Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arteta hoping for more additions before the window closes

Mikel Arteta says he’s happy with the squad he has available to him as we head towards the start of the new season, but that he’s hopeful further additions can be made before the window closes at the end of next month.

The Arsenal boss was speaking after he saw his side demolish Sevilla 6-0 in the Emirates Cup, thanks to a hat-trick from Gabriel Jesus, two from Bukayo Saka, and a late strike from Eddie Nketiah.

Asked about the strength of his squad, he said, “We’re still hoping to do something else if the market allows us to do that.

“You’ve seen some movement in the other direction in the last few days so we want to get the perfect balance and the plan we wanted right at the beginning.

“Whether we can accomplish that or not is another story, but I’m happy with where we are now.”

It seems likely that further departures will be necessary before more incomings. Nuno Tavares has joined Marseille on loan, while Bernd Leno’s move to Fulham is expected to be completed shortly also.

On outgoings, Arteta continued, “We don’t know, we’re going case by case,” but the likes of Pablo Mari, Hector Bellerin, Lucas Torreira, Ainsley Maitland-Niles, and Reiss Nelson could all depart before the end the window.

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Thierry Bergkamp (non negotiable)

Trust the process


I sure do

George Charlie


Heavenly Chapecoense

Mikel has been given everything he needed now including the majority of fans trusting the process after the big disappointment of the end of last season. It is time to deliver or else.

Teryima Adi

Or else what?!!

Joe Furey

Or else an utter nobody is going to spray bile over everyone, as per

In it to bin it. Knobber

Point Percy at the Porcelain

Pubic execution in the Emirates centre circle.

Heavenly Chapecoense

So he doesn’t have to deliver. I got it, thanks.

Mad Mick Madison

Or else he’s going to tell his mum.


He’s going to wet the bed.


Can’t you see the evolution that is happening in front of your eyes? It has taken a few years to take a poor squad to what is now one of the most exciting young squads in Europe…..


Bore off Arteta Out twats…..go and support spurs or hang with Piers Morgan, we don’t need your negativity 🚀


Looks good, we can only pray there is no recession. Up and upward, gunning for glory. COYG!


Tielemens and a RW would be just super. Thanks.


I’d still like another striker too, especially if we loan Flo out, which seems likely considering how little his played in pre-season but can understand if we don’t considering Mikel would probably start Gabby up there if Gabi or Eddie get injured


“Come and be 3rd choice striker” that’s a tough sell

Man Manny

I don’t think that would be the sell. “If you are good enough you’d play” would be more like it. Ramsdale was touted as an expensive backup last season; we all saw how that panned out.
Besides, we are just one bad injury away from having only one out and out striker.


Wonder how many teams out there have three striker.

Man Manny

Liverpool: Nunez, Jota and Firmino.

No foot Norbert

Firming is more of a false 9 tbf, we could probably play viera there


On the basis that Firmino and Jota are “strikers”, you could include Martinelli, Vieira etc


I doubt Ramsdale came as a backup. He was the target to replace Leno.


5 Subs


He could also try Pepe up front in an emergency. He is probably one of the most skilful players in the team and scores amazing goals, so should in theory be able to be a decent 3rd choice striker.


Can’t understand the downvotes tbh, we want competition, not backups. I assure you all that players don’t take it personally to come in and compete and having only nketiah and jesus for the whole campaign isn’t enough. It will probably lead to using martinelli up front when needed but he’s got enough of a role where he is, versatility is fine to an extent but you’ve got to be careful for it to not lead to burn out. Same case scenario with deep mid, people saying we don’t need Tielemans because we have zinchenko, that’s not right is it? On… Read more »


The solution would be that if Pepe left, we’d find ourselves a replacement for his position but with versatility to play upfront as well. Like Jesus for example.


I don’t think we are thinking about Tielemens too much. We’ve got 4 proper DM/CM’s and 3 creative number 10’s.

But I think Cody Gakpo would be a really useful addition to the left wing. A proper competition to Martinelli, plus a possible future striker contender, with very interesting qualities (agile, tall, but very skillful player with a powerful right foot)

George Charlie

It’s a shame any new signing would’ve missed the pre-season with the squad. You can see how much Jesus has benefitted from being part of it. Even Zinchenko has got a good experience without the ‘pressure’. I think work is going on behind the scenes with one or possibly two players who MA knows will hit the ground running with the current players.

Partey gonna shoot

We are just one CM away from almost a perfect squad. Team is very young & clearly there is a bright future ahead! Very proud of the business done by Edu & Kroenkes

Eric Blair

But we have Partey, Xhaka, El Neny, Lokonga, and Zinchenko who play in that position. Where would a new signing fit in there? Could only see it if Xhaka was sold, Lokonga loaned, or Zinchenko assigned permanently to LB and I can’t see any of those things happening.

Nainsley Aitland Miles

Tielemens is an upgrade far better than Elneny and Lokonga.

Zinchenko will be our first choice left-back. He won’t be used in midfield.


I agree 100%, versatility of zinchenko is not an excuse to not have adequate competition for crucial position. Can’t expect one player to cover two positions across a whole campaign in likely events of injuries.

Eric Blair

If Zinchenko is 1st choice then Tierney will have to be sold. If we bring in Tielemans then how much game time are Lokonga and El Neny going to get?

You might be of the opinion that neither should get any game time, but we will have to find buyers or loaners for them as well as all the others (Torreira, AMN etc).


Elneny doesn’t need game time assurances and he’s happy with that, lokonga still needs development so will have minutes in Europa League and cup competitions. Xhaka shouldn’t play every game this campaign and needs competition for us to be competitive, step in Tielemans.

Why does Tierney have to be sold??

Nainsley Aitland Miles

Why would Tierney have to be sold?

Tavares has gone to Marseille, ergo we now have two left-backs.

Lokonga and Elneny should get plenty of minutes as we’re likely to play 50+ matches this season.

There’s no doubt Tielemens would boost the squad but I don’t see it as an essential signing. The only issue is, if we don’t sign him, then there’s the danger a rival will swoop in. I would feel sick if he went to Tottenham.

Eric Blair

If Tierney is warming the bench week in week out then I doubt he’ll want to stick around, he’s too good for that.

Lokonga at his stage of development needs more than a handful of Carling Cup/EL games. El Neny seems happy with his squad position.

We just have too many players in the squad right now, space will have to be made before any new signings. I’m not sure Tielemans is the right player for us, but if he comes in then I would like to see Lokonga go out on loan.


Mate, at the moment the only bench that Tierney is warming is the med table.

Not his fault of course and if he wants to win the big pots, he’ll recognise that it’s all about the squad now.

This one to eleven mindset that people have STILL got, is truly bewildering….


Oh, here we go again…

Mate, it’s a Squad Game…? Hello….?


Imagine the starting line up from today with Tomi, KT, ESR and Vieira on the bench PLUS 1 or 2 additional top transfers. What a squad that would be! Should be able to compete at the very top over the next years considering the average age of the squad and the potential of a lot of these guys.
Excited, Josh. Freaking excited over here.


Anyone else worried about CM with TP5?




Not with TP5.
Worried without him…




I never comment but I need to with what’s happening. Why’s no one discussing the elephant in the room?

He needs to be immediately suspended and a replacement needs to be signed. Let’s be honest, his career is done and as a club with morals his talent is not above his actions. No one’s are.

Olawale Olayemi

I’m sure ALL of us are against his alleged actions but the age old rule of being innocent until proven guilty is age old for a reason. If he were suspended to save us all the media shit storm, I’d understand but not because we’ve judged him to be guilty based on Internet evidence


I’m torn apart.
Yes, I genuinely believe we as a society need to trust women more. But, I do understand how a attention-seeking society has developed through social media. Sadly, you can never be sure nowadays. It goes against everything inside me to make the victim the perpetrator. But man am I biased because it’s a very important Arsenal player.
I really don’t know what Arsenal should do. Innocent until proven guilty I guess. But here comes a significant inequality in power. Morally insolvable.


How does “innocent until proven guilty” make the “victim” the “perpetrator”?

Thierry Bergkamp (non negotiable)

Promise you’ll never comment again


So, you’ve charged him, tried him and found him guilty then?


I don’t know if he should be suspended or not, but in Rohails defense, if any one of us had allegations like that we’d be out of our jobs that same day. Guilt has nothing to do with it. I’m not saying that’s right or wrong, it’s just the reality. Arsenal would be well within their rights to suspend him.


Arsenal must have done their due diligence since they are aware about this for more than a year. I would agree with club’s position on “innocent until proven guilty”. On a sidenote, If your org is firing you based on allegations then my friend you are in a wrong place. There is a process for everything and ensure the grievance redressal mechanism is fully understood before joining.


I think the allegations are from this year so dont know how the club have know for a year? I also dont know how arsenal as a business could possibly investigate this. Rape is a tough one to prove, thats why most allegations go unpunished. I think people with money get away with it more because they play the whole ‘they just want my money’ card. I tend to go on the side of the victim as it is hard to prove, it a big allegation to just make up and in reality why would someone make it up?. Most… Read more »


Here in the US most companies absolutely would fire someone if they were arrested on felony charges. I’m not sure how it works in the UK and elsewhere. Your employment is generally viewed as a privilege, one that can be rescinded at any time for just about anything. I could be fired for secretly working a 2nd job. But it’s not possible for them to fire me after my names in the press after a felony arrest? The big caveat is if you’re a prominent, valuable employee, you’ll probably be given the benefit of the doubt, at least until the… Read more »


Steady on, you’re jumping to conclusions. England has a robust justice system that you can be confident in. EPL clubs will be very considered. There are clear cases where players dissappear for good reason. On the flip side, if a player is allowed to travel and play, you probably shouldn’t assume guilt.

Yankee Gooner

Genuinely curious about the fate of assault cases in England—in the American system, where I live, the justice system is notoriously weak in these types of cases, resulting in institutional gatekeeping that stops most allegations in their tracks, few convictions, additional stress for plaintiffs/victims, and therefore a reluctance to even come forward in the first place. I want to believe, as you say, it’s better in England, but my awareness of U.S. precedent doesn’t dispose me to see charges being dropped in one instance, for example, as a clear signal of innocence. It’s a symptom of a dysfunctional justice system.… Read more »


Depp vs Amber. That’s all I would say.


👆.. + the UK judge had some dubious connections with media companies.
Another one, Met not investigating Boris initially for COVID rule breach, citing no evidence 🤓, hint of cronyism there as well…
wont call it robust, but much better in most instances


Reading my comment back, its not very clear…
Just to clarify I was purely commenting on the robustness of UK legal system as claimed by a commentator.above.
On Partey I have no view, guilty or not… Normally it’s not guilty till proven, which is how it should be.
Have seen.some tweets as well from the alleged victim/victims team..a bit too sketchy for me at present.
Although I am not his mum so who knows..but then again why would someone mention this to their mum…that will be a special case of…
..I will stop typing now…

Ray's ice cream Parlour

The Police have dropped one of the accusation already – the other two are still being investigated. The truth will come out in time. The club and the player have significantly more information than we do, and their decisions are made with the correct legal advice. Doesn’t need to be discussed anymore until either the Police bring charges or everything is dropped.

Tomaury Bischfeld

Without getting too much in to off-the-field matters and information publicly available, I think we should immediately start considering an immediate or gradual replacement for TP.

Eric Blair

Maybe that’s what Tielemans is about, maybe we’re waiting to see what comes of the investigation.

Cranky Colin

Is this for real?


This Tielemans deal needs to be gotten over the line with the minimum of fuss and then maybe a right winger and a right back – in that order – but I guess Pepe and White can deputise respectively for now.

If Pepe is moved on, then we definitely require a right winger because Nelson just isn’t at the required level.

Eric Blair

Obviously we need to trim the squad a bit now.

If I could wish for one more signing it would be for a player who could play wide or through the middle, who would get you 10 to 15 goals. No idea who it would be, plucking a name out of thin air someone like Dybala.

Man Manny

Bring in Tielemans; a right back and if possible, another striker or keep Balogun.


We want a wide right who can back-up at striker too? I hear CR7 is available.


That would be the worst call ever.


I think we might need another striker if Jesus gets injured. Other….i dont know. Midfield seems a bit crowded at the moment and we got three excellent central defenders. Left and right defence looks good too. Team really looks good this year.


Tielemans is not the mans we need. Lokonga will surpass him in a few years, why stifle his education? We must go for ENGLISH talents, like Chukwuemeka or Bowen while they are available. And we must be all over Rice next summer. Flog TP out the door, he has been such a waste. Sam Greenwood will come good for Leeds, Archie Gray looks a baller. Reyes Cleary from WB anyone? Looks a beast in the making. Brooke Cuffy needs to be introduced and Charlie P needs more exposure. Lino Sousa and Walters are too young but will be cracking in… Read more »


I heard we unto a Brazilian wide player from Ajax.he name is Antony.don’t really know how truth that could be.
Is he good,anyone?

Naija Gunner

The” right balance ” 👌🏾


All this spending! 😊 By the way, anyone know what happened to Biggles? The guy who was always trying to flog everyone and the office cat off to ‘bring in extra cash’ When it was put to him that our progress depended on the Kroenkes having to start stumping up for better players, he refused to entertain the idea. According to him, if we spent £50m, we had to generate £60m. That we’ve parted with the best part of of £300 million in the past two years has probably driven him to drink…..although I daresay he’ll be taking his empty… Read more »

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