Monday, September 16, 2024

Caitlin Fourd reacts to 6-0 victory over Glasgow Rangers

Caitlin Foord scored four goals in Arsenal’s 6-0 UWCL qualifying win over Glasgow Rangers on Wednesday evening. Caitlin spoke to the press post-match, the first two questions are from Arseblog News.

On being able to get on the end of moves at the back post tonight…
I had fun! I said I was extremely excited to get back out here in Arsenal red. Having the type of players we have on the ball who can put in crosses like that, I knew I just had to get into that area and get on the end of them. I was happy to see a few go in tonight.

On whether they worked specifically on getting her chances on the back post for this game…
We spoke about the opposite winger getting into the box to add that extra number into the box when we get crosses in. We have done that a lot tonight. We spoke about that at half-time, about how much space there is when the ball comes back into the pocket. I just knew if the ball came in to get on the end of it.

On her fitness levels after the Olympics…
I didn’t feel too sharp for the games in the US! It was nice to get those games in before an important game like this to feel sharp again. I did feel I didn’t lose much fitness from the Olympics. I feel good.

On switching flanks with Mariona a few times during the game…
It wasn’t really we spoke about to switch so consistently, but with Mariona being able to play on the right, it just flowed to stay if we ended up on the other side. I think it worked out nicely to interchange with her and to build new connections on the right. I am used to being on the left, I am familiar there it was just about building connections with the players on that side.

On avoiding the same fate as last season in the UWCL qualifying rounds…
I don’t think we will be complacent, it is still pretty firmly in our minds what happened last season and we don’t want it to happen again. For Rosenborg to beat Atletico, that is a tough game so they obviously played really well. We are looking forward to it.

On how aware the team were of the earlier game between Atleti and Rosenborg…
No it was full focus on our game but I am sure we will see in the next couple of days the footage from it.

On having a good pre-season to prepare for this game…
Last season we came off the back of the World Cup. It was important this year to get some time off to come in fresh. It didn’t work out the way we wanted it to last year, we’ve had more time this time to prepare for this game and have those two games in the US. We lost to Chelsea out there but this was the important game, it was important to have those games to build towards this one and for Saturday.

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Nacho de Montreal is tasty

Our girls were in Barcelona mode today. Hope they show Chelsea, City and Man U, who is the boss this season.

Salvador Berzunza

the girls did it last season, we lost the league to Liverpool, Westham and Spurs.

Louise R

Great to see some goals from the team – hope they haven’t used them all up. I was a bit concerned about the lobbing of balls into the box in the first half but we looked great on the second half.

Fun Gunner

Fair point, but I’d say that was credit to Rangers in the first half.

Fun Gunner

Caitlin Foord, I salute you for a great overall performance. Not just the actual goals, which were brilliantly taken. The team looks like a new team and she looks like a new player – partly because of Mariona. I really like that she says it just came naturally for her and Mariona to switch sides. Those are the connections we need, the improvisation JE bemoaned the lack of last season.

Bill Hall

That was some performance! Well done Caitlin, the volley was fabulous, and Mariona is class, her cross/assist for Caitlin’s first goal (how did she squeeze a header in from that angle), well if the men’s team had made a cross like that we would all be raving about it! Also Alessia, excellent goal on the turn, very Henryesque!

Amor pelo futebol feminino

I like what I’m seeing, quick passes, assertive decision-making, a new attitude, they’re focused on one game at a time, they know what they want, there are still two more games left girls, with humility you’ll get there, let others say whatever they want, what counts is shown on the field. At the beginning of the game I was apprehensive, the refereeing wasn’t calling anything (shirt pulling) then it went back to normal.

J Wilks

Hi Tim, I watched Caitlin’s performance with your recent analysis in mind where you said Caitlin thrives as a type of second striker and you are so spot on. You could really see her brilliance and energy on the pitch when she was allowed to play in this type of free role, as opposed to stuck out wide on the wing. It seems like Jonas has changed his tune from last season, where Caitlin and Beth (to a lesser degree) were forced out so wide, but now he’s letting Mariona roam more in that same position and she brings her… Read more »

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