Sunday, September 8, 2024

Rosicky: Wenger does not want to sell me

Tomas Rosicky has spoken publically about his future with the Gunners and revealed that Arsene Wenger has no intention of selling him ahead of the new season.

The Czech Republic international was thought to be one of a number of players set to be culled by the Frenchman this summer but made clear that despite not being guaranteed regular football he wishes to stay at Arsenal.

The 30-year-old was rewarded with a new contract at the Emirates in January 2010 even though he had missed a significant portion of the two preceding seasons.

Speaking to, the former Borussia Dortmund man remarked:

“I don’t want to go somewhere where I would have it easier and where even the ordinary life would be easier for me. I want to achieve something with Arsenal.

“On Monday, I am starting pre-season with Arsenal. Before vacation I was speaking with coach Wenger and he told me he counted on my services and that there was no intention of selling me.”

A close friend of club captain Cesc Fabregas off the field, the midfielder also made clear that he had no idea whether the Spaniard would be staying in London.

“I was talking to him on the phone recently, but I don’t know,” said Rosicky.

“Even if I knew, I wouldn’t tell. I would like to see him stay because he is a good mate as well as an excellent football player.”

News of Rosicky’s likely stay comes quick off the heels of a statement from the agent of Denilson who hinted his client was also expecting to stay with Arsenal despite publically revealing his intention to leave last month.

Playing down rumours of a move to AC Milan, representative Gerardo Santiago told Calcio Mercato:

“Currently there are no negotiations. The only certainty right now is that Denilson will be at training with Arsenal on July 7.

“With Wenger we often talk about other issues, but we have never touched on the topic of a possible departure for Denilson.”

While Denilson and Rosicky look certs to make the pre-season tour of the Far East the likelihood of French duo Samir Nasri and Gael Clichy joining them appears uncertain. Both players were heavily linked today with a move to Manchester City with Roberto Mancini reportedly ready to offer a combined fee of £27 million.


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When will this transfer torture stop!


Do we really want Nasri to stay now? Don’t know if I can look at him without wanting to punch him in the kidney. Even if he stays we all know he’s a lesbian Cashley with a french accent.


Retroactive thumbs up from 2015. You were right.


Rosicky AND Denilson staying!?!? what fantastic news. whilst we’re at it, perhaps get some new contracts on the table for them? keep them away from Man City who are more than welcome to Nasri. Clearly don’t need him anymore


I hope this turns out 2 b untrue, we really need 2 get serious.

John B.

I’m not surprised, actually. Rosicky is experienced, has great character, and I can see Wenger wanting more of those kinds of squad players than less. On a related note, I often wonder what the 07-08 season would have been like had Rosicky not gotten injured late that January. People always blame our collapse that season on Eduardo’s injury and Gallas’ strop, but for me it was all about losing an in-form Rosicky and then later Flamini for a spell. That midfield of Rosicky – Flamini – Cesc – Hleb was at the time the best in Europe. So yeah, got… Read more »

Akhil Nayak

EXACTLY……..We were the best in Europe at that time before injuries and that Eduardo incident……….That Gallas’ incident was rather like a child whining after he lost something or was unfairly treated………….

Gooner Kev

Rosicky should have been 1 of the 1st names on the out list this summer.

As far as im concerned we have paid him since 2006 for absolutely nothing.

He has barely played due to injury and when he has played he has been average at best.

1 stand out moment, 2 goals at Anfield in an FA Cup tie, thats about it.

Players like him are comfortable picking up a big wage for nothing, he is in the comfort zone so obviously he wants to stay. Which other club would pay him such high wages for no reward!


what wonderful news that is. denilson too. give them new 10 year deals. they will be like having 2 new signings. no more transfer activity needed this summer then. hooray.

An Ri the Great

Haha, brilliant Rellends!!


Spend some fuckin’ money
Spend some fuckin’ money
Spend some fuckin’ money
Spend some fuckin’ money


we are… Rosicky’s medical bills

Johnny Massacre

Fabregas and Nasri going, Rosicky and Denilson staying.

That statement is no different from this one:

You can keep your small penis, but I will chop off your testicles.

Seriously. I am realising how fuck up this Arsenal squad is.

I would seriously sell:

Almunia, Clichy, Eboue, Denilson, Diaby, Rosicky, Bendtner.

And we are going to lose Nasri and Cesc.

If that played out, we’d have this for a first team:

Scez, Gibbs, Djourou, Vermaelen, Sagna, Song, Wilshere, ???, Arshavin, Walcott, Van Persie.

That is depressing.


That makes the season easy on the eyes………..!! the same faces, mistakes, outcome…..we are not even talk GK anymore………….AW will play the price if he mocks us this time……..


Great stuff! I can gear arsene now! Talking about how a Rosicky with a full pre season under his belt is like a new signing!

Pull your finger out arsenal and bring me the head of someone world class!!!!!

Gunner Rob

Christ on a fucking bike, we’re getting stuck with all the sicknotes and lazy fuckers.


Ha! The wording in your comment made me laugh!


Psssh. Keeping the captain of the Czech Republic on our squad? Terrible idea you penny pinching Frenchmen.


Sicky is still a good squad player. Tbh having someone that decent who is happy to play as few games as him is no bad thing, though I suspect he’s on silly money given his injury record.

Anyway, we can’t sell *everyone*. There needs to be some continuity.


Disagree with all the hate towards Rosicky. He’s experienced – won trophies at every club he’s been at besides Arsenal and he’s Czech national team captain. He’s a quality player, can play some quality passes, fierce strike on him and desire to win. People forget just how good he was when he was in form before his injury. I’d be happy to see him stay on, give him another season and let him run his contract out and if then he still hasn’t shown his previous quality then let him go.


Rosicky is finished – I remember his terrible performances in the Carling Cup Final and that away Newcastle game (when he was responsible for one goal at least). I am fed up with Wenger keeping all these rubbish players like Denilson ( the worst Brazilian player I have ever seen),Eboue,Dialby(injured in 3 out of 4 games),Almunia,Sqillaci,Bendnter,Fabianski and Kosialsky. Nobody else wants them and they are on crazy wages. I can see a really bad season coming and Arsenal dropping out of the top 4. We are losing our best players like Fabregas and Nastri because we have won nothing for… Read more »


Spot on.


To make a proper comment on our players, I think its a given that you should be able to spell their names.


Good old Kosialsky, Bendntner and Dialby.


I played Football Manager for the first time ever yesterday, and in my first match, which was against the Arsenal reserves, guess who managed to get injured?

Yep. Rosicky.

shah Xaib

rosicky is not for sale because he is a senior member of arsenal team & wengar know that he made blunder by selling experianced palyers and there is no leader(experianced player) & wengar is unable to handle young ego heads.


Yeah, he had a bad year. Yeah, maybe he’s not turning the numbers everyone expected. But he has the heart and the attitude of a trooper, unlike the captain that everyone loves. I don’t hear “I want to achieve something with Arsenal” coming out of his mouth anymore…nor from nasri, or clichy. As long as Arsene replaces with some quality, I’d rather have players dedicated to the team. To the cause. To the Gunners!!!

Danish Gooner

Rosicky is as usefull as an Elephant in a porcelain shop.


You mean he’s a ‘smashing’ player?

Akhil Nayak

Nice one.LOL

Danish Gooner

The cows are coming home.The much lauded rosciky and the new Veiria(Deckchair denilson) cant be sold because the are useless and Wenger have given them to high wages so noone will touch them,Thank you professor……now get your coat.

Danish Gooner

Only at Arsenal you can underperform for 3 or 4 seasons and then get a pay rise and a vote of confidence,it just shows how much of a giant turd Wenger have turned this club into.


..or play 1/2 a good season and demand to be the highest paid player on the team…and threaten to go to the enemy if you don’t cough up. Yeah, that’s the type of player Arsenal need. Let’s keep him.

Akhil Nayak

Three or four seasons?????? Dude nobody played more than two seasons bad…………I have ONE OF THE BEST MEMORY………So dawg, what i am saying is Denilson was bad for the past two years(before he promised something but gone backwards) and Rosicky was injured(that makes him look fatigued at times)

Brian wallace

In other news, Eboue today has been handed a new 5 year contract and has been made the new club captain. Igor stepanovs has been appointed as our new defence coach along with Gus Ceaser. Our new attacking coach was today named as Lee Chapman. Arsenal have also announced today that the pre match ‘the wonder of you’ song is to be replaced by Phil Collins’ ‘another day in paradise’ and that the team will run out to the sound of simply reds ‘stars’.
Carlsberg don’t do fuck ups at football clubs but……..


Koliasky out!


Fantastic news
Now just waiting for the news Alex hleb to be thrown into the fabregas deal
Aliadiere to be offered a new deal and sol campbell to return on a 3 year deal


“I am fed up with Wenger keeping all these rubbish players! “I mean look at the richest two clubs in the world, Chelsea and City. 100% quality in their squads. Jo, SWP, Ferreira, Hilario, all top drawer. And United. Gibson and Bebé, both amazing. And as for the cream of the crop, FC Barcelona, well those lucky bastards get Gabi Milito (minus his knees), and at least six others that no one has ever heard of and who only ever play the last 5 minutes at home versus Sporting Gijon. Shame they sold the Ukrainian Jesus though, he was class.… Read more »

Akhil Nayak

Nice One…..But instead of Diaby or Rosicky, you could have used Denilson and Bendtner…………….:)

willy young

god this is more depressing by the day when was the last time Sicknote scored the thought of Sicknote , Eboue , Denilson and Bendy ( Waiter not gone yet either) still at The Arseanl is surreal!!! Please in the name of God go

Walter Arrowsmith

If Nasri and Fab with Clichy were to leave ,it would leave a big hole. Arsenal may take half a season to two to to recover unless Wengers buys the epl players. We all know the Fm aint willing do so as he is against financial doping. MU and MC billions if not trillions in debt don’t bother about UEFA”s financial play.
Arsenanl will in my opinion drift to mediocre status as long as Wenger refuses to change his stance and risks being irrelevant.




Let me start by saying I love Arsenal like a holiday to brazil in the carnival season, chilling on the beach with my neck constantly turning 180 degrees. However, the situation we find ourselves in currently is truly tragic. What you are now seeing is the end product of not replacing monumental characters, not making moves for players at the right time, and bringing in players that have what it takes to succeed. I could go on all day to be honest. The bottom line is this, Arsenal have needed a goal keeper since David seaman and have choose to… Read more »

[…] Tomas Rosicky says he’s going nowhere: On Monday, I am starting pre-season with Arsenal. Before vacation I was speaking with coach Wenger […]


Arsenal’s philosophy has always been admirable: focus on youth and development and be financially self-sufficient. It’s all great. But, at the end of the day, I would rather my team win trophies than have the club (and those who run it) make a profit. Evra was beyond right: Arsenal have become a training center. Those with potential come in, train themselves up into world class players, and leave to clubs with bigger ambitions and a greater willingness to spend money. At the end of the day, it’s the players’ job, and if someone is willing to pay more, and already… Read more »

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