Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger challenges Arshavin, Chamakh and Park

Arsene Wenger has challenged some of his forwards on the fringe of the first team to show their worth when they do get their chances.

A definite first choice front three has emerged this season with Theo Walcott providing Robin van Persie with delicious assists, while Gervinho, despite being somewhat wonky in front of goal in his last two games, has been a positive addition to the side.

That means players like Marouane Chamakh and Andrei Arshavin have found their first team appearances limited with new signing Ju Young Park is still to feature in a Premier League game.

However, the boss insists that due to the amount of games we have to play, and the need to rotate the squad, these players will have their opportunity and it’s up to them to take it.

“We have cover for Robin because we have Chamakh and Park”, he said at his press conference earlier today, “who I think are quality but at the moment they are not getting the opportunities because Robin is in such fantastic form.

“It will be up to them to show they can take the relay when needed because the season is long and we play in many competitions, hopefully for a long time. Everybody will get a chance.”

And he played down suggestions that Andrei Arshavin was little. I mean little more than back-up.

“He’s not a back-up player but at the moment he doesn’t play. Maybe he will play on Saturday. I feel sorry for every player who doesn’t play but it is part of our job. Competition is part of our job and you must accept that in some periods of your career somebody can get in front of you.”

Arshavin’s last league start for the club was on that fateful, and frankly painful, day at Ewood Park back in September. Since then he has started twice in Europe and once in the Carling Cup, but clearly the boss isn’t comfortable picking him for domestic duty.

Let’s hope that these guys are ready to battle for a place in the side. The season is long and we will need to make full use of our squad. Competition for places is a good thing, generally speaking, but it’s how those on the sidelines respond that really give you a measure of your players.

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Ace McGoldrick

Seems in this picture Chamakh feels trying to pose like Arsene is the way to go to regain his place

Merlin's Panini

I thought it looked like Koscielny was being cheeky with that metal man thing (what are they called anyway?) and saying
“hey guys! here’s your replacement!”



Metal man thing works for me.


Coaching mannequins.

Not a patch on metal man thing though, eh?


Glad you came up with it. The lack of pictures on the iPhone means my brain’s been going overtime…..metal man thing….what the fuck….?

Merlin's Panini

Thank you kindly 🙂


I challenge chamakh and arshavin to get their agents to find buyers for them that are willing to pay a collective 20 mil. On the first day of the January window.


I too have a soft spot for arshavin. Honestly, I like the little fella. The thing is, he’s become surplus to requirement, with us having AOC and yossi, plus gibbs(hahaha maybe I’d he we’re ever fit). Plus they santos can work as a winger, I believe it.

Add to all of that the fact that AhnZi machachachachachalacha will pay out the arse for him because he’s the Russian captain, the only solution is to sell him while he’s still worth some coin…………….. And chamakh fucking sucks.


If we could hoik Arshavin to Anzi I don’t know of too many gooners that’d protest. Especially as Gervinho (provided he sorts out his finishing) looks like he might be our new Freddy (finaly)

Chamakh’s in the wrong team innit, mans built for an old school two striker system, which has been out moded.

These days, two strikers only works if both are highly mobile, and one will spend a lot of time comming in off on the wing. (Anelka, Kagawa, Villa, Ronaldo).



Little harsh on Chamakh dont you think? I for one believe he needs a run of games. He can do a decent job.


I’ve got to admit that I have a soft spot for Arshavin, no matter how frustrating he can be. I feel that somewhere indide that lanky body there’s a he’ll of a player struggling to get out.

Merlin's Panini

Arshavin lanky?
First I’ve heard of it…


If we could combine Jenkinson with Arshavin, getting the best attributes from each. I think it’s fair to say we’d go on to conquer Mars.


I love that Kos is in the photo. He himself has come so far and needs to be the inspiration for Chamakh and Arshavin. Kos has improved a lot through the months so I’m sure they an too. Also I don’t find that age is an excuse for not improving your game…


My mate Frog is spot on: Chamakh, Park and Arshavin should all be moved on this January. None of them are good enough.


Park has not even played in 10 matches.

You must be daft. Frog didn’t even say a thing about Park, he only said that of Arshavin and Chamakh.

Chamakh I can reluctantly nod along to, but Arshavin can hopefully get himself up. We need that elusive back-up for Gervinho.


The problem for me here is the fact that Robin van Persie is hot on form though. And the fact that the formation is a one-striker system which has 3 available strikers. Wenger once said he now has 5 international players to pick for the 2 central defender positions, but then couldn’t the same be said for the 3 international players vying for that 1 striker position? I can’t really imagine Arsenal reverting to 442 any time soon, so I think it is tough on Park. Unlike Amaury Bischoff, Park has been seriously touted by Wenger in the press numerous… Read more »


I’d want to be a jerk here and say, I’ve noticed you don’t like Park much. Saying “I’m happy to give him some time though” comes off as if he’s had ample time already. But he’s had virtually none.

FYI its Van Persie he’s fighting with for a striking place, how many strikers in the premier league (and the world for that matter) would currently be picked over Van Persie? None.

So please, give him a break.

PS: I’m done being a jerk now 🙂


@ johndale

I think you’ve entirely miss the point mate. Nobody thinks park, or anyone else in the world should be starting OVER rvp. We’re talking about our lack of a competent back up striker in the squad.


@Frog That’s exactly the point. How do you know Park is incompetent? He has barely played any games at all!


You don’t know if Park is good enough yet Fatgooner because he hasn’t really had the opportunity to show us what he is made of in the Premier League, and before you come back with ‘if hes good enough, he’d have had some games’, recall that in that striker position that we employ,there has been a certain goal machine in good form taking up the slot. For once though I do agree with you (hands over smelling salts), sad as I would be to see either of them go in respect to the fact that they havn’t fulfilled their potential,… Read more »


Beat me to the post by seconds it looks like Blogs lol.


you dont have any mates.


Look whos talking.


Chamach n Asharvin shud luk elsewhere.Park will gt his chance 1 day.Up gunners.

Metal man thing

Metal man thing does not approve your spelling.

Merlin's Panini

I fear I’ve created a monster here…


Here’s the thing with park. I don’t know anything about him. Neither does anyone else posting here. He’s been a member of the senior squad for 3 months now give or take. If was really good, he’d of forced his way in. If not to the first 11 ( ehem rvp) he surley would have passes chamakh. I don’t think we should sell him, yet. I do however think he should be shipped to the reserves. We need another proper striker. There is no way to argue that. 15 mil for arshavin and chamakh will be enough coin to find… Read more »



Merlin's Panini

Get a room you two! 😉


ARSHAVIN claims to have come to our club to look away of going to barcelona but please no one is going to see u with that kind of little football admire your fellows they are improving day by day and use a chance when given it . If atall u remember MESSI`S words after the chelsea match during JOSE`S regime the boy told every player to use a chance once on the pitch effectively because one time there may be stiff competition in the club and u may not easily get a chance of playing thats why MESSI ever since… Read more »


…and breathe.


And this one time at bandcamp….


With all this talk of Park, I’m Just curious as to why he isn’t tipped to play against Fulham. It would be a great opportunity to give him some play time/premier league experience would it not?


that will only happen when Arsenal is 4-0 up with 15mins to go


Huge shoes to fill. It’s not just a striker who needs to do some scoring for us – the likes of Gervinho… heck, I don’t care who it is in the squad, but we need other players to nab the odd goal and spread the load. Ramsey, Walcott, Arteta… COYG!


I agree. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Gervinho would be astounding if only he could get his finishing sorted.
This is an amazing 1st team they just get better and better but when we have matches like Fulham perhaps a bit of ‘rotation’ could be in order?
As regards to the earlier remark regarding Park who has hardly played and needs to play. I don’t mean replace RVP but at least give the guy an option to prove himself at some point soon. On the bench at least.


We can’t judge park cos he hasn’t really played, many are judging him on the fact that he was cheap so must therefore not be very good, whereas ashavin has been given chance after chance and apart from the odd game has failed to deliver any real form as has chamach to a lesser degree because he has not had as many games. I’m happy to give park the benefit on the basis I have seen him in two games one of which he done well. The other two have had their time and would be happy to see them… Read more »


Yup. That’s what I’m saying. You have a better way with words. Hahaha


Great! That’s sorted then. Chamakh / Arshavin have had their time and Park needs his time. Or somthing like that. 🙂


i think worf Wil get his finishing sorted out shortly, I am quite happy at how quickly he has adapted, in contrast to arteta who was already in the prem, I have to feel a little sorry for sham (chamakh) because he was doing quite well until van the man returned, I honestly dunno what to think about Arshavin, we all kno the player he CAN be, but apart from that Liverpool game we never see him. I think they’ll all play in the carling cup midweek, and it’s also good that diabys back, he can only improve and I… Read more »


I’m hoping it’ll be 4-0 to us. Look what we did to the chavs, 3-1 is a bit safe. ;-D



Nick in Joburg (who stole my handle?)


Metal Man Thing's Mate

You shoulda heard what Kos said to Arsh and Cham……

Rickard M C S

Hey that Park fella looks just like koscielny!


Let’s all remember song in 2006.wenger knows

Sneaky fucking Russian

We will need to start giving someone some game time out wide because of the foreheads absence… I hope arshavin can do the business. You can’t help but want the guy to do well for arsenal. He is one player you can tell purely and whole heatedly just loves playing the game because no matter the score, he always looks like he’s having a great time out there. Plus hell always be the guy that sunk Barcelona!


Park has been in three games for The Arsenal and scored one goal, a good ratio for a new player. He just needs games. Arshavin is an enigma… he can often surprise you (CC v Bolton) and at the same time frustrate you… giving the ball away in areas where the opponent scores from free kicks. Chamakh has a role to play if he wants it. But he must learn to strike the ball in goal rather than pass the ball. We brought Chamakh at mid to late autumn of his years, a season too late…. whereas RVP is at… Read more »


We don’t need ‘random’s’ we need ‘definates’.


I am the man looking for the thin line, that point of convergence where our opinions dont defere. And from what I have read so far we all think Arshavin is capable of the sensational. Methink he is capable of much more. Perhaps it is time our all-knowing Arsene use this little man the best way all sane men think he can be used – as a central attacking midfielder. Watched him run the Zenit boat from that spot, watch him do same against Bolton in the CC: I can only wonder how long it will take Wenger to realize… Read more »


I’m sorry but I am NOT convinced with Arshavin. Too random. Sorry but ’tis true.

[…] other news the manager has challenged the players on the fringes, especially those in the attacking areas of the pitch, to show their worth when called upon. […]


@Thorough has hit the nail on the head. I was about to make exactly the same point regarding Arshavin…he is the best attacking central midfielder in the squad and should have taken over the role that Fabregas had been running in the last couple of years . Regarding the other players, when are we as football fans going to learn to be less fickle. Writing a player off too early can be equally as misguided as hailing someone as the new freddie, robert, thierry, etc when they are just as likely to hit a slump in form at some point… Read more »


*their. Sorry, had to = ) But other than that your, and Thorough’s comments, both hit the nail on the head. Although. The present system we have is working just fine and as they say, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! Ramsey is currently occupying the role we’re on about and he’s doing quite well in it, especially with the defence-splitting passes or little lobs over the top he makes, he seems to have made big strides and his stamina is great as well. So where do you play Arshavin? Do you sacrifice this midfield trio of Ramsey Song… Read more »


Park is bad, but not as bad as Wenger who is entirely too tall, has too big a nose, only wears red ties and is too trilingual for my liking. Also, he has won too much at Arsenal, he is too close to the team to actually judge talent better than anyone else posting stuff on the Internet, and what’s up with him giving Thierry Henry a chance to train with the team instead of throwing a shoe at him – if he were a great manager, that’s what he’d do. P.S. this post not really by FATGOONER, but I… Read more »

Metal Man Thing's Mate

Me too. That’s why my mate is on the photo and not me. 😉

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