Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Arteta: We all love Emile Smith Rowe

Mikel Arteta insists that everyone at Arsenal loves Emile Smith Rowe, and says that tonight’s EFL Cup game against Brentford is an opportunity for him to show what he can do.

The 23 year old has yet to start a game this season, on top of having not been picked to start a single match in the last campaign, in part because he missed the first half of it due to surgery.

It was something the Arsenal boss was asked about in his pre-match press conference, saying, “Well, there’s been many reasons why he hasn’t started a match. Obviously, he was out for a long, long time. And then he had the sequence of matches that he played with the national team.

“He’s played more minutes and tomorrow he’ll have a big chance to show that he can play at this level and he can be a really important player for us.”

The affection the fans have for the Hale End graduate was evident when cheers welcomed his introduction against PSV in the Champions League, and Arteta made it clear those feeling are the same internally.

“Obviously we speak with our players and we try to explain the reason why we make certain decisions,” he said, “but he’s clear on what he needs to do – which is performing on the pitch and giving the best to win games for us.

“He us incredibly popular. We all love him. It’s no different what the people feel and what we feel about him.

“But one thing is to be there, the other one is to start, and then once you start, are you consistent to stay there, and you have to stay fit as well.”

As for where he fits within the current system, the manager suggests he’s no longer likely to play out wide in the way that was so effective for him in the past, saying, “I think the best position for Emil is to play in those pockets.

“He’s not to play as a pure winger that regardless on how we play the position that he would have to play if he’s playing as a pure winger.

“I think it suits him, I think the relationship will suit him and now he needs the minutes and he needs to prove that he can do what he can do.”

Let’s hope we can see the reemergence of Smith Rowe this evening, especially in light of some potential injuries, because the more players we have available and ready to contribute, the better.

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Olawale Olayemi

Here’s to 2 assists and a cheeky lob in the 87th minute

Heavenly Chapecoense

ESR has already shown he can play at the highest level many years ago. I don’t know what Arteta is on these days treating him like a new academy graduate.


You do know/remember he just recovered from a major surgery? He will.need time to get back to the level he was before the operation.
His current situation may look unfair to is but I think the team and MA are look after him and wants the best for him and the club.
I can understand fans frustration, sentiment and emotion around ESR.
Tonight, we see if he is ready.


He was “out” for two months with groin surgery (Oct/Nov 2022). Let’s conservatively say 3 months and rule out the end of 2022. That’s now 10 months ago. He has been available all 2023, he was given only 115 total in the EPL during the second half of the 22/23 season (10 unused substitute games) despite our downturn in form. He played all of the u/21 champs, he’s had a full pre-season, and he has not been injured since the season has started.

Sorry, but “you do know/remember he just recovered from a major surgery?” is utter nonsense.


Yeah man.

Arteta seems to have forgotten ESR saved his early career.

Maybe ESR needs to change his first name to Kai or Eddie…


Here we go again: ESR is the new Martinelli, and disgruntled fans can’t handle that Arteta knows how to manage player success infinitely better than they do. Endless comedy!


ESR was established before Martinelli dude.


Talk about missing the point.


Actually you made the wrong analogy. Havertz–>Willian…let’s hope it isn’t December before Mikel remembers what ESR can do. These quotes here are basically saying, “Emile, here is your one-off chance in the Mickey Mouse cup. Take it or get used to the bench.” [Kai Havertz enters the room], “Kai, how’s it going mate. You’re feeling ok? Don’t worry about the media, you’re amazing…” [walks off with arm around Kai’s shoulder]. Looks this is just for a few laughs mostly, but on what we have seen so far. Arteta should be making these exact quotes about Havertz and this should be… Read more »


Havertz has played some good games for us, and his end product will arrive soon. ESR has been very much a raw footballing talent like Martinelli was; both players needed to be coached to get the best out of them. We’ve seen that with Martinelli, and we will see it with ESR (the fact that Arteta has articulated his best position in the pockets and between the lines tells you that he’s been preparing him for a role). Patience will pay dividends. And yeah, I still read the comments sections here for a good laugh; below the well-written articles, I… Read more »


Maybe I missed those “good games”. There certainly has been some good excuses for him, but he’s been shite. I see a decent, but not great workrate (not on part with Jesus, Ode, Saka and Vieira; he needs to work harder), ok positioning (this might be a learning thing, so I’ll excuse this), weak on ball (he’s alarmingly easy to push physically off-ball – makes Vieira look like the hulk), and the less said about his end product the better. Add to that is his pathetic body language – he looked like a sulky baby on Sunday. To say Kai… Read more »


Completely disagree, but it is very, very clear that you’ve made up your mind, so I won’t waste time with a long discussion. I haven’t seen his performances as being this poor, and think he plays with an intelligence and incisiveness that will lead to end product. Everyone is disappointed that he hasn’t been able to provide goals yet, but they will come, and I think you will be super delighted with him soon.


Curious how you rate the specific components of his game I listed so far: Workrate, positioning, physicality, and finishing? What game has he been “good” in? Maybe you could say good against PSV (who gave us WAY too much space)? I don’t see it in any game in the EPL. Take Blogs ratings [avg site ratings] on this site with ratings: utter shite <5, poor 5-5.5, average 6-6.5, decent/solid 6.5-7, “good” 7.5-8, 8.5-9 very good, 9.5-10 excellent. S***s – 6 [5.5] PSV – 7.5 [7] Everton – NA Manure – 6 [5.5] Fulham – 5 [4.5] Palace – 7 [6.5]… Read more »

A Different George

I respect Fusboiler’s reluctance to try to persuade you, but (against my better judgment) I’ll mention a couple of things. Havertz consistently makes excellent runs (that’s why he keeps being in position to score, including sitters). He is technically excellent–maybe not Zinchenko level, but far above a typical good Prem-quality player. He is excellent defending set pieces. He has much better pace than it appears (he never looks like he is hurrying). Now, he may still not work out. Whether out of low confidence or some other reason he has obviously been a very poor finisher. But Arteta and all… Read more »


lol…you talking humility is fucking hilarious! All you ever do is criticise people for how their take on the team and players differs from yours. Enjoy your day Mr. Pot!


Overall, I’d add about .5 to all of Arseblog’s professional ratings (I am amateur, so I am allowed to be generous!), which results in 3 good performances of 6, but taking into account that in 2 of those 6 performances most of the team performed below average. Thus, 3 out of 4 ain’t as bad as you say, and when you throw in his performance against City in the Shield, which was good, he really isn’t as bad as people are making it out to be. He is low on confidence and he struggles at times, and surely the furor… Read more »


Sorry: his finishing has been poor, his physicality has been very good (his wins plenty of duels, presses very well, and is an excellent aerial target), his positioning is excellent and his workrate is excellent as well, despite what people want to believe in rekindling the ire of the Ozil-years.

He will come good and you will change your opinion, I am sure of it.


Excellent physicality would be Jesus, the guy goes hard 100% of the time and is intimidated by no one. It’s embarrassing how easily a guy as big as Havertz gets pushed off the ball. Excellent positioning would be Odegaard, Jesus, Saka, Martinelli, Rice. I don’t think he’s been terrible positionally, but he wanders out of place more than any of those guys do (but as I said, I’ll give him that one as a new guy. Excellent workrate would be Odegaard, Jesus, Rice. Those three are on another planet. kai’s workrate isn’t close to their level. Well, I guess we’ll… Read more »


A bit of creative writing but overall I agree with this. I’m not saying there isn’t a role for Kai, but so far Kai has not made the case for him being a starter


“He’s not to play as a pure winger that regardless on how we play the position that he would have to play if he’s playing as a pure winger.”

That’s some 4D tactical chess there. Brentford beware.

Arsene Wenger No.1

shades of Donald Ramsfeld for sure…known unkowns and the unknown unknows …

Teryima Adi



“The weapons are to the north, south, east, and west (of Baghdad).”


And they still can’t find them till today.


That was shock and awe

Arsene Wenger No.1

ehh…its a bit like ..we want to be where we want to be by doing what we want and can do the best we can and what we need on the day to be the best we can be to do what we want to do and where we want to be


I’ve re-read that line 10 times and I still don’t know what it means.

Teryima Adi

It’s just like a work in syntactic dislocations that affects semantics(apologies e.e. cummIngs). It’s like reading James Joyce’s Ulysses( stream of consciousness technique). We might make the excuse for Arteta because English is not his L1 like me. So, he might be speaking Spanish thinking he’s speaking English (a case of transliteration maybe) and this could affect comprehension. Seriously, that passage by Arteta is like Calculus or Algebra to me – hard to solve.


It must be tough for him because he never get a long run of games to learn the number 8 role. Everyone of the players that play that position seem to need a lot of game time before figuring it out.
I really liked him on the wing.!
It’s a pity that we are probably going to lose him because he not prefect fit for any position.


I’d use him as CF

I miss santi cazorla

Better than eddie


Thumbs up for your username.

Teryima Adi

We don’t want another hybrid Havertz. Let him play as a midfielder that he is. Enough of all this innovations – let’s just stick with the inverted full backs for now.


Agree. I’ve generally been pretty supportive of Arteta as he’s tried and tested a bunch of stuff where many have reacted angrily to his “tinkering”, but then if you’re going to keep trying out new things how is ESR basically not getting a chance at all? Especially having been one of our sharpest players in preseason? Isn’t that also damaging to the whole merit-based concept of this squad and the morale, where players who haven’t really proven themselves keep getting chances over ones who haven’t even gotten a run of games… And now he’s basically relegated to having to prove… Read more »

Teryima Adi

The ineffective Havertz is blocking his way to the team just because Arteta wants to prove a point that Havertz is that good, and the reason he bought him for that much. The price tag don’t necessarily make a great player- just ask Pepe.


I don’t necessarily see the need to put Havertz down to make this point, just a week ago he had his best game for us and was involved in two goals. But I agree insofar as he’s hardly been undroppable, and just like he’s gotten his chance and run of games, unless he really had made himself indispensable (which he obviously hasn’t) then others should get the same chance.


Swansea have an excellent left 8. Some lad called Patino.

Teryima Adi

Well, our coach is gradually turning into a cheque book coach that rarely gives youth a chance. Who would blame him with the rest of the league(looking at you Boehly et al) spending as if money could be plucked on any tree at your backyard.

Only one Dennis Bergkamp

Sorry, but are we complaining because we’re spending money on good players? Didn’t we used to be the fans that abused our club for not spending? We’re trying to win the league, and trying to put one over Citeh probably requires us to be generous with cash and try newer things on the pitch.
Mikel knows! COYG!


I just wonder if he has the in-game intelligence for Arteta’s vision of the game? Saka is a straight-A’s student, and you can see it in the way that he plays, consistently making good in-game choices, whereas ESR is a more instinctive in-the-moment player when he’s on the ball, and he often seems to be caught out of position. I suspect Foden has a similar problem when playing for Pep – he looks great when he’s on the ball, but does he make the consistent quality of good choices that a player like KDB or Bernardo Silva does? If you’re… Read more »


ESR has got the intelligence. He can pick and string awesome passes. What he lacks in is the pressing intensity Arteta needs from his forwards off-ball


That’s the first requisite for Mikel if you want on the pitch.

Be willing to press like a madman.


ESR’s start and breakthrough was almost to Saka. He replaced Willian, and given the chance will replace Havertz, what then for the £65m asset sitting on the bench to an academy graduate?



Teryima Adi

You’re making football look like rocket science.


He should be playing every match until either Trossard and Partey comes back. Sometimes, I don’t understand Arteta.

Teryima Adi

Arteta is an enigma.😀


I’d just love him to have great game tonight and show Arteta what he’s been missing. I know we don’t see what goes on behind the scenes but I’ve been frustrated by his his lack of involvement when I feel we could have used him so much more.

He’s got no hair but we don’t care...

Then bring him on instead of Havertz.

Teryima Adi


karl g

ESR is a great untapped resource for Arsenal if he can stay fit. I don’t think Arteta has any agenda against him, but also I think he is potentially way better Havertz and Vieira for this side.

love all = ESR

ESR has the potential to become a ‘Scholes’-‘Lampard’ hybrid


The problem with ESR is that he seems to be best suited to playing on the break. Not to say that he can’t play a possession game, but there’s no finer sight on a football pitch than ESR charging into the opponents’ half with the ball at his feet.


Unless MA plans to give him a genuine chance (more than this start) I wish he’d stop talking about him. He’s said a number of times ESR needs to prove himself and proceeded not using him… at all. He’s shown everyone already that he is capable. It’s not as if his talent magically disappeared. I think MA ices players out a la Guardiola and we don’t need to be that kind of team. There’s room for ruthlessness, but in the market with decisive actions. Not hanging on to players and paying them lip service and not backing it up.


i dreamt about squad depht imagining that each player would have about the same amount of minutes, some in the pl, some in the dom.cups, some internationaly…
seems that i‘m wrong 😩

(excuse my english 😅)


It should be a 2 way contest for the midfield left position. Either Vieira or ESR. Havertz can’t and shouldn’t be utilised there. It requires a lot of quick direct movement/running and quick forward passes. Havertz, in this position passes it straight back to the player passing it too him, which is just pointless. He seems more suited to the false 9 position, where he can use his strengths to hold the ball up, bring others into play and win headers/flick on’s.

Play ESR there tonight and see what he’s like, then rotate with Vieira.

Dr. Gooner

Fabio and ESR couldn’t be more different as players. The former is all possession based, ball to feet, final ball delivery specialist while the latter is a powerful ball carrier with a knack for arriving in the box and running into open space. So Fabio is ideal for a possession oriented offense and Smith is ideal for a transition based offense. That’s why we haven’t seen much of Smith so far. There’s still room in the team for him but the balance has to be right. It doesn’t help that the team already has Martinelli, Havertz and Nketiah who are… Read more »

Crash Fistfight

I would agree with your evaluation of the two players. That’s why I don’t understand this “ESR as a left 8” thing. He should be getting game time in one of the wide forward positions. I’m not saying he should be starting instead of Saka or Martinelli, but he could be coming on for them in certain situations, or starting when they need to be rotated out the team. Let’s not forget that ESR came on for Martinelli against Bournemouth in front of Nelson. It’s only because Nelson had a goal and an assist in that game that he has… Read more »


Even if he shines tonight still going to be tough for him to find minutes unfortunately since Arteta sees him solely as an attacking mid. Right now is at best 3rd choice there, but once Partey comes back may slip to 4th choice as Arteta may go back to Partey at the defensive mid and Rice in the attacking left role. I wish he would get a start with the rest of the starters around him as Viera has to really see what he can do since tonight’s start he is going to have bench players around him and just… Read more »


Brentford have 4 linguistics experts trying to decipher this, but as of now they are yet to crack its meaning.

Rising Dough

Mikel Arteta insists that everyone at Arsenal loves Emile Smith Rowe, and says that tonight’s EFL Cup game against Brentford is an opportunity for him to show what he can do.”

Rising Dough

No pressure!

Seriously, I hope he does well! We need him.

(hit enter too soon.)


ESR can easily be better than MO

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