Saturday, July 27, 2024

Henry admits to Arsenal coaching desire

Thierry Henry admits that watching Arsenal lose still pains him and that one day in the future he would consider becoming the club’s manager.

Speaking on the day he was reduced to tears by the unveiling of a statue in his honour outside the Emirates, Henry told assembled media that the Gunners would always be in his heart.

“I’ve said, and I’ll always say, ‘Once a Gooner, always a Gooner’. Every time I can, I always watch Arsenal. I’m in pain when Arsenal lose. I can’t take it well.

“I didn’t like it when I was a player and it’s worse now. At least when you’re a player you can do something about it.”

Responding to suggestions he might one day succeed mentor Wenger, Henry coyly replied: “One day, but when is he [Wenger] going to stop?”

For his part Arsene Wenger believes that his protégé should continue to focus on his playing career with the striker still performing well for MLS outfit New York Red Bulls.

“Let him first be a player – his career is not over,” Wenger told without making any hint whatsoever that he might sign him on loan for a month in January.

“After that you have to learn the job. It is like any other job. You need to learn the team, how to handle people. You do not stop being a player and become a manager the next day. It doesn’t work like that.

“I must say, many players I have managed have qualities to be managers. Patrick [Vieira] or Thierry can both be managers. It is a different life from a player. You have to dedicate your life to the team. Players have to make that choice.

“There are many ways to do it. To go in straight away under massive pressure is maybe not the best way of getting used to dealing with the players. It will be him to decide.

“I encourage every player who has a positive philosophy to be a manager. They can bring something positive to the game. They can influence people’s lives in a positive way.”


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A true Arsenal legend. I’m not sure if I could imagine him as a manager but it would be fantastic for him to be a coach Arsenal in some shape or form.


as soon as theirry retires wenger should keep him under his wing and teach henry the ropes. henry will be one of those managers where players really want to impress and also he seems like he wont take shit from players,press or CUNTS damn cant think of any at the moment…


He’s a Gooner through and through. Very touching words, beautiful.

Adam O'Leary

He’s Guardiola like. Legend at his club, smooth operator, snappy dresser – let him be Wenger’s protégé as soon as he retires.

master floda

the main difference is that guardiola was a defensive midfielder. they understand more about the whole of the game while strikers usually just have to focus on how to get the ball into the net. and that’s the reason why defensive players usually make better captains and also better managers.
what about the best managers out there? some of them never were successful players (wenger, moaninho…), many of them were defenders or midfielders. but there’s hardly a striker that made a good manager.


Dude, your arguments are all over the place. You can’t say ALL strikers in the world have a total lack of aptitude towards tactics compared to defensive midfieldrs, that’s just being incredibly narrow-minded. Are you going to say Robin van Persie is not well-versed in tactics compared to Alex Song? Because the way he pulls out defenders, positions himself and times runs are just brilliant. He even comes deep, presses well and reads the game excellently. Just because you can ANALYZE something, doesn’t mean you can RESOLVE something. If you’ve been in many debates and projects, you’ll realize some people… Read more »


Also, captains DO NOT dictate what to do tactically, that is the manager’s job. The captain’s job is mainly to communicate what the manager said, and to boost team morale.

The captain’s job is NOT TO MAKE TACTICAL DECISIONS so having a ‘tactically aware’ player as captain is no different to having another player less tactically aware take it, as long as the captain plays well (sets an example), raises morale (Patrick Viera style) and communicates well with the team and the press (Opposite of Gallas).


Master Floda, the most successful and probably greatest manager ever was a striker. I must admit that I have a deep, deep hatred for this man but you can’t deny he is superb, and that man is S’Alex Ferguson. Striker and all around shitbag.


Roberto Mancini and Kenny Dalglish were also strikers. You may not like them but they are/were very successful. You also have AVB who didn’t play football at all but he is being touted as the next great manager due to what he learnt from Sir Bobby Robson and more recently Jose Mourinho. Yes a lot of managers were defensive players but you also have GK’s, attacking midfielders, winger, etc… who are managers at one level or another. If you understand tactics then it makes no difference what position you played. Also, surely a great striker would be able to coach… Read more »





Come on, sign him in January just for the sake of it. It would revitalize EVERYONE with anything to do with Arsenal F.C.


I have my doubts too about how he would be as a manager, but still think he should be given a shot when the time arises…True Legend!

master floda

though i’d take titi with crutches everytime ahead of chamakh i don’t think resigning him would be good for the team: he never really got along with van persie and even if he would be able to subordinate to our new star and captain, if he would speak a different oppinion in the dressing room (or even worse to the media) once it would undermine our captain. so: as a player i’d love to have him back but not as the club legend he is.


Wow, Thierry has a rift with Robin? Sauce please.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

We are talking about a month’s loan, I imagine. If Thierry Henry played / started three games in January we’d be able to rest RVP a bit, knowing that we have a player to take his place who knows how to score and does it consistently. I think they could avoid any friction for the sake of the team for a month or so, as Henry has suggested that they have are over any difficulties they had when RVP first arrived at Arsenal. In training with the team Henry has been getting to know them, and likely has a shrewd… Read more »


My fear would be a repeat of the Patrick Vieira/Man City episode of Bobby P/Villa.
Legends for Arsenal but looked so short of the pace and in the end just made themselves look foolish.
Yes he would be back at Arsenal but if he had a bad loan spell, then fans would question why we brought him back only for him to tarnish his status.

Les Bleau laGoon

TiTi, you are a legend. Would love to see you back at the club under any capacity. And who better to mentor you than le prof… Your love for the club makes me proud to be a gooner!


I just had a vision of Henry and Van Persie lining up next to each other in the Champions League, what team could resist that strikeforce?

Sign him up Wenger!

Essien Isaac

Butthead, u are the man! I think ur reply is the best here! Sign him for the sake of it, let him play wen he can and RETIRE AT ARSENAL which should be the main aim of signing him in the first place! Just like viera at mancity!


A Striker’s Coach first; infact now… then a Manager later pls Titi


Reading Wenger’s response between the lines, it almost seems as if he doesn’t believe Henry would make a great manager. Thierry is a very clever footballer but during his stint as capitain I was not entirely convinced of his leadership skills. Still remember his stare of disapproval at team mates when they messed up. I wish we had got Vieirra. He seems to have more of what it takes to be a great manager

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

That stare doesn’t say “He’ll never be a manager”, it says “Hairdryer treatment if you don’t do your job properly. I’m looking at you Chamakh”. Get him in now!!!!!


Oh the Hibery Herro we need you so much. I praise Lord come back to Emirates You.

Merlin's Panini

It’s a wonderful place, Hibery.

umarDalhatu umar

Mr wenger plz resigne our beloved legend bcos i believe his exprience will b vital to both leagues we are in consider dat a gud partner to rvp can still play above the classes of chamack and park and atleast d fear other teams have on him rvp wil countnue the damages and henry providing the chances hmm


Proper English is the way to go man but at least I can understand what you are saying


A legend a phenomenon , i ADORE this player. i really want to see him COACHING and later as MANAGER i really hope arsenal players see him as IDOL to fight for this year .

Arsene Knows

When he left he gave the most moving speach I have ever seen from a departing player. I told redaction at the time that a banner should be made to reciprocate. I was given so much stick apparently it wasn’t appropriate because he was leaving for another team. Well he’s still playing but gooners now don’t seem to mInd that. Watching this guy from the North Bank is something I will never forget, experienced defenders would stand 10 yards off the guy cos they knew one touch and they were beaten. Will never forget carragher falling over 2004. Get him… Read more »


Yeah it would nice to have Tel back in sone capacity but I think we are far more in need of say a Cavani a Geotze and a Baine if we are to kick on in the Second half oy the season.

Naija Gunner

Big up to the “Man” TiTi, TiTi, TiTi, TiTi


Ah cmon i was liking it when it just showed 14 comments next to TITI’S pic.


Thierry shud not return at all as either manager or loan player. He needs to stay pinnacled as he is now to retain the status he now holds. Imagine IF he failed in his attempts to rekindle his playing days or to emulate Arsene. Stay away Thierry.


What does “staying pinnacled” involve?

Sounds like something Shaun Ryder might be interested in…

Glory hunter

How pessimistic!
Who would have imagined Sol or Jens coming back!! But they did and both helped immensely so why not Titi?
We could do much worse!!

Metal Man Thing's Mate



What’s confused you Metal Man? Jens helped the other ‘keepers during training and Sol helped a lot of the younger players in the reserves and under 18’s. They were also not bad deputies to have in their respective positions.
Lehmann or Alumnia/Fabianski/Mannone….. I know which i’d choose even now
Sol or Djourou….. Considering form right now i’d go with the former as my backup for the centre. Kos, Mert, Campbell and Verm as a back four until the full backs came back wouldn’t have been so bad

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

If you continue with this line of thought you will soon decide that RVP should retire immediately just in case he fails to score in the next match and let’s us all down.

I’m sorry but you have failed in your quest to become Arsenal’s team motivator.


What are you blithering about? Wipe the drool from your mouth and really think about what you’ve written….
I’ll give you a clue, it’s nonsense.
Henry who gained legend status during his time here maybe not coming back so he doesn’t tarnish his reputation, in no way can be construde as if van Persie doesn’t score he should retire. RvP didn’t score against Fulham but he is still playing to get the same status. If Henry comes back and does badly, then fans will question why he came back in the first place.

Pele of Romford

It’s on days like this that I know i made the right choice to follow my beloved. Arsenal is just class. Not some poxy small club over hyped for a few seasons coz of some billionnaire twats. Anyway, off to the emirates now, bunking off work early, boss is a spud anyway- cunt.
Arsenal till I die- and this is why!
(that rhymes!- sweet, gonna be a good day)

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

The Poet Pele of Romford 🙂


Pele you’re a fucking legend mate. I agree with every word you said.

Personally I look forward to the day Theirry returns home to us, with his vision of the game and his intelligence I can only see him being successful. I envisage Henry being in the same mould as Pep Guardiola.

I echo the words of jacob – as soon as he retires we need to re-sign him as possibly even Pat Rice’s replacement

rectum spectrum

Lol, Henry would be a terrible manager. Far too impatient. Remember the scowl when x midfielder failed (by inches just) to thread a 43 yard through ball to the precise position he wanted it? I imagine he is far far too much of a perfectionist to be a manager. After just 3 months we’re passing judgment on our new players careers in what is a new league to them. Henry would have them transfer listed at half time in their first game of the new season if they missed one pass in the opening 45 🙂 Epic statue. Total coincidence:… Read more »


You had me at ,. Henry admits.


Shame those cunts at espn wont be showing the match live. Anyways a message to all the gunners out there go and a kick a ball and go and kick your neighbours. What order you choose is upto you.
Keep up the tradition.


My neighbour has biceps on his ears and Bison for knuckles so even though I might daydream about kicking him so, I think I shall refrain, however I’m all up for a game of headers and volleys, cross it I’m open ..

master floda

get him really, really drunk and then fuck his wife. that’s what i did and it’s much more sattisfying than kicking him while he’s drunk (i did that too)

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Comedian, go a kick Padwoir’s neighbour for him.


I make a comment saying Thierry shud not return and it attracts 8 dislikes? Like when I earlier commented about ppl crying about poor start to season and so called supporters beying for Arsenes head……..patience I sed……..funny I got dislikes then also. Some supporters at so fickle. Thierry stay an icon ……..don’t risk any sort of comeback.


only the weak shy away from a challenge, and honor is no pussy my friend


henry* i have no idea why the fuck i put honor


I preferred it Binda. Thought it was really profound. I’ll defo be using it in the future anyway mate.

Pele of Romford

Northerngoon- spot on mate. It’s now that we’ve got this legends that we should have them scattered around the club, like Ajax do. If u go training u see Davids or the de boers. If u negotiate a deal, u get to meet Dennis or kluivert. You tell me if ur a talented young lad and u meet some negotiator/ agent for the club or a legend like Thierry, keown, bobby, parlour, who you gonna be impressed with. It’s coz we an illustrious history that we can take advantage of that throw that in the face of of the gazillionaires.… Read more »

Glory hunter

Thats a brilliant idea!
Who would turn Henry down?
I’m sure he could sweet talk Messi with his french accent to join us! Lol

master floda

we do have steve bould as a youth coach… ok, he doesn’t have the status of titi but he seems to do his job very good…

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

I don’t mind if they train him for a while. When he’s just getting really good we’ll pinch him and bring him back home.

“Once a Gooner, always a Gooner”


I’d love to have TH14 back around the club on a permanant basis, but not I don’t think as manager…or even back up to the manager ala Pat Rice. Let him earn his salt as Forwards coach whilst he gathers his badges…in this sense, I echo k865uk..but with a differance. I do want him to come home to the club he considers his own, a fan like any other, but I don’t want his legacy soured by putting him in a position ie Manager, where he has yet the nounce to be the Total success we all hope for. At… Read more »

Samir Nasri

Don’t worry guys. I will come back to. Henry will be in charge of managing and I will be in charge of the money 🙂

Metal Man Thing's Mate


Samir Nasri

Hey don’t call me a tosser. I will be the best money manager the world has ever seen. I in fact already know what I will do…
1) Buy me a new Rolex
2) Buy me a new Lotus
3) Buy me a new hooker for the night

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Haha. Saw you the other day trying to sneak out of the game at the Grove. Playing against us was keeping you away from your wallet. Not surprised you were desperate to get back to it. You’re not used to being parted from your money for that long now that you’re a sub at Man $hitty are you?

Samir Nasri

No it was agony. I saw on the replay of the match later my face when I thought I was coming off. Even I was scared and shat my pants


Pele – never have truer words been said. We can’t compete financially against the Chelski’s or the Citeh’s but give them our legends to learn from and we’ll have a youth academy full of eager gooners. Not some cunts that will leave us as soon as their “boyhood” team shows some interest or offers a nice fat salary. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, just think about some of the youth that’s come through our doors and not realised their potential. Denilson, is a perfect example. If he’d had the right role models and people to learn… Read more »

Pele of Romford

I saw it today northern and my fellow goons. Legends everywhere, it felt right. You really appreciate the size of our club. From the cockney era to the French legion. Even though I’ve disagreed with some of wrighty’s decisions ( i mean helping Defoe, what the fuck honestly?) he’s part of out history. A big part. And today we were family again. I was sitting Next to a young lad today at the grove who turned to his old man and said I didn’t know we had do many good players in the past. I think that sums up my… Read more »


Ah Pele you old codge, pulling at my heartstrings so. Jealous of you lot that got to go today, more so for the whole generational thing, would have loved to take my lad to that. Unity, the rest that we all know but some don’t really want to be a part of, unity thats what will take us to a trophy,back your team or back off. No whinging,no second guessing,…..crescit.


Mate, you’re a poet. None of these silly rhyming ones but a proper one.

I was alreight until you mentioned Rocky and then it was lump in my throat stuff. I’m gutted to have missed the game yesterday but if I ever get to a game you’re at I hope you’ll let me buy you a beer.


Cheers Padwoir for support. Please note I never said Thierry NOT to return to the Arsenal. I think it inevitable that he will and should…….but ……in a role that instills passion for the club…….an ambassador. Possibly in a coaching role………but not to diminish the status he has achieved. And for the question raised of what does pinnacled mean…….it mean how high we as fans appreciate this guys achievements.


Player manager?




Anon……you need to get a grip then.


If he’s hard then he probably already has… ;0)

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

I’m impressed with Henry’s political skills. He was the 100% Gooner we all know him to be, yet his current employers have nothing but praise and admiration for him on their website today. You ‘must’ be a total legend to wear the shirt of another team on a day like this and everybody still loves you. Can’t hurt the chances of the Red Bulls agreeing a short loan if we asked for one, either.

Glad Nasri and Adebayor didn’t get statues. Can just imagine the reception when those two turned up in Citeh and Cock-on-a-bald-Bollock shirts.

Eric Irish gunner

They’ed be fucking lynched

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