Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Arteta: I had a clear conversation with Leno

Mikel Arteta says any suggestion he failed to explain to Bernd Leno why the German was being dropped is wide of the mark.

Signed from Bayer Leverkusen in 2018, the 29-year-old has been the club’s undisputed first-choice between the sticks for much of the last three years.

When contract talks stalled, the Gunners took the decision to recruit Aaron Ramsdale from Sheffield United and, in recent weeks, the England international has been given his opportunity to shine. Three wins in the Premier League and two clean sheets suggest Leno may not get his place back anytime soon.

Understandably, the German hasn’t taken his demotion particularly well. In an interview with Sport Bild earlier this week, he said: “There was no clear reason why I was out, but it had nothing to do with my performance.

“He [Arteta] is the trainer, he decides. Of course, it’s difficult for me.

“Only if nothing changes in my situation by winter would I have to think about things: what option do I have, how can I continue? I’m concentrating on my work in training; I can’t commit to anything else at the moment.”

Asked about Leno’s comments ahead of the trip to Brighton, Arteta responded: “I had a very clear conversation with him 48 hours before I was going to make the decision.

“Obviously any conversation I have with him is completely private and I’m not going to speak with any media about it.”

On what he now expects from Leno, he added: “The same that he’s done every single day.

“Train the way he does, be the way he is, the person he is, the way he handles himself, and try to help the other keepers and the other keepers try to help him.”

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Charles MMM

No comment.


So… why take the time to write ‘no comment’?

Cliff Bastin

Well I will!

I like Leno but there also has been 0 reason to drop Ramsdale. When you have 2 good keepers the one playing well plays, the end.

Johnny 4 Hats

He’s had some really mixed messages though. When Emi was doing great it was all “Leno is still our man”. And then 12 months later we are bringing in a replacement.

Still don’t really get why we did that. But hey.

Reiss Neverseen vs the DicTeta

Leno had a falling out with our head GK coach (Iñaki Cana) and the club let his preferred GK coach (Andy Woodman) go. Hence, no contract renewal progress from the German.

Leno, arguably isn’t the best well-rounded goalkeeper but his demotion isn’t all to do with “football”.


yes. i really think it’s as simple as ramsdale is on board for next 3-5 years, leno won’t commit to a new contract. arteta is not accepting anything but total commitment. have to say it’s increasingly impressive watching him work. am actually looking forward to this amazon documentary now!

Bleeding gums murphy

Ramsdale gives so much more confidence to defence and team. Needed an upgrade on Leno. Good shot stopper. Not so good others areas of keeping goal. Wish him well but his future is elsewhere and very much doubt it will be as number one for top team.

Heavenly Chapecoense

We won three games so far with Ramsdale not the league.

Heavenly Chapecoense

Ozil’s demotion was totally due to football. Arteta stated he had a clear conversation with Mesut.

Hakuna Matata

RAMSDALE. I still can’t get over how much we arsenal fans underrated our new signings. Rams=double relegation, white= short + expensive when we had saliba, tomi=can’t b good, spurs passed on him. JESUSSSS. The sample we have suggests we should remain fans n not attempt 2 analyze things above our pay grades


Wish I could give you 5 thumbs up


Do you have 5 thumbs? Asking for a friend…


Why does your friend want to know? Asking for a friend…


People understandably doubted the new transfers but you of course know already, just after three games,that they are top top top players !!! 💩


Even if they aren’t top top players, they are top top professionals who give it their all without complaining. Which is more than can be said of some Arsenal players in the squad Arteta took over.


‘Understandably’ – why???
Unless you presume to have information that is more detailed/comprehensive/intimate than those tasked with scouting and signing? Info gained from tabloids, statto sites and social media speculation?
Why does doubt have to be your default position? How about faith and some trust in the club you have chosen… it’s called ‘support’!

But no – far easier to question everything. To cast doubt and make personal attacks on both players and staff.

Reiss Neverseen vs the DicTeta

The club (for the foreseeable future) is asking you as a supporter to pay elite-tier prices for membership (tickets), merchandise and broadcasting without European football and (more) midtable finishes.

Shouldn’t supporters have a right to ask questions?

A fool and his money are soon parted. Blind faith is for the unwise. Why you believe blind faith is a better “default” position is incomprehensible to me?


Not a season ticket holder then eh? You purchase the ticket to go support your team, not drop it the season they’re underperforming. The prices have been reduced due to the lack of European football. They were dropped after demotion from the CL previously. They’ve been frozen since before Wenger left The stadium is located in the middle of one of the most expensive cities in the world, in an expensive borough. It’s not like we’re up north where land values are significantly lower and cost of living is cheaper. On top of that, the second you refuse to pay/renew… Read more »

Reiss Neverseen vs the DicTeta

I am aware of everything you’ve written. You’ve sort of contradicted yourself. A price freeze and a price reduction can’t happen at the same time. It’s easy to freeze prices when the club is in decline. Why do Chelsea charge lower ticket prices than us despite having European football and more expensive players? Why were Chelsea able to subsidize fan travel to Portugal for the UCL final whilst Arsenal fans received no help for longer travel to Baku. Their stadium is located in a part of London more expensive than ours. The average property price in the boroughs of K&C… Read more »


in fairness, at least part of the lukewarm assessments of the ramsdale and white purchases was because many including me wrongly presumed we would have a limited transfer budget this summer and balked at investing those resources in positions then manned by leno and saliba when other needs persisted. another upside i believe will be that unlike Guendouzi and Torriera, we will be able to upgrade and still get decent funds in the transfer market for Leno and Saliba should we choose to go that route.


Yeah, how dare fans think for themselves!

That’s “above our pay grades”! We should just happily clap along whatever the club does.

We bring an injured Cedric on loan and then give him a long-term deal? Clap, clap, clap.
We sign a backup goalie Frome League 2? Clap, clap.
We buy a center back prospect for 27 million, register an injured Mustafi over him and then send him on countless loans? Bravo!
We give a washed-up Chelsea has-been 10 million a season? Standing ovation.

Why would we ever question the club?



Hakuna Matata

This parade sure needed rain! Congrats


However some will always believe that the ‘remote’ view from their collective couches is far more incisive and informed than the manager/coach who spend 4-6 hours every day with these players!

Reiss Neverseen vs the DicTeta

Yes. Because specialists never get things wrong. Ever.🙄

Malpractice happens in medicine, policing and government but somehow doesn’t happen in football…

Most Arsenal supporters have been following the team for at least 10 years but let you tell it, that we don’t know our club.


I didn’t.


I sign Tomi every FM playthrough for the last 2 years thankyou very much


Best comment here.

Thank god I wasn’t in charge of transfers about six years ago, otherwise we would have signed Richairo Zivkovic for similar reasons.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

There is a simple rule to follow here. Never ever pick a player I have never heard of. To make this easier for you all I’d send you a list of player’s I’ve never heard of, but…


I’m old enough to remember Arsene Who?


You can shut up if you want, but other fans can have their say. The record of transfers prior to this season is poor, and the fans are justified to have doubts.

Hakuna Matata

That wasn’t my point


l ike the way Arteta answers these press questions – very intelligent and diplomatic!


The fact is he has not agreed a new contract and if he is not committed then the position should go to someone who is. Ramsdale has this far proven himself to be better in goal. He has made great saves and is better with the ball at his feet. Leno could have committed his future but chose not to and Arteta has made the correct and ruthless decision. More of this in future please. We should not be putting players in the shop window and they should think twice about running contracts down.

Brady’s bunch

I like Leno he’s been good for us, but there’s been a decline wether it’s down to being behind Luis and co last season or just a change in the mindset add to that speaking to the media about the situation for me is not the way handle it same as AMN you think less of them for it.

Reiss Neverseen vs the DicTeta

Right.But when Arteta and the club hierarchy leak info about squad players to the press, that’s A-OK👍.

Özil refusing a pay-cut. Guendouzi dancing on tables at training in Dubai. Saliba having bereavement issues. Aubameyang running late for Team meetings. All of that stuff happened behind closed doors but yet it is common knowledge now.

I wonder how 🤔


That interview about Leno being unsure in his future caused Arsenal to make a decision. Emi Martinez was sold because we believed Leno was our future but he had other plans.For far too long players have had the club to ransom. Ramsdale’s deal is best deal of the summer probably after Tomiyasu. Leno should learn more commitment during his next job.


And work on his distribution, confident presence, and high balls into the box.

To me those are why Ramsdale has kept the pole position.


arteta took a big bet on leno (which i agreed with) when he let martinez go. am sure he feels let down know that leno won’t commit to the project. i do.


Yep. Sounds like Leno overplayed his hand. Arteta wants players committed to his long term plan, not players looking to see if the grass is greeener elsewhere.
We should look to move him on in Jan if possible lest his value tanks by the summer through lack of game time.


Look, I’ve had soo much to drink tonight. I’m not kidding. I’m fucking hammered. But here it is… Being a fan is about emotion. I don’t care about expected goals or involvements per 90 or any other of that bollocks. I want to feel that bond. Leno was great. Let’s not rewrite history b cause suddenly we’ve won 3 games without him But Ramsdale… There’s something about this kid. The minute he walked into the club, I just FELT he was an upgrade. It’s cut throat. It’s brutal But this is what it is. Elite fucking football. I’m here for… Read more »

Nainsley Aitland Miles

We definitely need more chest bumps at Arsenal.


“I’m fucking hammered.”

Sounds like something Jesus should have said.


At least be sensitive to other peoples beliefs

Dennis Elbow

Nailed it.👍


Beautifully written 🙂


Bet he’s feeling bad this morning. Wise words though


Totally spot on, brother!
Full of spirit and emotion, a comment that our community have been crying out for too!

Brady’s bunch

He came in swinging his dick to all the naysayers


A drunk that makes sense? Only a top top Gooner. Who the hell downvoted this?


I know we should be behind all our players, but man fuck Leno.
I get him not being happy, I get journos asking dodgy questions but fracturing comments when we seem to have the most unity in years is so demeaning.

He’s a good shot stopper but what else?
Arial – poor
Distribution – average
Command of area – poor
Back 4 marshalling – poor
Technical ability – poor
Talking schieße in interviews – excellent

Wrighty's hats

There is something to be said for the professionalism required in premier league football players, sure. But it would take a better person than me and I’m guessing a lot of people to not feel aggrieved at being replaced as number 1 and be able to hold it all in perfectly. Not saying he hasn’t had the demotion coming based on recent performances (I respect him a lot for carrying us for a number of seasons where he was playing incredibly well but concede he hasn’t been at that standard since his injury), but it’s a fact that he’s been… Read more »


I disavowed him a season or two ago tbh.


In Leno’s defense, Arial would make anything look pretty poor




there is currently no doubt who should be number one. the sample size is small but we all want instant reactions to situations right? arteta in???

Vaibhav Pandey

Arteta is fine, don’t worry about it. He is here to stay 🙂


Leno & De Gea are world class goalkeepers born too late. The goalkeeping position has evolved, they haven’t.


World class is World class in any era. They are literally world class because they can adapt and are at the top of the game. Leno is not that and being honest he’s not close. Good, not great. Takes more than good reactions and being a good shot stopper to be a world class goalie. Ramsdale in a month has shown exactly what we’ve been lacking with Leno between the sticks. Hopefully we’re finally moving out of the “good not great” Arsenal era in general.

Wrighty's hats

World class is such a subjective term!

Agree with the ‘good not great’ point though Daveo. I think we’ve all had enough of that for several lifetimes!


The Arsenal sample size is small, but I really like the lad Ramsdale so far. He has that kind of innate confidence that comes effortlessly and inspires teammates. And he looks like he loves being a goalie.


“And he looks like he loves being *our* goalie.”

There. Fixed it for ya!

Vaibhav Pandey

That what happens when you love what you do, always give more than required and that makes anyone a top top pro. In Ramsdale’s case he is skilled and a passionate pro, ideal hiring traits in work life 😀


Rambo has made a very good first impression. Leno must have realised the risk with his contract situation

Ogbeiwi Osaruwmense

Arteta Should stand His ground , Leno Should accept his present role or leave in January. Always on a silly error and full of anxiety. To me he needs to start finding another club.


Whoever believes that Ramsdale is a better keeper than Leno will soon get surprised. Give him a back of Cedric, Kolosianic, and any CB other than the current two and you all will just realize how good Leno is. Worst case scenario….put Elneny in the middle mix and the true colors of Ramsdale will be up to be seen

Thierry Bergkamp (non negotiable)

Ramsdale certainly looks like an upgrade on Leno, but what you say could be true.

Time will tell – in the meantime, I’ll keep enjoying what I’m seeing.


Well I think it goes back to the discussion about how many shots you face or how busy you are, which kind of in turn leads to the back four and how solid they are, so I sort of agree with you on that. But when Leno had to face multiple shots he was doing good hence the “good shotstopper” talk. But since we have got more “solid” (5-0 loss to man City aside) at the back and Leno had less to do, then I believe he drops a level. Ramsdales sample size is small but I like his vibe… Read more »


He’s in front of a defense that’s never played together and brought them calmness and his distribution is on another level. With Leno they’d be unsure and nervy particularly as they try and get the ball out from the back.


Ramsdale seems to inspire more confidence, and his obvious passion is highly infectious.
Arsenal did well to move fast when you stalled on a contract. Era of players holding us to Ransom should be over

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Maybe part of it is the players that have been in front of him. He’s not been handed the “Keeper behind a shit show” trial yet.


Leno is a great back up keeper.

He will be leaving in either jan or next summer.


Leno needs to leave as soon as possible, there’s no space for sulkers in this new Arsenal. Hein can do the job already.


Yep, this interview sums it up perfectly. Sulky, refusing to accept that his form has not been up to scratch and also declining the challenge of fighting for his place, and already talking about leaving.
Later Bernd…

Reiss Neverseen vs the DicTeta

New Arsenal? Is Mikel leaving?


Journos trying disparately to fan the flames of a non-existent conflict.


We’ve taken the soft approach with players that do no commit before, so it is good to see some string leadership in favour of the club.


Leno the professional

The away fans need to show some support to Leno today to let him know we still love him.

“Leno us, when you’re not strong, and we’ll be your friend, we’ll help you caaaaary on.”

Lack of Perspective

Its quite simple really. One foot out the door and didnt show commitment when the team and manager needed.

He must know that.

Reiss Neverseen vs the DicTeta

A bit of perspective… The club let his preferred GK coach go and kept the one he complained about. The club is as an uncommitted to him as he is to the club.


Ramsdale has been behind defences that were leaking goals in teams that got relegated, but their fans made him player of the season. So they must have seen how many more goals he prevented. In those two seasons, he probably got experience far in excess of other goalies his age. 23 with 10 years’ top-flight experience! What’s not to like?

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