Tuesday, October 22, 2024

“I see how much they want it” – Arteta backs young Gunners to finish strongly

Mikel Arteta says building “unity” and “spirit” were driving factors behind the decision to take a large Arsenal contingent to Dubai for a warm weather training camp.

The Gunners’ first team squad, various up-and-coming youngsters, the coaching staff and their respective families were all invited on the trip which has been timed to take advantage of the Premier League’s winter break.

The Gunners haven’t been in action since the 0-0 draw with Burnley on 23 January and still have another six days without a match before taking on Wolves at Molineux.

In Arteta’s eyes, the time off has been valuable after a testing first half of the season.

“We had a break of two weeks and thought of the best way to maximise it, and felt the best way was to stay together for a week or so in a different environment, but with clear objectives for this week,” the Spaniard told Arsenal.com.

“Not only physically but mentally, it’s been a tough season and a tough few years. We wanted to take this opportunity to get a few things from it.

“The first thing, the training camp in these conditions is beautiful. We want to keep improving the efficiency of our game model and it’s a beautiful place to do it. The second one is to set clear objectives for what we want to do at the end of the season. We have 17 games to finish, how we are going to do it and what we want to achieve in those games.

“The third one was about building the unity and the spirit that is in the group and that has to be maintained. There’s no better way to do it not only with the players but as well with the families because they are a big part of what we do and we need them on board to keep pushing every day.”

Despite not adding to his squad in the January transfer window – a surprising state of affairs given six senior squad members, including Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang, were allowed to leave – Arteta is confident his young squad have enough quality to challenge for a top-four finish in the final 17 games of the season.

“I am very confident because I see how much they want it, and we still have a lot of things to improve,” he said.

“We have lost points that sometimes show the lack of maturity we have in the squad, but at the same time we won a lot of games because of the enthusiasm, the passion and the energy they bring to the team.

“So we have to keep maintaining that balance right and give them confidence. When those players feel supported and [know that] we are right behind them and they play with no fear, that is when they really fulfil their capacities and qualities.

“It is our job to do it, and our fans have been crucial in that because they have really felt they are right behind them.”

Judging by the content shared by the club’s official channels, the chance to recharge batteries and enjoy the winter sunshine has been warmly welcomed by all involved. Spirits look high in the club, which bodes well.

“We have the youngest squad in the league and that is not a coincidence, we planned to do something like that because we had to rebuild something as well that we believe in,” added Arteta.

“We have a squad full of enthusiasm and passion, but with the right amount of quality and experience as well, which I think is very much needed.

“So we are really looking forward to [the run-in], we know what the aim is at the end of the season, where we want to be: it’s high but it’s possible and we’re going to have a real go in the second half of the season to achieve it.”

Arsenal are expected to finalise preparations for the Wolves game with a friendly behind closed doors at London Colney this weekend.

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Exciting times! COYG!

Johnny 4 Hats

I’m not going to try and sugar-coat too much. I’m really disappointed and I think it’s a chance missed. But I was thinking earlier about that Premier League documentary on BBC ‘Fever Pitch’ (It’s an excellent series and anyone who missed it should absolutely watch).  I think it was 1996 where Fergie was absolutely destroyed by the media and the fans for selling key first team players and not replacing them. Everyone thought he’d gone mad.  But what emerged was arguably the most talented group of youngsters the premier league has ever seen. And the rest is history.  If Arteta… Read more »


love this comment, nailed it. COYG

Naked Cygan

Fergie was a great manager, but he had a lot of things going for him. Back when United were dominating in the late 90s and early 2000s apart from us they didn’t really have any rivals. They had all the money and power. Man city were down the bottom, Chelsea were mid table, Liverpool were sleeping. Wenger was his rival. There is no way Fergie would have made it if the other clubs had the money and owners back then. That is why Wenger is a legend.

Johnny 4 Hats

True. But I’m not asking for Arsenal to win the league and dominate English football. They just need to outperform a frankly shite United side and an ok Sp*rs team.


“Fergie was a great manager, but he had a lot of things going for him”. Including consistent help from match officials, both in turning games in United’s favour, and, in Arsenal’s case, turning games against us, whilst letting opponents get away with murder & violent play bigtime. That should NEVER be forgotten when discussing Ferguson’s record at United.

Naked Cygan

Yeah, if you really take into account all the advantages Fergie had then it makes you wonder how good of a manager he really was. One thing is for sure, he was very smart to leave once City started dominating. His reputation would have been damaged finishing below City and Chelsea every year.

A Different George

I mostly agree, but even when your first 11 are good enough for top-4 (and I think we are just about there or very, very close), you need five or six more players where the drop-off in quality when two or three of them play, though perhaps apparent, is not fatal. We have that with Leno, we have that with one of Saka, Odegaard, Smith Rowe, Martinelli, or Lacazette, and probably with Pepe. But that’s all. Maybe Tavares for Tierney isn’t fatal–provided all the other first-choice are playing. Lokonga is probably okay if Ramsdale, Partey, White, and Gabriel are all… Read more »

Johnny 4 Hats

Yeah. It’s a bit thin. But with everyone fit our bench will have on it…

ESR / Odegaard

And then it does get a bit more tenuous with Elneny, Holding, Cedric, Nketiah. And then it’s the new youth.

Not the worst bench ever. There were definitely worse in Wenger days.

I’ve got a sneaky feeling that Pepe will have a big part to play in our run in. Let’s pray he’s finally going to find his groove.

Jonny 5 hats

It’s a bit like hats. Yeah it’s great to have four. It’s even better to have five. But if your one hat does a job then stick with it. Leicester won the league with barely any rotation of players.

Johnny 4 Hats

C’mon man. 5 hats? That’s just unrealistic.

Johnny 6 Hats

Completely agree. Five hats is not realistic.

Teryima Adi

How Pepe Got His Groove Back


…..And was then sold without explanation.


Having been thinking along similar lines Hats – surely Mik has to now give Pepe a run? I just don’t get the ‘he’s overpriced garbage‘ school: every time he’s had a run of games – yes, he’s taken a few weeks to get into it – but has then delivered both assists and some key goals. Like him or not – he’s a game-breaker when he’s on it… and god knows we need a few of those! With Gabi’s energy, MO’s guile, Pepe’s ability to create from nothing, Saka and ESR just being, well, Saka and ESR, and Thomas continuing… Read more »


Arteta doesn’t like Pepe.

He’ll be the next decent player banished and moved on for being thirty seconds late or not passing the ball backwards enough.

Johnny 6 Hats

I see you are back to Arteta out after your apology. At least your consistent in your inconsistency.


Beyond the first 11, how many players got regular minutes for Leicester the year they won the league. I can’t find now but I’m sure that I read something like 15 players total, and that was 38 games.
I’m not saying it will be simple, but with a little luck, and a good squad mentality, I think we have a decent chance.

A Different George

Yeah, it’s possible if everything goes right and one of your starters is Ngolo Kante.


Further to your optimistic post, while we do need a bit of luck with injuries, if I’m not mistaken Leicester won the league in 2016 with only 15 or so players getting regular minutes.
We have only 17, reasonably well spread games to go.
Add a little luck to a strong group with a desire to win and amazing things are possible.

Scott P

I’m on board with the optimism you’re displaying here. I really do think the young players we have will be forces to be reckoned with for many years to come. The only part I take issue with is assuming that Patino et al will have the ability to provide depth. Obviously Arteta knows more about them than any of us, but Charlie is the only one with any first team experience and demonstrated that there’s still some way to go vs. Forest. That’s not to downplay the youngsters’ abilities, but just to address what we can realistically expect them to… Read more »


Agree, I imagine what the young players are seeing. A club that plays young players, youngest team in the EPL. A club that has a manager who is repeatedly complimented for improving the best young players like ESR, MO, SANE, GM, SALIBA, Foden, Sterling, Gabriel, White etc. A club willing and eager to pay for potentially great young players. A club with a class act like Per in charge of the youth. A club where maturity and character are a big part of recruitment. A club being watched by the world, right now, today, to see if these young players… Read more »

The Beast

Fever Pitch was a brilliant series, wasn’t it. Noticed that they used some of the same footage in the episode that covered Wenger’s early years as they did in the Invincible doc (also well worth a watch). Also agree with everything else you’ve said. We’ve had a clear plan to put this young team together, they aren’t the finished product but have gotten us to this point, so I’m 100% behind seeing this rebuild out to the end. Disappointing not to get the striker we clearly wanted in this window but I’m happy we didn’t settle for less. We’ve gotta… Read more »


Comparing Arteta with Ferguson….

Johnny 4 Hats

Well they are both football managers.

Nacho de Montreal is tasty

Yeah, that made me laugh. Comparing Arteta to Lampard or Steven G would make more sense to me.


John Sitton 🤣


He’ll be comparing him to Wenger next…..🙄


That was a coat tailored for Willy Wonka.

Nacho de Montreal is tasty

The “believe in the process” salesman is back with tiring lip service. The new justification of failure will be that we have the youngest squad in the league. We need more time meaning he buys more time for himself.

Johnny 4 Hats

I hope he gets more time. I love this journey and I’m really happy with the squad. I’ve said it before but this is the most fun I’ve had as an Arsenal fan for over a decade.

I respect your opinion. You’re clearly not happy. That’s absolutely fine. But don’t begrudge a fellow gooner for having a damn good time.


Hope you’re still ‘loving the journey’ when we fail to make top four in May and all and sundry (City, Chelsea, Newcastle, PSG) start sniffing around ESR, Saka, Martinelli and Tierney.

Noody Nodethistle

You sound like you want that to happen.

Johnny 4 Hats

Oh no, we have good players. That means other clubs might want them.

Worst problem ever.

Quick, bring back Ozil, Mustafi and Sokratis. No cunt wanted them.

Charles Charlie Charles

So the clubs that bought those three players don’t really exist?

Mate, you are so up your own backside and full of shit.

Johnny 4 Hats

Yup, suppose I would be full of shit if I was up my own backside. Fair point.

If your mate gave you his old tv, would you say “I’ve just bought a tv”?

Charles Charlie Charles

Oh do excuse me. So your idol Arteta gives players away on freebies. Acquired? Procured? What does it matter? Those players were still wanted by their respective clubs.

Johnny 4 Hats

I’m not really enjoying the tone of this conversation. I think I’ll leave it.

Charles Charlie Charles

Because you’ve lost the argument, despite trying to change the subject. A word of advice. If you can’t take it back, don’t dish it out, Mr Popular.

Johnny 6 Hats

Did we get a fee for any of those players? Because another club decides to foolishly pay completely washed players a salary, your saying that proves they were good players. Get out of town.


Correction: Other clubs with Champions League football and a manager who actually knows what he’s doing, instead of pissing in the wind a few worn out sound bites and the slowest most boring sideways and backwards passing hoof -it and hope crap the game has ever known.


Yeh, and he should be given more time.

Teryima Adi

The world is just so instant noodles. Have some patience, Bro- it’s a virtue not a vice even in modern football.


The thing that always stands out for me is that the ‘instant noodle’ lads on here are so full of criticisms, but never advance even an ounce of rational argument by way of a solution or alternative to the things they can’t stop complaining about!
Except Santa Santori, to be fair to him… but who has the 18 minutes required to read one of his posts!

Man Manny

I agree with most of what you’ve said; the only concern for me is that Fergie did not have to contend with many good teams like we are going to: Newcastle, Blackburn, Liverpool and, maybe, Arsenal, and that was that.


Absolutely spot on. Having read your comment it makes total sense.

And think of the momentum come summer, it would be clearer what we need and the position of these hungry young talents currently getting a chance will be 5-17 games more experienced.


Think the possibility that we can get Isak for €20m less in 6 months time had an effect on that particular decision, plus running out of time while Auba/Barca got agreed. We’ve only got about 17 games left and he obviously thinks he has enough….we’ll see.

We will be in a great position to actually do business early in the summer, which is what Liverpool seem to do. I think that makes sense rather than wasting valuable time getting rid of the dross…

Johnny 4 Hats

We really will. When Laca and Leno go we will have removed 3 of the top 5 earners at the club, including Auba last month.

Only Partey, White, Tierney, Pepe and Xhaka are in six figures and most of them in the low 100’s. Only Partey earns a bit more – around 200k.

So our wage budget has been completely slashed. But yet we are performing better. That alone deserves at least a little slack given from the fan base.


At Arsenal we don’t sign superstars we make them.

Charles Charlie Charles

And then Arteta sells them on. For free.


Desire, unity, spirit, and so on. Great. But the lack of physical bodies might be very damaging to our final league position. Sp*rs are on the up with Conte and have strenghtened their squad. I try to remain positive, but the way we handled this transfer window seems to me reckless and very worrying. Could easily backlash.


How can people down vote this comment ? a sensible and realistic comment based upon our squad depth and quality.
Or should we just blindly hope that things just turn out well?
Is that the strategy these people want?
Just to hope for the best?

The Beast

Agree that squad depth is a concern but disagree with you on quality. Bar possibly Auba, who let’s be honest hasn’t been in top form for a while, the only positive from this past window was clearing out players who wasn’t at the level we require.

It’s obvs a disappointment we didn’t get in a striker but if we’re focused on quality, and we couldn’t get who we wanted, I wouldn’t want to be saddled with someone not up to the job just so we had bodies on the bench

Brady’s bunch

Personally I think Arteta has done a good job getting rid of people that didn’t need to be here and stabilize the club and I’ve no issue with anyone he’s moved on but I think the final pieces of this jigsaw in the summer should be by a higher quality manager who can bring us to the next level but I’m happy to be proven wrong.


This site is ostrich central at times.


Don’t worry, the downvotes will disappear after the first bad result.

It’s easy to be positive when you don’t have to watch the horseshoe failing and Arteta not changing anything.


It’s risk vs reward. I totally agree that some people are too negative and some too positive. I find it helps to weigh the pros and cons of each worst case or best Case scenario: Depleted squad worst case: Heavily injured and suspension hit squad, means we play youth team players when they are not ready, potentially long term overuse injuries to star player’s. Pro: +We get to blood youngsters +we know the limits of the squad +KSE will understand how limited this team is and will be pressured to release more funds in summer, spent in a less Raul-ly… Read more »


I think it’s clear that the owners are on board with this process of building a young squad which will eventually compete for honours. It seems that we are looking more at the model used by Dortmund and the Red Bull teams rather than the model used by Man City, United etc. As a life long supporter I really just want to see us challenge again and to be entertained by the football we play. Realistically that isn’t going to happen for the next couple of seasons but I do have hope that it’s a possibility in a few years… Read more »


Red Bull model now after Gazidis gibberish about Bayern model. In 5 years we will be talking about a Wolves model… and oh my personal favorite, Leicester fluke champion model.

Diaby's Left Peg

I mean, the Dortmund model is really the Wenger model. Pick up young or undervalued players and turn them into superstars. Its pretty much the only one we have available, can’t be spending 50m on every centre back we buy like City or Utd do.


It’s simple really – the ONLY way that young, inexperienced players become more experienced, more seasoned pros is…

BY PLAYING ‘EM! If you’re good enough, you’re old enough.


Couldn’t have put it better myself. 👍🍺


No one dresses up a situation akin to a sack of shit better than this guy.

Talk is one thing – I need to see results on the pitch.

And I’m sure I’m not alone.

Giovanni Hovno



How very democratic.

How about your caps lock….?

People in glass houses, mate…..


And just hope that the god of football luck and good fortune shines on us for the rest of the season…

El Mintero

You are alone.


Yeah? Really?

Let’s see shall we?


We all hoped we got a strike but we didn’t. What is arteta supposed to say? We are doomed because we didn’t get a striker?

Public Elneny

Maybe he should have got more out of the recently world class on we released for nothing


How about some sort of admission of how shit the past month has been?

We’re out of both domestic cups, more or less out of the running for top four and it’s in no small measure down to the strike duo equivalent of Laurel and Hardy who have scored less goals than the clearly better option we have now allowed to leave.

Still, no fear, the lads are all smiles in the sunshine, so everything’s hunky dory in Lego Land.

El Mintero

You only turn up here to spew negativity. You disappeared during November and December and crawled back out your hole in January when the results were not as good. You are the worst type of “supporter”. Why not just fuck off?

Charles Charlie Charles

Why don’t you fuck off back to your bedroom and finish off wanking all over your Mikel Arteta poster until Mummy calls you down for dinner?


I actually took some time out, from a number of things, to bury my mother and then look after my family.

Gooner since 1971; season ticket holder since 1984. When I need you to judge what kind of supporter I am, then I’ll know I’m in trouble.


It’s amazing that the majority downvoted you for wanting results. Isn’t that what we all hope for? Meanwhile all the media photos from our training camp is just PR, yet somehow things are all looking up again? I’m confused.


To want results is not enough.

You have to worship at the Lego altar of the exalted one.


Arteta isn’t a personable character, which I think hinders his popularity. But he clearly has a plan, a very specific mission to remove ‘experienced’ players in favour of more malleable players at the beginning of their careers.

I’m trying to think of any players that have left under his watch that I wish had stayed…Auba is about it, and that’s reaching at best. Ramsey and Kocielney were the last ones I can recall – both under Emery’s watch.

Assuming we get the the firepower up top, next year will be judgement time.


does that means this year a write off already?

El Mintero

No. Enough there for top 6, which was always the minimum for this season. If we don’t achieve that then squeaky bum time for Mikel. But I think we will….



Top six might be enough for you and your fellow Process addicts.

Try telling that to the agents of ESR, Saka, Martinelli and Tierney, when the big boys with the big bucks come calling.

El Mintero

Do one gramps. You’re so fucking boring.


Oh dear. Someone’s tired. 🤣

Charles Charlie Charles

That’s rich, coming from you, you fucking zed.

Pete Plum

Ozil. He could have built the team around him. He might do something great without Ozil, he could have done something great with him. What went on we still don’t know


I for one, hope that a time will come when we, as a fanbase, move past Mesut! He’s gone and you’re correct in that we do not know what really went down there – so leave it be, support the lads who’re giving everything for our club atm, and look forward.

Martin R

Please name me a more personable manager of any football team in the world let alone just this country.


By personable you mean passionate about alienating star players for obscure reasons?


Pepe next.

Charles Charlie Charles

Wrong. This year will be judgement time. May, if not before.


No other distractions so can concentrate on the league. Let’s hope energy levels are high after this break and we can do well against Wolves, who are a tough side.

Would be great to have CL qualification to help attract top players in the summer. At least our wage bill will be low given the players that have left and are leaving.


“I’m very confident because … we still have a lot of things to improve.”

Now that, children, is what they call “bullshit.”

We got actively worse during this window and he’s trying to spin it as a positive.

The fact that we have driven away our only real striker and not replaced him is really an opportunity for someone else.

See? It’s all part of the plan.

Be very excited.


How did we get worse exactly during this window? None of the players we moved on were actually playing for us on a regular basis. We threw a few mortgages at our primary striker target, and he had no interest in coming, so we didn’t panic and overpay for someone or bring in a player who will saddle us with another unwanted contract. People clamoured to play the youth, so we did. Now people don’t want that anymore. That’s weak. People berated Aubameyang for not being a good captain and not scoring goals. We moved him on, and now people… Read more »


We got worse because we now have no Aubameyang and no replacement. He was “not scoring goals,” yet he still scored more goals than Lacazette and Nketiah combined. “People” didn’t “berate” Aubameyang for not being a good captain. He was a strange choice to begin with, but Arteta made the decision to keep him as captain. I hadn’t heard a peep about how Auba should be a better captain until Mikel kicked him out of the team. I was fine with removing the captaincy, I’m not sure why he had to be removed. This window was still marked by bad… Read more »


The team scored 22 goals in the calendar month of December, most of them without Auba. Go figure.


And then January happened.

Go figure.


Thank goodness we’re in February. Phew.


February has been a massive improvement, but they’ll have to play a game eventually.

Tankard Gooner

You’d still be moaning if Martineli steps up for the remaining games and gets like 10 12 goals. A front 4 combo of Saka, Odegaard, ESR and Gabi is nothing if not serious goal threat.

Brady’s bunch

It will be a roller coaster ride for the next 17 games, who knows where we’ll be at the end of it but we can all see we have the makings of a very good side weather it’s this season or next we’ll be very close to the boys at the top.


That’s all very well – but is the solution staring us all in the face going to be implemented…?

Or are we going to have to put up with more six yard box comedic capers from Laca and Eddie…?

I know what my money’s on…..


It was not a serious goal threat in January. plan noun UK /plæn/ US /plæn/ a set of decisions about how to do something in the future “If Martinelli steps up and gets like 10 12 goals” is not a plan. It’s wishful thinking. I have long and consistently criticized Arteta for not being able to react to changing circumstances and his football being low-scoring unless all the players are on fire and we are playing depleted teams and for relying on that dimwitted ticking time bomb in midfield. Maybe you’re right, maybe I am. I can guarantee you I will not moan “if Martinelli scores… Read more »

Announce Bendtner


It’s as if all those criticising Arteta about Auba have forgotten who’s put together this exciting attack combination.

I keep reading “only real” / “proper” striker which is a purposeful use of language that ignores the fact we’ve got exciting young attackers who have stepped up.



If ever the guy needed to keep his pseudo-politician trap shut and let the results do the talking, it is now.


What happened Q? You were on board for a few weeks there!


I’m still on board.

It’s just that we’ve had a fucking shit month, signed no one and now he starts giving it the sound bites like one of the tossers in Westminster.

It’s bad enough that my country is being run by people desperately trying to cover up incompetence with bullshit – I don’t need it from my fucking football club as well.


Woe is me.



A confession.


Well, I don’t think he can give the next 25 interviews on how badly he wanted Vlahovic to remedy his striker problems for the next 5 years, but he can give the next 25 interviews on how exciting this young team is and the heights he believes they can go. But fair criticism, especially in that context, Q. Let’s hope the team gives everyone something to smile about soon!


Only the next 25 interviews?

If only that were the case…


It’s useful to bring the families out. Especially during covid times, ensuring everyone is vaccinated or tested ahead of travel on a plane.

It’s a good way to stress test the squad and their families ability to protect the footballers but at the same time to improve the bonding of different families.

Naija Gunner

Staying positive and hopeful 🙂

Costa Gooner

Before the season started, Arteta said that they were actively changing the approach to the transfer market. We cannot compete to by the Haaland’s of this world. We had to buy younger & continue their development. Therefore we were not expected to gain a CL spot. We were only expecting Europa League at best. And that wasn’t promised.Anything this year was going to be a bonus. As to the striker situation, Aubamayang(much as I loved him 2 seasons ago) has slumped alarmingly in form since his Malaria bout. Arteta could not allow him to get away with serious breaches of… Read more »

A Different George

For me, the malaria and covid have been seriously underestimated as a factor in Aubameyang’s performance. Malaria’s effects can linger long after the disease is gone. Then add covid and its often-similar effects on energy and endurance. I’ve mentioned before–Kevin De Bruyne talked about how he was tired after one sprint in a match, long after he had “recovered” from covid. And a lot of people mentioned his declining skills–he really did not look like one of the best players in the world, often mediocre, poor passing, etc. It is only in the last month or so that he seems… Read more »

Brady’s bunch

It looked like a lack of interest was his main issue

A Different George

I disagree–he looked tired to me, worn out mentally as well as physically.


It looked like a lack of a proper manager was.

Brady’s bunch

Great player when he joined us but People seem to have forgotten the way he played for the last year and yes he’ll score goals for Barca as it’s an easier league but for how long.


Make the top 4 and maybe we can convince Haaland to lead the project… A man can dream…


Martin is going to have word… watch this space next season.

Brady’s bunch

How good would that be 😊 it would be a bit like when bergkamp joined us, still can’t believe we got him when we did.


David Dein, mate.

We could have used him this window.



“Let’s see where we are in May” has become “next season is the measuring stick.”

No wonder other clubs laugh at this fan base.

Perpetual jam tomorrow.


“Arteta is confident his young squad have enough quality to challenge for a top-four finish in the final 17 games of the season.”

Thats not what he said in the interview. He refused to clarify what the aim is.


The only thing Arteta clarifies is his bullshit baffles brains manifest to enable him to keep his job a little longer.

If his football matched his PR rhetoric, we’d have won the quadruple hands down every year.


We are only left in one competition. These groups of players should be able to get through that. No FA Cup, No Europe, No Carabao.

I don’t personally see what the big deal was letting Auba go. I’d much prefer to see Laca/Martinelli or Pepe up front then Auba. Auba has done sweet fuck all for a long time but now he is the guy that is going to guarantee us a top four spot?


And you think Laca will get us top four….?!!



Playing Laca is more likely to get us top four than Auba. Do you even watch the games? Laca may not score any more goals than Auba but in every other department he is better, and we play better when he is on the pitch compared to Auba, therefore, more likely to score goals with Laca around as opposed to Auba.

Charles Charlie Charles

Laca’s job is to score goals. He doesn’t. Do you watch the games?


Auba doesn’t score goals either. He also doesn’t contribute to goals. Which is worse? Moron.

Charles Charlie Charles

Auba was out with Malaria, Covid, cardiac lesions, dropped by Arteta when recovered and fit and has STILL managed to score more goals this season than your fat bearded tortoise, who has spent the whole of the campaign and January in particular chasing shadows in midfield, ducking out of headers and missing sitters. Everyone knows Auba is the better striker; do try and keep up. You’re as slow as Laca.



Teryima Adi

Off topic: I believe Tim Stillman’s article “Auba and Us” on Arseblog today is one of the nicest things I have read about a player by a journalist. I just hope Auba gets to read it- it’s a statement that we appreciate all Auba did for us all these years.


Yeah, agreed. I’ll never forget when we brought our newborn son home from hospital while Arsenal were playing Leicester back in 2018. My son took his all-important first poop, and Auba immediately bagged a 3-minute brace to secure a 3-1 victory. Magic poop, I thought, but it just turned out to be shit.

Still, it is a beautiful, if haunting thing, the way our families and loves coincide with the Arsenal.

Brady’s bunch

Yeah I’d agree Tim always writes a good article 🙌


Let’s look at the stats:

Matches Played (starts): 14(10)
Goals 4
Assists 2
Rate per game (0.43)

MP 19(14)
G 8
A 2
Rate (0.53)

MP 21(19)
G 8
A 4
Rate (0.57)

So for the final 17 games we could expect things to look like:

G 5
A 2

G 7
A 2

G 6
A 3


In summary this is the expected final totals for the 3 players for the 2021/2022 season based on their current rate, assuming they compete in all 17 remaining games:

G 9
A 4

G 15
A 4

G 14
A 7


What about Laurel and Hardy – erm, sorry, Laca and Eddie…?

Announce Bendtner

Will you cheer when Laca scores his next goal?


Not nearly as loudly as I will when he leaves.

El Mintero

No because the last thing he wants is for Arsenal to, you know, win. Then what’s he gonna do all day?!

Charles Charlie Charles

No idea, but from what I’ve gathered from reading this site Q seems to be a well-read old school fan who often has some great stories from back in the day to share. What do you do all day? Cover your bedroom in Arteta posters?

El Mintero

Oh hello Q. Somebody showed you how to work the internet? Cool!

Charles Charlie Charles

Yeah, I happen to agree with Q on a number of issues, so therefore I am Q? That’s how your brain works, right? A pretty lame and lazy argument, even by your feeble standards.


* if




Frankly don’t trust what Arteta says…Arsenal are having it bad in the press at the moment, this club is in shamble.


MA is petulant little man with overblown ego and no results, hence his only way to instill authority is to kick out everyone who doesn’ behave like a schoolboy as if Arsenal is some kind of boarding school and not PL club.
You can behave like that when you’ve won something or have track of success. You know, if you’ve got results and you are Pep, Klopp, Ancelotti…


Yeah, he’s completely bamboozled Wilshere, someone who I thought could think and speak his mind clearly and pointedly. But just listen to what he says about being back at Arsenal: “Arsenal is home for me. I remember when I was here last time & one of the old players – I won’t say his name, I don’t think it’s fair – said to me, ‘You don’t realise how good Arsenal is until you leave & what a family is’. Then I left & I realised he was right.” And then Wilshere says something so insane, like this about Martinelli: “But… Read more »

Charles Charlie Charles

You’ve got it bad, haven’t you? You need help.


This is a guy who once hid inside a washing machine to prank a teammate.

There was once a time when Jack was very talented, but he was never particularly bright.

Announce Bendtner

Because Arsenal is a football club which employs players and shock horror……expects them to be on time and expects leaders to set examples to younger staff. How dare there be consequences to poor behaviour and rule breaking?
We get criticised by pundits on the pitch for playing/behaving like boys not men. When the manager gets ruthless and instills discipline / elite mentality some fans start complaining.

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