Saturday, July 27, 2024

Calum Chambers sold to Aston Villa

Arsenal have announced that Calum Chambers has joined Aston Villa on a permanent basis.

The 27 year old had less than 6 months to run on his current deal, and has left for an undisclosed fee.

Chambers joined Arsenal from Southampton in the summer of 2014 for £16m, and since then has made 122 appearances for the club. He also had loan spells with Middlesbrough and Fulham, while injuries disrupted his progress with us.

He has barely featured this season, making just 2 Premier League appearances and 3 in the Carabao Cup, for a total of just 375 minutes.

Best of luck to him at Villa.

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Brady’s bunch

Sad to see him go but are we heading for a grandstand finish to the window 🤔🤔

Johnny 4 Hats

Well we’ve trimmed about another 150k off the wage bill in this window alone. And we’ve spent the last 12 months getting rid of all our big earners.

So yeah. We must be gearing up for something. We’ve definitely got the money to go for it.

I just hope Isak can play right back.

Brady’s bunch

Must be something brewing?


Let’s hope it’s more Belgian triple than corner-shop tinnie.

Brady’s bunch

Dare we dream??

El Mintero

How much did we get for him?


Dare to Zlatan?


Hilarious man. Last sentence. Lmao

David C

BBC saying free transfer….what are we doing getting rid of Chambers and AMN (good utility players and homegrown) in the same window?

Hope this means some incoming….it has to mean incoming….right guys? right?


What’s the point of keeping players we are never going to play? Extremely doubtful either would sign a new contract to stay either.


well, we do need some squad depth. maybe we need stronger back up players, but one injury to White or Gabriel and we start to look very light.


Sure but it’s tough to keep players who very much do not want to be here. It’s the same reason we’re about to let Leno leave


For now it might be ok, as we are only active in the league anymore, but if we play in Europe next year, we not only need to add in quality, but also in quantity.
The rest of the games this season, we can probably play without any need for rotation with the same 14, 15 players, so injuries aside, we should be ok.

Jonny 5 hats



Around 280k off the wage bill
Chambers 50, AMN 52, Mari 85, Kola 100.
Assuming we didn’t pay off Kola.
Surely we must have got paid 4/5m from villa?


BBC saying Free

Arsenal Indo

Can’t be bro.. Free if he joins them in the summer..


Can be, if we decide to let him go for free for whatever reason, he can. Villa just can’t force it to have him join for free right now, that’s only after his contract expired. So if we have a demand and they don’t want to meet it, they can just opt to not do the deal.
With the minimal number of games we still have to play, we probably thought that Chambo won’t get a game anymore at all, so at least we “earned” the wages we don’t need to pay.

Terry Webster

Try £260k

Matt Matt

Arsenal: Ok, here’s the Callum Chambers you asked for. Can we have Douglas Luiz now?

Villa: What Douglas Luiz?



I seem to remember Wenger turning down a 20 mil bid from leicester when was barely getting a game for us. Back in the days we clubs actually offered us money for players..



Arteta’s assistant

What’s the opposite of a trolley dash?

Petit's Handbag

Being poor


Fire sale?

The Golden Wrigglesworth

Arsenal’s having a fire sale?!

Tobias Funke



This comment+username is the best Arsenal-related thing that’s happened this month. Wich is kinda sad, but still this made my day.
Amaaazing graaaace…


Good luck Callum.


Tis a sad day for fans of holding chambers

Diaby's Left Peg

Time to fire up fifa 16 again and make it happen

Scott Rice

An underrated player in my view. Unlucky not to play more.

Diaby's Left Peg

Scott, does your brother Declan fancy a loan move?

Johnny 4 Hats

Wow. Are we… So yeah… We… Um… Do we, like… er… have any players left?




Rest of the season cancelled, can’t field 13 players – absolute master plan


I’d love to see his shots on goal percentage inside the penalty box. I remember quite a few decent efforts which were well saved.

He also played as a defensive midfielder at Fulham for quite a few games. His utility man status would be helpful to Villa.

All the best to him in the future.

Johnny 4 Hats

I just love that Villa went from Billy big bollock offers for Smith Rowe to Calum Chambers, most likely for a couple of mil.

Back in your place fuckers.


COUTINHO, MARTINEZ, BUENDIA are decent though ain’t they!


They’re decent, but don’t forget we passed up all 3, and smashed the summer transfer window, so know what we’re doing.

Good luck Chambers, great lad, never worked out but hopefully find your level at Villa.

Intrigued to see us continue to edit the squad!

Artetas Assistant

You look down on a man who just entered his best years. Pure Esaus are often late blooming gods; Emi, Calumn and we are selling them to the same team at the exact time they mature and ripen.


And we have better players, 5 years younger, so……

Maul Person

Don’t be that guy…


Prefer him as RB backup to Cedric, surely, but he’s not getting any game time with us and he’s not getting a new contract. Wish him all the best — he can solidify a position with them if he can get a run of games. This clears a little bit more room for Saliba’s return this summer.


Definitely need to get Saliba back and having Ben White as cover for RB is so much better an option than Cedric even with Holding coming into the middle for White.

Merlin’s Panini

Agreed, only as long as we have a midfield though. White acting as a midfielder from the right made us lopsided and ineffective.

Chipper 49

A player who for various reasons never really nailed down a position. Decent as a player and a person, I wish him well with his future career. Unless he’s playing us obviously, when I hope he has a ‘mare.

Lord Bendnter

Well…that was unexpected…

Lord Bendnter

Arteta went to the US to see Stan in person to green light this deal 👍

Johnny 4 Hats

Stan, I think should sell chambers.

Ok, but not the one with my sex swing in.


Erm, so with Calum & AMN now gone, who’s gonna cover the 6 positions that they could play? They weren’t really good enough, but surely there’s a plan??

Do we get Douglas Luiz in exchange?

Brady’s bunch

Think that could be a good move for us very mobile player good passing range and strong.


Villa have already turned down £30m for him though, so presume we’d need to pay more than that – is he worth it? I’d definitely see him as a great squad option but for £30m plus surely we should have gone for Bruno, or we should go for Neves.

I hope there is a masterplan or else this window could be a disaster

Brady’s bunch

There’s not a hope they’re clearing the decks without bringing in cover we are threadbare as it is. My reckoning is they hoped to bring in Dusan and another midfielder but have had to rethink and the next play is ongoing. This deal has shown clubs like to get their business done behind closed doors.


Hope so mate! Could be last minute deals for UK based players who don’t need visas….think Calvert-Lewin/Luiz/Neves

Brady’s bunch

Hopefully neither of those but fingers and toes crossed for something 😕


A better player than he really got credit for methinks, and much better back up at RB than Cedric. Good luck to him all the same, could be a very exciting move for him. And good that we can shift players in the final months of their contract too.


Au revoir, Calum. Best of luck in Brum.
Only the gods know how Cedric was ahead of you…


At some point we’ll regret letting 2 decent utility players (AMN) go mid season. Unless something wild happens by Monday.


Any idea of the fee? Can’t much given that his contract was up in the summer.


Circa £2m according to reports

Artetas Assistant

Surely Akin to selling Emi for 20 ?

I hope there are 100 nuances included in the deal. Man is going to storm


Speculation i read was it could be 2mill.
Although I wouldnt trust my source.

El Mintero

$2mil?! That’s fck all…if true we basically gave him away for nothing. That can’t be right.

James McLeish

According to both the BBC and the Telegraph, he left on a free transfer.

El Mintero

If he left on a free why didn’t we keep him till the end of his contract and at least have extra cover…that doesn’t make sense.


Cause it seems they think that extra cover is not necessary and we can save the wages Not saying that’s the right decision btw, but it seems rather obvious..


Pal of mine says he counted 20 brand new training cones and 2 dozen new pairs of shin pads at London Colney today. Arsenal have strongly denied any suggestions the afore-mentioned training cones and shin pads are in any way related to the sale of Callum Chambers.


You joke but in minor league baseball a player was traded for 10 baseball bats. I hope we at least got some new socks to replace Gabis and Sakas which have holes in them the poor boys.


A promising defender who’s career with us was put aside for the likes of: Mustafi, Sokratis, 5 red cards in 2 seasons David Luiz, and Cedric Soares. Was so excited when he joined us and I’ll always remember his worldie against Burnley and Cafu-esque crosses! Good luck Calum!


We’ll always his 2nd half at London Stadium last season

Artetas Assistant

Watch Gerard turn him into a better Gerard


Lol, yeah that could make sense if they soon have a Luiz shaped hole in their squad.


It was more that he was injured a lot that probably did that.


Any team which wants variation in setup of their match day team would do well to acquire Chambers. He was one of the first to be identified by Mikel in the right side Centre back in a 343 setup. Which makes sense with their acquisition of Digne as left wingback and Mings having started life at Ipswich and Bournemouth as an athletic left back. Making him perfect as the left cb in a 343. This would mean the front 3 are given more license to attack and the central midfield maybe bypassed. Negating the need for a dedicated defensive midfielder,… Read more »

Artetas Assistant

Bruhh Villa is doing a madness, if Gerard can infuse the belief in the lads he’s purchasing, they’ll be near good as any team.


… Do you play as Villa on FM??


As a villa fan finding this thread randomly on a newsnow article I’m flipping impressed how articulate and informed that was! Props man 👏

Jeremy DG

Please Treat Callum nicely. He’s a good lad and a fine player.


Saliba, Guendouzi, Bellerin and Aubemayang could all be used in this squad

El Mintero

Guendouzi?! I don’t think so…glad to see the back of that little fkr. Auba’s choice not to still be captain. Entirely on him.


Yeah but we still could do with him playing. Arteta is a manager after all, if your biggest earner is not even considered for selection then surely the management of the player has to come into question? And yeah guendouzi is a little prick but he is better than Elneny or Patino. Hope we get someone in.

Overall I think Arteta is building a good team but we’re thread bare


Urgh, Guendouzi, don’t forget the squad needs to be a team, let’s aim for Man City’s level, not fester at Man Utds!

Pep Fraudiola

So so shocked. So shocked.

Billy bob

Finally we have some real transfer news, sad news though as I like Callum!!! Waiting for something positive to happen on the transfers in is somewhat tedious, doesn’t look like anything is gonna happen does it!!!

Artetas Assistant

Hey I just realized that when you click on the name of the Author of a comment, it takes you to the link they inputed in the comment form. What a great thing blogs 🙌🏽🙌🏽


Wow! Really? I thought that they were just hard coded as links to a Rick Astley video.


Good luck to him.
He’s always seemed like a stand-up guy. Played pretty well last season.

I guess our only right back cover is Cedric now. 😱

Man Manny

The rumour mill didn’t get a whiff of this!
That is encouraging.
We could be working on something yet it’s completely off the radar.
Goodluck to Chambers in the next chapter of his career. It’s a chance to finally walk away from the Montero disaster that seemed to form the backdrop of his Arsenal career.


Lovely bloke. Will be sorry to see him go. He was unfortunate to get big injuries in really crucial runs of form. Best of luck at Villa.

Funsho Patrick

Didn’t see that one coming! He’s too good not to get a decent fee somewhere now he left for a nominal fee…he’s English… we’ve frittered away hundreds of millions in talent….well,the kronke’s didn’t get rich by being dumb… there’s surely a plan ….just bring in reinforcements to make a run for 4th


I’ve always had a soft spot for Chambers. Best of luck to him.

Mesut Ö’Neill

At this rate we’ll have to start games with 10 men!!

Daz Pants

Came on to say basically what everyone else has – great bloke, good player, wish it had worked out better for him.

Over the years, I don’t think our club has given him the best chance to succeed.

That he is gone when we still have Cedric who is the worst defender we’ve had in many years (including Mustafi, Luiz, etc. who could be good on their day), is the epitome of how much we’ve got wrong with regards to his career and development.

I feel quite sad really.


Actually, started to admire him when cut his posers hair. Really pissed me off with this social media shity pictures back then

Gunner J

Arsenal must surely have a plan to let go of all these players in one Window, if not this one then surely the summer.


God forbid we get a long term injury to one of our CBs now.


1 injury and 1 red card away from a CB pairing of Holding and Tierney


Wait, The Process is whittling down the squad to the point Arteta has to play himself?! I’m down of Edu gets a run out.

Here’s hoping we’re only shifting players to make room…




I can’t help feeling that this is a mistake. Chambers was a decent squad player who could cover a number of positions. If we pick up a couple of defensive injuries between now and the end of the season we could be in trouble.

This is such a bizarre transfer window: we’ve bought nobody and are just loaning out or selling. My guess is that Leno will be the next one out the door.


With this trend, it is possible Leno will depart now if Turner will jump in the summer. Until then, Laca will be back up keeper. Did you see pictures from Colney and Laca as GK 😉


I imagine we are trying to balance some books before bringing in a player or too. I really hope so because we need it badly.


If there are no significant signings come the end of the transfer window next week then all hell will break out.

Nainsley Aitland Miles

No it won’t.


It will in Fatgooner household

The Arsenal

Always liked Chambers, that big injury he got a few seasons ago did him no favors. Another player who was decent just not quite good enough to get us where we aim to be. I think he could be really good at Villa. Once Xhaxa, Elneny, Cedric and our forward line is replaced that would be an entire squad upheaval. Whats annoying is how quick we do are outgoing business and for how cheap.


All but Xhaka, he’ll never depart. Has some serious, ununderstandable protection at the club


I feel like (hope that) something is happening behind the scenes… a big weekend ahead for Edu.


Good luck to him. He never recovered from the evening with with Jefferson Montero.

Goodly morning

On his day Montero coukd torment most right backs. Chambers was looking superb early on in CB with BFG and he was young when he gotnhis confidence dented and struggled with injury. Really hoped he would kick on after a good spell with Fulham despite their relegation. Showed his quality when he grabbed the game by the scruff of the neck against west ham. Just don’t feel like he’s been managed well and could still flourish with a run of games.


I like Calum & I’m sad to see him go, but it makes sense. However I hope this is not a cost saving exercise to offset moving on Aubameyang on. I really hope this is connected to incoming ST & DM – Please God… but the Arteta “dash-for-cash” to Stan feels a bit like the purse strings may be tightening – just when we’re almost there. I hope I’m wrong.


“For an undisclosed fee” means next to nothing, like 4p, doesn’t it?


Good to see Arsenal are taking the right-back shortage seriously. What kind of voodoo power does Cedric have? He’s managed to get rid of Bellerin, AMN and now Chambers. If I was Tomiyasu, I’d have a good look over my shoulder before I climbed down any stairs

Nick Mason

He was only helping himself to some bacon and eggs at the Buffet Table in Dubai yesterday morning.


Just a week ago we didn’t have enough players? What is this strategy? We’ve got three days to bring in a back up right back (definitely needed, especially with Tomi out for weeks) and a striker that can actually score.

We’re not going to sign a third right-back.


Good luck to you in your new club, Calum.


Best of luck to him.

Mis-managed since the time of Arsene.

Was knocked around in various positions when he is naturally a Rback.

Never got a sustain period to bed in thereafter.

Emblematic of the number of assets availalble to Arteta in certain areas which need less attention where others have been sorely neglected.

Now we look to miss out on Bruno Guimares with Newcastle beating us to the signature.

Arteta-tinted Glasses

Thank you, Calum. We’ve lost a lot of handsomeness from our squad today. Hope we replace that adequately.


Solid player. We never got to see a consistent run at his best due to persistent injuries. Wish him all the best at Villa.


Surely this means new signings before Monday evening. Isak and Doug Luiz is the best possible striker/midfielder combo. If they can pull off those two it will be great for the club. Much prefer those two over Osimen and Arthur in all honestly…


No chance on Isak until the summer unfortunately, I reckon, unless we pay £75m

Nainsley Aitland Miles

Agreed. I think the most likely outcome is the loan signing of Jovic but my hunch is we’re not going to get a deal over the line this window.

Sp*ds, West Ham, United also haven’t signed anyone so I don’t particularly see it as a major disadvantage in a complicated window.

It just means an over-reliance on goals from midfield instead of #9’s for the next 4 months.


i’d rather have lautauro martinez or jonathan david as the striker and kessie as the midfielder, personally.


I hear you. Not sure I’d take Martinez over Izak, but Martinez is talented, no doubt. Same with Kessie, but I heard mention of concerns about him being injury prone. Very talented player though…agreed.

Reiss Neverseen & the DicTeta

All the best Calum in your Brummie adventure.


Arsenal selling business has been pathetic.. Over the last few years I can only think of 3 players who have raised decent money for us, Ox, Iwobi and Theo and thats just poor. Why are we struggling to raise money out of young and decent players such as AMN, Bellerin, Torriera, Guendouzi, Leno? That’s 70-80m right there. But I dont think we are getting more than 25-30m. In fact we are paying players to leave! Chambers should have been sold few years back when he was at Fulham and even Mustafi with all his flaws should have got us at… Read more »


I suppose Willock should be added to the decent sales part of the equation, but I agree that we are poor at selling players. I think sometimes we stick with them for too long only to see their values drop and their contracts nearing completion (Eddie, for example). Another problem is the wages these players are on. I don’t think we are that generous compared to the other PL clubs but when we are trying to offload players to Italy, Germany and France those wages mean that there is less left for the transfer fee.

Nainsley Aitland Miles

The selling business has been pretty poor but we’re clearly implementing a new recruitment strategy from last summer which sees us in the run for 4th at the end of January. How much do we all love the additions of Ramsdale, Tomiyasu, Odegaard, White, Lokonga. Better to get the recruitment correct first and then worry about selling/releasing/loaning out. There’s also Willock £25m, Martinez £20m, Giroud £18m, Coquelin £12m, Bielik £10m, Gibbs £7m. In hindsight they were all sold for decent fees. And several youth players such as Greenwood £3m, Toral £3m, Thompson £3m, Amaechi £2.5m, Hinds £2.5m – they all… Read more »

Determination Cultured

Chambers gone to Villa, villa therefore wont buy bentancur, so juve wont have funds for Vlahovic and boom! We got our striker right? Masterclass from Edu and co. Cheers tovArsene for foreseeing this and buying Chambers for this grand plan

Chambers is a defender who Villa signed to replace Tuanzebe in their squad.

Bentancur is a midfielder so I don’t see the chain reaction.

Bai Blagoi

He was a good player and a good soldier for the club. Sad to see some of the commenters here care for him as little as for Kolasinac.

Thank you, Callum!


With Bellerin, the competition was always fierce on the right side of defence. Chambers is slightly underrated, in my opinion. Maybe because he does not catch that much attention, seeming to be a modest, decent guy. When did you see him roll dramatically around, calling for a free kick or a card?


Unless we sign some players soon, this must be a tactic to cancel fixtures at will with the amount of exits.

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