Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Nasri wants Ballon D’Or

Samir Nasri has revealed that his primary motivation in seeking a move away from Arsenal is not money, but personal glory.

It has long been mooted that Nasri’s refusal to sign a new deal at the club which made him so well renowned was due to the fact more cash was on offer elsewhere and also that a Bosman deal next summer would allow him to roll around on his bed throwing bundles of high denomination notes about the place whilst touching his special area.

However, Nasri told the News of of the World that money was not part of his decision making process. “We already earn huge wages. The priority is to make a big career and to win titles. I am hungry for titles. I play football because I love this sport and want to feel the emotion of winning.

“With no titles under your belt, you can’t be in the list for the Ballon D’Or”.

Nasri’s desire to win football’s most prestigious individual award may only happen if his salary crosses the £100,ooo per week mark, and with Arsenal only offering a piffling £90,000 he may well have to make a very difficult decision to ensure his footballing ambitions are achieved.

Our thoughts are with him.


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Wow, this is one poor piece of “journalism”. His point is a valid one.


Some people just don’t (or won’t) ever get it, AB.


When has he EVER said he wants to go to Man City? That was a story made up by terrible journalists. And just cuz a club is interested in someone doesn’t mean he is interested in them. You don’t even give the guy a chance with articles like this. He has said his entire career that he just wants to win (look at any serious interviews with him), and that quote is a reference to the fact that you can’t win anything personally without first winning with your team. And what player doesn’t have ambition to be one of the… Read more »


“I play football because I love this sport and want to feel the emotion of winning. Lifting a trophy all together, this is the beauty and sense of team sports.”

From the same interview.


But why would he want balloon balls?


…said Samir and signed with the title guaranteeing team that is Man City for £180.000 a week and a spaceship.


Play fucking better in the second half of the season and you will win some titles!

I don’t really believe anything the NotW print but if this is true then it just seems that players these days either want money or piggy back on squads of players who are better than them to make themselves look better.

Akhil Nayak

YEAH!!!!!! That MOFU should know that playing shit in the second half of the season won’t give you even My’Dor……………Those Carling cup misses,,,, that “not-seeing-carlingcup-Bendtner-pass-which-in-his-place-CescFab-would-have-done” NOPASS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Those weak shots………….He is lazy to run………He is good but i doubt English League is his forte………..


I think Nasri’s camp is being dickish but the idea that Arsenal is ‘the club which made him so well renowned’ is somewhat disingenuous. Nasri was a big talent in France playing at a big club and had been earmarked from an early age as one of the stars of the future of French football. I think by those early expectations set for him he’s underachieved slightly but I think wherever he went after Marseilles he more than likely would have made a (bigger) name for himself.

dan werren

Does nasri have any class at all? Does he know that football is a team game.


funny that it was mid season when we were still in the all four competitions and actually in the CC final that he broke off talks on the new contract when he was offered £90K a week, as others pointed out, if he had kept up his performances in second half of the season – 1 goal and no assists from 6th of jan, then maybe we would have won some trophies, funny how these over inflated egos of players always blame others for the teams lack of success, pity they don’t look at their own part in the collaspe.… Read more »

Akhil Nayak

Very Good Observation


he got one assist against barca..:)nevetheless..good point..:)


Yeah, and I want a pony. That ain’t gonna happen, either.

Midfield Corporal

Don’t get a pony mate, lots of work and commitment. Why not offer to excercise the horses at a local stable first, see if it’s really what you want.


Can we not just shackle him in a dungeon somewhere under Colney as a lesson to be remembered by all @ Arsenal about what happens if you’re a ****? His comments sum up exactly what is wrong with most of our squad. Where’s the talk of collective responsibility? It pisses me off that it doesn’t even register with Nasri that HE was a key part of a team which has won FA. I say if we can get serious dosh from City, let him go, watch his career disintegrate, and stick Eboue up as attacking left mid.


Screw the idea of collective responsibility — that just allows people that mess up to pass the buck onto the rest of their team. I want to see individual responsibility. I want to see players playing as if their lives depended on it and hating to let down their team mates.

Any player that wants to leave Arsenal is not fit to have the cannon on their chest. It’s time to get tough with these prima donnas.


Nasri isn’t ever going to be good enough to win the Ballon d’Or.


i’m not being funny but Henry won titles and was the best player in Eurpoe by a country mile and still never won the Ballon D’or.


True, Henry never won the title of Ballon D’or because he did not match the criteria which is…
1) You must play for Barcelona
2) You must be somehow associated with Barcelona
3) You must be willing to suck the FIFA presidents cock
4) You need to master the art of diving

By those criteria it would seem Henry never had a chance 🙂


Piss him off to a team outside of the EPL and wait for his autobiography where Arsenal dicked him the salary he deserved, otherwise he’d have stayed. No player is bigger than the club, sorry sami


Is he really that stupid/badly advised to come out with that shite?

I know it’ll never happen because football’s a business and we’ll be cutting our nose off blah blah blah, but with Euro 2012 next year, hold him to the final year of his contract and stick him in the reserves all season.

Stick that up your Balloon Knot – sorry, D’or – m’son.


He’s a cunt lads. Let the cunt go and play half a season else where. He needs to be surrounded by his own kind so either Manc club will do.


The mancs are cunts, yet they win trophies year in year out mate. i don’t think samir has said anything wrong here. he’s only stating the fact.

The thing is, he basically carried us for the first part of the season. yes he choked at the end. but where were the remaining 10 players on the pitch. he cant be asked to step up every single time while everyone else is asleep. he did well for us. we should at least be grateful to him, fuck knows where we would have been by january without him.


I think this will be a real turningpoint for Arsenal, if they makes him stay it will show that we can support bigger players. If he leaves than it will show that Evra is right and that Arsenal is a Springboard. And if he then leaves i think arsenal would have a rough few years…. I think Nasri has the potential to be great, but he has to show it over more then six months, thats why i think its wrong for him to leave at this point, in which bigger club is he granted the same devolpmentstage or the… Read more »


He may well be after money, but it still is a valid point.

Besides, assuming that ‘He’s really just after more money’ is as good as the Daily Star saying that RVP’s going to hand in a transfer request i.e. painting a false picture with absolutely no foundation whatsoever. How do you know he isn’t voicing genuine concerns?

Dismissing him as a money-seeking nut, takes away from the real issue – we’re only viewed as a stepping stone now.


Seriously.. what is the basis for making him about to be this greedy asshole? None of these rumor stories have any quotes from him. His life is not indebted to this club. As fans we should just hope that a quality and rather intelligent player decides to stay with us.


I’m not naive enough to believe that this is his raison d’être in football but go with me on this. We as a club have given him this excuse. What ambition have we shown since our failures became apparent? And I don’t mean just this season. Perhaps I’ve finally jumped on the doom and gloom wagon but for me we need to be showing our intent now. Cesc who has been loyal despite his desire to play for barca has consistently stated that all he wants to do is win trophies. We’ve not exactly done our utmost to give ourselves… Read more »


Funny that at the end of the season he claimed we were the best team yet all of a sudden we’re not good enough. The likes of Denilson, Nasri and Bendtner all want to leave because they are “winners”. This begs the question of how, with a a squad made up entirely of winners the trophy cabinet is so bloody empty. They need to take a look at themselves and ask whether at the end of the game they have bust a gut to get a result, if not keep your mouth shut. I can put up with players being… Read more »


A bit harsh Argo, given a group is made up of individuals & all that, though you’re right they need to feel the responsibility individually too.. Generally I think the club need to be firmer than they seem – tell Cesc he isn’t going anywhere yet, and offload Nasri to the highest bidder as he’s so openly shown he thinks he’s more important than the team. How would he do anyway? When you think about how most players that leave us turn out to actually be sh*t, plus that when Wenger inherited a decent team he turned them into greats,… Read more »


Yes, maybe I was being harsh, but I am sick of all these players saying that it’s everyone’s fault, which let’s those that have messed up or couldn’t be bothered off the hook. When you genuinely have a team of winners, then the collective responsibility approach works, but when you don’t it just papers over the cracks. Wenger is a good manager, if a little tactically naive at times. It seems that in the period when we’ve not won anything it’s as if we are approaching the transfer market with an entirely different rulebook to all these other clubs. We… Read more »


The reason we didn’t win anything last season is because Nasri et al didn’t perform. If he wants to win things then he should play all season. He like others lacked heart. No passion for the club just a whining little bitch looking for others to carry him while he counts his money. Fuck’m.

Junichi B

Passion don’t win things. Quality and experience of winning do. The problem, main issue, is when we are under pressure, who can take the burning torch and say, follow me? No one, maybe Cesc, but most of the time injured. But who else? Verma, wasn’t there? Who else? Robin? Maybe and that’s all. Nasri has won nothing and still needs someone who tape his shoulder, look over him. As the others. Zidane, who really became the player he was after the world cup said he learnt the culture of winning at Juve. Not before, Juve. And so he started to… Read more »


it’s no co-incidence that since the 50% tax on all professional football players wages, that we have this kind of nonsense coming from players. not all of them, but those that do (nasri adebayor bentdner) are being linked with super cash rich clubs like city, why? Simple economics I’m afraid, if nasri was on a total of £40,000 a week, well after taxes he’s now on £20,000. & so we offer him a new deal worth £90,000 Pw he takes home £45,000, so his agent has a word, explains that his contract is due to expire in 12 months time,… Read more »

Junichi B

I just think Nasri and Cesc have a different story with the club. One was brought to high level by the club, not the other. One has spent 8 years in the club, not the other. And, I think, that for the same wages he is earning at the moment, Nasri would join Barcelona if they desperately wanted him.

Mr Teddy Ears

I think he should be repeatedly kicked in his Ballon D’Or’s the prick and fuck off to city with his greedy mate who hates going on coaches.

The pair of them can both dress as a pantomime horse he can be the arse end !!!



Titus Van Damme

I agree. that bucktoothed fuckmonkey can tongue the winnets off my ring then fuck off up north

Junichi B

Well, if I had the possibility to join United and yes, WIN something, I think I would have done it. Nasri is not Wilshere in the sense we can’t expect him to love the club the way Wilshere, Fabregas or Van Persie love it. He is ambitious, he has the right to be so. He want to make a big career, ok, Henry left the club to win the Champions League when he felt we would not win something anymore. Ok. Arsenal made Nasri? No, sorry, he was already an international before joinning the club, playing in the biggest club… Read more »


I wonder if thats what he also said when he left Marseille.

vox in Oz


vox in Oz

and get your teeth fixed and cleaned. TWat. Fuck him off, buy Parker! 90k a week… twat!

Mr Teddy Ears

Twat indeed


I dotn get it. We all want the boss to spend. Why not on nasri? He has more loyality to arsenal than someone we’d sign who never played for us before, more potential and probably more skill. If he had the same last season with another squad I’dd welccome him as a signing over the players we are being linked to. No player is bigger than the club but if we only play those that are truely loyal we’re gonna have trouble fielding a team of 11


You’ve contradicted your own argument there. “No player is bigger than the club” – exactly, so why should we be held to ransom by a player who hasn’t even come close to deserving wages in the region of what he’s demanding. “He has more loyality to arsenal than someone we’d sign who never played for us before” that makes no sense, if he had any loyalty he would’ve signed a contract long ago and would be looking forward to playing in an Arsenal shirt next season. It’s loyalty that’s the issue, he’s a money-grabbing cunt and he can fuck off… Read more »


@paddymac: there is no more loyalty in football, so lets all wake up and smell the coffee…i bet adebayor at man city doesnt deserve his wages, neither is john carew worth 30+mil. im sure you would jump at an improved offer and resign your job if another company came knocking. If Arsenal FC wants to win anything , i’ll say they ought to start paying players like champions. if not, we’ll be a mid table club with a very rich board in a few years time…and guess what? even Arsene would leave.


I don’t buy the whole “if a company offered you more wages you’d jump at the chance” argument, it’s the response of a simpleton. The reality is that these players earn enough in ten years to retire comfortably, but all that motivates them is greed. Someone doing an office job earning 20k a year gets offered 22k somewhere else, sure he’s going to consider it because he probably needs the money. It depends how much you love your job. If you were working for a company you absolutely love and you cared about, you might consider a wage cut to… Read more »


I wonder why players dig these holes for themselves. He could still end up in an Arsenal shirt next season – what will the fans’ reaction be like if that does happen?


score a hattrick and he’s back on the fav list, i know i’ll chant his name< specialy if he does it against the mancs.


Well fair enough, I’ll enjoy the hat-trick too but will be thinking “meh. he’s still a cunt and is off on a free in a few months time”


Wenger should let Nasri play for the reserves all season.

World Class

Nasri to hoist Ballon d’Or in United colors.


WOW..? Are you serious with this article? He was making a statement of fact in regards to the idea that to receive anything you have to first win with your team. You took one sentence from an entire interview, and made him look terrible. How bout the rest of the article? You know where he talks about just wanting to win trophies, and that being the reason he came here in the first place. Or the part about keeping his priorities in line and knowing the value of money and that’s an unimportant.

I’d expect better from this site, honestly.


Wait? You mean a world-class player has ambition to win titles and be considered the best in the world? Yeah, what an asshole..

If you actually read all of his quotes from this interview you can see his intelligence and where his priorities. And they definitely are not with money. You should really research this guys background a little more if you actually think he’s just about money.


I read the article and yes he has ambition which is no bad thing. The issue is he has no loyalty or sense of passion for Arsenal FC. It is clear that his only concern is his wants and needs. He could be typical of the modern mercenary footballer but it doesn’t make it any more palatable. And I don’t believe for one minute he has little regard for the money. He is what he is a millionaire journey man who when it came to the crunch last season lacked the emotional conection to the club and fans to step… Read more »


What evidence do you have that he values money so much? He was born on the streets of Marseille and has made note that this was a blessing, because he was so close with his family. Why would a guy raised like that be motivated by money? You don’t have to like the guy, but it is so completely disrespectful to make assumptions about what he values when he has clearly stated that money is not one of those things.


Lets be realistic here, Nasri is by far one of our best players, letting him go would see another season of rebuilding a team which would land us probably 4th or even drop out of the top four (dont think we’ll get the get out of jail card every season). if we loose cesc and nasri then what happens? we give ramsey, wilshere and whatever new players a season to gel and finish 3rd, then when the team is almost ripe another big team comes knocking for wilshere or ramsey…and we are right where we’ve been for the past 6… Read more »


Let’s take it to brass tacks then eh?! Ideals win sod all. So Nasri might be money grabbing but at the end of the day hes one f our best players by a country mile. Cesc will leave next year if not this and then what? Scary thoughts peeps scary thoughts.


What is Arsenal doing with all the money stock-piled from selling Adebayor and Toure?!

Wenger needs to start taking transfer lessons from Fergie. If Wenger was tasked with replacing ManU’s retired star GK, he would still be trying to penny-pinch Atletico Madrid instead of locking up Da Gea fast like Fergie did.

Buy some star CBs or sack the board!

the elves are coming

we need to stop blaming nasri for the teams poor performances in the second half of the season…it certainly isnt logical…yes he missed a one on one against bolton but i doubt our season would have dramatically changed had he scored that opportunity… What was more frightening was cescs lack of form albeit understandable due to the recurring injuries….cesc looked incapable of hitting the target unless twas a penalty…(i am not suggesting cesc should be sold by any stretch of the imagination…he is still is our best player by far…) imagine if nasris first half of the season wasnt as… Read more »


This is just the usual shit all players in na$ri’s position come out with when all fans know they’re after more money. As arseblogger says, would he sign for citeh if they offer less than us? Would he fuck. And as for us not being able to attract top names any more that we keep hearing – how many top names could citeh attract before they became a shit-rich, soulless, empty shell of a club?? Greedy cunts the lot of them


My opinion is nasri only thinks about himself. He doesnt love the club. Before this season hes just a mediocre player with a few brilliant moments. He just didnt do enough. Then suddenly after france doesnt pick him for the world cup, he wakes up and start playing. Now hes just like adebayoor. After 1 good season, he wants to be the same level as cesc. Cesc have been performing for 8 seasons. He gave us commitment and heart. Just after a good half season peoples go blind and cant see nasri fault anymore.


Oh dear, I am afraid Arseblog’s got something really weird going against Nasri. Even after all Cesc has done, there’s still this talk of his being classy, even after his continued collusion with Barcelona’s efforts at tapping him up. Nasri is class, and he is doing all of us a great service by demanding a better deal, both in terms of wages and in incoming players. It is disrespectful that Arsenal’s players earn wages as low as they do. It’s silly to compare their wages to yours, you ought to compare them to those of players at other top clubs.… Read more »


Are you Nasri’s agent?


Arseblog, i enjoy your blog generally. but the sharp contrast in your treatments wrt to cesc and nasri have been embarassing. if cesc is winning at arsenal he won’t be itching for a move to barca. the same applies to nasri. the fact that one doesn’t speak and the other speaks doesn’t make them different. they have become big players and sadly the team hasn’t moved up in tandem. i’ve been supporting this club for ages and love this club just as much as you do. but this is a sad truth. if they go i can only wish them… Read more »


The point that Blogs is making is that Cesc has consistently earned his high wages and the respect of the fans. Nasri, off the back of 5 months of good form, hasn’t. You can’t compare the two.


he needs to grow his own balls first and realise that a season doesn’t end in January. then he might win some trophies


He might want to take note of the fact that you can’t be in the list for the Ballon D’Or by playing well for 3 months of the season and sulking for the rest either.

Edward Hackney

This has probably been covered but there’s so many arses replying I can’t be arsed to check! 😉 This is the only explanation I can think of that explains the Nasri situation, and one I haven’t really seen you entertain yet Arseblog? (although i know from what you’ve written lately how ya feeling about this situation :P) Based on as much trusted information the papers have (sweet FA) I think Wenger being Wenger has decided to take a massive gamble on Nasri and use this season to prove to him he’s in the right place. Wenger can’t even bare to… Read more »

Edward Hackney

damn how do i delete this, i was meant to post it on todays story not this one!

rectum spectrum

He’s almost there….he’s already a balloon, now we should show him the d’or.

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