Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arteta:January transfer activity would be ‘helpful’

Mikel Arteta has admitted that Arsenal are exploring the possibility of doing some transfer business when the mid-season window opens next month.

The Gunners go into today’s game against Norwich in the top four, and will be looking to consolidate that at Carrow Road.

With four players off to AFCON after this game, as well as the ongoing Covid situation, and a ‘cloud’ hanging over a number of the club’s strikers, boosting the squad via the market would be very useful – assuming we could find the right player.

Asked about possible plans in the build up to the Norwich game, Arteta said, “If you can tweak what you need to in that period, which is not easy, it would be really helpful.

“We are working on that to see the necessities we can have, and whether we can find the right solutions to that.”

Last January, the Gunners pulled off a very smart piece of business, signing Martin Odegaard on loan from Real Madrid, and the Norwegian impressed sufficiently for that deal to be made permanent.

However, the alreadt complicated nature of the January window, plus the spread of Covid which might make clubs reluctant to let players go so they can maintain deep squads to cope with any outbreaks, will make the market even more difficult than usual.

Let’s see what happens.

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Man Manny

Any signings will most likely be loan deals. And considering the times, they’d likely be fringe players who are not getting enough playing time. How helpful would those be?
I would rather we trudged on till summer.

Johnny 4 Hats

Sometimes you just need a bit of bulk in the squad. We’ve been pretty fortunate with injuries and Covid but we will lose players. If we could add a player or two who aren’t quite doing it at their parent club then I’m totally cool with that.

We could also lose players in this window. I wouldn’t be massively surprised if we entertained bids for Eddie, Auba and AMN pretty seriously.

Lord Bendnter

Well said Mr Hats


Eddie maybe going, methinks

Johnny 4 Hats

I heard that tribunal fees can, and should be, pretty high of Eddie. And you can understand why. His international u21 record is great and he’s played a lot of games for us. But then we do run the risk that he signs for a foreign side. And then we get nothing. Which is a mental rule.


I’m not sure there are many foreign suitors, as with us homegrown quota is important to some sides and he has hardly any top flight credibility.
That said Jose is apparently in for AMN which to me is surprising.

Johnny 4 Hats

I think it’s hilarious that “the special one” is now bottom feeding off the clubs he used to call failures. What a prick.

I’d agree with that – there’s something to be said about keeping our financial powder dry until the summer.

The first 11 is very settled anyway and it would be quite difficult to improve the first 11 in this window. Partey at AFCON will only miss 5 games or so. Lokonga and AMN are capable replacements.

Of course anything can change in the next 5 weeks, and this is all depending on outgoings and possibly the Auba situation.


Arthur from Juventus on loan is worth a bash


renato sanchez.
jack wilshere.


Luka Jovic on loan would have been possible if Auba was staying and Laca was to be offloaded.

Not the case anymore though. So we need a loan to replace Auba’s characteristics. Could be an interesting window.

Diaby's Left Peg

Honestly think Arteta would be happy to swap Eddie for Auba as natural poachers


I like the idea of bringing in a Luka Jovic on loan till the end of the season. His attributes are what we we need in a targetman but he is already on loan at Eintratch Frankfurt for the season.

Nainsley Aitland Miles

Jovic was on loan at Frankfurt last season, I don’t believe he’s joined them again this season?

I reckon it’s unlikely he leaves Real Madrid’s bench to sit on Arsenal’s bench mid-season, especially with them still in the Champions League and top of La Liga.


Kim Kallstrom
Amaury Bischoff


Are you for real?

Kim Kalstrom. How’s his back these days?



Nainsley Aitland Miles

Grealish yes. He would be a good option from the bench if Martinelli and ESR are all injured at the same time.

Mikels Arteta

Wilshire over El neny

Never Happen

Would have been interesting to know what he sees as the necessities. Most would say CM/CF but I’d like to know if MA sees it the same way.

Nainsley Aitland Miles

It could be just PR talk to appease the fans. Arsenal have really stepped up their PR game this season.

If things go a bit tits up in January, say lose to Man City and Spu*s and knocked out of the League Cup, Arsenal will have already planted the seeds of potential new signings in the Arsenal fans heads.


If Newcastle are going to buy their way out of trouble this year could be a prime opportunity to do a Nasri on them!


We already did with Joey boy!

Bleeding gums murphy

And what fantastic business that was. 25 million for Willock. Be incredible if they came back in and gave a few million for nketia. The words bitten, once and shy spring to mind.


Yeah, I still hope poor Willock finds his form as he seems a decent kid, but they might be slightly bitter right now indeed.


Not more than Everton when we fleeced them 40M for Iwobi


Is it too late to sell them Danny Welbeck?


What about Pepe? Don’t know if he would like to go, but anything over £30m I’d say yes.
But then, there’s a risk he could actually improve them.


Team should sign 6ft and above height.quality players.

That’s Leo Messi off our list of January targets then. Was always going to be a tough one anyway.


Well, we also got rid of a consistent bunch last winter.
If Kola or Cedric want to leave, I’d be more than happy to show them out myself – albeit hopefully without the pay package this time.

Nainsley Aitland Miles

Cedric is right-back #2 it seems so I don’t reckon he’ll be let go.


We need someone who can make a difference, like Willian.

In reverse…


So we’re looking for someone everyone thinks is useless and past it, who has always been a bit shite everywhere he’s played, but turns overnight into a cross between Pele and Messi when we sign him?
Oh and he only wants fifty quid a week.
Tough ask that.

Nainsley Aitland Miles

Nailliw would add some quality to the team.

Any predicted rotation today?

Got a feeling Nketiah will start, with Laca saved for Wolves. Or the 60th minute if needed.

Expecting Cedric today too.


Is Calum still ill?


I’d start Pepe on the right as we might lose him before the wolves game anyway?

Nainsley Aitland Miles

Good shout, to keep Saka fresh.

I wouldn’t want both Nketiah and Pepe starting – as you never really know what you will get with either of them – but one or the other is fine.


Saka just signed contract extension to 2027 and it is the best possible transfer news this yrar!

A tetra

Would you accept Ramsey on loan-deal for 6 months?
I can see it happen but don’t know if it’s really what we need.


Ramsey will always be what we need. He might be a slight distraction though.

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