Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sp*rs 3-0 Arsenal – player ratings

Arsenal’s top four qualification remains in their own hands, but the margins are tighter after a 3-0 defeat at White Hart Lane this evening.

A soft penalty which Kane put away, then two yellow cards for Rob Holding, a Kane header and the despicable Son scored early in the second half and it was game over for the Gunners.

To make matters worse, Gabriel went off with a hamstring injury which means we’ll likely be without him and the suspended Holding for the game against Newcastle on Monday evening.

Here’s how the players rated this evening.

Read the Sp*rs 3-0 Arsenal report and see the goals here

Sp*rs 3-0 Arsenal – Player Ratings

The ratings are hidden by default until you vote, but if you just want to view the ratings and the comments, flick the switch at the top above Aaron Ramsdale. Also, please give the ratings a few seconds to load.

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100% agree


Well have Saliba next season, hopefully

Exit the Lemming

With every minute he doesn’t play in the premier league his cachet just seems to grow exponentially. How many other players are there on the books that most of you seem to rate without most of you ever having seen them play?

Martin Wengrow

No we won’t.
Not good enough.

Barry Fry

0 arses given


why even post this. fuck rob holding

Johnny 4 Hats

Did you say “Fuck Rob Holding” when he played a blinder against West Ham? Or shored up games against Villa and Wolves?

Go away and think about what supporting Arsenal means to you.


Apparently it means getting the chance to tell one of our players to ‘fuck off’ after each disappointing result.

Some fans use sports as one more method of channeling their inner asshole.


But I still cannot understand why Holding hit Son with his elbow when he is already on a yellow. It is not accidental, so you cannot blame the referee.


Because Son elbowed him in the face earlier on and got away with it…

Teryima Adi

Maybe he was offended at Son’s elbow to his face earlier on.


Don’t post a player rating article (or it is delayed) – people will whine

Post a player rating with ratings that don’t match up to someone’s opinion – people will whine

Post a player rating with no ratings (rare, if ever) due to emotional fatigue after a tough loss – people will whine

When I say ‘people’, what I mean to say is – entitled little pricks.


Rob was obviously told to stick close to Son by Arteta, and it was terrible strategy. He can’t play that way and earned his sending off. Arteta could have gotten more out of Holding, and provided Spurs fewer opportunities, by playing deeper. But this was a poor performance all around that the referee did not decide.

El Mintero

You’re blaming Arteta for holding’s stupidity?!!


Utter bollocks mate! Holding may well have been told to stick close, perhaps even to ‘do a Keown’ and rough him up a bit. But he is one of our (supposedly) more experienced players, usually with some mastery of shithousery, yet he allowed himself to get sucked into a petty, handbags at dawn ego-battle… and got thoroughly schooled! Foul… then wait… foul again… then wait. Choose your moments, ffs! Getting a yellow for perpetually niggling, around the halfway line with NO imminent threat, is just dumb. Then – after you have JUST been warned by the ref – who tells… Read more »

Jenas Wright Martin Mour

I like Holding and I do rate him as a player..But I have to admit I didnt expect him to be assigned to mark Son at all… Kane maybe but to match him up 1 on 1 with such a pacy player? Very brave call and very risky…But hey I got it …He did Ok against Timo Werner (albeit with the help of White as RCB ) and that’s probably why he was trusted with this Korean job. Anyway IMO if we had maintain a deeper line like we did against Chelsea, Holding might have a decent chance against Son… Read more »

Jenas Wright Martin Mour

Not too excited about Arsenal prospects now which is good. Because when I am, they loose, and when I m not, they win.

Morrisey fan #1

I had this same discussion on Twitter. Rob had a bad game, but he has filled in really well and he’s beautiful. Blaming him is silly.


You say you can’t be arsed to do ratings tonight but you rated Holding…


Don’t buy into this ridiculous self flagellation, Holdings red was bullshit, call it for what it is. No other center half in the league is getting a yellow for the two offences he was booked for, the entire game and referee performance was a total farce. Weak referee out of his depth.

Simon C Lucas

Son owned him and Holding took took the bait. Red card all day long. It was our Final and White shoukd have played. Thats down to MA. We will still finnish 4th


So you have seen White’s medical reports, had a few chats with our physio and medical staff, no doubt?
You’re entirely correct about Holding’s card – he acted like an idiot from the first whistle. But to make sweeping statements about White ‘should have played’ when you have ZERO inside info on his actual state of fitness, is bollocks!


Agreed, Holding did nothing wrong. These Arsenal “fans” are masochistic and self-hating.

El Mintero

“Holding did nothing wrong”…lol…off to the optician for you wee man. He was fkn shit and deserved his red.


A forearm to the head is a straight red in Rugby FFS… the boy lost his head… blaming the ref is weak


Paul Tierney certainly seemed to be enjoying himself. Felt like he was stifling a smile the entire game. Some chummy moments with spuds players as well.


Holding made the red card easy for himself for the first yellow. Second yellow was prob due to the height difference. (Ran to elbow).

Bad day on the pitch for us. Hope the boys regroup well and win the next 2 games


A bit disappointed that Bloggs couldnt be arsed to put ratings up today. We all had to endure 90 minutes of shit, but one thing I always look forward to after a win, defeat or draw is looking at what bloggs thought.


agreed. Andrew… keep the faith. A goodly morning 23 May

Mesut Ö’Neill


He is just a supporter like you and I. His opinion Carry’s no more weight.


They may not carry more weight, but with over 1,000,000 views per month to the blog, they certainly extend further than mine, which involves the dog, the missus and myself. Twice.

Woolwich Tiern time

The dog, the missus, and im fairly sure one of them isnt even listening

Chuck Felsea

Is it the missus? It’s the missus right. Cause she can’t be forced. In contrary to the dog.


Luiz or Mustafi get that insane Holding red and Bloggs is rushing to put up the ratings any day. I feel sorry for him though, tough work even getting the energy to put up any articles after any loss let alone one against this lot.


So, you knew this would have been tough for anyone to post a player rating after the manner of our loss to this specific rival under these particular circumstances – yet, you managed to get in a dig at his bias towards certain players. Did you think this site is run by an android? His positronic brain must have had a temporary beta induced plasma overload. Mangan has got to be one mentally strong bastard to get shit from some of you lot – especially after this tough loss and then getting snark over 1 fucking player rating…geez. I know… Read more »


I agree.


Fair enough but still. look forward to your blog and podcast tomorrow. #keepthefaith

Denver Gunner

you are awesome Blogs!


Not to worry Blogs – no doubt Santa will fill the gap with his suitably pedantic waffle, below…

Emi Rates

I remember when your wife did a live blog and she was very good. Maybe yesterday could have been the day she stepped in and rated the players? Provided she watched the game of course.

Left Testicle

Bloggs gets a zero from me.

Petit's Handbag

What did right testicle rate it as?


His wife has that one…. it’s not allowed to speak or have opinions….

Alan Sunderland

Why for giving you a platform to Express your views with other arsenal fans for free? Post your ratings.


If you can feel the frustration of enduring ’90 minutes of shit’, surely you can understand why Mr. Mangan wasn’t able to bring himself to do ONE player rating. For some this was bigger than just 1 game – it was a chance to take a massive step forward, and it feel apart. In addition to feeling disappointed (and taking the time to point that out), dig deep and find some empathy for a fellow fan who happens to run a site about a club we all love, at a price many of us can afford ($0) Preemptively, those who… Read more »


No point in posting the ratings if you’re not actually going to rate anyone.

El Mintero

I can do it for blogs…easy…!

Laca – 0
Cedric -0
Martin O – 10
Tomi- 10

Etc etc etc


Our weak links let us down today. The last few weeks we have been churning miracle performances out of the likes of nketia, holding Cedric ect.. tonight it came home to roost. But at the same time the referee absolutely dogged us. I’m extremely worried about Newcastle on Monday. If we bottle this it could genuinely set us back 3 years. Hope I’m wrong

Man Manny

I think you are.
Did you sincerely think we’ll be in with a chance for top 4 at this point of the season after the beginning we had? I’d wager the answer a No.
We have a good team that will definitely get better next season.
If we miss it this season, we’ll be back next season.
Keep the faith.

Exit the Lemming

I still can’t understand the club rewarding Arteta with a new 3 year deal when they don’t even know where the club will finish this season. Does he deserve this new contract if we finish outside the top four?

Giuseppe Hovno


Exit the Lemming

So you would have awarded him with a new contract if we had finished 8th three seasons in a row?. You know they mark the exam papers AFTER you’ve sat the exam right?

Teryima Adi

Go ask Sir Alex Ferguson how long it took him to win a league title with Man Utd.

Exit the Lemming

Point taken but he’d managed three clubs and won trophies before that success albeit in an inferior league but also in Europe with the 82/83 Cup Winners Cup. Do you know the name of the current Man City assistant manger? (No, me neither) Do you want him to be the next Arsenal manger? (No,me neither)


I am sorry but how this is on Nketia I just can’t tell. Even for the penalty Cedric has to leave his man and react because Holding is sleeping and not marking his man (Son) but I understand the baseline is he has to be blamed at all cost.


I understand what your saying but I’m talking about the fact nketiah couldn’t relieve any pressure when we were under the cosh. He’s an excellent finisher and has a good work rate but he’s the type to give away a sloppy free kick when your under pressure and go missing when you need an outlet. No criticism of him it’s just the type of player he is but in this kind of situation we needed a giroud/Benzema type of player who will act as a release valve when under severe pressure. For what it’s worth I don’t think Jesus would… Read more »


10/10 for Arteta for that post match interview! Angry! Defiant! Put the blame at the doorstep of the fucking referee without spelling it out! I’m sure Holding is going to get an earful but arteta wasn’t giving that away to the Sky reporter 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Not usually one to kick a dead horse, but I’ve just watched the replay of the “penalty” again and what a joke. Referee knee the scoreline before the game started… How was there no VAR check on that? Having said that, not exact confident it would have been any different but still


No VAR on the penalty or the red card. Consistently inconsistant as always.

Mesut Ö’Neill

The red card was absolutely deserving. He clearly throws his elbow to Son’s face. Could have been a straight red.


Went for shoulder to shoulder and son ducked lower. Its football man, tackles like that happen in every minute of every game, everywhere


aw cmon… shoulder to shoulder with forearm out…pffft

El Mintero

Nope. Holding deserved his red. He fouled Son at least 3 times before his yellow, which was predictable as fck. Then the elbow. What a stupid cnt!


That’s exactly the point – Rob simply had to go shoulder on him and nothing would have happened. But he lifted his elbow – even just a tad, but it was enough to make it cynical and, given he had just been warned for exactly that, ref was always going to take action.


No. Rob lifts his elbow – even slightly, but he does. To do that, just minutes after the ref (who had, in fairness, allowed a number of niggly fouls to slip by) has JUST WARNED YOU, is sheer idiocy.
End of.

Exit the Lemming

There was no need as there was no clear and obvious error. Both decisions were correct. In the VAR league table for 21/22 season to date Arsenal are the 6th ranked team to have benefited most from decisions that go to the video ref.

Tommy Coakley

Presumably that includes offsides, which are black and white. Think back to MacArthur and Godfrey. I’ll wager we dropped at least three points from those two games if the VAR decisions had gone our way.


Mike Dean was on VAR.

Tommy Coakley

Dean actually refereed the games involving MacArthur and Godfrey.


Of course there would have been a VAR check on the pen… but not clearly wrong so it stands… as for the forearm well really did it need to be reviewed?… clear and obvious


Not clearly wrong. Just like Martinelli’s header which was ruled out after 4 mins and inconclusive evidence. The refs are the worst thing about EPL. PGMOL is a corrupt and inept institution.


Mike Dickhead Dean was on VAR🙄


It was great, wasn’t expecting him to be so blunt. Swatting away questions with panache. And guess what, his comments (or refusal to comment) will now be all anyone’s talking about. It will take the heat off the players, not the first time he’s done that either. It’s smart and I think serves to unify the squad after bad results which seems to be Arteta’s strong suit. Beat Newcashle and Fraud Lampard and we’re in.

Exit the Lemming

Areta’s interview was tantamount to that tired old gambit of ‘I deny your reality and substitute my own’


What was with the plan to push Cedric up onto Sessegnon and isolate Holding on Son? And then not modify it after the first yellow?

This is on Arteta.

Alan Sunderland

It’s on the back 4, they all played very poorly. Was nothing to do with tactics. Poor execution.


Not sure I’d agree that Gabriel and Tommy played as badly as Holding and Cedric did when we were at 11v11. Holding just looked off from the get go and Cedric just… well, looked like Cedric.

But let’s be honest, we were without Tierney and White.

Alan Sunderland

Thought tomiasyu and gabriel didn’t play very well, they should have better than Cedric in holding.


Our 3rd choice CB was repeatedly asked to mark their most dangerous player in space basically by himself.

Granted, he handled it as poorly as he possibly could have.

Alan Sunderland

That’s why he’s our 3rd choice, but I think gabriel and tomiasyu played poorly also.


Holding elbowed Son. This post is ridiculous.


Son also elbowed holding, difference was Holdings was in an attempt to shoulder/push son when standing.

son’s was an angry lash out.


In context, Holding’s was also an angry lashing-out retribution for that first tussle, which we all feared was coming.


Subjective context. I think the crowd laid down the narrative and the referee bought into it.



Mesut Ö’Neill


I’m all for a conspiracy theory but unfortunately Rob let the team down on this one. Could have been straight red.

The Arsenal

Think the players bottled it. Played the occasion not the game. Way too tense and nervy. You can tell just by looking at them. Then when the passing is shite and players revert to the worst version of themselves the pressure has won. Not even angry just Deeply disappointed in a team that i had thought had turned this around. Experienced players were especially poor today


100% agree


Yes – because Mik ordered Rob to get into a silly ego-battle with Son from the first whistle. To commit silly fouls halfway up the pitch with no imminent threat, rather than cannily saving them for when really needed. To then ignore the ref’s explicit warning about repeated, cynical fouls and elbow the same bloke, when a simply shoulder block would have done the job… even though he actually didn’t need to make any contact since the ball was already long gone towards our goal line???! Sorry – Rob behaved like an idiot. And that’s leaving out the fact that… Read more »


We win our two remaining games and we have the last laugh.


I was so excited all week for this game, I genuinely thought we were going to do them, and then Mustafi gave away a penalty, oh sorry I meant Cedric.

That penalty changed everything.

So frustrating when Arsenal do these things.

The Newcastle game really scares me!

Baichung Bhutia

I saw the Cedric rating as zero and genuinely thought thats what Blogs had rated him.

Frog In Ze Room

I thought our team was professional to the end. keeping in mind we’re still in “control”. I play football week in, week out, I coach teenagers and I can say for sure: son is cunt, Kane is a cunt and the ref is a mega cunt. Seriously if my team commit that type of fault, cuntish but subtle, not endangering anyone, I’d be proud of them. Blog you always say to put your shoes in the other team’s head. The decision were dubious to say the least. I can say for sure today the ref fucked the game. Love that… Read more »


I don’t think you are fit to coach teenagers with a rant like that


I had my newborn girl in her first Arsenal baby grow, pumped up for the game & we had to endure that shite!


10/10 Arteta saying he’ll be suspended for six months if he says what he thinks of the ref tonight! That is a LOT of expletives to earn such a long ban, and every fucking one deserved!

Exit the Lemming

Stop blaming refs for our indiscipline and lack of tactical nous


If anything this game taught me, it’s that I hate Gary Neville as much as Spurs.


So true!

Yorkshire Gooner

You have taken a very long time to learn this my friend! He’s hyped as a pundit but is as much of a knob now as he was as a player.


Can we recall Saliba for this run in? The savior hath commeth


Watched Saliba and Guendouzi for Marseille last week. They were both very ordinary. Saliba does not look like EPL material


Fuck them lot. Are we still not above them! If I asked any of you would you take two games to play and it’s in our own hands for the top four before the season you would take it. Up the arsenal. Keep the faith


Back 5 of Cedric, Holding, Gabriel, Tomi and Tavares may have been a better plan against the wiley Son and Co. Holding was outmatched and compensated with brute force for lack of pace. We didn’t have to win, just not lose to keep the pressure off of us and firmly on Spurs. Ah well, win out and this tragedy will be forgotten.


we had no reason to believe holding would let us down before the game.


True, but we’ve only won once this season against a team with a better goal diff playing a back four. Respecting a superior attack and setting up accordingly to counter could serve us well. Any defender would need help marking Son and Kane. Especially without the midfield dominance afforded by Partey/Xhaka.


I agree that if we were going to isolate a CB on Son than a back 5 with Tomi on Son would have worked much better. Even a back 4 with Tomi on the right would have been my preference. Cedric has worked hard but just no match for Son and neither was Holding.


Well that’s just peachy isn’t it


Fortunately we still control our own destiny and just need to win the next two matches. Need to get Ben White healthy and would be tempted to go with Xhaka at left back and bring Smith-Rowe in sending Cedric to the bench. We have to go into those matches with a mindset of we are going to put the matches away early and keep the pressure on. Have to get some early goals to take the pressure off. This game was a massive disappointment and hope the players are royally pissed off. Luckily they won’t have to wait long to… Read more »


I think we will just see Tavares coming in at LB with Tommy in at CB.


Tavares LB. Tommy RB. Mavropanos and Saliba to partner at CB. Get Cedric out the bottler.

Exit the Lemming

Tavares did OK today at left back and nearly provided an assist for Odegaard (bad miss really)


Leave Xhaka central.
Taverez/Saka at left back.

Nobi-Wan Kenobi

Nketiah diving and trying to win a penalty and then Holding kicking at Son set us up for no favours from the refs, there is VAR why the fuck would you do these things. Our fringe players who have been very good off late all showed today why they are on fringes and not first team starters. Eddie, Rob, Cedric were the difference today sadly.

Exit the Lemming

I thought both Cedric and Eddie were decent today under the circumstances given the red card etc


Ref couldn’t wait to give both decisions but we have to be wise to that. Arteta could should have changed it at 1-0 but then seeing Gabriel go down late on could wor out in the end giving White more time for Monday. Must Win!!

Essex Gooner

Compared to Son,Harry Kane seems almost likeable !
Seriously I’ve seen some unpleasant bastards in Spurs shirts over the years,this fella has to be the worst.


Teddy Sheringham.

Mesut Ö’Neill

Tim Sherwood outcunts everone!!

Exit the Lemming

He’s the c.u.n.t’s c.u.n.t

Billy bob

Yeah teddy tosser sheringham probably tops the list for me too, I also loathed gazza for robbing Nottingham Forest of the FA cup but that’s another story!!! Son and Kane deserve to be at spuds because both are cheating little scumbags but we can all enjoy the fact neither has won anything with spuds and that we have more recently won the FA cup with probably our weakest squad for some time – suck it up spuds you can’t win jack with your best team in decades LOL


Danny Rose

Yorkshire Gooner

Graham Roberts is hard to beat

Exit the Lemming

Dele Alli surely takes the biscuit?

Exit the Lemming

He once dated a K-Pop singer called Yoo So-Young. I think the authorities should be alerted…


Think you’d still want Son in your team rather than Nketiah eh?


Can’t beleive no-one’s mentioned Lamela in this shite-parade!! That Rabona….

David Greening

That’s a little bit emotionally immature Arseblog. Two wins and we’re done. Get your chins up man!


It’s a little bit mentally immature to think we all know Arseblog, just because he runs this site. How often has he not put out a player rating? He’s not running a meditation site, so unlikely has reached the buddha like status required to be immune to human emotions. For a guy to have to put out content after every fucked up situation AFC have found themselves in during a very long season – it has to be a little bit more emotionally draining than for the average fan. That seems like a logical assumption. Guarantee half the fans watching… Read more »


That’s a little bit condescending and mean spirited David


Start your own blog mate… see how that goes for you.
Otherwise stfu and accept how Blogs runs this, excellent site.


I say let them enjoy it. We’re getting 4th, they’re not.


Arteta is still getting it wrong. You keep your natural left back on the bench to convert a natural right back to left. Bull shit


A natural right back gave away the penalty. More importantly, a natural center back got sent off. Playing with 10 men against a good team, your analysis becomes a moot point.


I think you do ‘analysis’ a grievious injustice by calling his rant an analysis.


That is true. My kindness clouds my judgement. 😀

Joe Furey

Enter Alfred, cake burner and cack talker extraordinaire

Amos Promise

Odegaard is d world most operated player. In as much I know the referee was very poor tonight, Arteta’s poor selection added to the worst. How on earth you put aggressive Smith Rowe on d bench for Odegaard who neither bite or split d defence is what I cannot explain. The worst thing is that Martinelli that provides the biting force is easily removed. I’ve never seen Odegaard commanding a big game. Cedtic was a disaster too. I wish to see the trio of Martinelli- Nketiah- Saka and Smith Rowe- Xhaka – Partey against Newcastle. Tavares and Tomiyasu should man… Read more »


Funny to see the Odegaard haters cruel out of their caves when we lose a game. Change the tune, he’s our best player.

Alan Sunderland

Same after every loss, who ever is on the bench is the saviour. I thought odegaard had a poor game tonight, but he has earned his place over the season and the captains armband.

Exit the Lemming

He’s also a leader and although not great today is always at the heart of our best play


I get that we are disappointed but come on. We lost and we lost to them but until the penalty which was a 50/50 decision, we did pretty well. We sort of fell apart after that and Holding didn’t have his best game, but the second yellow was also 50/50 decision. (Son elbowed Holding in the face and got away with it). I thought Martinelli had a pretty good game and our central midfield was decent. Saka and Eddie had a tough time. Cedric was Cedric. But these are the players we have. We have to pick our selves up,… Read more »


Even with ten men, we mostly played the better football. Some fuck ups along the way but without a pen and a red card they don’t score


C’mon Burnley – kick the shit of Spuds… you’re card-immune so get stuck in lads!!


Arteta got it wrong in defense and referee help spoiled the game.



Alan Sunderland

Fuck off spud you’re finishing 5th. Win a trophy then come back and gloat.

Petit's Handbag

This was the biggest game of the last few weeks, is Paul Tierney the best they have? Referees have got progressively worse as the game has got quicker and better. The standards are shocking and a total overhaul is required.

Exit the Lemming

The penalty was soft but legit and Paul Tierney had no other choice available for Rob Holding crassly idiotic forearm smash on Son. Stop blaming the refs for our indiscipline and lack of tactical nous.


Paul Tierney was probably the most pliable they had to ensure the result they wanted. Mike Dean was on VAR. PGMOL is bent.

Exit the Lemming

And Arsenal are the 6th most benefited team from VAR decisions in 21/22. Mike Dean, with some justification, could have sent Ramsdale off in the West Ham game for his out of box challenge on Bowen but didn’t. What are the wages like being a professional ‘victim’ you sad little mammal?

Challah Baker Soldier Spy

4 hours later I dont see what the penalty was for. It probably was a red but doesn’t mean I’m going to praise that tosser of a ref. We have to win the last two matches, consign those fuckers to the pound shop where they belong.

Challah Baker Soldier Spy

Christ I’m tired of that mouthbreathing bastard Kane. Im sure he’ll be knighted soon; I won’t be attending.


HM Queen: Please remove Mr. Callah Baker Soldier Spy from the invitation list.
PPS to the Queen: Who is he?
HM Queen: He’s Tinker Tailor’s brother.
PPS to Queen: And he ain’t coming.
HM Queen: He sure ain’t. I read it on arseblog this evening.

Woolwich Tiern time

What does one think of Tottenham?


I was surprised Arteta didn’t take Saka off for rest, when the game was effectively over. Rest him for Newcastle, let Pepe run.

After Holding’s first yellow the second was always coming, Son much quicker and Holding having a bad day at the office.

When would we get a penalty for a foul like this one?


Bad way to loose today. (Arteta has already achieved the goal for this season for me) Few observations Holding was very tetchy today but its not all on him. Did Arteta prepare him the right way for the game ? When Holding had the penalty and was playing on the edge, thats when you need a senior member of the team or captain to talk to him and ask him to chill out a bit. All players make mistake and play bad in some games and Holding was a poor today, but at the same time he was not playing… Read more »

Cranky Colin

That’s lazy man.
Do the ratings for better or worse.
And here’s a weird thought……….blaming the ref is a sad reflection on reality. We lost. They are cunts.


Rob Holding
1/10 – On just long enough to rate.


Rob Holding didn’t cause this loss. Arteta did. Start Tavares over Cedric, put Tavares on the left so long as Son is on the right. Tell Tommy to stay back and only venture to the half way line and mark Son all game. They have no creativity except through Son and for some reason we decided to stick our worst defender on the field on him. Son was obviously being man marked by Holding and Holding was told to press anytime he got the ball to not let him turn. But instead of having Holding do that, you have Tommi… Read more »


Hard to rate this : 1)Ramsdale made a brilliant close range stop but felt he needed to come out to claim those crosses more and seems like we lack a system of shouts/call for the Cbacks to leave the ball and let the Keeper claim it. 2)Holding usually unflappable decided to get overly fired up today. He should ahve realise the nature of the Ref on hand if not already with the penaty awarded. On a yellow, he needed to back off, Son was not going anywhere. 3)Cedric made a critical intervention today. Felt he was slightly harddone by the… Read more »


Blogs, you said it yourself a couple of days ago. If Arsenal can choose between two different routes where one is a straight forward path, and the other is a dark, spikey and difficult route to take. Arsenal always choose the latter.

Hopefully Arteta goes fully Pep and City against Newcastle on Monday and win 6-0, and that Everton is safe from relegation when we meet them, and they have nothing to play for!.

We can still do this.


Shite. Forget. Look Forward. Win the next two and we’re there. Spurs aren’t. Fuck ’em.


Sums up my thoughts entirely, bravo!

Exit the Lemming

There’s an old blues song where the lyric are ‘If it wasn’t for bad luck I’d have no luck at all’ and today felt a bit like that at times. That said, matching up Son with Holding was a mismatch but there is no excuse for the idiotic forearm smash that led to his dismissal. The penalty was at best, soft and borderline runny. The sending off killed the game as a spectacle but kudos to Odegaard, Tomiyasu, Xhaka and Elneny who kept their colleagues heads from dropping and displayed admirable composure and determination throughout. Positives? the first 20 minutes… Read more »


Essentially – and in the cold light of a new, Derby winless day – this match came down to two really dumb, rookie errors made by two of our more experienced players: Cedric’s shove was WAY too obvious – firstly he should know better, secondly, he should execute better… could easily have gotten away with a more surreptious nudge on another day… the fuggin’ numpty! Rob is usually calmness personified – the clean cut nice guy who tends to get away with shit-housery, all wide-eyed and innocent. How and why he allowed that slithery cunt to sucker him into a… Read more »

Gooner 49

Put this game to bed it’s done, over Monday night NOW THE BIGGEST game it will be an electric atmosphere we will have to cope that.
Just win that’s all we have to do.

Adney Toams

Feel just the same, Bloggs


Pablo Mari was always better than Holding. He should not have been lent out. White and Gabriel are both exellent. But we need at least one more, world class centre-back.

Tottenham did not press high in this game, but instead overflowed midfield. This made life very difficult for Xhaka and Elneny, where particularly the latter did not manage to contribute offensivly.


I think they should all be rated Zero because they didn’t beat the Sp*ds.

Martin Wengrow

Childish not to mark our lads.

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