Saturday, July 27, 2024

Porto confirm financial terms of Vieira’s Arsenal move

Fabio Vieira’s proposed move to Arsenal is a step closer to being completed after Porto confirmed in a press release that they have accepted a €40 million offer.

To be clear, the deal is yet to be finalised with Porto waiting, in their / Google Translate’s words, for “concretization” of the agreement in the coming days.

It has been widely reported that the 22-year-old midfielder is already in London for his medical and to finalise personal terms.

All going well, he’ll be confirmed as a Gunner in the coming days – we just need to give Stuart McFarlane a chance to take some snaps and for the comms and design team to come up with a funky welcome video.

It would be nice if all transfers could move along as smoothly and swiftly as this.

(Do not blame us when it turns out his left knee is made of ice cream and we back out)


As an added bonus, here’s a graphic from the lads at

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Welcome to Arsenal Vieira! Lets hope you can help add more magic back into our midfield.

Funsho Patrick

Welcome! We hope you’re more cazorla and less Suarez..


We just hope he is Vieira

Heavenly Chapecoense

Those clubs that achieve top 4 every year and win the league at least once in 5 years buy confirmed players. Nothing new for Arsenal in this kind of signings. We do it every year.

Heavenly Chapecoense

Bayern is buying Mané. Only 35 millions. Although he is 30, it is a bargain. Mané wouldn’t have wanted to come to Arsenal, I know. We signed Sanchez, a confirmed player. He gave us two absolutely great years. Ozil was also a confirmed player, it only worked with him for a couple of years but it was an ambitious signing.

Teryima Adi

Some guys are bent on making themselves miserable. Let it go, Bro.

Scored at the Clock End

Shakes head but is thankful that I don’t sit near you at the Emirates.
Unless you’re that mood-hoover who sits behind me who constantly moans about anyone who’s not as good as Thierry?


Hear hear – good god, but he’s interminably miserable!

Quincy Owusu-Abeyie

mood-hoover, haha.


Bloody hell, give it a rest.


22 yrs old, left footed but plays down the right, has great goal & assist stats for last season although nobody’s actually seen him play – this all sounds too Pepe for me.


Wow! Although have not heard much about him, but an attacking mid fielder always adds to the excitement. Smoothly done too by our transfer team!

Mayor McCheese

Smooth like soft serve, and if Arsenal players had ice cream knees:

Carlos Vela = mint chocolate chip

RVP = chocolate

Andre Santos = cookie dough

Nuno Tavares = rocky road

Tomaury Bischfeld

Jack Wilshere – half-melted Mr Whippy
Tomás Rosicky – runny slush puppy


If United players had ice cream knees:
Luke Shaw: Chunky Monkey

Mayor McCheese

Speaking of United:

Martin Keown: I scream


ha ha. I think the Haagen Dazs has a flavor called Peppermint Bark. I think that works well for that September day back in 2003


Welcome, Vieira. Another Vieira coming to Arsenal. From what we had from Vieira Snr (Patrick), we welcome you with gladness.


Is there a possibility of getting a Thiery or a van Persie?


Viera- yes, Thierry- yes yes, Van Persie- no no no

A Different George

However he left, when he was here and fit he was a world-class player. Think of those goals! He was more responsible than any other single player for keeping us in the Çhampions League.

DB10s Air miles

Yeah, that really was a great season!


Those flying one-touch rocket-volleys… pure poetry.

spurs are still very shit

Still a cunt.


Oh yeah, I remember he had an incredible season and a half, and even before that, I always liked him, and raved about how good he was, even before he started banging out goals like a man possessed. I was proud of him, that we backed him and he came very good. But sadly l, when I see him now I just see a United player. After all that time at Arsenal, and the backing he got, he could have gone quietly since that is what ‘the little boy’ in him wanted. But he had to spit in our faces… Read more »

Tomaury Bischfeld

Well we might be getting the son of God


Mitchell Beegkamp is at Watford apparently.


There’s got to be another Brady knocking about somewhere, although Gooners since 1976 would have told you that there is only one…

Brady’s bunch

Thanks for that 😂👍🏻


See my comment Q – lad has a deftly gently outside-left foot swerve that comes straight from Liam The Great.
Coupled with feet as fast as Santi’s… please Lord he settles quickly (with our Boys from Brazil cushioning the language shock) and does the business. Certainly looks like the raw material is there.




I saw the original Liam in Maynooth the other day, saw him a mile away because he had the most elegant gait for an old man

Bleeding gums murphy

I was at the Ipswich final as a 14 year old and remember my mate sat crying at the end of the game. We were there following year to see Brady dominate the final against United. United’s equaliser is still the loudest cheer I have ever witnessed. A minute later and Alan Sunderland wrote history. Oh the nostalgia, such a lovely memory.


I can see it now – season opener… Friday night at Selhurst Park… in full voice at the away end rings out: Veeeee-ira! Who-ah!


Really like the fact that we are continuing to go with young players on the rise, may be some growing pains for sure, but like knowing that players on the squad still have lots of improvement in front of them instead of watching players way on the downside of their careers coming in or staying well beyond their sell by date.

Johnny 4 Hats

Official footage of David Ornstein (played by Mackenzie Crook) at London Colney yesterday just before the news broke of the Viera transfer…

A Different George

“Should I tell them?”
“You don’t know what it is.”

English teacher

V I E I R A*

Determination Cultured

I was dumbfounded when liverpool completed tge nunez deal just a few days after speculation. As a gooner I didnt know transfers can be completed so quickly. Im pleasantly surprised at our speed this time *fingers crossed

SELondon Gooner

It may not have been done “so quickly” – my just be that they’ve done an exceptional job of keeping it under wraps for ages…

Tankard Gooner

In this day and age I doubt that. This is a signing for the first team squad. He’d have enough eyes on him if we were actually looking at him for a while.

SELondon Gooner

You really think that? To be honest, I’d be more concerned if we suddenly decided in a few days (with little scouting, as the season’s finished) to sign a first teamer…I genuinely think this is just one that’s flown under the radar as most of the press have been obsessed by Tielemans and Jesus (both of which I hope we do).

Tankard Gooner

Ahh, I should have worded it better. I meant the negotiation with Porto and the subsequent closing the deal part happened pretty fast. Eyes on him, in a scouting sense, were definitely there for a while.


There were rumours flying around a few weeks back that during the Diaz negotiations, Liverpool asked Porto for first refusal on Fabio if they decided to sell him. May explain the quickness of the deal on our part

SELondon Gooner

Gotcha! Makes sense. Looks a great signing though, all told


We come to the conclusion, that we know bollox about Negotiations and behind the scenes stuff.


He comes from Portugal, he’s going to sign for the Arsenal! VIEIRA!!


‘…, he’s signed for Arsenal’ – scans far better.


I feel as though if we pushed through a short-term loan deal for a player with a broken back, we can live with ice cream knees on a permanent…. Welcome!


Great signing 🙏
Question; if Arsenal got Tielemans and Jesus were signed but no other signings and Saliba turned out to be Van dyk levels would you be happy with Ben white been made into a full time RB kinda like a Trent that everything still goes through him and Tomi became backup left back and left sided CB.
I don’t believe any of the above will happen but allot of the fan base seem to think Ben white could be taken out of the line up which I think is mad considering arteta wants to build from the back


Not for me!

The Beast

Judging from last season, I dont see White being shifted to RB. Think he made the right sided CB position his own with Tomi doing the same for RB.

All depends on how well Saliba settles in but its definitely a good thing we have versatile defenders that can slot in across the back line. Think we’ll need that throughout the season.


White just needs to sort out those stange moments when he just seems to switch and lose track of players/timings.


Put it this way, Ben White is a better RB than Cedric.

But, that said, my missus tipsy after a night out with her mates is a better RB than Cedric…🙄

Arteta and Edu need to source a decent replacement for Cedric, because that guy is another nailed on Mustafi – an accident waiting to happen. Period. Ditto Tavares.

Goodly Morning

Perhaps more likely to see White in midfield given he played there for Brighton and is very accomplished on the ball!?!?!


You talk about a problem, that is very much the case: We have so much quality and potential at the back, that it is hard to take one out. We are not used to have more than 3 good defenders for 15 years. We don’t know how it feels to have a really good defender on the bench. I would say Saliba won’t play every match. And Saliba and White would be the first RB backup option. Though we should really be on the lookout to not switch the backline around like a puzzle.


Let’s hope he’s half as good as Patrick V, who left the club 17 years ago … Jesus next. If that happens we will be looking really really good … on paper.


Don’t jinx it Bloggs


This is perfect for the price point. We have lacked Cazorla, Tomas, Nasri type skilled players who can play in the centre as well as on the wings. Technique, vision, passing, dribbling, first touch, all in one.


Less Nasri, more B Silva.


I hope “we” can protect him. We need some hard men in the midfield too. There are so much bullies in the EPL.
Odegaard, Saka, Smith Rowe suffered alot last season.

Man Manny

Ramsdale; Turner; Okonkwo; Tomiyasu; Cedric; White; Saliba; Gabriel; Tierney; Aaron Hickey; Partey; Elneny; Xhaka; Tielemans; Ødegaard; Fabio; ESR; Martinelli; Saka; Nketiah and Jesus.
This is looking like 21 of the 22 players Arteta wants to go to war with. We may have one more defender added, and the rest likely from the academy.
I believe this troop will deliver Top 4 and challenge for the Europa League.

Funsho Patrick

A few promotions from hale end too…omari, Flo balogun and Miguel azeez…


Would love to see Flores given some chances too, theirs something special brewing with him


And Mika Biereth – strong and lethal.


+ Sambi and Nuno.

Does seem Nuno may be on his way out but I don’t think we should sleep on the talent Sambi has. Europa this year will help in letting it shine through.

Agreed though, that’s the most exciting Arsenal squad we’ve had in years.


We need to get shot of Cedric.

No, seriously, we do.

The last thing this club needs is another clown of the Mustafi variety….

Quincy Owusu-Abeyie

yeah, we absolutely do. he’s pish

Mikels Arteta

Hein in for Okonkwo

Man Manny

Yea. Forgot him.

Jeremy DG

I hope Rafinha is the 22nd although I think I may be greedy here.

Luton Gooner

And Patino

Quincy Owusu-Abeyie

He said he wanted 25 players, 22 outfields. But you’re missing Holding so space for two more if we assume Tavares is off if Hickey comes.

I guess the two free spots would be LCB and Striker/wide forward?

Quincy Owusu-Abeyie

Oh yeah and Sambi.

No foot Norbert

Don’t forget azeez and balogun

Quincy Owusu-Abeyie

Both need another season on loan I think, same as Norton Cuffy. I guess Balogun could be our third striker but it would be better for him to get the minutes.


However unlikely at this stage, I’d still like to see Scamacca or Tammy A happen – we need a big, fast bastard to get in defender’s faces in the final 1/3… something we haven’t had for too long now.


This is a very interesting signing. On the positive side his numbers are impressive: he’s a creative, goal-scoring midfielder who will hopefully provide ammunition to our strikers, when we bother to buy some. On the negative side he’s yet another kid who’s probably 3 or 4 years away from his peak. A lack of team maturity was a big problem last season. So, TBH, I’m not that excited by this signing. We desperately need two top-quality strikers to transform us into a top-four side. It looks like Jesus is on his way: a pacy target-man is essential to complement the… Read more »


(a) pacy targetman. see: Nketiah



I suppose we’re gonna rely on a 22-year-old rookie for CL qualification?

Oh I forgot: we did that last year!!! What a success that was!!!


C’mon bud I was having a laugh.
I don’t entirely understand the need to be incensed by every decision the club makes unless you are Piers Morgan. In which case, you are NOT an arsenal fan.

Bleeding gums murphy

Glad you were joking Graham. Still can’t believe we are apparently offering nketia £100 grand a week. I would give him £30 grand at most and he would be 3rd choice


100k per week over 4 years (I’ve not looked up contract length) is about 20 million. He’s not perfect, but how much would it cost to buy a striker of similar quality? Would you be happy with a different striker of equivalent quality? Could we get an upgrade for 10 million and 50k per week? As a free agent Eddie is well placed to negotiate a good deal for himself with any club, and could be tempted to leave for a smaller salary to a club where he’d be number 1. If we can’t guarantee game time we have to… Read more »


Fats out-Pierses Piers every thread he types…

It Is What It Is

He did his bit. MPG ratio wasn’t too bad. Add his stats to Auba’s last season, and pretend it was whoever the fcuk….it’ll do.
Laca was less productive.


A little perspective: Eddie or Tammy A as the ‘pacy target man’?

I know who’d I grab with both mitts!

Quincy Owusu-Abeyie

Your negativity is astonishing

A Different George

Not if you’ve been paying attention. Par for the course.

Quincy Owusu-Abeyie

No that’s why it’s astonishing. He literally can’t be excited about anything to do with Arsenal. How could you not be excited by a young Portuguese, left-footed, attacking midfielder? What’s the point of being a football fan?

Man Manny

The problem last season was not the age profile of the players by my reckoning; it was about the bench. All we needed was more bodies to see us through; even a striker 20% more potent than Lacazette would have turned one defeat to a win in the three straight losses – especially the Southampton loss. 69 points is nothing to be sniffed at: it would have got us top 4 the season before that. Fabio coming in is all positive for me. The team is already stronger that the one that finished last season. When the deals for Jesus,… Read more »

Goodly Morning

I worry Hickey will come in but Tierney will go out.


Last summer we sold Willock for €30 million to Newcastle Utd., who could cover roughly the same positions as Vieira, who we just bought for €40 million. The two players are the same age. Would be interesting to see a comparison between the two of them, I hope Viera can offer a lot in the future. Good luck for him!


Willock (2092 mins)
0.6 key passes pg
18 passes pg
1.2 shots pg
0 assists
2 goals
81% pass rate

Viera (1559 mins)
1.2 key passes pg
25 passes pg
1.6 shots pg
16 assists
7 goals
83% pass rate

Not a bad upgrade if the net spend is just £4mill.

English teacher

V I E I R A*
Show some respect. Spell it right.

English teacher

V I E I R A*



What a lovely word.

I hereby propose that this become, with immediate effect, Gooner speak for “Get your wallet out, Stan.”

Let’s hope we see a little more concretization in the coming weeks….


Seems a concrete signing, once the concretisation is fully concreted!

– to be quoted by an Aussie civil engineer 🙂


yes – but is it set in stone?


although definitely in the mix, it would seem.


Let’s hope Edu can cement the deal.


Although, despite best efforts, the road is hell is paved with good intentions.


That said, I reckon Edu can bed it down without rocking the boat.


Get in son!

No foot Norbert

Fuck Son

Olawale Olayemi

This whole transfer is peak Wenger

Gervinho is Driving

But is he injury-prone?


I’ll confess to having no idea what he’s like as a player but from the comments, I guess he’s a handy person to have around

Great Kalu

Whatever the pros and cons of this signing, always remember that Veira has never disappointed The Arsenal.


Except when the bugger nicked the 3 points that woulda seen us in CL!


Positive signing when it happens. Fills a gap if/when Pepe leaves and provides competition.
I am trying to be optimistic but am a bit concerned that when this story broke Vieira was officially injured:
He now seems to have recovered from his leg injury (today).
Hopefully the fact this business is being done now means he can have a solid pre-season and acclimatise well.
Next, a proper striker and a back-up/replacement for Xhaka would be good.


Another step towards Arsenal fielding the shortest team in the premiership (Viera, Tielemans, Jesus). What could go wrong?


Quite the Portuguese speaking contingent at the Arsenal now. When Le Prof was the Boss it was a mostly French speaking dressing room.


Like many of you I don’t really know the guy but he seems like a very exciting player.

Could he find a role alongside Odegaard ? I’m guessing it definitely won’t be possible to play Odegaard, Smith Rowe and Vieira at the same time.


This may not be a popular thought – and I hope it ain’t so – but I have a nagging feeling that ESR might just be on the way out… not sure he’s fully embracing Mik’s discplined lifestyle approach and requirements


Oh mate, don’t you start with the silly stuff as well. 🙄


That WhoScored rating would put him as the 24th best player in the Premier League (just above Cristiano Ronaldo) and first for Arsenal players. Seems pretty decent!


At least the song is ready for him!

Man Manny

He has to earn it on the pitch.


this signing is actually very exciting and will improve squad quality. When was the last time we signed a player from portuguese club? normally they have ridiculous release clauses


You just know he’s going to spoil the fun by insisting on FABIO on the shirt rather than Vieira.


Watched a few reels of the lad: has Santi-like speed of feet and change of direction; swerves his hips and soft-prods it with the outside of his left foot like (dare I say, fuck it, yes coz I’m old enough to have actually seen him play!) Liam The Great.

Oh… and his passport says he’s Viera – oh-oh-ooo-o!

Get in there Edu, my son!!!!


Sky news now reporting that Arsenal’s interest in Tielemans has “cooled”. Very reputable Leicester-linked reporter, I understand. As I’ve been saying on this blog for weeks (and getting massively downvoted) Arteta does not want Tielemans. Arthur Melo is about to jump out of the cake.
But the intriguing question is: will there be a swap. I thought Arsenal might try to get Juve to swallow Partey’s massive wages. But Arsenal has bid for a LCB. Does the trail of crumbs lead to Gabriel?


Yep, just seen report. I was all on board with Tielemans purchase, which I would have loved. I can get excited with a full on 22yr old attacking midfielder, also I can see Vieira contributing goals, this way Lakonga will get his chance to grow as Partey’ understudy.
Jesus in and good left back to rival Tierney, for me will be a good window.


I’m tip-toeing back towards Thomas Partey being the swap for Arthur. Arsenal does not need 3 defensive midfielders, particularly when one earns 200K a week. Arsenal basically get Arthur for free (TP’s wage makes him unsellable) and saves 200K a week.. The Ghost of Rambo will hang over this deal!


Now even Romano is sliding away from Tielemans to Arsenal. Hysterical. Arteta has never wanted Tielemans. Arteta has bought LOTS of firepower. But all of the top tier sides try to control possession. But Arsenal’s possession percentage last year was abysmal. So Arteta wants a game controller. In other words, he wants Arthur Melo.


Nothing much to go by. Looked average on his youtube reel, but its youtube.

Not scintillating. Hopefully a sleeper hit.

More an advance option but maybe he can play deeper bc its there that we need rotation and options more.

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