Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Arsenal 1-1 Wayne Hennessy

Arsenal can feel unlucky to have been held to a 1-1 by Wolves at the Emirates Stadium this afternoon but the visitors can thank a remarkable goalkeeping performance from Wayne Hennessy.

Arsene Wenger made some changes with Djourou surprisingly back in the starting line-up at right back, meaning Vermaelen played on the left. Tomas Rosicky came into midfield to replace the rested Aaron Ramsey while Yossi Benayoun replaced the ill Theo Walcott in the front three.

Arsenal started brightly, dominating possession and scored after just eight minutes. Wolves winger Matt Jarvis had caused some problems in the Arsenal penalty area and may have won a penalty had he gone down under the challege, instead he chose to stay on his feet. His cross was cleared allowing Arsenal to break with Tomas Rosicky.

He gave it to Yossi Benayoun who pass split open the Wolves defence for Gervinho to go through on goal. He hasn’t always been reliable this season in these situations and for a moment it looked like he’d done too much but he cut in on his left foot and finished to make it 1-0 Arsenal.

Wolves had some dangerous moments but Arsenal had over 70% possession in the first half hour and should have scored more for that. Robin van Persie forced a great save from Wayne Hennessy when he shrugged off some vigorous Wolves challenges, and the away team’s method of dealing the Premier League’s most in-form striker was to crowd him out and foul if at all possible.

Roger Johnson picked up a yellow card for tripping van Persie on the edge of the box but Arteta’s free kick was easily saved. The Spaniard had another shot blocked and then, as so often happens in a game Arsenal dominate, we conceded in the 38th minute.

From a corner which was half-cleared, Stephen Hunt’s shot deflected into the path of Stephen Fletcher, and with the Arsenal defence, and Alex Song in particular, slow to push out he beat the offside trap and headed back across goal from about 6 yards out. 1-1. It might just be me but I think we’ve conceded more goals which have just crept inside the post than any other team this season.

In the second half two things happened:

1 – Stuart Atwell proved once again he’s not fit to be a Premier League referee with a string of shit decisions, not least of which was Wolves red card which was never a red card, but more importantly he missed a clear handball which should have been an Arsenal penalty.

2 – Wayne Hennessy saved everything, and I mean everything, that Arsenal threw at him. From van Persie free kicks, Mertesacker headers, Vermaelen close-rangers, RVP shots to the near post which he saved with his legs while diving the other way, you name it, he saved it. Helped, perhaps, by van Persie being slightly off the boil too, it has to be said, but that’s not to take anything away from him.

Frustrating as it might be to drop points – and it really, really is – but you have to give credit to Hennessy for what was a truly outstanding performance. The dropped points don’t hurt quite as much because of yesterday. It’s a shame we didn’t take advantage but we haven’t fallen any further behind.

QPR must suffer for this though.


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That my friends is down to wenger, we take off benny who playing well again and bring on our most ineffective player all season and then our most ineffective player of the last few games and then to top it all the player that leaves for 6 weeks in a few days fucking total joke. Q the the thumbs down cos I don’t give a flying fuck.


Think the problem is that Benayoun is a great player but a bad winger. A square peg in a round hole I guess.


Wasn’t it Benayoun who made that pass for Gervinho’s goal?


Are you even a fan of Arsenal ? Not that I give a “flying fuck”, but just asking….


Have fun with your thumbs.

Arshavin didn’t play that badly, everyone just loves to scrutinize the Russian, but he wasn’t invisible in stark contrast to his other appearances.

Chamakh meanwhile… well he could’ve done well given the need for a target man up-front (crossing everywhere) but that unfortunate clash of heads was no-one’s fault.

And besides, if he’s leaving for 6 weeks soon, it’s better to actually use him when you still have him. Any common sense there? No, because you don’t give a flying fuck.


haha! Great analysis …. not that I give flying fuck!


Benayoun had a shocker kept on losing the ball and drifting inside about 60 % passing accuracy, Arshavin gave us more width and balance had a decent game to be fair.

Wot's my name?

So flipping gutted! 4th place was ours for the taking and we let it slip. The manager knows best, but to bring Chamack on when you are desperate for a goal is a joke. When did he last score btw? Arshavin was decent, but surely a hungry Ox would probably have had more impact with his pace and penetration? Oh well, screw it : (


We just fell victim to the classic “I may be a sh*t keeper but when I play against The Arsenal I will temporarily become the best in the world.”

And as soon as he plays against manc teams he will lose all goalkeeping ability.


What exactly is up with that? Thats the most painful thing to see….

Teams that play decent against everyone else, nay rise up to the occassion and then crumble faster than stale cookies a month after christmas.

Fulham I’m looking at you.


Birmingham I’m looking at you, down there in the Championship.

Enjoy your Carling’s Cup.


looking at game just reminded me of a certain Don Vito agaisnt fulham except that we were the frustrated side today but unlike Vito ,Hennesy has proved his worth in the league he is a good goalkeeper and he was outstanding today.
Good goal from gervinho but he needs to sort out his decision making, looks like he was always in double mind today when to shoot or pass and it was so good to see Vermaelen did not buy that cunt Johnsons antics to get in a fight coz everyone knew the refree was shit,clueless cunt .


Very true, there was one moment where he took the ball right to pretty much the middle of the box, could’ve taken a shot with quite a lot of space but prompted to pass to a player instead (Song I think) and it was intercepted by Karl Henry.

Shame, I’d say this and his finishing are the only eminent problems to his game.


I’m thinking Robert Green. Can’t they all just be Paul RObinsons?!

Danish Gooner

No,our finishing is abysmal and time and time again we blame the goal keeper for taking the game away from us.Maybe people should look at the fixatiation we have on passing the ball in to the net and and the poor,poor finishing.Wayne H would never have got away with that at Old Toilet or Manc City because they have a certain cutting edge that we will never acquire unless we get new attacking players in.Back to you Wenger…….how many more times must i say that before he actually does something about it.We could have closed the gap to a respectable… Read more »


Maybe you should watch the same game all the rest of us watched.

The one Mertesacker had a point-blank header or Vermaelen’s fierce close-ranged shot.

Man City sure does have a cutting edge back when we were up against them.


You do know that we have scored the same amount of goals as Spurs right? Aren’t they supposed to be the most attacking/attractive team in the league…. We have scored 2 less than Chelsea and 13 more than Liverpool; both teams that spent vast sums of money during the summer and last couple of years. Tottenham have also spent more than Arsenal trying to just get into the top 4, so it’s not surprise that they are ahead (we still have to play them at home and they still have to play the 2 manc clubs, so can easily catch… Read more »


After the first goal we became overly complacent and were happy to pass the ball about or try and find Robin so he could score. Instead, we should have killed the game off by following the first goal with a couple more as fast as possible, and then bothered about Robin breaking a record when their spirit had been crushed. We were so slow getting the ball forward that the whole Wolves team had the time to pack the box. That is how we failed to score any more. Yes, Hennessy had a great game, but we gave them ample… Read more »


You can’t really blame Arshavin. He came on at a time where Wolves were defending with all their lives and he just didn’t have the space for those tricky runs. Gervinho was also the same.

That game called for a Theodore James Walcott to be honest. No tricks, just plain byline crossing, beating full-backs with pace.


Arsenal 1-1 Wayne Hennessy


Are you a fan of arsenal? Why because I dare get pissed off once in a while with team selection you mug

Cygan's Left Foot

You can get pissed off any where near here, everything is GREAT, we have been unlucky for the last 7 years. Oh, we don’t need any signing, we have the TWO LANS OX and Park will “step up” to cover for the two going to the ACN. Why complain, we always win the top four trophy and develop talents and sell them for profit, they use our great manager skill for developing talent, and use our club for CL exposure to sign a bigger contract with other clubs, we use those young talent when maturing to make money in the… Read more »

arsenal fan

stop being so pathetic mate. we drew a game, get over it

Cygan's Left Foot

If you understood what I wrote you wouldn’t be happy to be the loser you are. I was not talking about one game, I was talking about the last 7 years with the same again same again. Do you know why Fab signed for us in the first place? To make all his learning and mistakes with us, and go back to Braca when ready. He never lied to us and told us that countless times, that doesn’t hurt? Fine, hear this, the two kids we just signed from Barca last summer the defender one said he moved to Arsenal… Read more »


You make some valid points and while I get the gist of what you’re trying to get at, Fabregas was 16 in 2003 when we were winning ‘trophies’ quite regularly and had lots of top class players in their prime – when he signed for us there was no guarantee that he would even turn out to be a good player and/or get enough opportunities at The Arsenal. So to say that he signed so that he could make all his mistakes here and then leave for Spain is like saying RVP got injured every season so that he could… Read more »

Cygan's Left Foot

Oh well, after your response all seem alright, we will put 4 past QPR then a point from the Fulham game. Just like the story of the last 7 years instead of adding one or two quality players signing to take us that extra level to win something, before he comes out and decide against it!!!! Here is a bet for you, if we are lucky we will ONLY sign Henry on loan for few weeks this Jan, The man is not under ANY pressure to deliver because of us (I must admit I was one of them until the… Read more »


Cygan – Frustration is part of the whole experience, I don’t know how it would have been if we had never been frustrated about anything, though I’d love for us to go through a few seasons with Zero things to be frustrated about. And as for the same things happening in the last 7 years, Man City have spent a lot of money, made many signings and have loads of world class players (mercenaries). They have now spent for 3 consecutive seasons (~transfer windows) and all they have won is 1 FA cup. They should never drop points, ever. With… Read more »


with all those crosses flying ….arsenal needed a good header…despite his bad form chamakh is a good header which is a gamble but “logical gamble” if that makes a sense..


It was a logical gamble. Unfortunately the gamble just backfired when Robin hit his head.

And everyone’s saying fuck Chamakh for doing what now?


We should sent Arshavin to the ACN with Chamakh…they could use some practice kicking rocks.

Glory hunter

What’s that supposed to mean?
Kicking rocks in Africa!!!
I sense a bit JohnTerryitis, u rascist cunt.


Hate it when we don’t take advantage. Thought we took the foot off the pedal a bit in the first half after scoring and lacked aggression but second half we did try to push on – though i couldn’t really see us scoring for some reason. We lacked the width and pace of Theo today, Benny and Rosicky too similar at times (though both did play well). The Ox will get his chance later on but we really do need a quality back up striker to come off the bench and offer us something different.


“The dropped points don’t hurt quite as much because of yesterday”

I disagree with this statement. The fact that Arsenal had a chance to pass Chelsea with a win makes these dropped points hurt more. At least on a personal level…


Let’s just try focus on some positives. Like the fact little Mozart was outstanding I thought. He could of had 3 or 4 assists if the boys finished better. 2 clear cut chances for rvp from great rosicky over the top balls and one stunning outside foot cross which I thought the sack was sure to get his first arsenal goal. Welcome back rosicky, I missed you.


I think he means that it softens the blow a bit. It’s bloody annoying that we couldn’t tale advantage, but at least the majority of the teams around us couldn’t either.

Bobby Pires

I think the reason he put Chamakh on was because we were aiming cross after cross into the box but not capitalising on it. All he ended up doing was causing confusion and putting Colin Lewins’ brand new set of stitches a good use.
Ah well, as you said, QPR should feel the teams’ frustrations.

The ox

First of all Stephen c(h)unt and Stuart attwell you are a pair of cunts…

Secondly wat the hell is wrong with putting on the ox, just give the lad a fucking chance PLEASEEEE!!!!!


FUCK. This should have been 3 points. We don’t deserve a top 4 finish if we keep screwing up in games like these. And what was up with Verminator? He seemed very unstable, almost got himself sent off.


He didn’t do much compared to other players I’d say. Roger Johnson started fucking with him when they battled for the ball so that was hardly Vermaelen provoking him first, and in such a high-tension game where the crowd was so into it, it’d be natural for tempers to flare, especially with the amount of douchebaggery tactics deployed. I’d say RVP looked a lot more frustrated and pissed than Vermaelen. I remember seeing him go face-to-face with a Wolves player more than once and even having 2 of his teammates pull him aside. Again, Stuart Atwell was an attention whore.… Read more »


Yep RVP looked pissed as well, but we know he’s got a temper. The thing is Verma was already on a yellow, cooler heads are needed to win games imo. Especially when teams are out to frustrate you and get you carded/sent off.


lol Vermaelen was penalised for complaining for a handball when it was obviously not a handball even before watching the replay.

When he got the ball suddenly the ref blew for a free-kick and even I was puzzled. What the fuck? Then suddenly, after Vermaelen felt rightly stolen of the ball unfairly, he gets a yellow. Brilliant.


Arshavin was actually quite decent. Please stop just uttering those lazy talking points, he was clearly trying.




Yes that first time shot with the outside of his left I thought was the piece of magic he is capable of producing, juust whilstled the wrong side of the post, unsavable if a couple of inches to the left. How badly I was willing that to go in, not least because we’d have bagged 3 points from a bunch of cunts, but also because him scoring the winner might have got a few fans to calm the fuck down about him (he’s doing shit, when he is actually doing anything, but he wears the shirt lads, so support!), and… Read more »


We didn’t drop 2 points for tactical errora or substitutions. We paid for being too casual in the 1st half,instead of being 3 0 up it was suddenly 1 1 and that gave wolves belief and they fought hard in the second half. Really bad result considering wolves at home is usually a home banker, but these things happen in football unfortunately

Runcorn Gooner

Hit the nail on the head.We had them for dead in the 1st
half and all it needed was one more goal from all the
chances we had.
They score a fluky goal and hang on for dear life and
Hennessey has the best game of his life.C’est la vie.
Felt sorry for Wolves player sent off.Attwell has got to be
THE worst ref in premiership.(Sorry Mr Dowd you have lost
the title)
Stuff QPR and Fulham and we will still be in the frame plus
Chamakh wil be doing trainee work in Africa,thank goodness .

The ox

And btw well played hennessy


We all, or most, wanted changes and got it. I’m sure not a few people felt great when the first 11 was announced. And because the change didnt come with the ultimate gain doesnt make change itself a bad thing. I loved the Mozart running the show, passing with every inch of both feet. What however was the biggest lesson today is what we all knew, sooner or later our left-footed magician was going to have a bad day. That this result or setback coincides with an imminent transfer window fills me with glee. We now know, beyond all conceivable… Read more »


probably wrong but I was feeling the record was bothering RVP..
kinda hovering over him 🙂

on a normal day he would have scored 3 with the chances he had.. o well..


lol my thoughts were exactly the same when he spurned an incredibly well-made through ball after spurning 2 other chances (or half-chances) he had before.


Think he was also bothered by the bellends around him, clinging onto him when he had the ball, and generally fouling like bastards, then the esteemed Mr Atwell waving it away like it was nothing. On top of that, the ref didn’t even know where to stand when someone is taking a freekick. Absolute shite.


a game really similar to Liverpool’s y-day…

probably deserved to win but then again didn’t really deserve to win at Villa.. s I guess it evens out 🙁

can’t blame the effort in the last half hour but I just don’t understand why we can keep and sustain that kind a pressure for like 20 minutes in the first half and finish this kind of teams off..
that’s pretty much the only thing that’s killing me..


Calm down everyone. These things happen sometimes, their freakgoal, the keeper having the game of his life, RVP’s touch being slightly. We created good chances, sometimes just gotta let go. It wasn’t for the lack of trying.


when he stopped the Van Persie FK … I was Like how the fuck’d he stop that? and what was SCZC doing the whole time ‘cuz the whole second half was played in the wolves box. Pity, he does well as a striker in FIFA 12.


Mertesacker can chase down Lionel Messi in FIFA12.

What more can I say.


Agree with sentiments that Arsenal really took the back seat after scoring. I mean I was really yawning for a while there.

Oooh they’re in the attacking third of the pitch, I wonder if he’s going to burst forward!! Oh!! He passes back to the defence. Good fuck.

It’s been a really long time since I yawned at Arsenal’s passing.

But the last half an hour or so, wow. Melees, tensions rising, the crowds really shouting, Arsenal playing with a lot more urgency, it really went alive.

Too late I guess.


You get a bit of form and make your fans start to believe once again and then all of your competitors all drop points – perfect opportunity to create some ground so what do you do ? you take off your best player and put on the laziest, most disinterested player you can when there is one off the hottest young prospects in European Football sitting on the bench in Chamberlain. Wenger’s tactics are a puzzle to me – it would not shock to me at all if he offers that useless traffic cone a new, improved contract. One thing… Read more »


Dude, chill, Its just one game!


Go and head on down to the AGM next year to protest over Silent Stan being a cunt for no apparent reason!

If you were a board member I could actually convince myself to believe you, but then again!

arsenal fan

“when there is one off the hottest young prospects in European Football sitting on the bench in Chamberlain ” mate you should calm down, chamberlain is a good player but he”s probably not one of the hottest prospects in Europe. everybody should stop asking for him to play. an 18 year old shouldnt be relied upon to win us matches. because i know for a fact if he was put on and didnt play well. most fans would complain that wenger doesnt have enough experience in the team.


we should have won that. their gk was really good but we should have scored again and put the game to bed in the first half. Judging from our performance against Villa and today I won’t be hoping for much when QPR come calling. maybe an rvp goal at the most.
We should have won that but if spurs lose/draw then all in all the draw today won’t cost us to much and we can keep the pressure on spurs/chelsea. Liverpool are on our arse too. 4th place is going to be a real scrappy affair.


too be honest Robin wasn’t too good today. If Chamakh had missed those chances we would be killing him simultaneously (how’s that for a graphic) Robin had 3 passes over the top with at least 2 seconds to control and shot, but he wanted to make sure, so twice he tried to get it on his fav left. I just hope he starts “not thinking”. Just play like you have been. Let’s stuff QPR. They look like shit right now with Swansea tearing them a new one.


Lets hope Paddy (QPR’s GK) doesn’t have his greatest game ever!


Agreed, there were some magnificent through balls where he had LOTS of time and space but instead opted for a first time shot. Other times, he got the ball pretty easily, but then it just bounced off a bit too far.

Off-day I’d say.


We lost the game in the first half i think. We should hev showed the 2nd kinda spirit and killed the game off. Well, as the sayin goes ”As hopeful as a gooner” (my sayin), we js ope next game wl b different.

aditya swarup

I know people love The OX and me too. But even he couldn’t have done anything different IMO. And those who blame the loss on Arshavin and Chamakh are pure mugs. Not that I give a flying fuck.


The more flying fuck to you.


Can we please stop this sh*t-combo of Arshavin & Chamakh when we’re in desperate need of a goal. Why not bring in Chamberlain?? FFS Wenger, you loan out Bendtner and opt for these 2 useless cnuts? Credit to Hennessy for a brilliant performance but in no way deserving of a draw here.


Arshavin actually played decently.

What game were you watching?


“Decent” isn’t enough to win games…..fuck , it isn’t even enough to earn more playing time in my opinion. I’d love to be proven wrong but show me a game where these players came through this season?


Bendtner was equally as shite, he’s the Arnold Rimmer of football. As for why he went out on loan, he wants out of Arsenal but nobody wanted him. His demands were ridiculous due to us paying him an obscene amount.

Kelvin Mandhlazi

We lost the game in the first half i think. We should hev showed the 2nd kinda spirit and killed the game off. Well, as the sayin goes ”As hopeful as a gooner” (my sayin), we js ope next game wl b different.


I’ve seen Arshavin play much, much worse recently, but I thought the Djourou-for-Chamack idea was probably the wrong decision. The two things we lacked in the first half and needed so desperately towards the end of the game were pace and a more direct, willing-to-shoot style of attacking play. These are clearly the two main attributes of the Ox. Mind you, I can imagine if the Ox came on and started firing at goal, Hennessey might have had even more fun…


Freak goal from wolves, man of the match performance from their keeper, threw everything at them in the second half and it just wouldn’t go in. Draw not a disaster but frustrating, yes. Arshavin had a good game when he came on. We had the player with the ball trying to make something happen but just not enough movement off the ball to stretch them and create space. Thought we lacked a bit if pace and really missed our fullbacks today making the overlapping runs down the wings. That would have probably opened them up. Oh well


problem for me in the first half was that we had no width on the right side. With DJ as our fullback and Benny constantly tucking in, there were several times when there was acres of space on the right but nobody out there to pass it to. Sagna/Jenks can’t return soon enough. Also, this is something I haven’t said in a long time, but maybe this was a game that Arshavin should have been given a chance at starting over one of Rosicky or Benny. Hindsight and all that, but having 2 real wingers from the beginning would have… Read more »

The Gun

Gutted, but I must say I still feel that the players did their best and worked as hard as they could. Lets try to focus on the positives… We have a team that fight until the end and don’t walk around with their heads hangning down, blaming other teammates for a loss of points. Caugh *Na$ri*..



Still amazes me how quickly fans loose their head after a setback. Lets all calm down a bit here. That was a frustrating game, Van P was not at his best today. Feel it might have been a combination of the record and the amount of games he has played. Or it might have just been one of those days. Maybe he missed Walcott. That combined with how brilliant their keeper was did not help matters. He seemed to grew in confidence with every save until he believed he was fing superman.. Regardless its one game, albeit one that we… Read more »

The Gun

Well said!


Am not negative but had some things on my mind: at 0:0 when zervinyu scored i thought, square to rvp, he scores and probably he gets the record off his mind or lessened. @ 1:1 rvp had two clean over the top through balls but his chocolate foot let him down on the control (record on his mind?) arshavin wasn’t bad but what a difference having two good strickers could make? You think man city, today and a few other games and wonder what a difference it could make to bring on a real stricker; a real goal threat than… Read more »


Gunners over-drank Henessy Cognac. 🙁 I will abstain from it for a few weeks.


Please remove that picture. It looks lame. I didn’t see the match today. Thanks underground. So I figured id at least leave one comment. Get rid of the pic.




Douche bag


well said Frog. Some of the trolls we’ve had on this site have made more sense than ‘critic’. Even after considering the fact he was plainly looking to ‘abuse some1’.


Oh for heaven’s sake get a grip. We were the better team all over the park. What was it, 30 shots on goal, a dozen corners, seventy percent possession … All against a dickhead referee, a big black and yellow bus, and a goalie who recently made a Christmassy pact with Mephistopheles. Sometimes we play better and don’t win, sometimes we don’t play well and do. It’s football. Besides, it’s not as if we’ve lost incalculable ground against all our rivals. Who knows … maybe this evening the Budgies will do us a favour. If were going to have rotten… Read more »


We should have taken off wojciech szczesny the guy was bloody useless i don’t rememeber him doing anything for the whole second half.


ahahahahahaha… just cheered me up 😀

you even spelled his name correctly.. well done sir, well done..


Its sad becuase I have been to now 9 live matches and this was the first time I have seen us let in a goal.

Arsenal 1-0 Roma
Arsenal 0-0 Fulham
Arsenal 6-0 Sheffield United
Arsenal 2-0 Standard Liege
Arsenal 2-0 Sunderland
Arsenal 4-0 Fulham
Arsenal 6-0 Blackpool
Arsenal 1-0 Manchester United (This game scared the shit out of me)
Arsenal 1-1 Wolverhampton

But you know what, I am still undefeated and I was bound to lose my record, let my undefeated record continue as I will see the Arsenal play QPR on Saturday!


Did anyone else listen to it on 5 live? David Pleat kept calling the said players Benanoon and Vermoolin. Twat.


Oh dear. And it was all going so well. I suppose tomorrow the sports pages will be full of “unlucky Arsenal” and “super Wayne” headlines. They’ll say that we didn’t win because we were just a bit unlucky, and the Wolves keeper “played a blinder”. Bollocks. Just twenty-four hours after Man United showed exactly how a top-four team should despatch relegation-fighting rubbish, we pulled out a typical Arsene Wenger performance and failed to see off the worst away side in the Premier League. After taking that early lead we should have gone for the jugular and then ripped them to… Read more »


Blimey. I find myself agreeing with Fatgooner. We need more quality on the bench.

As for the scum, Harry does like to spend money wherever he goes, often leaving a club just as it falls into deep financial shit. That day cannot come soon enough where Tottenscum are concerned.


RocCityGunner You are a CUNT..a johnTerry alike motherfuckin CUNT!!


It’s like the doom mongers are always lurking.. Waiting for the one slip up.. N.. BAM! There on here with their repetitive negativity! PISS OFF!!


The quality we have on the bench does not get used, or as in parks case it’s not picked. Thats the whole point. We use the same players to come off the bench that have done fuck all in the way of changing a game all season. ok ashavin played better than he has done but could he really have done any worse. You can’t be negative on here or point out obvious faults as the arsene or arseblog sycophants don’t like it. As for the anon prick surely with chamakh leaving for six wks it would be better to… Read more »


You can be as negative as you like, as long as you do it the right way without having to resort to abuse and over react at every setback. Take Fatgooner for instance (my apologies mate for picking on you)….the guy has said some pretty negative things all in the name of criticism. Quite a few of his comments were well reasoned while some weren’t. That’s his opinion and he’s entitled to it. Today he makes another very valid point and regardless of what kind of feedback he gets, he’s honest enough to come and back up his views and… Read more »

Cygan's Left Foot

You telling him not to restore to abuse because he has called Anon pr**k, you have to see when that thing Anon disagree with you, he would call you C**t no problem.

I did not see you acting the keep it clean police then!!! Maybe only you become the keep it clean police if someone pointing out why we have not won anything for the last 7 years or disagreed with you?


Cygan- Relax dude, nobody has to act as the police, we’re grown ups here. At least most of us are. I wasn’t picking on his actual post, I meant that being negative or critical is completely normal and acceptable in general as long as it doesn’t involve abuse. I don’t have the time nor the interest to moderate and look at every post to check for abuse, but when I can and I see abuse that is unwarranted, I try to discourage people from doing it. Of course, each to their own so I don’t fret over it. There are… Read more »


What’s most irritating is that we played some great quality football but couldn’t achieve the right result while against Villa we put on an unconvincing display but still acquired the result we desired. What a rollercoaster, chin up lads. Keep the faith.


Not sure why we tried umpteen billion crosses in the last 15 minutes of the game. A lot of teams do that when they need a goal. Pump the ball into the box and watch the taller defenders head them away easily. I know it’s psychologically difficult to do, but we should have played to our strengths and kept the ball on the ground and hoped for a rash challenge and a penalty or something.


I think if wenger brings Ox instead of Chamakh would be much better


Totally agree with you. I don’t understand why Wenger just doesn’t give the Ox a chance in a game like yesterday when we needed a goal. Chamakh has lost all confidence and is completely shot. The Ox is the only impact player that we have yet Wenger won’t use him – why?


santos where are you!!!!!DAMN IT…why did this happen


Quick shout out to Arshavin – who in my opinion had his best game since Bolton in the Carling Cup. Wasn’t enough to change the outcome but he showed good signs.


@ar 90% of my post are on here are positive, il back the team if I thinks it’s right, yesterday we played well and games like this happen I’ve been around long enough to realise this. But some people will post on here just for the thumbs up. We all make mistakes in life, one of arsenes is that he keeps faith will some players for to long when they do not deserve his loyalty. As for the abuse some people like anon are just so condescending that sorry they deserve it at times. I’m honest about how I feel,… Read more »

Cygan's Left Foot

Oh no, if you don’t say AW is great, our board is the best and Stan is the man here, you are a negative person. I will always support our players that want to play for the club. In fact, I feel sorry for TV, RVP, Kos, Chezzer, Song, jack, Ramsey and Sagna, those players give their all to our club and want to win things with us, and I feel our Manager not to spending over 15 mil for a signing, when we have the money, holding us back and holding those loyal players back, I still can’t forgot… Read more »


@ Voldermort – You’re right and, I see a lot of that too and maybe it’s down to the fact that there are a million blogs/news sites out there that write total shit about our club, manager and players? I don’t know but I feel that there’s this big wave of negativity about everything Arsenal on the internet and most of it is unwarranted. Maybe it’s the Gooner in me that makes me react like that but there’s a load of bullshit everywhere you look on the internet about Arsenal so this blog providing a balanced view and a chance… Read more »

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