Saturday, July 27, 2024

Jonas Eidevall reacts to Manchester City draw

Tobin Heath’s stoppage time equaliser earned Arsenal a hard earned point away at Manchester City. Jonas Eidevall spoke to the press post-match, the first three questions are from Arseblog News.

On the performance and Arsenal deserving their late point…
Yes I agree, I’m so happy that we got a result out of it because I think it always helps belief around the group in the process when you can back up the performance with a result.

On dropping Kim Little a little deeper in the last two games…
The sole reason was to improve the structure and it’s tough to take those decisions because you miss Kim a little higher up. But I think it’s been needed especially with the way we build up to provide that structure playing out from the back. Part of that process has been to move Kim back, especially because Lia Walti has been unavailable.

On Leah Williamson coming off at half time for Rafaelle…
Leah isn’t injured, we knew before that she couldn’t play for 90 minutes, we have to check with every player and she started to get tired so we decided to sub her. I am very, very impressed by Rafaelle’s debut, that was such a tough time to come on and the way she moved the ball and the way she worked in defence. As a central defender, it’s so relationship based the training time she has had has been so limited, I am very, very impressed by her performance and I told her that at full-time.

On the referee not stopping the game in the build up to the City goal despite touching the ball…
It was one of the best passes of the game. At the end of the day we all make mistakes, I make them, referees make them, players make mistakes. Afterwards I totally understand that, it’s a part of football. But i think the referees also need to understand why we get very upset in the moment. The referees should be professional and should be given all the resources that they need to prepare and practice and work on fitness and that’s where we need to focus. Let’s raise the standard around refereeing and give them the help they need.

I tried being a referee when I was younger and i was not a good referee, even if i think I am on the sidelines. I remember experiencing coaches who, even after the game, didn’t speak nicely to me and that is not a nice feeling and that’s not the sort of role model I want to be, everyone will make mistakes and the only thing I am always going to be an advocate for is the fix around it and giving them the best possible conditions.

On when Leah Williamson might be able to complete 90 minutes…
Not long, she played 30 minutes on Wednesday and 45 minutes today, which is a quick turnaround. We didn’t expect her to return this early, so that’s really well done from her and the medical staff. Soon, I hope.

On Rafaelle being a left-footed option at centre-half…
When you look at the game at the highest level, you are looking for margins and I think it helps a lot to have a natural left foot in build up, especially when you are playing out against high pressure. That’s why we went out and got her, we have a lot of centre-halves from a numbers perspective but none of them are left footed.

On Tobin Heath’s contribution from the bench…
It was great to have Tobin back, it was a bit difficult building into the United and City games, we have a lot of players available to play but have not had a lot of time to train together and we have some players who can’t quite do 90 minutes. To bridge that gap has been difficult but we have done that well enough.

On Arsenal’s record in big games improving this season..
Before the season started we said a major thing we wanted to improve was the way we play in big games in the league against Chelsea and City. That was clearly one of the areas where Arsenal struggled in previous seasons. We have played Chelsea and City at home and won and now we have drawn away at City. What Arsenal had problems with last season was that they didn’t have the structure to play out against high pressing teams so they didn’t see enough of the ball in those games. Today we had good spells on the ball, City did too, but we weren’t just defending, we created with the ball and forced them to be deep in their half and that we have that perspective when we see the performances.

1.Zinsberger; 16.Maritz, 6.Williamson (2.Rafaelle HT), 3.Wubben-Moy, 15.McCabe; 12.Maanum (13.Walti ‘61), 10.Little(c), 8.Nobbs (25.Blackstenius ‘71); 9.Mead, 14.Parris (77.Heath ‘61); 11.Miedema.

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Peter Story Teller

If we had been offered a draw away to City at the start of the season we would have probably taken it and with Chelsea dropping points too the title is still achieveable.


It was was a very good game on the eyes as well.
Have not seen us press that aggressively for weeks.
If only the the officials knew the rules, we may have won. Alas, the draw will have to do.


Too true. More so at 90 minutes today!
Well done girls, belief restored. First WSL point at Citeh for five years.
Rafa’s introduction, along with Leah’s return, could be key to some much needed backline solidity. Perhaps history may repeat 2019 when Janni Arnth and Kat Veje came in to steady things for the title push.


Best kind of draw as well. Definitely something we can build on. On side note, so glad for Heath, she always works her socks off. Great to have in the team.

Mike W

Yeah, Tobin’s level of commitment until the final whistle is exceptional. Did you catch the point near the end of the Man U cup game when she didn’t like the time their keeper was wasting by strolling back to get the ball for a goal kick? Tobin sprints out past the corner flag, collects the ball and throws it to the keeper (with a pointed look at the ref).

Peter Story Teller

Tobin’s never give up mentality is what we really need to rub off on to the other players and having someone of her quality in and around the squad is important whether or not she has minutes on the pitch but, of course, I am happy to see her playing as much as possible!

Peter Story Teller

Just look at the goal celebration. That’s what grabbing a last minute equaliser means to her!


Such a winner. Feels like we have too many confidence players in the team, as we seem to swing between the fly or crash mode. Hope Heath and Leah will help anchor the team.


Excited about Souza..a few mistakes but not playing since November….looked good.
Thought Lotte was excellent.

The best our midfield has looked in a while. Such hustle.

My feed was getting spotty towards the end, but Blackstius looked very fast.


Yes, I let’s hope that in Rafaelle, Lotte and Leah we now have 3 CB options who can give platform for us getting out of this rut. And also that they are more interchangeable than other options. To win as a team, we need our CBs to be able to win some duels.

Also I think that midfield with Kim as Dm and Jordan pressing opposition Dm, has from defensive point worked very well. It needs adjustments attacking wise, but today we kept very good ManC’s midfield at bay. And it also kept ManU’s midfield at check.


They both look very strong and pacey, the type of player we were missing in their repective positions. Rafa comes with experience and Stina is going to attract players, freeing up space for others. Great squad improvement by the looks of it.


Football is funny old game. Until ManC’s goal I thought that Noelle was our best player given how well she dealt with Hemp. And then the goal happens…. But still for me the best right back on the field today ;).


There are very few right backs who play Lauren Hemp as well as Noëlle. For their goal she was very unluckily exposed by the unexpected change in the direction of play!


Only error she made to overcommit. But with 3 defenders in the box, should have done better.


Would have taken a draw before the game, and then when Leah was taken off, and then when we went 1 goal down.

Problems in attack are clear: we are not taking on the defender enough, we are not passing the ball quickly enough. Hopefully things will improve with Heath and Blackstenius integrating.

Feared the worst when Leah went off, but Raffaele’s pace and strength, as well as match fitness is a pleasant surprise. Quite damning for the other 3 experienced CBs though.

In any case, crucial weeks ahead, hope the new signings and returnees help us pull through.

Nicolas Kariuki

Why are we always struggling?


Emotions go everywhere. It feels like we were robbed because of the clear direction change of the ball. It was a build up and no clear advantage and goal chance. But we were not dominating, like Peter said, at the start of the season, we would’ve signed for this.

I hate to be like this, but I had hoped we could’ve taken more advantage of the inexperienced goalie. She did well against a big team like Arsenal, but also had her moments. A few more chances and shots, and 1 or 2 are bound to go in.


Well done to Jonas and the girls last night.

A much deserved draw and shame they couldn’t get the winner they equally deserved.

Absolutely disgusted by the actions of the referee – the woman is an utter disgrace to her profession. In my opinion, she should never be allowed anywhere near a football pitch ever again.

Bill Hall

I feel very sorry for the ladies because they legitimately won that game even if it was a bit scrappy and in the last few minutes. It clearly states in the rule book –

“If the ball touches the referee or another match official and goes into the goal, or results in a change of possession or a promising attack, a dropped ball will be awarded.”

You just can’t have mistakes likes that made in refereeing when the title race is so close!

Peter Story Teller

Agreed! WSL is getting huge exposure at the moment on major media channels. The teams are doing their bit by improving the quality and fitness of the players but the officiating is still at non-league level. We should not have conceeded the goal from that incident since Noelle had the opportunity to stop the cross coming in, Fafa should have got a block in and perhaps Manu could have got a bit more on the shot to stop it, but the fact remains that the ball didn’t just brush the referee she deflected the path of the ball significantly taking… Read more »


Tbh none of the above apply to this move, no goal no change of possesion and it was in their half. Devils advocate just here

Peter Story Teller

It might be a biased viewpoint but a deflection off the ref that wrongfooted our midfield players giving the City left back a clear run up the pitch might be construed as a “promising attack”, don’t you think?
Still think we should have prevented it becoming a goal in which case it wouldn’t have mattered but the fact is it gave City an advantage so should have been brought back for a drop ball.

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