas when he’s on his game, but ESR brings energy and drive. Different and complementary. Would love to have both. Maybe if there is any seriousness at all this signals RM are actually open to Odegaard leaving?

David Hilliers Arm Cast

I think ESR is more versatile also. He can be an asset out wide whereas Odegaard wasn’t as effective when tried there.


As decent as White is anf he may be a good investment, the prospect of potentially signing him doesn’t excite me. I would rather we find a LB for Tierney cover and some midfield depth than worry about positions we have good talent/investment in already.


So Villa are obviously set to cash in on their horizontal champion and figure they would offer us a measly fee for one of our bigger talents.

I’m glad we have told them where to get off!

Village idiot

For all the people who think 25 million for ESR is insulting, if he is worth so much more than that why are we pursuing expensive no. 10s like Buendia and Odegaard? Why not annoint ESR as the starter and sign a cheaper backup?

I love ESR and would hand him the job but that is not what Arsenal are doing. The Villa bid seems designed to address this contradiction and plant seeds of doubt in ESR’s mind. Brilliant on their part. Instead of getting mad, ask why are Arsenal not willing to spend trust ESR?


I’d rather we spent £25m on tying him down until 2030. ESR is Arsenal DNA


Get fucked, Villa.

Also, this Ben White deal is worrisome. He isn’t even the best centre-back at Brighton according to regular watchers. He is Holding level strong at best. Lewis Dunk 6ft 4in 29 yrs outshines him at Brighton.

Frank Bascombe

Nonsense mate.


After seeing Gabriel profile and dominance, I want next Arsenal defensive project to be a right footed Gabriel. Saliba and new right footed Gabriel compete to maintain competition and increase standards.

Richard Krivonozka

Could it be that they are responding to us enquiring about Grealish?

Jeremy DG

I suspect so. I have a sneaky suspicion we’ll sign Grealish this summer. As far as I’m aware, Chelsea already went big on Havertz last summer and he’s more likely to push to join us than esr will push to join them.


Us signing Grealish….? 🤣

I have a sneaky suspicion that you still don’t get how this club operates – and it’s current status in the Premiership.


Uh, no. I like Grealish but we can’t outbid Man U etc. for his services.

Village idiot

Arsenal have zero chance of landing Grealish who will go to a top 4 club. No, Villa are not the least bit bothered by Arsenal pretending to be in the big leagues when we are not.

Give youth a chance

Villa could offer £50m for ESR and it would still be a hard no

Teta's cult of personality

This Ben White dude better be the second coming of Nesta, Adams, Thuram and Beckenbauer for all the fuss that’s being made about him.

On another note. £25 million for ESR is just having a laugh. I expect nothing but 6 points against Villa next season just for that level of disrespect😎.


Villa are priming us up for a 50.175435m bid on Saka. According to sources pictured on Instagram on June 15, Arsenal superstar Bukayo Saka dined with fellow Englanders Ben Chilwell and Jack Grealish. Grealish, who prefers to be called Greasy Jack while on international duty, was reportedly acting as a secret agent on behalf of the plucky Villains. Though Saka appeared to be more focused on his plate, Chilwell seemed visibly upset at not being the subject of the conversation and even glared at the hidden camera. Unable to chill well, Chilwell blurted out the non sequitur: “I’m a fullback,… Read more »


Rumor also has it he squirreled away an extra tab of butter to keep himself occupied whilst idling on the bench in England’s upcoming fixtures.


The ESR bid is a take the piss offer or agent shenanigans for sure, guy is on the brink of exploding into a star. 50 mil minimum. As for the White bid, I’m not too concerned that it’s a waste of money. I think it’s a sign that the club realize they are in serious danger unless they keep up with the richer teams. I think this is the summer they give Arteta the tools he needs and I genuinely feel some big names are coming through the door. This wont be our only major money signing. The Kroenke “sustainable… Read more »

Cold Gin

If AV bids for ESR there’s probably some encouragement from the player or his agent. That’s a worry as he hasn’t signed a new contract yet.

Give youth a chance

Watching the way Rambo is playing for Wales tonight, we could do a lot worse than bring him home

Too old and too injury prone.


Too old? Is that you ser Meryn Trant?

Teta's cult of personality

Yikes!!! That’s as dark a joke as I have seen in a while. Truly grim stuff


Was he too old and too injury prone for Wales tonight……?


Village idiot

Nonsense. His wages are outrageous and international performances are meaningless. Did you see the kick he sailed 20 feet over the bar when he had no one near him?

A 31 year old player who is always injured, performs intermittently, and has huge wages is the last thing Arsenal need. Juve would love to get rid of their disappointing signing. Willian 2.0. The attachment to Ramsey is pure emotion. Nostalgia is a passionate liar!


Comparing Ramsey to Willian? 🤣


Honestly the sheer cheek of this

Villa and their annoying fans are getting and to a large extend have become far too big for their Birmingham boots.

I home we smoulder them next season


IT’s funny how I see some mad comments here when we are the most famous club for ordering low bids for good players. The board receiving a bit of their own tea really on this bid.

Teta's cult of personality

Are we a club that overpays for players or are we Ebenezer Scrooge in the transfer market? Which is it?

Emile Smith No Chance

I’m normally a calm lad but this has triggered the shit out of me. 🤣🤣

Jean Ralphio

I would not sell ESR under ANY circumstances! Not even if Grealish signs for us.


I wrote long post on this that was eaten by the internet, but netting it out: kse has been good at very improving their teams in the US. They haven’t been shy about spending and they take risks on coaches, players and keep churning until they get it right. if it is true Arsenal are going after white( which seems to be our least needed addition IMO) I take it as a good sign that money is going to get spent. personally I want to see more of the younger players (and keeping esr,am, bs, just and others) while adding… Read more »


Lest we forget we were one of the “Big 6” trying to destroy football for greed ! I’d rather we stayed home play the youth & build the club internally Money’s taken the game away from us fans ! Just my opinion but ESR Saka Balogun Azeez plus Martinelli give me players to relate to. Been down the mercenary route & got burned !


So you are saying that we stop signing playing from other clubs? Go signal your virtue somewhere else.


Thanks for popping words in my mouth very kind ! Keep the core of the club as players brought up through the system with additions not costing third world debt prices included ! 50 million for Ben White ? Crazy but he’d be a nice shiny new player for plastic fans to slobber over ffs! You telling me he’s 30 million better than what we’ve already got ? Get real & do try a modicum of common sense occasionally Thanks for your virtuous time


Hey, hey, hey now. Keep away from ESR.


On another note has Xhaka always worn the 10 shirt for Switzerland? I started laughing when I saw that. I guess with as many caps as he has he can do what he wants, but it’s bold for a man with only 2 assists in 43 matches in competitive internationals. He also has only 15 assists for us in 161 app in PL. The funny thing is there ARE players who never register numbers, but still add so much to a team in other areas. He is not one of those players. Can’t wait to see him go.

Nainsley Aitland Miles

Yep he wore #10 at the 2014 World Cup and seems he did actually play as #10 during that tournament if the lineup in this video is anything to go by. Scored a very Bergkampesque goal at the end too.


Comparing Xhaka to Bergkamp….🤣


Yeah, me too mate. Xhaka in a number 10 shirt – hilarious.


I want to add that Ben White played every minute for Leeds in their championship promotion season and was their best player. That is a serious accomplishment.


(1) I wouldn’t sell ESR for odegaard at all.. (2) Can someone tell Arteta and Edu to be realistic with their targets? Today we are linked with odegaard, next, Maddison, another, Sterling, Rodrigo de Paul, Camaviga, Van de beek, Ben white and very soon Cr7🥴 (3) Arteta is getting me sick.. I think we need a coach you can build be a tight budget, and willing to give PROMISING young players a chance (eg, Saliba!!). If Arteta wants to do a pep Guardiola he should find a club tht can afford to send €200-€500mil.. My point here is: “we don’t… Read more »

Nainsley Aitland Miles

In other news, Sergio Ramos has confirmed he’s leaving Madrid. Cue Edu leaving his phone charging overnight so he has 100% battery in the morning. It might sell a few shirts in Spain and China. Our very own Galactico. Fully expecting rumours by the weekend.


I wouldn’t mind Messi as our galatico but Arteta’s tactics would probably fuck him up anyway.


What terrible days. Aston Villa trying to poach our players 🙁


The freshest coffee yet – and people are still refusing to wake up, never mind smell it.


This feels like the most Arsenal moment I can remember in recent times:

1 Bid on an over-priced English centreback who lacks height, when we are desperate for a central midfielder.

2 Openly start looking for inferior players in Smith-Rowe’s position while he hasn’t signed his new contract.

3 Meanwhile the expensive purchase of Saliba is 2 years into his Arsenal career without a single appearance.


If we sign Ben White and lose Saliba in the process, I’m stopping with arsenal, till we find a competent management in the club. We must be one of the most frustrating clubs in the world. Buying an amazing and sought out talent and then freezing it out, damaging ourselves and the player’s career along the way. I haven’t seen real doing that with Varane, loaning him out for so long and not using him at all when buying him at 18.

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