Saturday, July 27, 2024

Van Persie expresses frustration / Wilshere eyes return

Robin van Persie insists that Arsenal’s season is not already over even though the club have endured their worst start to a league season since the early 1980s.

Arsene Wenger’s side have accrued a paltry four points and conceded 14 goals in their first five games and currently sit 17th in the table, eleven points behind leaders Manchester United. However, despite the worrying state of affairs, the Dutchman still thinks the Gunners can challenge for honours, so long as they string a run of wins together soon.

Speaking in the aftermath of Saturday’s abject collapse against Blackburn Rovers, the club captain told

“There is lots of time [left this season], but at some point you need to pick yourself up and prove what you are capable of.

“We are not doing that at the moment and are not consistent enough.

“It just frustrates me, and it is happening too often. Every time we start positively we just keep making the same mistakes and that is surprising.

“It’s very important [to get back on track]. Even before the game on Saturday I said to the boys, ‘today is a big, big day’. We have to get back-to-back wins, and we just cannot do that at the moment. That is our aim for the next couple of games, we have to win them after each other.

“We just need a couple of good weeks in the Premier League where we get a lot of points, and hopefully we can start next week against Bolton.”

In more positive news Jack Wilshere has hinted that his recovery from a troublesome ankle problem is progressing well. The England international hasn’t played any first team football since the Emirates Cup and is currently wearing a protective boot.

Writing on Twitter, the 19-year-old gave an update on the troublesome injury:

“Good day at football today! In the gym again! Ankle feeling a lot better. Hope to be back playing soon!”

It remains to be seen how much longer the playmaker will be sidelined, although Arsene Wenger refused last Thursday to put a time-scale on his young charge’s recovery.

“I cannot give you any news because he is in a boot for one month. The test will come after those four weeks,” stated the Frenchman.

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Adebayor is a cunt.





Uncle Pats Rice

On a more positive note Djourou has been donated to medical research

Dave Gooner

Did you know that ‘Djourou’ is the Swiss word for ‘sick in the pit of my stomach every time I see his name on an Arsenal team sheet’? What a coincidence that is.


Pff Adebayor couldn’t even take a shot down with the Togo gang. (Yes, I went there).


Feel sorry for RVP. He was the only player who showed some emotion and guts in Saturday’s game. In all fairness I wouldn’t blame him if he wanted out by January. The defence is no better than the worst if the championship. The squad is very thin and again we are missing some of are best players through injury. Once we lose a good player and let’s face it there arn’t many in the squad, the team collapses. Only Wenger can be to blame for his refusal to buy quality both in midfield and more importantly at the back. This… Read more »


Apologogies for spelling. Bloody iPhone although you get the gist of my rant


Apologogy accepted.

Rickard M C S

Apologize for the wall of text instead. I never read walls of text as I do not enjoy headaches.

You can still paragraph on an iphone.


We’re fucked. That’s about it.


Unless we manage to stumble to the likes of an fa cup win, and recover somewhat in the league, i cannot see a scenario where he will not be pushing for a transfer in the summer, where he’ll have 12 months left, so he’ll be going on the cheap.


Can’t blame rvp if he wanted to go, the club have no ambition, making arteta take a pay cut to join us from everton sums it all up for me really. We area laughing stick now but hey we have 50 mil in the bank and won’t spend it in January so not all bad.

Chiranjit Ojha

Arsenal, the Premier League football club whose seven years’ worth of trophy-less rough patch reached a humiliating crescendo in recent weeks, have decided it is time to take bold steps to overcome its shortcomings. Earlier today, a press release from the club announced that they have hired Condoliza Rice and Vishwanathan Anand as their new defence coaching staff. Confirming the new appointments, Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger said in an interview, “I am very happy at the club’s decision. I heartily welcome them to the club. Their experience and strategies will be most beneficial.” Answering Sky News’ question, the manager said,… Read more »

rectum spectrum

What. The. Fuck.


I was afraid this would happen. It’s the trauma of it all Rectum. It’s sending punters over the edge.


I know the defence has rightly come in for a lot of stick but it is essentially the same as last year minus clichy, who I think most fans weren’t sad to see go. Mertesacker can’t be worse than squliaci, who was playing at this stage last year. Whilst there is no excusing the defence, the difference must be the lack of quality in front of them. They were less exposed because we were better at holding the ball further forward. I know wilshere is viewed as a creative player but he was always quick to get back and add… Read more »

Rectum Spectrum

wilshire is like steven gerard, except less of a thieving scouse cunt. never shy with a tackle, defends well, loves to rampage forward, has a shot on him. we’ll be a better unit with him back.

i fear we’ll have to do a liverpool too and win the champs league to get in it next year.


I 100% agree. We’re not keeping possession nearly as well this year as in seasons past. There is no calm on the ball, no passing triangles, no confidence in the team in general. Watching ManU-Chelsea on Sunday made this abundantly clear for me–even in defeat, Chelsea were pinging the ball around and generated some pretty play.


Great point about Jack, Mookie. Might be the left foot thing, but he struck me at times last season as a Bryan Robson clone, without the cuntishness and blatant fouling that he got away with by being England skipper, but I digress.

I’m happy for Song to sit right in front of the back four, with Frimmers or Le Coq at the moment.

First things first, we have to stop conceding above all else and if takes that and perhaps some specialist training from Bouldy, to get our defensive unit playing as a unit, then let’s get on with it.


please get back as soon as you can jacky. We get him and thomas back then our fortunes change!


You\’re a real deep thinker. Thanks for sahnirg.


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k88MHj uumqvrelzrvg


In this transfer window, players identified that were not signed by the board… Juan Mata Smalling Cahill M’villa Goetze None were signed coz the board didn’t take out their fingers out their arses… I’m not an AKB, however, I do not buy the notion that wenger is in charge of everything ‘wrong’ at the club… He identified his targets but the cartoons hired by the board to make deals happen, didn’t deliver. Exactly what happened at Liverpool… American owners take over the club, best players sold (Xabi Alonso, Mascherano etc)… Results start going tits up, all scousers claim Benitez has… Read more »


We had an offer for Smalling (and Phil Jones) accepted but they both choose to sign for United. Mata was probably too expensive for us (a whole different discussion) and Cahill M’Villa and Goatse didn’t sign for anyone else so make of that what you will. There’s no point in talking about transfers made or missed in the middle of September, so just get behind the team (in a supporting way, get your mind out of the gutter!) and hope they do better and we’ll see where we at in January.

P.S. I guess Nasri is not a cunt anymore?

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Why do people keep on complaining that Arsene Wenger failed us by failing to buy quality experienced players early in the summer? We didn’t sign anybody with ambition or the (proven) skill level we all hoped for before the start of the season for two reasons. 1) The cost of any player must be considered as the total outlay of transfer payment AND wage level over the period of the contract. This means that Arsenal cannot compete with certain richer teams both in England and abroad. It is the prospective players who decide what they are worth financially, and they… Read more »

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

I mean Arsene Wenger and/or the board, of course. I don’t believe either actually let us down. We were undone by simple lack of silly money and lack of guaranteed Champions League football.


Don’t you then think that last season when we were guaranteed CL football was the time to strengthen our team? (Especially when you consider it was painfully obvious to me, you and every bloody one else that the squad was pityfully weak and needed strengthening). Either way, the current slide is laid firmly at the feet of Wenger. Maybe not because of what happened in this window, but the reasons why we struggled in the window are partly of his making. So no matter which way you paint it, he is ultimately responsible for the transfer in’s and out’s of… Read more »


Sorry, but i can’t see how the board can stop this groundhog day season after season.
How many times have we seen what happened saturday before in recent seasons?
As much as i love Arsene, the blame must lay with him & his coaching staff, methods, whatever. I’d love to see him turn it around, i really would, but at the moment that just doesn’t look likely.
The only way i can see a demonstration helping is if it takes place during the game. In our penalty area. With lots of tall people. Every time the opposition have a set-piece.


Usmanov ! Usmanov ! Kick that silent Stan and fat board members who are using Arsenal to fatten their pocket.


What’s he gonna do, play centre half the fat cunt?


He will spend and put us on equal ground with teams like Chelsea, United and Manchester City.

Uncle Pats Rice

Anyone is better than the silent American prick we have now


And use Arsenal to more than likely also fatten his pocket


A team like Arsenal should be competing on the transfer market with the likes of Barcelona, Real Madrid, Manchester United and City, Inter, Chelsea etc. The elite teams. Why because we are also an elite club. We should not have balked out of the Mata, M’Villa and Cahill bid just because we do not have enough money. The board wants to invest money that the team generates. This self sustaining model is laughable when they are charging fans arms and legs while the quality of the team is going down the drains year in year out. When we have a… Read more »

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Assuming that the Financial Fair Play rules are actually enforced fairly across the board then am I right in thinking that this is the last year that any club would be able to spend unearned money by the billion? Are the financial results from the 2011-2012 financial year factored into the FFP? If so then calls for Usmanov are probably too late for those that think that he would somehow make Arsenal more fun to support. If FFP actually works I think we will see him magically lose his desire for complete ownership of Arsenal very suddenly. See also Abramovic,… Read more »

Arsene's nose

You just know JW will be out till Feb. It’s probably not even a proper medical boot his in – one of Hillwoods old wells to save money!


Based on the spanking spurs gave Liverpool I am seriously worried for Arsenal. the team is slipping into mediocrity and nothing is being done.

I am still amazed that after all the talk about rebuilding the team at the end of last season -nothing happened until transfer deadline day. I hope, beyond all hope, that Mertesacker and Santos improve quickly.


The coach gets paid 100k a week or something like that, and cant beat blackburn with this squad. He has become incompetent and must go. Just look at him when the team is down, its worse than the players. He gives up even before the team does. There is no way he could Even have beaten ferg if he had the man u squad. when things aren’t working you change the tactics not the personnel. #notgoodenough


I agree Wenger’s body language is terrible. Doesn’t impart any confidence at all.

In his defence, Wenger did change tactics. Chamakh came on and Robin played behind him. Chamakh scored a thundering header that would’ve been celebrated wildly had it been any other game.

We need TV and Jack now more than ever. Kosceilny needs a break. I don’t doubt his skill (you only have to look at the Barca match last year to see it) but there has been so much damage done mentally. TV is the shouter/organiser we lack. Jack has the ability to inspire those around him.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

How do you reconcile “(The coach) has become incompetent and must go.” with “when things aren’t working you change the tactics not the personnel” I think you are reacting with your heart rather than with your head. I think we all are at the moment, and it’s not really surprising when you think how difficult times are right now. Let’s hope Arsene Wenger decides to experiment with a defensive coach, and gets a good sports psychologist in to get the team’s heads in shape so that they will feel confident to do what is necessary to win when he sends… Read more »

[…] no punches, van Persie said: It just frustrates me, and it is happening too often. Every time we start positively we just keep […]


Take a look at the Forbes Magazine and see where Usmanov is in relation to Abramovic and Kroenke in terms of overall wealth. Usmanov is richer than both of them put together(without Stan’s Mrs’ wealth included that is), why would he want to use Arsenal to “fatten his pockets” ? He would be a sugar daddy using it as his plaything.


Are you saying that would be a good thing? We’ve been cunting chelski off for that for years

[…] today. Wilshere has said his ankle feels better, and hopefully that is an indicator we would see young Jacky strutting his stuff on the pitch again soon. Who knows, his return might spark us back to emphatic 4-0 5-0 […]

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