Saturday, July 27, 2024

Bendtner arrested in Newcastle for smashing up cars

Nicklas Bendter’s loan spell at Sunderland has hardly been a raging success thus far. And now the Danish striker has blotted his copybook even further by being arrested close to St James’ Park The Sports Direct Arena Newcastle Stadium Thing.

And no, it’s not for ‘impersonation of a Premier League striker’, but it apparently Nick and Lee Cattermole were questioned by police after cars were damaged on Tuesday night. A spokesperson for Northumbria Police said: “Police can confirm that on Thursday, December 15, two men aged 23 were arrested on suspicion of criminal damage.

“It follows an investigation in to damage caused to cars on Stowell Street in Newcastle city centre, which happened at about 10pm on Tuesday, December 6.”

The two Sunderland stars were quizzed on suspicion of causing criminal damage before being released on bail.

Bendtner complained about not being given enough first team football at Arsenal and while he might have had a point to a certain extent, he’s hardly doing much to to prove Arsene Wenger wrong.

Maybe a night in the cells might be the wake up call he needs as he’s in danger of wasting his career because of the kind of behaviour you’d usually associate with England internationals who play for Chelsea.

However, you have to question the judgement of a man who would hang around with someone like Cattermole who was probably just trying to get into a taxi but arrived just a couple of seconds late.


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HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! What a muppet

Merlin's Panini

I guess this means he probably could hit a cow’s back side with a banjo!

Just not very good with his feet.

Merlin's Panini

oh and I forgot to say:
spoilt fucking prima donna. You can’t get away with anything just because you’re the “greatest strikooor that ever lived”.


As long as he had some beer and was aiming at a car.


I used to like Bendtner, but he really is a massive tit. Not in the good way either. More like one of Katie Prices tits.


And just as expensive too.

The invincible arse

At least, he didn’t miss the target this time.


I’ve met Lee Cattermole and he’s not that type of guy.*

*I’ve never met Lee Cattermole, but he looks like nasty little gobshite.


Get this cunt out of our football club now


Arseblog report about his pizza incident in Denmark?


He’s just trying to win over Sunderland supporters by smashing shit up in Newcastle. Let the man do his work.


i didnt realise he would settle in so quickly


Lol! Brilliant!


“The two Sunderland stars were quizzed on suspicion of causing criminal damage before being released on bail.

Bendtner complained about not being given enough first team football at Arsenal”

… extenuating circumstances? lol

“and if you don’t play me next week i’ll break up some houses too!”

mikey gee

poor nick. cant get a free pizza, can’t even smash some cars up in peace. media have it out for him 🙁


Probably sat in his Police cell…”WTF is this porrige ? Don’t you know who I am ! I demand Lawyers and Pizzas ! .. Oh you do know who I am, and your charging me, I see. Got any sugar ?”

Turning into somewhat of a prima dona is B52.


B52, how very apt for a player who’s bombed everywhere.


For me, Bendtner sums up everything that is wrong with the vast majority of modern day footballers in their early twenties. Talented but overpaid, and as a result – a poor work ethic and chaotic personal life. Twenty is too young an age to become a millionaire.


Don’t think that’s true for every Bendy there is a Wilshere, Afobe, Jenkinson Frimpong Ramsey etc…

Nickolas Bentdner

Give me Pizza.


Andrew Allen impersonating the BBC there.

Dick Swiveller

It’s a shame really, where do you go to solve a problem striker when Wenger’s already failed? It’s a shame he hasn’t scored a couple of high profile goals too, then we could have offloaded him to the Manchester branch of the Arsenal Retirement Home, as it is we’re probably going to be selling him to some second rate Italian club.


Every time I see a news article about Bendtner, I am always surprised with whatever age is quoted at the time!

Ace McGoldrick

What a knob. Jesus christ. Disgusting.

Hanging out with Cattermole…


is the “Great” Dane prolific for Sunderland now that he is getting more games?

Dave Gooner

A complete and utter gobshite he may be, but I still hope he scores this weekend. Twice if possible.

Do something right for once, you fucking twit.


after not getting his free pizza, this was his way to demand free parking

Mark G

What a bellend…


sod that, we’ve got meelan in the champions league.. lets stuff them, aye?

Merlin's Panini

we got Milan in CL. Knew that was going to happen. fix.


I know, the old adage goes can only beat whats in front of you, but – C’mon football gods ! Why do we always seem to land up with the toughest opponent available. Barca last 16 last year, Dortmund out of the minnows pot in the group stages, now Milan… we can beat them sure, but does feel like a thumping kick to the goolies.


If we knock in five, we get to sing “Are you Inter in disguise?”.
That’s got to be worth playing for…..


I am ashamed can’t believe someone would do this, cattermole seen out socialising with bentner has lee got no shame.


Anyone notice O’Neil didn’t even have him in the squad for the first match he actually picked?


I did notice , but I also noticed this was because he was carrying a knock and wasn’t available – no doubt this probably brought on the pizza and road rage.
O’Neill has a pretty stern record as a disciplinarian, if he thinks Nik is going to be a disruptive influence around Sunderland (and lets face it, he is not doing himself any favours), we could see the Dane pak’d* off back to Emirates sooner than we think.

(*I know, I know. Shoot me)

the only sam is nelson

oh god and here’s us all going “we need a new striker”…

mind you bendtner did say he’d never play for the arsenal again…


We always gonna get the hardest ties..whhhhyyyyyyy???????!!

Gooners & Roses

this is a sad story, because i do remember he was actually saying he will work hard in training and fight for his place. ( i guess in the middle of last season, where Chamakh WAS a proper striker back then).


Copper: “You’re nicked, Mr Bendtner.”

Bentdner: “But you can’t arrest me! Do you know who I am? I’m the greatest footballer in history! “I’m a god! I’m the most famous Dane since Hamlet! I’m the best…”


Copper: Hamlet ! Are you making some off hand remark about Hamlet the pig who lives in Sniggery woods ? What are you trying to say about me and the toon ? Your nicked son !


Man City vs Arsenal LIVE Bendtner’s value is depreciating just like a Ford Focus. Hopefully we can get rid of him for good.


oh Scooby what the hell were you thinking?

Jolyon Williams

I suspect Arsene will refuse to have him back on the basis that he didn´t hang around with the likes of Cattermole before he left and has therfore damaged goods. Joking aside, I can´t see O´Neill taking too kindly to this sort of behaviour, and another tale of wasted talent continues to unwind (yawn)…

Regarding AC, be cool everyone, their star player is Kevin Prince Boateng…


Nick Bendnaaaaarrr… smashed up a Ford Fiestaaaaarrrrr, then a Ford Cortinaaaaarrrrr, then a BM-doubleyaaaaaaaaaaarrr, before finally kicking in a Ford Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa….

Runcorn Gooner

The report said 2 Sunderland stars.
Is that not a contradiction in terms?




Stupid Nick,
Stupid Nick,
Stupid Nick,
Stupid Nicky Bendtner!


“Cattermole who was probably just trying to get into a taxi but arrived just a couple of seconds late.”


London Calling





Pot kettle? Saying this is the kind of behaviour expected at Chelsea rather than Arsenal is a bit rich considering your clubs form with players over the years & the law:-(


Pot? Kettle? The Law? Terry? Cole? Lampard? Russian oily blood money?


Jesus! Does this mean we’re going to have to take him back again?


As hillareous as this is, sucks for us cuz we still own him. A decent loan spell would’ve at least made him easy to sell. Howeverrrrrrrr, if he’s gonna be shite, at least he’s entertaining!

[…] out with the Sao Paulo fans within a month, to our friend Nicklas Bendtner ending up arrested on suspicion of criminal damage, none of them have proved anything other than he was right to let them […]

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