Sunday, September 8, 2024

Martinelli switches squad number for 22/23 season

It looks as though Gabriel Martinelli will be Arsenal’s number 11 from the start of the 2022/23 season.

While the club are yet to make an official announcement about the switch, the club’s official online store is already selling new home jerseys with the updated number.

Martinelli has worn the number 35 since signing before the 2019/20 season.

The Arsenal number 11 shirt has been vacant this season. Martin Odegaard wore it during last season’s loan spell while Lucas Torreira, Mesut Ozil, Andre Santos and Carlos Vela have also sported the number since Robin van Persie long stint with it.

Screenshot from Arsenal Direct showing Martinelli as the no. 11

Update: Arsenal have confirmed the news.

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Cooked Patino

Not an entirely promising list of predecessors there. This is to hoping he makes the number his own and does great things in it


Carlos Vela… What could have been…

Peter Story Teller

Are you sure?
What was wrong with Robin Van Persie, Marc Overmars, Ray Parlour, Ian Wright Wright Wright, Anders Limpar, Paul Merson, Graham Rix, Paul Davis, Liam Brady, little Georgy Armstrong, George Graham, Charlie George, Brian Kidd etc?
Even Ray Kennedy and John Radford wore the number for a while so forgetting Ozil and Torreira there is a handful of legends that have been proud to pull on the 11 shirt!

Peter Story Teller

Ooops! This was meant to be in reply to Cooked Patino

Crash Fistfight

It’s so weird that I don’t remember Ian Wright wearing number 11. I always remember him wearing 8, yet bizarrely he seems to have swapped back and forth between the two. When were names on shirts introduced?

I definitely had Wright 8 on the back of my shirt in 1995.

Thierry Bergkamp (non negotiable)

Yep me too. I don’t remember Wright ever wearing number 11

Crash Fistfight

Yep, but apparently it’s true. He wore in in 91/92, 92/93 and 93/94 (although he also wore 8 in those years). Names were introduced in 93/94, so not sure how he wore two numbers in that season.


He wore two numbers but they were 9 and 8…no 11 at all


The Coca Cola (League Cup Final) in 1993 was the first time names were on the back of the shirts. A brilliant Paul Merson equaliser against Sheffield Wednesday before Steve Morrow struck the winner. I won’t go into the post match accident details because that’s exactly what it was – an accident. The media (cunts) used it as yet another stick to bash Tony Adams with. As usual, he had the last laugh on them, becoming the first captain ever to lift the League Cup and the FA Cup in the same season. And Chris no winners medals Waddle crying… Read more »

Martin R

Why are you forgetting Ozil who was one of the most creative players in the history of Arsenal? Yes it ended badly but I can remember the many reasons when he produced magic. Helped us win 3 FA Cups in 4 seasons.


Ozil 11 > Ozil 10

Martin R

I totally agree with you. Still doesn’t make me wrong.

Tomaury Bischfeld

Love him or hate him, thank god we don’t have endless mindgrating conversations about him anymore. Let’s let sleeping Ozils lie.

Martin R

Merely pointing out what a great signing he was.

Martin R

Seasons not reasons. 😂


Wright and Merson never wore 11 for any length of time (8 for Wrighty, 10 mainly for Merse before he took 9 after the arrival of Sir Dennis B). Davis was mainly 8 and later 4 if memory serves. Armstrong wore 11 for a period but was much better associated with 7 (which he wore for many years). Of course though you list our two greatest 11s – Marc Overmars and even more so football uberlord Anders Limpar.. if Martinelli can get to somewhere close to their levels we’re in business!

Anders Limpar

Uber Lord Limpar… it has a nice ring to it, I’ll take it!


Whatever you say Uber Lord!


I always think of Graham Rix when the Arsenal 11 shirt is mentioned.

What a player. That left foot was so accurate. He scored some beautiful long range goals and free kicks.

We all agreed that Rixy was better than Hoddle.

(Even if that was stretching the truth a bit!)


Wright never had 11 bro your getting confused with Campbell. Wright wore no9 on his debut v Leicester but that was Alan Smith number. Then he was given 8 and kept it…not a traditional strikers number may I add.

Peter Story Teller

Think he had 11 briefly 91/92 season when he joined from Crystal Palace before handing it on to Kevin Campbell. After that he made 8 his own, of course!

Peter Story Teller

In fact so briefly not sure that he ever played with that number as I cannot find any pictures!

Tomaury Bischfeld

Great recollection but there were a few things wrong with Rix…

Mad Mick Madison

Brady was number 7 no?

Peter Story Teller

Numbers were changed around then as they are now. Sure, not all of my list were 11 forever and many were more memorable with different numbers.
In fact when I first started watching football there was no such thing as squad numbers and the number reflected the position so 1 was always goalie whoever was playing, 2 right back, 3 left back, 5 and 6 center backs, 4 defensive midfield, 7 left wing, 8 midfield, 9 centre forward, 10 well er…10 11 right wing and finally 12 the single substitute.
Life was so much simpler then!!!


Not forgetting Wiltord

Edward Spencer

Rambo next from 32 to number 1


Probably not til after Leno officially goes, be too disrespectful otherwise.


Good for him, he deserves it.


Thought he’d take the No14.

14 available, 9 likely to become available.

If Bellerin leaves, have to fancy Saliba to take the No2


Saliba will probably keep the number 4 he has already.


They gave that to White. I just want Saliba in the squad, having only two first-choice CBs worries me too much

C.B. seems they both have it! I checked on Saliba and Arsenal say he has it…


We can’t have two No4s

It add risks to another Kieran Gibbs, Oxlade Chamberlain situation taking place.

”White brings down the attacker, he’s the last man, and it’s a red card for Saliba”

A Different George

Oh Andre Mariner. Even when you did a good job, I always thought of that. And that he wouldn’t believe the players when they tried to correct it–as if they would lie about that and risk serious suspensions afterwards.


Saliba went out on loan on 1st July, so 4 became available and they gave it to white


Understand, just funny they both have the same number on the link above!


yeah. it is a thing the club is playing us with. Like: Nah we can’t push him further away, just keep things as people are used to. But I’m sure if he stays, he gets the number 2


14 to our marquee striker signing or too much pressure?

Death by 300,000 Passes

The switch makes sense and is completely expected, although that I personally liked the 35 number, there is some charm, as it is the last of the first team squad numbers.
To be honest, I really wouldn’t have minded if Odegaard continued to wear it, but I guess he is hardwired to the 8 now.


Am I the only Gooner who doesn’t give a shit right now about next season? I’m still in a deep funk over this calamitous season.

As I type this I’m watching a live interview with this English couple who’ve just won $220 million on the European lottery.

A win like that is the only thing that could cheer me up right now.

BTW: There’re idiots for going public.


I thumbsd up for the lottery comment.
As for next season, I’m excited for it as we are in the best state squad wise we have been in for many years come end of season.

Straightforward exits and a clear and necessary need for new signings.

Our threadbare squad this season missed champions League by a point or two.
Next season will be an improvement!

Seun Lucas

You realise other clubs will also get better. Newcastle will get better players. Spurs will have a full preseason & transfer window with Conte. Won’t worry much about United yet. A lot of mid table teams like CP, AVL, WHM that will surely be stronger and harder to beat. Thursday football has never been good for anyone. I want to be hopeful but next season is scary


I don’t really get the whole Thursday night is a worry thing. It is no different than playing on a Wednesday in terms of effort. The advantage of Europa football is you can play your fringe players, which you can’t do in CL. Spurs are going to be more stretched than Arsenal.


The problem is when you meet one of the teams playing in CL, they will have played Tuesday/ Wednesday. Then there’s longer travelling


Maybe, but the first team will still be fresher than their opponents as the back up players would have been used in Europa League.


we only play those two teams twice a season…

the points total needed to get into top 4 will be higher yes.

But with improvements should come results at the likes of palace, southampton everton etc.


Mate, Spurs are a busted flush on rinse repeat. Next season is going to be better for us – and just the same for them. With this manager and these youngsters, we have a real genuine chance of putting together an incredible team. Spurs will win fuck all yet again – I seriously cannot wait for us all to be laughing at Conte dropping them like a hot potato, Son’s tears and temper tantrums and Kane looking open mouthed at another scoreboard that tells him he’s still won fuck all. They are the ultimate in fools gold. That’s why their… Read more »


The eternal joy of football is that there’s always a new season


Stand back, yes it stings now, but it’s been a good season of progress, yes the team have made mistakes, but they’re the mistakes you expect when breaking records for youngest teams week in week out.

We need to add players as injuries to first teamers have been our undoing ultimately, we can be excited about that given the great recruitment last summer.

The future is bright!


Couple of new signings, some kids looking bright in pre-season, new kit.

August 15th, you’ll be excited again. Trust.


No I won’t.

We need major surgery this summer to turn us into a team that could challenge. But that won’t happen.

The best transfer we could make is ourselves to a new owner.


Where have you been the past few years? Have you noticed the (solid) investment? Last summer they invested with hollow promises and pipe dreams after stumbling to 8th, again. Now, when most thought we’d fall further we challenged even more, have REAL promise, and a clear plan.

I particularly don’t like Stan Kronke, but I feel like we could certainly do worse in that regard.

You may be eating words come next season – I’ll stay tuned.

A Different George

I really don’t like Kronke as well, but the guy many supporters wanted just had one his yachts (or maybe it was a mountain chateau) seized. I guess U have a low bar now: if my club’s ownership are not actively bombing children, or part of invading a neighbor, I guess I will put up with it.


I’m actually excited. about next season. There will be new faces in the squad and we will play some better football, will have a better start or atleast beat some irish farmers in the Europa League. There is nothing better.


If you need lottery wins or the Arsenal to fix your life, then you’re really in trouble, sunshine. Your own happiness starts with you. It’s not about your bank balance or whether we’re in the Champions League or not. It’s how you perceive it. It’s a lesson I’ve had to learn. Ultimately, there’s fuck all I can do about what happens on that field – no matter what superstition may be trying to tell me. It’s down to Mikel and the boys – not me. I can cheer them on – but it ain’t my fault if we lose –… Read more »



Not sure why that didn’t happen at the start of this season… Anyway, I’m just glad he’s planning to stay.


Huge marketing potential for the boy. Martine11i is a great fit.

Death by 300,000 Passes

the number was in use


Surely leaving the number 14 for a big big signing? I thought he would take the 14. However Martine11i has alot of marketing potential for the lad.

Excited to see who will be wearing #9 next season but I guess they could offer it to Nketiah to tempt him to stay, with the new striker Mbappe wearing #14.


Mbappe would look lovely in 14.

A Different George

We were saving the 14 for Haaland, but Mbappe can wear it now.


Lacazette out, Gabriel Jesus in and that’s the number 9 shirt sorted too.


Jesus is less likely to come to a team with no CL…


On the other hand, we can offer him regular football that City couldn’t this season and certainly can’t next season.

You never know mate.


Traditional number for a left winger. Overmars scored a great goal at Old Trafford to win the league in it!

A Different George

And our right winger wears the traditional (though not much any more) number too. Saka, Odegaard, [Jesus or whoever], Smith Rowe, Martinelli–it the WM again!

Teryima Adi

11 sure looks good on you, Martinelli. Congrats

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