Friday, October 18, 2024

Wilshere suffers monster scare

Arsenal fans suffered a serious scare today when it was revealed that Jack Wilshere was to share the cover of FIFA 12 with Wayne Rooney.

The latest installment of EA’s popular football game – in which you can play online against anyone in the world provided they’re Barcelona, Real Madrid or Inter – features Wilshere in Arsenal’s new away kit, alongside a picture of Rooney who is bellowing for monster reinforcements as he prowls the wastelands for food.

Arsenal fans might well be worried about the placement of the sensational midfielder beside United’s talismanic yet girthy striker. Last season Carlos Vela featured on the cover US version of the popular football game – in which you can be winning an online game by two goals with ’15’ minutes to go only to have your only opponent quit almost every single time – along with Kaka and Landon Donovan.

Subsequently Kaka has become terrible, Vela ended up on loan at West Brom and Landon Donovan remains Landon Donovan.

FIFA 12 is out in September and fans of the game will be looking forward to the collision engine and the new features which will allow online players to pretend to lose their internet connection every time they’re losing.

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Thumbs up, top piece.


The way people quit the game when you’re beating them is perhaps the most annoying aspect of the game!


I’ve confirmed, that if someone quits on you and you’re leading, you get the full points that you’d normally have gotten at the end of the game, and the other person loses double his points.

I’ve confirmed this multiple times. The score doesn’t reflect immediately, only after you finish playing the next match. Take notice next time

SF Gooner

Is there a Barca, Real, Inter, Chelsea filter on FIFA so I don’t have to keep playing these cheap cunts on line?

Black Matta

I’ve come down to setting up games with just 3-4 star teams. Sure, it means you can’t play as the Arse (not until we get relegated this season /doom) but if you think about it, the people also choosing to do the same are usually far more mature, had the same frustrations as you with regular play, and are normally better skilled players.

Makes FIFA online that much better by cutting out 75% of the dregs of human society (online gamers).


Quality article mate ! It’s funny coz its true haha

Zain Cannon

I never liked FIFA anyway…screw ’em!




Bah too much credit to Rooney, luscious is far too big a word for him. Ug would have been believable.


Fucking heh.

The number of cunts that quit on me when I am winning is sickening

Makes me want to kill them.

But I have to make do with sending them childish and insulting messages


Lol me too. But if I filter to max 10% Dnf I get less quits.


Y’know I’ve always wondered what the “DNF” stands for…? What makes it work as a percentage too?


chambo, what a childish little prick you are. are you 11 ?


Sometimes a childish insult is all you have when you’ve come back from 2-0 down to win 4-2 only to have them quit on you in the dying seconds.

Mind you I’ve stopped doing it myself since I received a reply saying: “Sorry, I’m only 9, mum was calling me for dinner”


I am 9 actually. Sorry, would have replied at the time but it was way past my bed time

The BearMan

Not very flattering images!

Jake Davies

When i saw this link posted on twitter i excpected wilshire to have a major injury ! Phew!

Gunner sell out

Exactly… I’m a long time reader of arseblog and if I remember correctly the guy who writes it used to hate journalists who create misleading headlines. He’s at it himself now. Clicks mean advertising revenue… sell out!!! 🙂


He’s slowly turning into one of them……….


If you play using Barca can you transfer Fabrigas for €10,000,000, no? Thought not CuOcO


Lol the stuff about people quitting online games is so true. Sort it out EA


SF Gooner. you can set up a custom game and stipulate the maximum number of stars for the teams you can pick from.


There is nothing greater on FIFA than to select Sp*s as your opponents, then get the match abandoned by up ending every single one of the cunts! ( bout 8 I think you need) happy chopping!


Happy indeed.


EA Where is our home color on the cover? Don’t give me that United has Red so we can’t have red. It’s two different red and we have white sleeves so it’s distinguishable. Don’t like fifi, PES is where I be at.


The quiting while losing is just too too frequent pisses me off real bad.great article tho.


FIFA sucks Arry’s dry scaley balls. But it seems to share the same problem as PES from what I read here – those boring fucks who choose Barca Madrid.
My solution is simple, choose the same team and the same strip right at the last second. I love taking out Ronaldo with Ronaldo. Funny as fucking hell, watching your cheap assed opponent constantly running in the wrong direction (when I’m not doing it myself). Why the fuck did The Arse sell out to EA, I’ve had enough of “North London”.
Jack, kick Rooney in the nuts please.

Johnny Massacre

On Halo Reach if you constantly quit early you get locked out of the game…

Matt Anderson

I think he looks sexy, my little man crush


Am just in Uganda, i only play pirated fifa anyway. No way i can play online so i dont play those cunts


Its sickening how ppl quit on you……but I let in a goal or two (false sense of security) and then turn it up….maybe in the second half. I find less ppl quit this way.



Cool down with those titles! I was scared for a moment… and FIFA sucks, its no coincidence it is named after a bunch of cunts.


Well, I never thought we’d be moaning about this on here.. But now that we are, how abt those who just lag the game when u are on target to score or in their box? How do u beat that.. (or better, how do u do that) ()=whisper


shittttttttttt. i thought he got you scared the shit out of me.

Bromley Gooner

Haven’t seen a boilk from blogger in ages perhaps he’s clean at the moment but I find that hard to believe!!! Ps my one true failing in FIFA is my inability to play against Chelsea and not try and hurt Cashley Hole, the cunt!!! He even looks annoying on there.


Always amazes me that Electronic Arts gets away with such blatant infringement on licensing by their choice of cover athletes in Europe. We all know that Activision has the video game rights to Shrek.
That said, good on Jack for making the cover. We had Carlos Vela in the Arsenal home strip here in the North American release of FIFA 2011, but given how little he featured for us, I hope we see young Jack on the cover here in the States as well.


Wayne Roomey on the cover? Who are they marketing this game to? Is it people who are fucking Retards?


Hey, hey, hey. I’m American. What does it mean that “Landon Donovan is still Landon Donovan.” You don’t just insult the best American ever and a true legend and get away with it! Explain yourself.


Firstly you have my condolences for being American 😉

Sadly Landon Donovan just doesn’t really cut the mustard on these shores. If being the best from a given nation than Igor Stepanovs (best Lativian ever) would be a legend and not just a useless lumbering twat


Help if I could write I guess.


Donovan is pretty shit, is what he was getting at. I think.


Can’t put Donovan and Shrek on the cover of FIFA together… it’d be ‘Battle of the Receding Hairlines.’ EA would likely toss Iniesta and Robben on the cover then, too.

Bromley Gooner

July 29, 2011 at 7:34 am
Haven’t seen a boilk from blogger in ages perhaps he’s clean at the moment but I find that hard to believe!!! Ps my one true failing in FIFA is my inability to play against Chelsea and not try and hurt Cashley Hole, the cunt!!! He even looks annoying on there.



Tbh the quitting is annoying, but on the bright side you get an automatic 3-0 win if the game has gone past the 5 minute mark. So, it’s not all bad.


Have to say my arsehole fell out when I read the title of this piece.

You Sir, are a bastard, but admittedly a funny one.


Guessing the majority of you play FIFA on the Xbox or PS3… On the PC is a lot worse guys, you get WAY more cheaters than quitters… as in over 50% of your games will be against a cheater. As soon as they realise they are not going to win the game they pause it, the countdown timer gets to 0 and nothing happens. If you quit the game they win, so instead of a football game it turns into a “who has the most patience” game. The worse are the type that beat you in the first game, you… Read more »


I bet messi is playing Fifa at home!


Don’t no if any of you realise but if some
Quits the game after 10 mins into it you automatically get the win anyway I thinks it’s about time we had 2 English players on the front just like FIFA 10 where you had Rooney Theo and big fat Frank on their I love FIFA and shall be queuing up for when it comes out!


This is gonna be top, I already know all the fifa 11 skill moves so I’m all ready for when fifa 12 comes out and Gervinho is the best dribbler ever


Bets dribbler ever…. haha…. surely that’s Joe ‘The Brain’ Cole!?!?


Please read; ‘BEST dribbler ever..’

Quite ironic there, really…


Donovan is a legend

[…] homegrown talent, a fan favourite, a FIFA cover-boy and seemingly happy to speak his mind, Wilshere has all the ingredients to become a true Arsenal […]


well what can do if I always lose connection when I lose lol


I was directed to this specific post, by an Arsenal supporting mate of mine, and I have to say that the bit about online play is true. I support United, but I don’t play as them, ever. I’ll play, if using an English team, Everton or lower. I’ve found that I have moderate success against Chelsea, Madrid, and Barca with Nottingham Forest or Derby County. Can’t explain it, I just do.

This blog is spot-on. Also, many kudos to Wilshire for making the cover. He’s got a great future ahead of him, especially if he’s being recognised now.


But Landon Donovan is good … ?

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