Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Smith Rowe picks up thigh problem

Various sources report this morning that Emile Smith Rowe will miss tonight’s match with Manchester City after picking up a thigh problem in training.

The England international didn’t take part in training yesterday and has been left out of the travelling squad as a precaution. The rest of the first team, including new boys Leandro Trossard and Jakub Kiwior, arrived in Manchester last night.

Fingers crossed it’s not too serious for Emile but coming so soon after his return to fitness following groin surgery, it’s a frustrating setback for the player and Mikel Arteta.

Smith Rowe came on as a late substitute in the wins over Oxford United and Sp*rs but was unused during last Sunday’s win over Manchester United.

He now has nine days to recover before Arsenal head to Everton.

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Kentish Gooner

I’ve just got this feeling that this is ESR’s career, getting niggles here and there (like Jack), which is a real shame.

He should always be in and around the squad as he’s a talented guy, but I think it’s telling that we’ve just signed Trossard (who predominantly plays in his position).

Fingers crossed we persevere with him because he’s such a likeable guy and fan favourite. Just need to limit expectations.


Let’s not draw hasty conclusions, most of the previous niggles were a result of him trying to avoid surgery, and it’s fairly normal to get little niggles like this one coming back from surgery. I don’t think it’s fair to expect that much from him this season, at least not before mid-March or so, but I’d be quite interested to see how next season goes from him when he’s fit and raring to go from training camp.


I do hope Smith-Rowe gets over his injury worries permanently. However, if in 2 seasons’ time he continues experiencing these problems, we need to move on. So many of Wenger’s seasons ended in disappointment because of a handful of supremely talented players were unavailable. With the amount of games Champions League teams play nowadays, the full squad is needed fit and ready.


Must be taking a toil on ESR, these injuries. He must be raring to contribute his quota to this awesome campaign. Hope he scales through like Martinelli and Tomi have with those recurring injuries, so he can put some of the idiots on twitter suggesting to sell him.


*to shane


*shame ffs


Good you put that right. Already thought Shane Long wants to buy Emile.


Lol… I was thinking we are about to swap ESR for Shane long…


😀 I reckon even if we did, he’d turn into prime Ian Wright under super Mik Arteta

Funsho Patrick

Fragile…hope he stays fit going forward as he’s such a talent…. probably why Mikel still has a job today after the 7match losing run….get well soon!


Feel sorry for the lad. If he didn’t have bad luck, he wouldn’t have any.


A waste of time is ESR.
Always had injury problems and always will.
Needs moving on.


Get in the bin


You should be ashamed of yourself calling yourself that beautiful name of our most humble player and yet you are loads of pig poo


Back to the spurs page with you Troll.


It’s completely normal to pick up another small injury after been out for so long. His body is just get used to the high demands again!
I know ESR will be back to himself soon enough!!


Moving like one of the nerds on Twitter, aren’t you now?

Do you realize ESR is an academy graduate? Arsenal through and through. He is a product of this club and a credit to this footballing institution.

If you cannot back him, even when he is down, then you should rethink your affiliation to this club.

Boy Bastin

I think we need to be a little more patient. Yes, he does seem to be injury prone but I’ve a feeling that if he got a good run in the team injury free, we’d see what an asset he could be. That said, the management team will have to come to a decision about his future if injuries really do persist – but we’re certainly not at that point.


This is not strange after such a long recovery from surgery but in ESR’s case one can’t help but worry that there appears to be a bit of the Diaby or Wilshere in him being just injury prone. Let’s hope not.


Both of those players had very traumatic impact injuries which took much longer to come back from. That’s not really been the case with ESR…


I am absolutely gutted for him, he is one of the players who needed to have been very involved in this exciting run.

On another note, I saw this article on the BBC website of Arsenal fans in Uganda being arrested for celebrating our victory of manure.

The anti-arsenal Cabal is worldwide.

Dennis Asiimwe

I am Ugandan, living in Uganda and very Arsenal.

It was sensationalist nonsense from the media (and yes, I work in the r media)…


“James Mubi, the regional police boss and a self-declared Arsenal fan, told the BBC he had not reviewed the fans’ charges but wondered why they were celebrating when only half of the matches in the season had been played.”

GG Gunners

It’ll be interesting to see what they’d do if we really go on and win the league

Nainsley Aitland Miles

Ugand make this stuff up.


Unfortunately you see these type of muscular injuries in players that have been out for extended periods as they return, just hope it is short term. I think many may forget what an impact ESR can have coming off of the bench late in games with his scoring ability and energy.

Man Manny

To think that at a point he was rated as highly as, if not higher than, Saka! I shudder at the thought of what might have been if he had Saka’s fitness levels. It would be three Hale End products running riot in the EPL!
I pray he outgrows these niggles soon.


He is like Tierney, got that sweet tooth. They eat sugars and dont watch their intake. Sugar is a DESTROYER of muscles, far far FAR worse than we are led to believe. It litterally fucks up your body. NO SUGAR = Better fitness

Giuseppe Hovno

I don’t think you understand how our body works. No sugar = brain dead due to no blood sugar. Clearly a high sugar diet is v bad for you but to suggest avoiding sugar entirely is madness (and also impossible)


That’s not really true either since our bodies can convert fat to glucose to feed the brain and keep blood sugar at good levels, this is called ketosis. You don’t need to consume sugar at all.

But how Lolerinho gets his information about ESR’s exact diet I find intriguing, have you been going through his rubbish bins?

Teryima Adi


karl g

This is always to be expected on returning from a long layoff. This is why it is so good Eddie is performing so well. You cannot expect Jesus at full tilt until April.


Oh man that’s unlucky. He’s had a persistent problem ever since he turned pro. He bit the bullet, got surgery done on it, made a recovery, had a promising cameo appearance… and now this. A totally separate injury.

We’re all (well, most of us) are rooting for you, Emile. We hope that this is a minor thing, you’ll bounce back, get back to your 21/22 season good form, then continue to get better and better. Chin up kid. The future’s bright – the future’s red and white. 🤜🏼🤛🏼

Sir No Goals



Get fit soon ESR. We need you. These are small niggles and as young as you are, the team and the fans believe in you to come thru and contribute. Come on you young gooner!


The abse


The kid is so good that when he is injured the football universe is missing a star.
Get well soon Emile!

Kentish Gooner

My first comment was waiting for approval and it was the first one made on this story 🙁 wah! Basically, it seems like a case of the Jack Wilshire curse, but I hope I’m wrong. Fan favourite.

Anders Limpar



Boy Bastin

That’s unfortunate. Anyway, it doesn’t look too serious. Shame about missing the City match though as he could have got some much needed game time.

Public Elneny

Little niggles seem to be quite normal after major surgery and lay off, just hope that’s what this is and not a long term lay off in itself

With Trossard we can afford him to take the time getting his body properly readjusted to regular high intensity football. Martinelli took a few weeks/months before he was reintegrated after his surgery, and then seemed to pick up lots of little knocks and twinges within games. Now he seems unbreakable (touch wood)

No way should we be thinking of cashing in on such a talented academy graduate

djourou's nutmeg

i mean, he’s one of our own and got lots of potential, so keep him by all means in hope he can do what he does best with us. but at this point it’s the same it was with diaby, you can’t go into a season counting on him at all, so i hope we get that in mind for the next one.

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