Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arsenal 1-1 Wolves: By the Numbers

73 – Percent of possession by Arsenal
80 – Passes attempted by Arsenal 0-10 minutes
166 – Wolves successful passes from open play
172 – Arsenal successful passes from open play 0-23 minutes
402 – Passes attempted by Arsenal first half
87 – Percent of Arsenal passes completed in first half
315 – Passes attempted by Arsenal in the second half
81 – Percent of Arsenal passes completed in second half
3 – Number of cute backheel passes attempted by Song
0 – Number of successful cute backheel passes completed by Song
26 – Arsenal shots 90 minutes
19 – Arsenal shots second half
12 – Matches since Arsenal had at least 26 shots against an opponent (Bolton)
3 – Goals scored for Arsenal in that match
38 – Tackles by Wolves*
47 – Tackles by Arsenal*
30 – Wolves interceptions
6 – Hunt interceptions**
4 – Zubar interceptions
4 – Ward interceptions
4 – Forde interceptions
2 – Interceptions by each of Koz, Verm, Benny, and Song***
10 – Blocks by Wolves
10 – Saves by Hennessey
1 – Blocks by Mertesacker
1 – Shot on goal by wolves
37 – Minute the announcers said that Wolves haven’t scored at Arsenal since 1984
38 – Minute in which Wolves scored their first goal at Arsenal since 1984
15 – Attempted clearances by Arsenal
5 – Successful clearances by Arsenal
6 – Clearances Arsenal would have made had Alex Song not lolly gagged around in the box and played Fletcher onside. Fletcher, Steven fucking Fletcher.
1 – Attempted clearance by Arsenal second half (successful!)
31 – Attempted clearances by Wolves second half (13 successful)
49 – Attempted clearances by Wolves 90 minutes (19 successful)

26 – Passes from open play completed by Ramsey
1 – Through balls attempted and completed by Aaron Ramsey
100 – Percent of passes from open play completed by Ramsey
6 – Chances created by Ramsey
5 – Crosses completed by Arsenal
4 – Crosses completed by Ramsey
6 – Blocks by Wolves after Ramsey came on
13 – Passes completed by Benayoun
11 – Passes by Wayne Hennessey
2 – Chances created by Benayoun
1 – Assists by Benayoun
1 – Tackle by Benayoun
1 – Header by Benayoun
1 – Number of times Benayoun inexplicably fell over
2 – Successful dribbles by Benayoun
15 – Successful passes Arshavin
1 – Tackle by Arshavin
3 – Touches Chamakh
2 – Passes by Chamakh
1 – Bloody wound on Chamakh

More of this sort of thing plus musings on life, love, and literature and other posh bullshit at and on twitter @7amkickoff

* Tackles here refers to aerial duels, ground tackles, and dribbles
** Leads all players
*** Leads team


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“1 – Number of times Benayoun inexplicably fell over

“3 – Number of cute backheel passes attempted by Song
0 – Number of successful cute backheel passes completed by Song”



Song is killing our attack with those attempted passes. Just play our game stop trying to show off. Arsenal is about the team as a whole not Song’s flair. Flair is for the 5-0 games not 1-1. Get with it.


Great work Tim, appreciate your efforts thank you


Very nice.
Do you have any stats on our free kicks? Maybe its just me but i feels like Arteta hits the wall 4 out of 5 times.


Jesus Tim you put fingers to keyboards the way it was meant to be done. What’s most impressive for me is the fact that you do it on the daily. Cheers mate


Jeezo! How much more frustrating is a draw against a teamike the Wolves (who’s only redeeming feature is a cool logo) when you see these stats.


I’m so disappointed


Gervinho never looked like he was in complete control the whole match, even when he scored the goal.


That’s his thing. He never looks like he has complete control of the ball. He sort of jinks around and no one really has any idea what he is going to do.

Ramsey was very impressive off the bench, it has to be said.


I thought it was going to be a hilarious miss 😛


I think rosicky should Definitley be getting alot more game time after his performance. He was the only one who looked like he could make a pass that wasn’t going side to side. Twice he found van persie unmarked, on side behind the wolves defence yet van persie Couldn’t do anything with it. His bursts forward from midfield were brilliant. Would love to see him regain his confidence and get the little Mozart firing again. Well in son. Also almost jizzed in my pants when I thought mertersacker had scored… The BFG deserves one to his name.


Wondering why we keep dropping points when we really shouldn’t be doing so. We get to string a good run only when teams around us are doing same only to slip up when they give us the opportunity to go past them. So much for the so called mental strength of this team. Something really is wrong, just can’t quite figure out what exactly it is.


19 – Arsenal shots second half

That stat alone should tell you that the team never gave up chasing a win last night. It wasn’t like the lads just said “fuck it” and bottled it. We threw everyone forward.

It is very frustrating to not get 3 points, but it wasn’t for lack of trying. If there is such a thing as a “good” way to draw, then this game was it.


excuse me but the 19 shots you talk about how many of them were on target, and how many of them which were on target went straight to henessy? mertsacker;s header is straight at him /his feet. van persie’s foul is again right at henessy. majority of headers and shots were at close proximity of keeper, not once was he stretched. the only unlucky effort we had is van persie in low left corner (like he did to valdez last year) where the keeper goes other way and saves it with his legs on the inside of the post. van… Read more »


i agree 100%. this comlacency has been going on for way too long.


all i will say is that this phenomenon aint new. it happened even before the invincibles. many mnay easy games, games we should have won comfortably, and for some reason the team approcahes these game with a mindset that aint even professional. the thing is , that when you have players like vieira and pires and henry to bail us out its ok. when you dont have them though i notice that the manager has difficulties making them want it more than the others. his philosphy is about allowing the player to express himself and if the player is willing… Read more »


Vermaelen, Sczcesny Song, Arteta, RvP would disagree with you. We have seen these players “take the game by the scruff of the neck” this season. Vermaelen especially can really seem to lift the team.

I think this season we have a different mentality from previous seasons. Players seem to hate it when we lose or draw.


I think it is a fundamental problem with the Arsenal is that at times the attack play is so laboured and slow, most players look like they cannot figure a way forward and just pass back. You can blame other teams for parking the bus, but that is because they have all the time in the world to park it. Arsenal scores the most when they attack quick on the break, like most top sides (Barca excluded).


11(reducing to 10 after 75 mins) Number of buses parked in front of Wolves goal)


On a lighter note, doesn’t Mick McCarthy look like Bert from Sesame Street?:


Yes but Bert has more hair..


What does the stats teach me? We need a striker of class. What does it teach Wenger? We were missing Theo. Sad story.

[…] Match report – video – By the numbers […]

[…] Match report – video – By the numbers […]

Gooners & Roses

It s disappointing to draw like that, even more so when others only managed to draw while the cocky neighbour won! I dont fault the commitment and desire to win. But i thought we were too hasty to attack, lack of patient build-up i have to say. Even more so obvious when Wolves decided to put everyone inside the 6 yard box. Yes, we were complaining back then that previous Arsenal only like to pass around, but i feel like in this game if we are able to mix it properly in the final third we might be able to… Read more »

Ken Kenyan Gooner

I only managed to watch second half and TR7 deserves to start. He had a good game. Interesting though is when we subbed JD, Rambo filled in brilliantly at right back and made some menacing runs down the right. If I was Wenger I would play him at RB until Jenkinson or Sagna returns. Haaaaha I am a fantasy manager!

Runcorn Gooner

Just one of those games.So many “if only ”
moments but it happens.Fair play to Hennessy
and they should have not had a sending off.
Next we have “Who ate all the pies,Kenny”
who should chuck the odd goal in.
Also a warm welcome to the man who thinks
he should be playing against QPR on
Saturday.(Delusional Scouse git Barton)
Let’s get a hatful and listen to Wanknok
complaint about us.
Roll on Saturday

[…] absolutely hammered that penalty area, and Hennessy made some truly ridiculous saves. THIS link from Arseblog News tells you all you need to know about the stats. 73% possession for Arsenal. […]


Ref was a complete joke. Song needs to back heel himself in the bollocks! Why can’t we close these nonsense games against shit clubs?
Otherwise sterling performance, my ass…


This is how we lost the carling cup last season. Faffing about and showing off whilst playing teams in a lower position.
The reason we dragged ourselves up from15th to 5th was because we stopped doing that crap.
now it has started to creep-in again.


i cant believe you people sayin rosicky should start more games. little mozart used to be a mozart a decade ago. his miss in front of an open goal is inexcusable. curling outwards shot? wtf? bury it in the bottom corner ffs. last year he missed the penalty in sunderland and then we got equalised. should have been shown the door long time ago.


IN THE GOAL WE CONCEDE YOUR FAVOURED TR7 IS IN THE WORNG POSITION ALLOWING OPPONENT TO GET THE BALL IN THE EDGE OF OUR AREA AND IF THAT WASNT ENOUGH HE DOESNT EVEN BLOCK THE SHOT..THE SHOT GETS BLOCKED BY SOMEBODY ELSE AND VERMAELLEN (OUT OF ALL PEOPL) HAS LOST HIS MARKER AND RAISES ARM FOR OFFSIDE. we lead from teh 7th minute and get equalised in the 37th? half an hour in which arsenal should have finished the game and make the above mistakes of rosicky and vermaellen irrelevant to the game….


I mean really? As if not being able to hit return twice to break this rant into two separate paragraphs, you felt the need to type in all caps? Is this necassary? I mean really?


yes of course it is necessary …9/10 messages that refer to rosicky are talking about how wonderful he is while the message in capitals is a truer reflection of rosicky;s ability in the year 2011 for a team like arsenal. and its as necessary to mention it twice as it was necessary for you to tell people off for things you dont grasp. yes. really. and to put things straight, my first message talks about his miss in open goal and the second message talks about the defensive fuckups that led to the equaliser. whats in common? rosicky.


To start a new paragraph, push the enter or return key twice. Take a deep breathe, use punctuation in your sentences and try to express yourself in a way that is understandable to other readers.

Also, please keep in mind that if your statistic of 9/10 is true, you’re in the great minority, and thus, probably full of shit. Good day William.


To start a new paragraph, push the enter or return key twice.

a paragraph? whats that? is that english ? or something foreign ive never heard off? lol…..i take it your life is at such an accomplished level if you feel the need to troll around telling people off about their syntax …lol…take it easy with your grammar corrections heh… life is too short to worry about things like that, better focus on why the hell we cant bloody capitalise on easy home fixtures.


the last thing i want is to enter a futile slanging contest at 12 o clock midnight in a festive period with a loser who wants to tell people off about syntax and punctuation in a football site. however for you i will make an exception. i think its that gem you threw about the minority being wrong and full of shit. four months ago the minority you slate as full of shit wanted to bash the heads of the majority who were booing the manager and were causing unrest to our team by damaging our players psychology. majority =… Read more »


I’m proud of you mate. Instead of hitting return twice, you separated your thoughts by entering two comments back to back. Cheers mate.




Exclusive: tomorrow Thierry Henry will sign 2 month loan deal wort 70 000 pounds a week. And will be unleash on Monday against fulham in the new 2012 year.


Sorry I meant Today Thursday 🙂

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