Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arsenal 3-1 Chelsea – player ratings

A superb first half from Arsenal ensured we got back to winning ways with a 3-1 win over Chelsea.

Martin Odegaard scored twice, and Gabriel Jesus got the other, and despite a second half strike from some twat, Mikel Arteta’s men deserved the win to take us back on top of the table.

Here’s how the players rated this evening.

Read the Arsenal 3-1 Chelsea report and see the goals here 

Arsenal 3-1 Chelsea – Player Ratings

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Mikel has some selection dilemmas for Newcastle. Stick with tonight’s team, or bring back Martinelli and/or TP.

Kiwior probably keeps his place.


Sorry, but I’m embarrassed to be a fan tonight. Embarrassed for the coaches because the time to change the team was after the Liverpool game, not today, not now it is too late. I don’t believe for one second we don’t have the players to even compete with Man City and fold like a paper bag. I’m honestly furious to see this reaction today, because it is from the very players we have been calling for for a month now. Trossard, Jorginho, every man and his dog could see we are better when they play, and in Trossard’s case, far… Read more »

B Jack

someones got their panties in a bunch


go stick something up yours, we’re good with our principles, thank you.


Lay off the meth.


We’re all frustrated about the Southampton game, and yes Jorginho might have been better in hindsight. But it’s gone now. Arteta trusted his first 11 too much, he’ll.learn from it and we’ll learn to move on. I had a feeling we would win the game comfortably today since the pressure’s finally off. Kinda similar to last week at 3-0 when we finally started playing and came back to 3-3.


What a silly sausage

Neál Martin

“because we destroyed them in the first half with players who have been dying to play for a month”

Our best players were Xhaka, Odegaard and Jesus. 3 regulars.


Yes and no. It is a team game and Trossard in particular is like jetfuel to our attack. He speeds everything up and could keep the ball in a phonebox. He has two men on him all the time which opens gaps for the others, which in turn makes them look and play better.

It is a bit angriest man on twitter, but I personally agree with this guy. The team has got progressively worse, week on week, and despite the options staring everyone in the face, Arteta did not change a single thing until it was too late.


I agree about Trossard, but against City we needed to do something different to protect the defence. They just ripped through us, so maybe a back 3 would have reduced the space for Haaland and De Bruyne to gallop into whilst we got a foothold in the game.

Yankee Gooner

I think the recent breakdown has three main components–dips in form of certain players (Saka, Zinc, Xhaka) because 1) we have run them ragged due to no comparable backup and 2) they are human; loss of Saliba; benching Trossard for Jesus who, at the moment, doesn’t seem as integrated with the attack despite his work rate. Only the third one seems to be on Arteta, in my opinion, and I may well be wrong. Still, we’re punching above weight for what I expected this year, so remain super happy about this team.


What so drop our top goal scorer Martinelli who has 8 in his last 10 and 3 assists? Jesus has got 5 in last 8 as well.

It’s not our attack that needed help as we’ve scored enough goals but have conceded too much. Trossard has been decent but this is just jumping on the what’s shiny and new rather than where the fault lay.

Crash Fistfight

Yep, this whole thing about “we’ve won every game Trossard has started and not one in 4 games when he didn’t” is frankly BS. Correlation does not equal causation. People said similar things about Mustafi when he first joined (we were unbeaten for a load of games after he joined, then had bad results after he was injured). People didn’t seem to notice that the bad results were against good teams. The fact that in the good run, about once a game the opposition team’s striker seemed to be able to get a free header by running between the 2… Read more »

El Mintero

To be fair, all 3 have been very poor last 4 weeks…


Never let the facts get in the way of a good rant…


All hail Nketibag, soon to be Arsenal’s player/manager, leading from the front, back and in goal for a season that will read:

Played: 38
Won: 39 (yes 39! That is fucking backbonebollix for you!)
Scored: 469
Conceded: 1 (it was the other 10 blokes fault)


You’re getting cooked but I completely agree. Why turn up when there’s no longer anything on the line? Why are we shipping goals constantly. We have been so good this season and have come up short when it mattered because we have been too scared to change the system when it hasn’t worked.


@Nketibag I mean this with a lot of love: if you are finding it hard to enjoy this Arsenal season then the next 20 years are going to be loooooong.

Try knitting or something.


Hi blogs. Trossard and Jorginho. If you think leaving two of our most experienced and technically secure players on the bench for the past month has been a smart idea then be my guest.

Great match today, sure. But I’m not going to accept it like a Spud supporter and go all happy clappy. The last month has been poor squad management. We lost Saliba, had a leaky defence and there was no attempt to fix it. Either by changing formation or changing to players who keep the ball. I don’t see what’s so controversial here.


Re-read your comment and it might sink in. No one is saying that maybe some changes were needed earlier. But saying you are embarrassed to be a fan tonight is just ridiculous. That’s something I’d expect to hear from Chelsea or the mob across the road


I’m inclined to agree Arteta hasn’t really trusted his squad/bench this season… you can say if it aint broke don’t fix it… but look at the tinkering that Pep “the master” does… can anyone explain why Rob “I won my career in a Carl Jenkinson lottery” Holding was ahead of Kiwior in the pecking order??? Kiwior looks like a real footballer rather than a meerkat who has learnt a trick to stand on the ball and peer around… OK Chelsea were pants but his stats were great and he didn’t constantly halt the passing momentum


Pep has a bench of internationals so it’s a bit easier to change things up. Can you imagine the impact that has on said players. Don’t put in 100% and find yourself sitting. Creates an atmosphere at training that can’t be replicated by us…..YET. We are on our way and yes maybe Arteta waited too long but he will know better than any of us if he should’ve.

Ethan Hunt

Arteta did give Kiwior a chance against Sp Lisbon, but he didn’t impress…After that Arteta I think had to wait for the right match until he can test Kiwior again and this match is probably more suited for that because pressure and expectations would be slightly off/much less. Throwing in a new player when everything is on the line can make or break a player’s confidence because you just dont know whether he will swim or sink and I personally think its good management on Arteta’s part. Players like say Saliba or Gabriel has earned a lot of credits and… Read more »


That’s a good point about throwing Kiwior in at a very high pressure point in the season. Perhaps this was actually very good managing from Super Mik. But he looked great last night and I couldn’t help thinking he should have come in 3 games ago.

Exit the Lemming

He was solid and didn’t make any glaring mistakes against a piss poor Chelsea attack who hardly ever….attacked. Let’s just take comfort in him being ‘promising’ and turn down the blather a notch


Agree. And Kiwior looked anything but ready when he came on against Liverpool.


Don’t entirely agree – Kiwior’s ‘soft’ goal vs Sporting was clearly after he got a very poor call from Turner and so, didn’t jump.
He looks very solid, strong and with a decent heads up vision of the play in front of him. Lord knows we don’t need another reverse-passer!


It’s not so much that you’re wrong as that you come across as ungrateful. Arteta’s principles and tactics are what got us to the top of the table in the first place, with a squad that contains less quality, less experience, and less personnel. Yes, he could have made some changes over the last few weeks, you’re not wrong logically, but to say you’re “ashamed to be a fan” of this team is absolutely the wrong way emotionally to go about making that point when it essentially throws in their faces every good thing these players have done this season.… Read more »


Beautifully put. Couldn’t agree more.


TiFo were doing videos about our defence before the blips. It was clear we were leaking goals. Not sure what if anything was done to improve but also not sure what we could hand done


For me this group of Arsenal players are world beaters, only that they get complacent and reduce the attacking heat on their opponents by passing backwards after their lean leads in a game… Now, when you’re playing teams like Man city, you need to properly man mark them 2-1, just like it was in the days of Wenger when we almost win. We’re not meant to allow them make their passes. Locate their key man and cut him off. And that’s what they have been doing to Arsenal’s Saka. They know he’s our biggest link and so now teams put… Read more »


A more balanced comment, which is why I’ll respond to this rather than your earlier rant with a tip from an old bullet: Never text or call when you’re pissed. Never put anything (ever!) in writing when you’re angry. The pillow is the best counsel… sleeping on it only ever brings clarity. So… you make some good points. I’ve banged on for a few months now about what ‘champions’ do and don’t accept (as do Spudlets). I think Mik has backed his starting players to regain the form that has clearly dipped in the past month or more: Zinch, Thomas… Read more »


Have to agree with nkektlbag to certain degree. Not all of it but there certainly have been some management errors in terms of selection and running players into the ground. I have listened to people ask questions about bukayo being played into the ground on arsecast…on all occasions you get off the subject asap. How many times have you commented that “he’s not at his best” without questioning why? Arteta is the best thing that has been happened to Arsenal for a long time. However this is his first gig he’s bound to be making mistakes…some very costly…and tonight we… Read more »

Adney Toams

Well said!


I mean, he does have a point. The team hasn’t been working for a while and Arteta did leave it a bit too little too late. I think us winning yesterday had more to do with Chelsea being complete pants (arguably the worst team in the league right now) than it had to do with us being fantastic, but it was clear that the players who were rotated made a difference, and we should have rotated earlier in the season (against WH and Soton) then have our best starting 11 back for the City game… Also, using Saliba until he… Read more »


Chelsea were absolutely dire.


Man City are a PR machine for a dictator. Have all the money in the world yet still felt compelled to cheat. We have 2 players who were cast off by Man City. Man City go 2 deep at nearly every position. They also have the best strikerin the world and the best midfielder, as well. That arsenal is even in the title conversation is down to these players and the coaches. Martinelli and Jesus were not even close to the reason we had a bad run of 4 matches. Dear lord, Gabriel has played center back nearly every match… Read more »


Martin the Viking edges Kevin the Belgian. If you can’t see that after last night, well…

A Different George

They lost Sterling, Gabriel Jesus, and Zinchenko without blinking. They shrugged at sending Canselo away (probably the best left back in the Premier League last season). They leave Kyle Walker on the bench (a very, very good right back) until Ake is injured. They don’t need Foden (the only young English player who is considered Saka’s equal in potential), or Alvarez (a starter for the World Champions).

And yet, at least for now (on the 3rd of May!) we are top of the table.


I had a similar kind of feeling if I’m honest. It was all smiles now that the we’ve blown the hard part of the season. I wanted players furious at losing the title trying to rack up 6 or 7 on a Chelsea who on form are the worst team in the league. But yet again we get a comfortable lead and a malaise sets in. We are good, we aren’t so good that we can afford to get comfortable in games. I think there’s still a bit too much “nice” in this team.


Whilst I agree with the sentiment regarding Arteta closing the paddock door once the horse has bolted, I can’t say I agree with the rest of your furious raging.


You are excused. Please support other clubs like sp*rs. We do not need plastic fans. TQ


Pathetic response. You don’t get to gatekeeper the fandom. He has every right to complain. This site has become a mothers meeting for those considering themselves positive fans as of late. You can go too negative, but this man is just showing passion and that he cares and most of you come down on him like a ton of bricks and tell him to support someone else. You aren’t the Giiners of old. You reflect the ability to capitulate at the drop of a hat. The boys have been way way ahead of schedule but it is arrogance as well… Read more »


Entitled, much?


Is this the downvote all time record?


You’re clearly angry and maybe a bit misguided on some of your points but fundamentally you are spot on.

Adney Toams

I’m with you ALL the way in that, mate!

Exit the Lemming

We’re embarrassed you’re a fan also


We ALL want to see our team go on to win it – and we still might!?! We’ve bagged champions league w/ 5 GAMES to play – are looking at our 2nd highest points total ever – are on track to better our goals output by 50% from last season (I’m making a bunch of this up from memory). Agree some things could or maybe should have been tweaked – but fuckdamn this team is getting a bunch right eh?


Horseshit, I’m embarrassed for you and this comment. We scored enough goals what we didn’t do is stop others from scoring. In two of those games we had leads that we lost when both Trossard and Jorginho were on so you’re just chatting shit. Let’s face it since Saliba has been out we’ve concede a ton of goals and our defence is out of balance. Maybe Kiwior could’ve played the other games in our current formation but he’s left sided so not ideal. I doubt changing formation would’ve helped as it would’ve put more pressure on our defence and you… Read more »


Trossard and Jorginho are not better – or substantially better – than Martinelli and Partey. But Kiwor might be better than Holding. At some point after Saliba got injured, Arteta chose to place his money on Holding. I believe that cost us the title.

Arteta could have used White in central defense, where he played last season, and let Zinchenko play on the right. He could have eked in Kiwor, as he did Tuesday. Kiwor is a little overwhelmed by the intensity of Premier League, but would probably need only a couple of matches to settle in.


Bit high for Zinchenko.


Been a bit of liability lately as much as I love him. Something to work on


Zinc has been a liability since Tommy and Saliba went down because Gabriel has needed to cover for Zinc and Holding. Previously, Saliba took care of his responsibilities and Gabriel minded his and Zinc’s. Once Saliba and Tommy went down Tierney needed to come in for Zinc and let Gabriel support Holding. As we all know, the number one directive is to not concede. It hasn’t been mentioned much, but what team wins while not playing three (Saliba, Tommy and Tierney ) of their five best defenders? Of course two absences were from injury, but the gap defensively between #5… Read more »


Yeah, MA is still learning on the job
I was hoping he’d start Jorginho and Partey together in midfield against City. We should have altered our style that game; defend compactly and hit them on the break.

I hate how City always find it easy to play against us.


because of the lack of physicality…

District Gooner

Good points, but I’m stuck on who you think our fifth best defender is? Benjamin? I agree there are structural problems when we don’t play our best defenders, but some of the worst goals in that four game winless run occurred because a certain midfielder wasn’t tracking runners. I would argue that it was just as important that MA played Jorginho for Partey as Tierney taking Zinchenko’s place


Yes that was a problem as well. I do think my overriding point is saliba being injured meant we had to solidify and change defensively. not going to rank them but best five are saliba Gabriel white tommy and tierney

The next is holding. Zinc is not solid defensively but is more effective against certain teams.


Yes. Well put 👍


Yep, 100%. Zinc… if KT is on for the last 10 against the mugsmashers, we win that game. These days, I’m not sure we’re getting a lot of the positives from his game, or rather, anything better than KT would give us, but KT is MUCH better at the back. With Saliba and Tomiyasu out, gotta go with KT. Think, if it were Holding making mistakes like Zinc, blogs would be all over Holding for being shit. I actualyl thought Holding did a good job when he came in. He didn’t get turned, no mistakes on goals were down to… Read more »


100% – great as he may be going forward, Zinch is NOT a last-line defender. Blogs omits to mention the FOUR horribly loose passes that went straight to Chelsk players.


Tierney is a FAR better defender than Zinch – may not add as much going forward (but seldom gets the chance these days!), but is way more solid as a last-line.

SLC Gooner

That feels kind of generous for Zinch. I’m not remembering that he added much in attack, and again was guilty of a major defensive error. Tierney needs to start against Newcastle.


On to the next one now. Come on West Ham


Zinchenko does so much to put us in control of the game, but has some harrowing moments. It wasn’t just the goal tonight, it was also two or three really terrible giveaways that a decent team could have scored from.

It’s been a really rough month for him. Hopefully he can move past it.


ever since his blunder against Liverpool, he hasn’t been at his best. I hope he builds his confidence back soon.


Mate – he misplaced FOUR passes straight to Chelsk players!


Can we all just talk about Zinchenko being a defensive liability. When he’s on he’s on but he gives the ball away and frankly is abysmal at tracking his man.

Finsbury Park Gooner

Strong agree, Zinchenko has been giving the ball away for months, usually right in the middle of the field and just infront of the centre halves. He’s been at fault for so many goals against us and I’m not sold on the guy at all tbh. Would be heartbroken if we lost Tierney as a result of his run in the first 11.

Exit the Lemming

Zinchenko probably just needs a break


Well said. The fella may well be under all manner of terrible outside stresses due to the horrors going on in his home-country, fair enough, But that simply adds to the argument that Mik should be giving him a time-out. KT is MORE than adequate as a sub.
Thomas, Granit, Jorge, Martin, Trosser and even Jesus are great playmakers – yes, Zinch brings more of that but we’re way more in need of a solid backline right now.


Let’s put it this way, there is a reason why he was sold by the League Champions.

Not that he is bad, but clearly Guardiola felt like he could be replaced by someone who is better.

A Different George

Not accurate at all. Guardiola already had someone better to play similarly–Canselo who was many people’s choice for player of the year last season, And he sent him to Bayern on what is surely a terminal loan. Since the World Cup, City have played with four centre-halves, with Stones typically moving from the right fullback position into a double pivot when they are in possession. But that’s different than the deep playmaker role that Canselo (and Zinchenko) played last year. The drastic change in Guardiola’s tactical setup is obviously because Haaland plays centre-forward differently than Gabriel Jesus (or anyone else,… Read more »


It’s amazing how much of a free pass he gets because he can pass the ball. If he was playing in midfield would he be getting so much praise? It’s all well and good extolling his virtues as an extra midfielder but he’s not a left back so it means we’re getting an extra midfielder for one less defender because we’re picking someone as left back who doesn’t play there. Of course, as an extra midfielder he is going to get a bit more time and space on the ball but the proof of how good he is must be… Read more »


Lost the 2nd half 1-0 against a rank average Chelsea team. Can have all the youth & skills in the world but they really need to learn how to be killers out there! Keep the high level, high press/tempo, kill fucking teams off. Completely changed when Trossard came off in my opinion. We won nicely but should’ve really stuffed them good & proper! Fuck Chelsea

Exit the Lemming

Could and maybe should have been 5 or 6 up before they scored. We lack a ruthless streak certainly as the anxiety was palpable throughout the Emirates after we conceded yet another softer than a runny egg goal ffs

Finsbury Park Gooner

Zinchenko at fault for yet another goal. What does this guy have to do to get dropped??


Go to France to see his sick mum maybe 😉


Man if Tierney keeps hoofing it up the pitch when he gets pressed Arteta is never gonna pick him. Pretty sure that is his ultimate pet peeve.


When Tierney hoofed it up to the Chelsea defence, I thought the same thing.
Surely defensive solidity is worth a few speculative Scottish hoofs Mikel?

Adney Toams

Score at the wrong end?


Generous score for ZInchenko, he doesn’t fill me with confidence at all . Artetas must have learned valuable selection and substitution lessons in the past few weeks, Dropping Trossard was one


Zinchs is one of them.where he’s positives outweigh his poor but when he makes a mistakes, he makes a proper one and switches off or is bullied back post . The Trossard one is a 5050 decision but where for me Arteta exposure and learning s was Pep and his long ball and Klopps manic aggression ball. All said and done it’s only these top two super experienced managers who outwitted him, but did so having spent millions upon millions in their squads and 5/7 years into a process . It’s true he’s learned things the hard way but the… Read more »


Arteta has Zinky playing as a playmaking midfielder which is allowing Granit to get forward more to great effect but makes the team exposed on the left. Opposition teams have worked this out & exploited it. This is what makes him look flakey defensively.


True, but he was also in the left back position for the Chelsea goal and completely switched off.

Exit the Lemming

It stands to reason he can’t be in two places at once so maybe better cover is required from the wide left attacker e.g. Martinelli, Trossard etc


Hindsight is a wonderful thing but does Partey and Jorg give u that bit more steel and stability on front of CBs aswell as using ball well and always someone minding the house . Converting to 3 CBs invites too much trouble but Jorg and Parety might just have been deep enough to nullify Debryune and limit long balls to Haaland by at very least crowding him out of it . Anyways Newcastle will be high octane and cool heads be needed in Jorgi again . I’d sacrifice one of front 3 for him and go _____Partey–Jorgi —-‐——————-Xhaka Saka –Jesus… Read more »

Aleksander Włodarz

As a Gunners supporter and a Pole, don’t worry about it I run my business in Poland, I was very happy to see Kiwior who had a disciplined and intelligent display. Keep up the good ⚽ work you Gunners! Ps I believe that soon to be King must be a Gunner too 😍

Stockholm is red and white

Why do you believe that? 🤔

Exit the Lemming

You mean Chuck the Turd? (as our Oirish fans might say….)


You’ve got to be a bit concerned about just how sloppy we get towards the final 20 minutes of games though. What’s with our fitness and endurance levels? We become sloppy in possession and shambolic in defense. We need to work on that.

That said, that was a good game of football. Onto the next one. Onward!

Emi Rates

They should not have been given that goal. It’s a matter of pride against that club for and by cunts. We should have given them nothing!


I thought kiwior was brilliant tonight

Emi Rates

It certainly felt more secure at the back with him than with Holding.

Exit the Lemming

Seems kinda harsh when you consider the ref probably had more touches than Aubameyang


It helps that Chelsea were absolutely terrible but he played well.


so the question remains… why was Holding preferred?


I would argue that he was deemed more experienced in the PL. Also, he’s right-footed, which would work well for a right-sided CD. Kiwior is left-footed and is ideally a like-for-like sub for Gabriel. If we had a quality RB, I’d be inclined to bring Ben White back into central defense and put an actual RB in. Heck, I’d even suggest bringing in Cozier-Duberry into the RB position and shifting Ben White centrally, f*ck experience. He can play with a bit of a bias to help out, but he’d offer more solidity centrally.

Exit the Lemming

If Gabriel is missing for Newcastle we really do have a problem. We could maybe go with a back five: White at RB, Holding at RCB, Kiwior in the middle, Tierney at LCB (he’s played there before successfully for Scotland) and Zinchenko at LB

Master Floda

Yes, he did well, but you have to qualify this performance with “it’s only Chelsea”

Exit the Lemming

He was solid and dependable against a piss poor attack. Aubamayang has all the ferocity of three days old roadkill


Ratings seem quite high no? Considering the team switched off a lot for that second half. We can’t play like that at Newcastle at all

Exit the Lemming

We could and probably should have been 6 or 7 goals ahead before they scored.


Great performance. Only blight being a sloppy goal conceded. Zinchenko was solid, but the way he gives away the ball in a dangerous position every single game is so frustrating. We were a little lucky that Chelsea can’t score. A better team would’ve punished us. Still, back to the top and off to Newcastle.


Noni Madueke is now in contention for the May goal of the month now. I don’t think they’ll be scoring another goal for the month.

Exit the Lemming

The anxiety was palpable in everyone of a red persuasion after we conceded which was a shame as it sucked some of the joy out of what had potentially been a real battering for Chelsea.

Merlin’s Panini

Kiwior looked very comfortable tonight, which was great to see. What I don’t get is ESR being ignored as a substitute yet again. Even at 3-0 or 3-1 up he didn’t get a look in. I can only think Nelson is getting picked ahead of him because of his contract situation (and yes, I know his form has been pretty good and I don’t begrudge him game time either) but it’s potentially unsettling a player who was so good last season he was being picked for England. We were even singing about him and his partnership with Saka. I don’t… Read more »

Brazilian gooner

Nelson deserved it more than ESR did, he is also young (23) and had shown in the past some signs he can be really good. This season he is showing there may still be a really good player in there, that needed some more time do adapt, but is really impacting games now.
The other position he could be subbed into was Odegaard’s, who was having a hell of a game, so as much as I believe in ESR I stilll think he has to earn his place back, and right now there are some bodies in front of him


Simple – ESR is not a positional swop for Saka, Reece can be.

Exit the Lemming

I don’t understand it either. For me, ESR is miles ahead of Nelson in terms of end product and really does represent Arsenal’s future. No point in 2nd guessing Arteta’s motives here but this has now gone on for so long there is the very real possibility ESR might see his own future elsewhere


I think it is safe to say everyone loves Zinchenko’s passion and attitude as well as his obvious quality with the ball. But it is exactly the same case with Trent Arnold, the guy just can’t defend. Last night he didn’t even try to make an effort after Nono! I hope it will improve for him on that front, because doesn’t look like Arteta favors KT that much.

Exit the Lemming

It seems kinda churlish to criticise anyone on what was such a welcome return to form for the whole team but I thought Zinchenko was awful throughout. Gave the ball away cheaply, provided little going forward and was badly at fault for their goal.




Martinelli was unfortunate to be dropped. He’s been playing well. Maybe needed a rest. I think Saka needs a day off. Too bad it took 4 matches to realize Holding needed to be dropped.


Where are the ratings for the Chelsea players? This guy Stirling, wasn’t he at some point considered rather talented? As was Kante?


So… what to do with Zinch? Charismatic. Gritty. Spirited. Gifted. But fallible. Inconsistent. And, dare I even say, sloppy. The bloke inarguably brings something to this team going forward. But, he increasingly is costing us at the back. Bottom line – his creativity in play-making is an added bonus, given we have other incisive passers in Partey, Jorge, Ode, Xhaka and, even, Jesus and Trossard. But his last-line defence is an essential, an absolute that can, will and has cost us points. I’ve said this repeatedly – and yes, bring on the downvotes again – Zinch (and others) is making… Read more »


KT needs to start over Zinch. Zinch given far to favorable of a rating considering he’s the reason they scored and he’s the reason we lost possession at least 10 times. Lee Dixon called him out in the first 10 minutes for giving the ball away 5 times.

Ever since he let Liverpool score in the last few minutes he’s been a shell of who he was. He needs a break and some time to think. KT is hungry and is one of the best left backs in the world when healthy.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x