Saturday, July 27, 2024

Another Lucas Torreira story

Lucas Torreira. Galatasaray. That’s the story. 

Sorry…I’ve done too many articles like this to invest time padding it out with stats, details and dry commentary. I’m not even going to write a draft confirmation story.

Maybe he’ll move to Turkey. Maybe he won’t. We’ll see.

For everyone’s sake, I hope he finds happiness on the Bosphorus.

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I don’t blame Blogs. This is getting very tiresome.


Fun fact:
If I had a pound for every Lucas Torreira story, I’d have enough money to buy Lucas Torreira, and have a pound left over from the final story


He‘s way too good for the turkish league, if you ask me. Apart from that I can‘t see Galatasaray being able to afford any kind of fee, let alone his wages.


True that. I think he needs to change his agent. Its surprising this is the best he is able to get right now. He did perform reasonably well in Italy last year. And he should talk less in public about his future. That has also given an impression of a player not wanted by anyone.

Martin Garins

I liked him in the emery setup . he doesn’t work with Mikel vision good footballer move him on

Nacho de Montreal is tasty

By the way, I saw the video where Emery gave the middle finger to Arsenal fans who tried to make fun on him. Himself removed Xhaka as captain for similar things.

Merlin’s Panini

They weren’t Arsenal fans, they were Southampton fans. It was all just banter on both sides. The whole context is different to the Xhaka situation. Whatever though, Xhaka is (hopefully) learning from all that.


I think it’s personal reasons more than anything else. He couldn’t adapt on England.
I can’t see why he couldn’t be Partey replacement.
(Double negative equals positive right?)

Nacho de Montreal is tasty

He said, he decided not to adapt to England because Arteta told him he wasn’t in his plan.


Someone sign him FFS.

Make it stop.

Alan Sunderland

I’d pay his contract off if I could afford it. Really sick of hearing about him and his problems.


I loved and understand the approach by Blogs. Have a nice one, getting ready for Friday. COYG!


Run free little man run free


It should be clear by now: LT just hates cold weather. Any club with a half decent sunshine index will do. So that Turin and Milan out…

Alan Sunderland

Nothing to do with the weather mate or his mother, or that his father supports river plate or whoever. It’s all about the 3.9 million he’s owed on his contract. If he ends up seeing out his contract at arsenal not playing all season and is a free agent next summer if river plate offers him 20k a week, and a team from Iceland offers him 25k and a bung for his agent, he’s going to Reykjavik. .


Papers reporting that across Mislintat’s 8 signings, we’ve made a £100 million loss (assuming the currently reported fees for Leno and Torreira).
That’s atrocious, but my goodness how much brighter our transfer business feels recently! ‘New era’ gets said too often but this really is one! COYG


100m over 8 signings? Clearly we’re not efficient enough. United can lose 100m on a single player


Excellent point!! The Mislintat era does seem to have cost less than just Romelu Lukaku in wasted transfer fees!


Chelsea bought a striker for 100m that they had let go for 17M and then loaned him back to the team they bought him from after one season…

Football transfers are not an investment.


Really? Tell that to Arsene Wenger.

We made a massive profit on Anelka – enough to finance the (then state of the art brand new) training centre.

Business is Business. There are bad deals and there are bargains; it all depends on the intelligence of the buyer or the seller.

For my money Zinchenko is the buy of the summer. An absolute steal, although, by the way he is finding the back of the net already, Jesus isn’t far behind.


Transfers are operating costs. The product is football matches.

A Different George

They also paid a world-record amount for the guy who is now their backup keeper and designated penalty-misser.


To be fair, we messed some of that up by ourselves. Guendouzi could have been sold for way more, if we hadn‘t told everyone we desperately want to get rid of him. Same goes for Auba. Mavropanos was sold too cheap as well. Torreira would be worth more if we hadn‘t told him that there‘s zero chance he‘ll ever play for us again. We had an 10 Mio offer for Miki and decided to rather gift him to Roma.
Don‘t say Sven’s transfers have all been great but he‘s not responsible for how bad we‘re at selling.

Hale End FC

Spot on.

Brazilian gooner

The PR burns every player we want to sell, it’s like you’re trying to get someone to buy your car but keep broadcasting to everyone that you dont want it and any kind of money for it would be OK, because the car is broken and its rusts are damaging the cars around

Tomaury Bischfeld

Besides, most of that loss has been on Aubameyang who gave us a bucket load of goals and was bound to depreciate, Torreira who had an excellent first season in the role he was bought to play in, Leno who was possibly player of the season in his first season and pre-injury (he may have shown that again had Ramsdale not replaced him) and Sokratis, a horrible experienced bstard we needed at the time but at the age of 30 was never going to have resale value. As you say, a lot of the lack of profit has been due… Read more »


Bad at selling?! Selling older overpaid dross is difficult. See Utd, Chelsea, Spurs. Now the team is on the up with far superior players, selling in future will be much better as they’ll be perceived as well-trained good young players that can’t cut it at the very top, see Pool, City. The key is being appealing to rest of Prem as other leagues just don’t have the cash.

Tomaury Bischfeld

Talking about Mavropanos and Guendouzi and perhaps Auba who I think it was daft to offer such a huge contract to at the age of 31. I don’t think any of those players could be described as dross? Maybe Mkhi but he was free and chosen because of the Sanchez deal, not actively pursued. He hasn’t been ‘dross’ at Roma.


Guendouzi was sacrificed for the sake of the team. You can’t bank the appreciation of Saka, Martinelli, ESR etc whilst complaining about what enabled the culture for them to mature positively. Tolerating Guendouzi, even Auba’s poor attitude would have corrupted the group amd we certainly wouldn’t be sitting here looking forward to a another season of progression.


Never said I didn‘t understand why we sold him. And I do agree with the reasons. But that doesn‘t change the fact that you could have kept them internally a bit more. We made very clear that he has no future here and that doesn‘t exactly raise the value.


Not a mislintat, but Ainsley mainland Niles could’ve been sold to wolves a couple of years ago for more than a we’ll get now. I still like him, but with all the various levels of drama that one needs to move on as well. Who neees a wing back? Oh wait….

A Different George

No, we could not have sold him to Wolves, because he did not want to go. Full stop.

Merlin’s Panini

We have done pretty badly out of those players but, on the bright side, we got £30+ million for Joe Willock and for Alex Iwobi. Neither of them have yet vindicated those transfer fees. Both of those sales were perfectly timed.


This is because Mikel burned bridges with the players, for better or worse. Guendouzi is a prime example. Mavropanos we should’ve got more for, we were just bad negotiators. Leno we should’ve sold instead of Martinez, when his stock was very high. Torreira is homesick for whatever reason, so he’s a bad signing in hindsight. Sokratis was decent for us and plugged a gap in our defense. Auba burned bridges with Mikel. The worse one was swapping Miki for Alexis. Turned out great for both Man U and Arsenal…


Mislintat was hailed as some sort of transfer genius, the ‘diamond eye’, turning us into a Dortmund v2, as opposed to Raul who was some sort of wide boy just spunking money at players repped by his mates.
Sven’s strategy seemed to consist of purchases from his old club, who weren’t unknown quantities anyway and some young players we made next to nothing on. I don’t see much evidence of diamond eyes at work.
Not all his fault maybe but it’s probably better for his rep he left before we sussed out he wasn’t all that.


The fact that he returned to a mid table Buli club says a lot about ol’ Cubic Zirconium Eye Sven


Contrasting the signings of these last two summers with the summer before that (Willian and Co) is a remarkable turnaround – and credit needs to go to Edu and Arteta and indeed the Kroenkes, for making it happen.


How long did Sven stay in charge?
With who was he working with?
What was clubs strategy then?

Emi Rates

He walked from Dortmund after falling out with Tuchel. Tuchel who banned him from attending training sessions. Then he walked away from Arsenal after being sidelined by Dodgy Don Raul. I think he lasted all of one and a half season with us.

He seems to have found a good home at Stuttgart since and all the best to him. I believe he would have been great for us but what’s done is done. We’re doing well with what he have now and that’s the main thing.

A Different George

Yeah, falling out with Tuchel doesn’t seem to be that unusual.

John C

Depends how you define a loss doesn’t it, clubs get players for the length of their contracts. No one argues that Arsenal made a £7.5m loss on Bergkamp when he retired on the basis we didn’t transfer fee for him. Also that figure is only transfer fees, i’m pretty sure clubs don’t look at things like fans do. They include transfer fee and wages then spread it across the length of a contract. For instance Gabriel Jesus, £45m transfer fee plus £10m a year in wages over 5 years is £19m a year for 5 years. At the end of… Read more »

A Different George

I think this is right, and sped up by Covid’s wrecking the finances of every league but England. Top players, as Wenger predicted, will increasingly play out their contracts and leave for free. (I’m sorry if I’ve offended you by saying something nice about Wenger.)

John C

We’ll see how that pans out, I think very few players will benefit from a free transfer. We’ve seen lots of players this year struggling to get the big contracts they were hoping for so in the future they’ll prefer the security of a contract. Pogba and Dybala i think have both taken pay cuts. Jack Wilshere has been forced to retire because there wasn’t a club prepared to offer him any sort of contract. I think we probably on balance see more contracts being run down, but not because it benefits the player but because teams are going to… Read more »

Man Manny

There is a Grand scheme aimed at frustrating Edu and co into cancelling his contract at letting him go free. Worse players than torreira are getting signed everyday.
Bentacur needs to be investigated.
Even Bellerin I heard is pushing for that too.
Disgusting! I am just glad we are almost done with these devalued players. We’ll soon be back to selling players for great fees.


I read Bellerin’s agent had been on the phone to Betis’ CEO, who was in London due to them playing Brentford on Saturday, & begged him to talk to Edu & Vini & ask that we terminate Hector’s contract so he could swan off to Betis for nowt. What a scummy move if so, especially when we’ve had 6 clubs bid for Hector & we’ve had to reject them all because he only wants bloody Betis

A Different George

Bellerin has as much right to hold us to a contract as we have to hold a player. If he doesn’t want to leave–or only wants to leave for a specific club–he is entitled to stay. It’s also particularly tone-deaf to accuse Bellerin, who took a major salary cut to allow the loan to go through in the first place.

Man Manny

Taking a pay cut to go to Betis does not mean Arsenal should give him away for free even though he has one year contract. We are not talking about minimum wage pay. These guys can afford to forgo a few millions to play regular football if they so desire.
Arsenal is right to hold out for a fee.

Merlin’s Panini

The Bellerin situation id a tricky one. He’s been a good servant to the club as a player and person and ai wouldn’t begrudge him a move to Betis. But when we lose money because of a player’s stance, just as we did with Cesc, it’s frustrating.
Perhaps there’s some agreement to be reached with Betis whereby we can plunder one of their players for free/cheap at a later date when there’s one we actually want.


God this is so boring, someone pay for his taxi to the airport. Lets move on


Where’s the turdometer?

It Is What It Is

Blogs said he didn’t give a shit. Keep up.

Emi Rates

But only the poometer can tell us exactly how much of a shit he isn’t giving.


Blogs doesn’t think it’s worth the crap it’s made of.


Not even worth a comment. Shit!

Once, twice, three times el neny

Is he scared of the plane? Is that the problem?




just want him to go, am sick of these links and him crying about not being able to leave despite what seem to be ample opportunities- maybe whichever team ozil is playing for now can afford him


yeah if only a deal was that easy wake up pal it ain’t career mode


what a lazy response pal this ain’t facebook

Brady’s bunch

Mesut retired around 2006

Brady’s bunch





Get him out forever. Honestly, I’m ready to pay him and his worthless agent off.

Well, there aren’t any more clubs left in Serie A he hasn’t been “linked” with. Still enough time left in the window to exhaust the Turkish and Greek top flights.

Feel your pain Blogs.


With the squad and team we are building, from now on we will not be trying to sell overpaid average players , get rid of a few more , and watch the world trying to over pay for our superstars , THE ARSENAL is on our way back

Kentish Gooner

At this point, I’d mutually terminate his contract and be done with the situation.

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