Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arsenal 3-1 Burnley – player ratings

Goals from Leandro Trossard, William Saliba and Oleksandr Zinchenko gave Arsenal a 3-1 win over Burnley at the Emirates this afternoon.

It wasn’t plain sailing, with the visitors equalising at one point, but the Gunners had enough despite numerous absentees who would have made us stronger. The downside was a red card for Fabio Vieira for a daft challenge on Josh Brownhill.

Here’s how the players rated this evening.

Read the Arsenal 3-1 Burnley match report and see the goal here 

Arsenal 3-1 Burnley – Player Ratings

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justin powis

Rolls Royce my motm



I miss santi cazorla

Trossard with practically 2 assists


Happy with our and Wolves’ 3 points!
I had high expectations from Kai and Fabio, come on guys!


Mate, either call him by his real name or come up with something original, he deserves at least that


Rio Ferdinand = Rolls Royce
Vincent Kompany = Rolls Royce
fuck that. Saliba is better than those cunts

Noddy 81

Bentley GT?

T dog


Public Elneny

Rolls Royces are heavy, cumbersome, ugly, frivolous things. Can’t name Saliba after that


S Class?


Trossard for me. Not his position. Sash against the post could have been much worse. Very brave. And worked and worked. We needed that up top today.


S Class?


Good three points, but I really feel for Havertz now. He looks like a broken man in need for a therapist… There is no purpose in his game, he doesn’t seem to know what to do with the ball except playing the safe option. Quite worrying for the next weeks/months when we desperately need bodies.


That chance in the first half sums it up – a player with confidence shoots but instead he does a dud pass between the two players on his left


Feels like there’s a bit of building reluctance to pass him the ball as well, or maybe I’m just reading too much into it.

Heavenly Chapecoense

Please do not traumatize those who have had that experience when playing with friends all their life long like myself.

Exit the Lemming

If you’re friends ain’t passing to you: you need better friends.


Your not

Petit's Handbag

It was a risky signing which simply hasn’t paid off. There’s players like him who we’ve been told are good but just very rarely see it. Balotelli a prime example.


Watch a compilation of Balotelli and you’ll see it. He just didn’t have the mentality.

Exit the Lemming

Baolotelli was very talented but braindead


He was slow and cumbersome and boring in possession. Some positive signs in the last two, back to his blunt meh-ness again here.

Greg in Seattle

If he’s in the Xhaka role, it can be ok. If he’s meant to be the creative juice with Martin out, he doesn’t have that.

The absolute lack of goal danger for me means he cannot start. But with injuries and Viera now, we continue and hope.

Exit the Lemming

Xhaka is gone. There is no longer the Xhaka role. Move on.

Quentin Quarantino

He was a shit player for Chelsea! Why did we buy him for 65 million? 65 f#kcing million ?? He looks like a massive mistake, pepe was a stroke of genius compared to this guy.


Been saying this quentin yet get thumbed down, ok support our players when they have a bad game or two but the money we outlayed for this guy we should expect 1 decent game, he hasn’t had any to my mind, he looks and plays so adrift to our style of play, we are now lumbered with fitting in a costly player that doesn’t deserve a starting place over other squad players coz of Miki’s mistake of buying him, I’d swap him for Pepe in a heartbeat.


Completely agree, and I’ve been massively downvoted for saying it. Sadly, time will show we are right. This is a guy who had 2 solid seasons in the 2nd rate Bundesliga where he significantly outperformed his npxG, and then 3 indifferent seasons at Chelsea. We totally bailed them out when no one would have paid nearly this. Alexis Mac Alister cost 42M, for one comparison of someone who would look amazing as an 8 for us. It’s not a lack of “confidence.” It’s a lack of top-flight ability.


Hes found himself at a point where any minor imperfection is scrutinised and commented on. Of course he doesn’t appear a 65m player (yet or maybe ever) but any good work that he does is being overlooked. I think he’s done a reasonable job doing a lot of the dirty work that we need doing. And I genuinely think he’s getting better too. Arteta is not sympathetic enough to continue playing him if he doesn’t offer value and we have grown to trust artetas decision making for good reason.

djourou's nutmeg

it’s very interesting how suddenly this gets a lot of likes. when the same thing was said about him after his first two games, those of us who said it were received as hateful monsters that scapegoat players. now that he’s at least taking shots, his inefficiency is widely accepted. what a funny thing, football conversations…


I don’t think that’s because people disagreed with you necessarily. Just that after only a few games it’s a bit negative. We’re supposed to be SUPPORTers after all. But yeah, Havertz has been disappointing


I agree with you. Not sure why still all the downvotes. And it isn’t just based on a few games. He had a lot of opportunities at Chelsea and was pretty toothless.

Exit the Lemming

Objectivity requires a sufficient sample size for effective evaluation.


I didn’t think it was a great idea when we signed him, especially for £65m. And I still don’t. We got ripped off by the chavs again. As a £15m squad player at the Elneny, Lokonga or Nelson level he’s fine. But he is not elite and shouldn’t start games unless we have a big injury crisis. That said, he’s an Arsenal player. We should get behind him on the pitch.


Bang on here. I’ve literally said before, imagine El neny’s character in havertz body.


I agree about Willian, but Jorginho seemed more us ripping them off.


Reading these comments reminds me weirdly of reading the comments after Blackburn 4-3 Arsenal early in the season over a decade ago. Full of people unable to recognise the signs of life when they see them, purely because Arsenal had lost again. That was the game it became clear that Arsenal would stabilise and be okay, and I feel similarly regarding Havertz after today. He had a fine performance with functional midfield play, excellent hold up play, exceptional movement leading to him receiving the ball in numerous dangerous positions, taking on more shots than previously. If one had gone in… Read more »


Agreed he is getting closer … just needs a bit of luck and to score a goal from open play then he will stop over thinking his next pass and will play on instinct … and we will see the real Havertz .. I remember Henry bergkamp being slow to start but once they got going they were insane ….


I’d guess being on the same team as Rice, who hit the ground running running doesn’t help.

I miss santi cazorla

what a sharp dude Trossard is!


Any player willing to put his body on the line for the club is a real trooper

djourou's nutmeg

another match in which trossard thrives as a centre forward. saliba is the best defender in the league right now in my opinion. rice a physical machine as always. and very, very slowly, and perhaps too little, but havertz is getting involved more and more each match, so while it’s still not enough, there’s maybe hope for him. i won’t ruin my comment talking about vieira or nketiah. special mention to raya’s great save. proud of this team, coyg

I miss santi cazorla

Steady with the Nketiah criticism. He is someone you can’t criticize here objectively without being subjected to the down votes.


Nketiahs fault Fabio got sent off today and don’t even talk to me about how Eddie screwed us for their goal.

Greg in Seattle

Conspiracy. Right.


Time to bring nwaneri or MLS In the bench now?

Happy to see trossard leading the line, deserve to play there much more than nketiah

I miss santi cazorla

If said bluntly, Nketiah is the worst player in the squad


This is just not true, at all. Is he good enough for Arsenal? I’m not sure, but that doesn’t make him a bad player.

Bleeding gums murphy

Why is it not true. Name who is worse. Cedric maybe 🤓

Crisby Pancakes

They’re both away for the month playing at the under 17 world cup for England. Both played brill first game as well.


No complaints about Vieira’s red in isolation. Only tough because much harsher stuff with more intent, contact and force is ignored. At least it didn’t matter for today’s result though we will miss him in upcoming matches.


In comparison with the Havertz, Udogie, Kovacic tackles it’s soft…


I fear it will damage him more mentally, the absence that is. He’s struggling to find consistency as it is, one good appearance, one bad one, hope he can use it to dig up some real steam to power himself up instead of going aboutu with the slumped demeanor in which he took that card… both he and Havertz are so talented and just need to light a bit of fire up their own arses


Btw I hope Brownhill didn’t get injured from excessive rolling after the foul. He made a meal of it.

Exit the Lemming

You can get a nasty cut on that Emirates grass you know


Squad wearing thin due to injuries.. felt we had to dig in deep to get our goals today. Hopefully things will get better after the intl break.. well done today… Also really hoping KH29 find some sort of form…

Only one Dennis Bergkamp

Just what we needed. Not exactly an easy game, but we controlled it for most part. And a couple of unusual suspects popping up with the goals is always welcome.
Silly red card by Vieira though. Can really do without this stuff, with the injuries we’re having.


I just learned there is ANOTHER freaking boring frustrating international break now. We just had one! I though we were going to enjoy football for a while withou being interrupted again. It feels like being kicked out of the classroom on fun hour and being forced to do maths instead.


This one is very welcome from an injury perspective.

But yeah, international football suxxxx

Kevin Albone

Agreed, a pain, but if we have a few small injuries it might work in our favour.


Yeah, that or more injuries to even more important players. Fingers crossed.

Exit the Lemming

I wish Southgate would give Saka a well needed rest. He looks jaded.


What worries me is that more players get broken playing in the break than we get back by them not going away. Saka being the most obvious; guy needs the rest.


Trossard should get credit for his corner kicks. It was the easiest goal Saliba will ever score because of the quality delivery.

Exit the Lemming

I hate to swim against the tide here but I thought it was directed too near the keeper who should have done better. (I’ll get me coat….)


Pushes have become the pass interference of soccer. Who knows what the call will be.


In the wide left position, Martinelli is great in open play, but Trossard takes a much better corner, two of which led to goals today. Maybe the answer to the Jesus vs Nketiah dilemma is “Neither, play Tross there”.

Bleeding gums murphy

There is no dilemma with Jesus and nketia. Some had questions about nketia level and thought he was good back up striker, he isn’t unfortunately so there’s not a dilemma now with trossard and nketia as back up striker. Trossard fits our style much better and is a much better player. In a nut shell, no more dilemma 🤓


lol there’s never in a million years been an nketiah vs jesus dilemma. We’ve just had a ‘jesus can’t stay fit dilemma’. The gulf in class between the two when both at full health is night and day.


Nketiah kept us in the title race last year, we bottled it for other reason when Jesus was back

Exit the Lemming

There’s a vestige of truth in this as unpalatable as it sounds. Remember all those asking at the time ‘will Jesus get his place back when fit?’ Eddie is a championship player at best but yes, we did bottle the league last season.

Tommy Gunner

Havertz = the new Pepe. People will tolerate him for a little bit longer, more in hope and sympathy than expectation. He might score a goal or two, and even have a better than average performance, at which point some people will say he’s turned a corner. But the general trajectory will be one of disappointment until we cut our losses

djourou's nutmeg

alright, he’s been totally pepe thus far, in that you’re right. but pepe was pepe for 3 years, havertz has only been pepe for 3 months. we can criticize his performances so far without condemning him to be useless for the rest of his life. that being said, i can’t wait for the first comment saying “bro, pepe was actually not that bad” ☠️


If you add in his woeful years at Chel$ki, you get the full Pepe. Sadly. He doesn’t have the required mentality or skill set.

Tomaury Bischfeld

And remember Xhaka was Xhaka who we all wanted rid of for a while before he became Xhaka.


Diarra, Benayoun, Gallas, Cech, David Luiz, Willian… you would have thought we’d have learned our lesson by now. Only Jorginho has not underwhelmed. And he hasn’t exactly pulled up trees either. The rest have been Chelsea rejects for good reason.


willian has been able to perform for fulham though. wonder why arteta couldnt use him well when he wanted him.


He was one hundred tons overweight at the time.


I don’t think Willian really wanted to leave Chelsea, and then he decided he wanted to go back home to Brazil so he basically cancelled his contract with us in order to leave. The trouble was that things were very dangerous there and his family wasn’t safe so he came back to London. The Fulham gig came when he was in a very different state of mind, which proves that the talent is still there, that Mikel and Edu weren’t wrong about that, but the timing was all wrong.

Exit the Lemming

Ho looked 10 years older in an Arsenal shirt than a Fulham one

A Different George

Benayoun was a very useful loan. Gallas was a prick, but Wenger thought enough of him to make him captain. Luiz was better than our alternatives, which is why he played so much. We don’t need revisionism. Havertz will fail or succeed regardless of the club he came from.


Cech was brilliant in his first 3 seasons. David Luiz was also an excellent signing as was Benayoun too.

Fireman Sam

Disagree that David Luiz was an “excellent signing”.

Cech was not a dud but the rest of the Chelsea rejects were and Havertz looks like he’s heading that way unless he can turn things around sharpish.

Exit the Lemming

Luiz is what happens when you arm toddlers

Exit the Lemming

You know there’s a reason Man City let both Zinchenko and Jesus go right?

Ashburton Patriot

Pepe scored many goals though… not really a fair comparison

Exit the Lemming

Pepe was a winger we paid 80 Million Euros for and he was probably not worth even half that at the time. We’re still paying that exorbitant fee off by installments to Lille. Only someone like Edu, Raul Sanllehi, Jorge Mendes or Tim Lewis will know how much of that wonga must still be headed for the pockets of those who brokered the deal. Mr Pepe is now at Trabzonspor in Turkey and valued at 18 Million Euros. That said, he did contribute eight goals and 10 assists across all competitions in his first season which dwarfs Havertz’s contribution thus… Read more »

Jo jeffery

That’s a bit harsh on Pepe.


Trossard is such a good player. It will be a pity if he is out of the team when Jesus and Ode are back. Can we fit in all three?


Saka…Martin…Leo….Gabi M

Austin Bud

that works on fifa but unsure about reality




Trossard is a very very good player & he gets a 10 for bravery for his goal
Knew what was gonna happen took one for the team scored a goal !!! My type of player right there ! His control of the ball & movement negates any need for him to go to war with the defenders Smart, effective, brave, scores & makes goals ! Can’t be dropped what a buy he has been !


Blogs I approve of my own Trossard post ! You’ve got enough in your plate matey


Vindictive refereeing … overcome!


0/10 for direction and camera work on the peacock stream


Haha, at one point it looked like the camera man tripped while moving it to the left and we got this jittering list. I thought the thing was gonna tumble over.


Bonus Rating 10/10: No VAR drama, no disgusting decisions. Just football.


is it me or the majority of arsenal games are getting boring? other teams nullify us easily. yes we dominate possession but it is constant sideways passing. yes the score is 3-1 and was 5-0 in 2 games but otherwise the game vs city, chelsea, nufc, and so many others just seems like we were toothless. feels like arteta doesnt know how to use a forward and doesnt know how to profile different types of forward. and his ego project with havertz and raya does not help. trossard MOTM for this game. finally we are letting someone who knows how… Read more »


i don’t think team are nullifying us easily, they are doubling up against our biggest threats and maybe making attacks from the wing harder, but we’re controlling games better, posing a bigger threat from set pieces, and finding ways to win against low blocks. raya’s been great, our defensive record is one of the best in the league. the raya hate is unwarranted. and we bought havertz, we have to give him space and time to come good – i’m not going to be blind that he hasn’t produced enough, but he’s been decent otherwise, maybe he’ll come good, maybe… Read more »

Exit the Lemming

Give credit to Burnley for having the cojones to play two up top in an attempt to try pressing our back four into errors. It almost worked for them re the Gudmundsson shot brilliantly saved by Raya in the first half.


I’m not bored but have noticed we have more difficulty in playing forward in the middle third and fewer one touch passes into the box. less three-way passing playing into the bo


x. This is partly down to the absence of Odegaard and Partey. Hopefully Odegaard will be back after the break but it seems Partey is out for the year.

Exit the Lemming

I suspect that Arteta is not particularly bothered about any lack of forward passing in the first and second thirds as long as we protect the football at all times. The main focus seems to be upon either getting our wide attackers in behind the opposition full backs or opening the defence up with overloads in the final third

Michael Green

To be fair to Jorginho everyone has a head full of blood xD.


10/10 for Vincent Company giving Zinchenko a hug on the touchline right after he’d scored the 3rd goal. They are former MC teammates, I know, but it was a nice gesture.

Rice Rice Baby

Pretty harsh on Havertz, he’s low on confidence, but I think he’s getting better every match. Raya too, his kicks to Martinelli are pin point. Still think Ramsdale deserves the starting spot more, but it is what it is. Let’s enjoy the win

Yakful Dodger

Why do we start booting the ball aimlessly when we go down to 10 men? A well drilled side should still be able to retain possession to take the sting out of the gain instead inviting pressure with constant turnovers.


Can’t believe they didn’t the American Football tackle on Tomiyasu wasn’t a foul on the buildup to their goal. What a great weapon to have he is being able to play anywhere equally well across the back line. Just cannot understand how Havertz is so anonymous game after game regardless of the opponent. Just wish ESR was healthy to be able to get a run in the game that Havertz is getting now (and wasting). Looked so far off from every other Arsenal player on the pitch again tonight. Really would love to see Zinchenko sometimes in midfield (when White… Read more »


I don’t really get this idea. Left 8 requires more physicality and defensive steel than left back, Arteta will never play Zinchenko there. We’re talking about the Xhaka role after all

Exit the Lemming

Xhaka is gone. There is no longer any Xhaka role. The rest of us have moved on.


I don’t like Rice in the Xhaka role. It’s a waste imo.


His passing doesn’t come near Xhaka’s. It’s not a criticism, both excel in different aspects of the game. I sensed a put down of Xhaka compared to Rice, and while there are certainly areas where Rice does contribute big time, Xhaka is a more polished footballer.

Exit the Lemming

Rice = Range Rover Sport Dynamic SE Xhaka = Renault Twizy (without airbags)

Sakand Nature

Important win today, congrats to the lads. I do think that overall we have been a bit underwhelming this season and we grind out most wins when it would have been nice to kick on and really boss more teams. In my opinion (and probably many others) playing with Havertz has been the main problem as we are essentially a player light every match. I have been considering this lineup below…basically putting all of our best players on the pitch at the same time (bar Partey who is out for a long time). Saka is obviously super creative and defensively… Read more »

Exit the Lemming

I think we’ve been ‘getting away it’ with in the league to a certain extent. Unconvincing versus Crystal Palace, Fulham, Spurs and Chelsea but grinding out wins and draws. Saka’s form concerns me as he seems well off his usual levels and maybe needs a break (from Arsenal and England) Zinchenko should be playing in midfield as he’s clearly NOT a defender in place of the disappointing Havertz.


Am I the only one who thinks it’s odd to say of a goalkeeper ‘had nothing to do’ if the keeper wasn’t involved in making saves? I just think the role of a goalkeeper has changed over the last decade or so, such that when evaluating the performance of a gk,you have to factor in aspects of the game like passing,distribution etc because all these contribute to the final outcome.In a competition of fine margins,these other contributions add up to make the difference between winning and losing.

Exit the Lemming

Agreed. Raya’s distribution is every bit as valuable as that of any of our outfield players plus he made one brilliant save from Gudmundsson in the first half.


I’m Haverts’s sternest critic, but thought he kept things ticking today. For a change he didn’t stick out as the weak link in our passing moves. Better. 7/10.

Exit the Lemming

All he really contributed was an early fluffed header and missing another good headed chance from a corner. I’m getting sick of only having ‘he worked hard throughout’ to offer in mitigation, as that should be a given for all our team. I realise we are short of bodies through injuries but how long is Arteta going to persist in picking this passenger?

El Mintero

So true…the next time I read “but he was great at running into space” I’ll fkn scream…😂

Charlie George

“Most presses in the first half (20).”

Whatever that means.

Public Elneny

Saliba and Rice running away with our player of the season right now


10/10 Karen Smart today. Sometimes things extend beyond footballl and she was amazing.

Charlie George

What is this about?


Vieira should have just smashed Brownhill in the head with his forearm if he wanted to avoid a red


We beat one of the worst teams in the league. We did what we had to do. But worried about our lack of scoring from open play. Half our goals are from set pieces which seems crazy. Need a striker and a midfielder in jan. Desperately.


Not worried. It was a tactic to win corners on the left so we could pack the 6 yard box and exploit their weakness at corners. It worked – we won easily and it would have been more without Vieira’s needless sending off.

Exit the Lemming

Although their points total to date suggests otherwise, Kompany’s Burnley are a better side than the one that went down from the Premiership. I expect them to survive this season

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