Saturday, July 27, 2024

Song charged with violent conduct

The FA have confirmed that Alex Song has been charged with violent conduct after he stood on Joey Barton during Arsenal’s 0-0 draw with Newcastle on Saturday.

As well as that, both clubs have been charged with failing to control their players in the wake of the Gervinho sending off which saw Joey Barton pretend to have been punched by Gervinho and then fall on the floor like a gigantic crybaby.

Barton, who caused the whole incident in which the players failed to control themselves, will face no charges at all.

The FA statement in full

Newcastle United and Arsenal have been charged by The FA with failing to control their players following Saturday’s (13 August) fixture at St James’ Park.

Both clubs have been charged following a mass confrontation of players after an incident in which Arsenal’s Gervinho was also shown a red card in the 75th minute.

Following Gervinho’s dismissal Arsenal have today lodged a claim that the standard punishment of a three match suspension is clearly excessive. A regulatory Commission will hear that claim on 16 August.

Meanwhile Arsenal’s Alex Song has been charged separately by The FA with violent conduct following an incident earlier in the same fixture.

Both clubs have until 4pm on 18 August to respond to the charge, whilst Song must reply by 6pm on 16 August.

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Because he got booked for the fracas with Gervinho, it means he can’t be given a retrospective punishment.


:c( Nooo What are we gonna do without Song for 3 games! Last season we didn’t win a single game he didn’t play in. Hopefully that’s something that’s improved on this year.

Hopefully something is done to shorten Gervy’s sentence.


That just about sums up what is wrong with the Fucking FA.


It is the FA


Completely as expected. Bollocks.


So inconsistent, remember rooney last season elbowing? Always pours on arsenal


1. Think Song stepped on Barton because Barton tried a scissor kick leg breaker on him. Watch the replay – Barton has a leg in front of Song, pinning his. Then kicks him from behind. He’s a devious fuck, Barton. Knew exactly what he was doing. 2. The FA is a joke. Need to look at what the NHL did to fix hockey. 2 refs on the ice. Complete ability to retroactively punish/fine anyone with any video evidence. No silly “if you raise your hands” type rule nonsense, where a little slap is worse than grabbing someone by the shirt.… Read more »


Song is a burk for stamping on the pricks leg we should have learnt from last year that he is a wind up merchant. We ate always going to be provoked we need to be able to cope with it. Now we have lost him for three games


There is nothing like a ‘wind up merchant’ in football outside England. Those are words coined to save some english twats from being judged fairly and being punished as such. If song does what joe zaza did then he would be off, both times! And the press would use foolish… Bla bla …. Arsenal…. And all that.


Dani Alves?


Sergio busquets?


Gennaro Gattuso? Mark van Bommel? Mascherano?


So Ronaldinho or however you spell his name didn’t do that? I recall Henry getting real pissed at him when he screwed us for a decision in the Champions League some years back.


I don’t give a good God damn what Barton did to Song. Song is STUPID for reacting like that after Diaby last year. Wenger (and the players come to think of it) always go on about we learnt this, we learnt that, we are better for next game, next month, next year. BUT they ALWAYS repeat the SAME mistakes over and Over and OVER. Arsenal gunners need to grow up and let their football do the talking.


Song is stupid really, and it may cost us now. we are short of numbers in the middle of the park and he goes and does this. We all know what Barton is like and time and time again our players fall for his tricks. So that’s 3 players effectively sent off in 2 matches and it could have been more. it’s not Barton who is thick it’s our players.


before we criticise the FA we must realise it was sheer stupidity on his part. At this stage in his career he should know better and he deserves the punishment.


So what does the FA do about the incompetent referee and linesman that the common assault of grabbing someone around the neck was a yellow card offence?


Arsenal should have had two penalties from the same incident. Now they are getting 2 men with 3 match suspensions. The Arsenal players show really lack of maturity laughing and shaking Bartons hands after the incidents and after the match. If I was them I wouldn’t have touched the guys hands. He was of course smiling cause he just got what he wanted. The bloody cheat.


A lack of maturity? So sulking and refusing to acknowledge him would have been the more mature approach? Come on.


It’ll be quite a joke if they upheld Gervinho’s ban (maybe even extend it) and let Barton get away with nothing at all. It’s like you stab me, I stab you and I get a death sentence and you get free hospital service.


Song’s case is another one, I think he deserves to be banned for some match, despite I like him stamping on that cunt.

P.S. Forget to write it into the prev. one.


I hate the decision but we deserve it. I expect a little more out of anybody who’s paid what these guys are getting paid :-\


Unfortunately you can’t expect too much when these people are as thick as pigshit. Were there any really great footballers at your school who weren’t?


Is that a 3 game ban then?? Commencing when?

Song, the next time you stamp on Barton, make sure it’s on his spine, and it’s done hard enough, that he’ll never get up…

… I jest.


I’m assuming that Song is out for Liverpool, Man Utd, and Swansea


Song was a stupid prick and deserves his punishment. I think the bleach has seeped through into his brain. I hope he learns from this.

That little fucker Barton has gotten away with it again. Where’s the fucking Scooby Gang and their meddling when you need it.


The reason song reacted Is because the ref didn’t. Arsenal are the most fouled team in the league by a mile year in year out. The only way to stop this and the conception that all you need to do to beat arsenal is kick them is to kick back. Sadly we are not getting the English players to do it (Rooney elbows with no charges)


Raddy99, I don’t thin its appropriate to make a generalisation about African players. A lot of players do the same thing.

Song was wrong, he shouldn’t have stamped on Barton. Gervinho should have just played dead/possum when Barton grabbed his shirt. Our players need to learn to look at the bigger picture (getting the 3pts).


J barton is a absolute (WANKER)he shoulda had a red twat


Song was stupid, but it doesn’t detract from the fact that the FA have again failed to handle an incident properly. I think they should be punished for bringing the game into disrepute

Arsenal Whinger

Frimpong, get warmed up, your chance to shine is coming. Otherwise, get le chequebook out Wenger, and sign a player with a brain first of all, and then ability.


Facts v FA 1. Have the FA fined the ref for sending off Gervihno who was assaulted in the penalty area whilst the ball was live?…..NO! 2. After Barton has now admitted that he lied, dived, and cheated to get Gervihno sent off , will the FA retro red card him and reduce Gervihno’s ban…NO! 3. Will Arsene ‘once and for all’ insist his players will not react to others teams bully’s and cheats or are we going to watch out team play with 10 men all season again? NO! 4. Will AFC …not Arsene spend all the massive stack… Read more »


We’ve had some outstanding african players in the EPL for years and in arsenal too…so one can’t generalize ‘africans’ as the players that tarnish the game….we have other english cunts out ther who behave like cunts all day long…wayne the cunt, all sp*d cunts, shawn cross cunt…..I will be here the nite…

all in all song was wrong, but part of me would have appreciated a good stumping on that cunt’s leg worth the 3day ban.


What’s the point? We all want to stamp on Barton so fair play to Song that he had the opportunity to get his wish. I hope you aren’t all slagging him off out of jealousy. He got to do it, you didn’t. Seriously now, the Gervinho incident. All of you saying African players are thick in the head, can you stand it if some bloke (and it wasn’t some bloke, it was Barton. Joey fucking Barton) shoves you up the way Barton did Gervinho? Watch it again. Barton really rough handled him and it was unneccessary. Most of us here… Read more »


wholeheartedly agree!

Johnny Massacre

We need to be craftier in our physical attacks on players, like Shrek and The Horse (Nistel).

Samir nasri

I see you have deleted my comment. That’s really disrespectful as I am still an arsenal player


Hahaha…you are un greedy cunt!

Lord Teddyears

Barton has done us over and songs an idiot to do it let’s hope Lenny sorts Barton out when they vist the potters.

Ps Nasri is a horse faced cunt


I know we won’t sign him but I honestly don’t know what I’d do if Barton joined the club. I could never accept him and I’m sure the players couldn’t either. He is pure scum, a criminal who should not be allowed to play professional football. If I was a player I’d be ashamed to play with him.


I hope that idiot Song gets a weeks wages deducted for every game that he is banned.


Imagine the type of punishment we would’ve received if this was against Man Utd….fecking FA cunts


so now it looks like aguero is absolutely amazing. City are probably/inevitably better than us as well now. I’m so upset about what’s happened to our team. I’m just shattered and heartbroken. How have they managed this? we were the best team in the country … by a country mile. an unstoppable force. The boss managed to bargain-buy us into the most feared team in the PL. I was expecting us to go on and be the biggest club in the world with the new stadium, it was amazing. But instead they’ve utterly cocked it up. we don’t make the… Read more »


That Savic kid has a good reputation too…only 10 million. But, you can’t just buy central defenders from the central defender store.

Unfortunately, we can’t compare ourselves with City. They’ve spent half a billion dollars in the last two or three seasons….half a billion! They better be awesome.


I wish City would poach from Barca and Real…why is that our players are vulnerable to being sold while it’s unthinkable that anyone can buy someone from Barca? They are admittedly a great team but they will probably have to play only in the afternoon as they can’t afford the electricity for night games


I’m not comparing us to City. That would obviously be ludicrous. I’m just bemoaning the fact that we didn’t push on massively from our invincible season. I’ve been going through all kinds of excuses, but the stock pile is running on empty now.


wish I could stop being so negative btw. Maybe a storming victory tomorrow will help…?


if it was up to me, this kind of thing should be allowed. players should be allowed to “take care” of themselves on the pitch instead of the ref always having to get involved and ruining the game by sending players off over silly flashpoints. personally i really enjoyed seeing little joey scream in fake pain from alex’s little stud-caress… let’s have a bit more of this! slaps thrown, diving, punching, stamping. it’s what wins you titles – just ask chelski or united or even us when we used to win the league… where is gilles grimandi when you need… Read more »


If someone is looking for more misery to wallow in, Trarore just got injured today. So we’re just one Gibbs injury away from having to play our best central defender on the left. Admittedly it’s mouth watering to see Vermaelen bomb forward, but I still like him much better to do that through the middle…


It’s all about discipline or the lack of it which arsenals foreign players don’t have. However the whole incident was caused purely by Barton, there is no doubt he too should have been sent off however we should be aware of his thuggish behaviour. I don’t really blame Gerviniho, in the heat of confrontation, he probably only wishes he had punched him. Can’t believe the FA are not diciplining Barton. Song you were just stupid. There are cameras everywhere, this is not Sunday league where almost anything goes. Grow up you fool


erm… racist..?

[…] Charged with violent conduct. He hasn’t got a leg to stand on, least of all Joey Barton’s. He’ll miss 3 games now, Liverpool, United and Swansea after the Interlull. When you consider we’ve got no Cesc, no Wilshere, no Diaby, no Nasri, possibly no Rosicky, and our only back-up for Song is the very raw Frimpong it’s a costly suspension. […]

micky readman

you will allways get caught now with all the cameras at games, id rather of seen song kick barton in the balls from behind, its gonna be the same ban so why not!

micky readman

update on gervinho…..

talksport just said that gervinho’s 3 match ban will stand!…


Little goon

Someone shoot joey barton

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