Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger: I don’t doubt Diaby

Abou Diaby is lower than a limbo dancer at the bottom of a ravine. That’s according to Arsene Wenger who confirmed this afternoon that his compatriot will be out for another ten days with a tight hamstring.

The midfielder has made just two brief substitute appearances since the end of last season, but despite recovering from another surgery on the ankle which was snapped by Sunderland’s Dan Smith in 2006, is again facing a spell on the sidelines.

Speaking about the mental state of his player, Wenger explained:

“The players are always impatient to come back and when they come back and they get injured, you think you have done it too early,” said Wenger. “But we felt with the fitness coaches that he was ready to play.

“He got injured again and it’s a minor injury but at the moment I must say he is very low because he has put a lot of effort in to come back.

“He has not played one game since the start of the season and he is going through a very difficult moment just now because he has put so much dedication into his rehab. To be injured straight away again is very difficult to take for him. He has been out many times like that.”

There are thought to have been serious concerns last season about Diaby’s ability to ever play again consistently at the highest level. However, having turned down a £10 million offer in the summer, Wenger is insistent that his Auxerre acquisition can return to his peak.

“I had the fear he would never get back to his best before his last surgery because he didn’t look comfortable to me with his ankle. Now I am convinced he will come back to his full potential.

“At the moment he has to keep strong and continue because it is a small injury.”

You have to feel for Diaby. An incredibly frustrating player to watch on one of his bad days, he is a majestic presence in the heart of midfield when he is on song.

With a lengthy run in the side you sense he might iron out the idiosyncrasies and become a world-beater, but it really does 100% depend on his fitness. He is certainly lucky to have a manager as patient as Arsene Wenger, and with a couple of years left to run on his deal he still has time to turn things around.

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Go on Abou, rootin for you son


He has the talent to be one of the best in the world… through no fault of his own his career has been derailed. I’ll always be a Diaby fan, and I hope he comes back as Wenger thinks he can.


Hope Diaby will get well soon and fulfill the potential we all know he has. Actually really like him, its a shame he is so injury prone

Rickard M C S

I never quite understood the whole “injury prone” thing. Is there any one footballer who would not get their leg broken there?


you’re joking he is a complete deadwood, never releases the ball. one good half then a shit second half, he needs to be shipped out what are we paying him for, he is always injured, never have never will rate him


Luckily for Abou, the majority of the fans do rate him, can see his potential and are willing him back. Imagine if all our fans were like you, we’d never have a full team as you’d just ship out the injured players. So would you have got rid of Ramsey? Eduardo? Will you get rid of Wilshere if he comes back and pulls something as he’s had no game time?


add RvP to that list..if we had gotten rid of him he would not be doing what he is now


Thank you Josh. There you go looney, another player with a terrible injury record but proven quality after he gets a run in the team.
Diaby needs just that to get over the niggles but then he plays and a little injury comes up, it’s a vicious circle for him at the moment until he can get enough game time. Once he’s played enough minutes to get his body back in footballing shape, he’ll be fine and will show everyone he can be a quailty MF.


I do feel for the lad, a footballers career is a finite amount of time and after 5 years of on again/off again he must be absolutely gutted its happened again. Its frustrating for us too, a lot of the times Abou has flattered to decieve but when hes on the top of his game he does look magic and when he scores its normally a pearler, a bit like Paddy Viera in that sense. He has just never really had the time to really make a huge impact, hopefully fingers x’d he’ll get a touch of good luck for… Read more »


he can shoot from both left and right i still remember his strike against sunderland from left foot when keane was incharge of them (cunt), sadly it was ruled out for a foul but rvp stepd up nd scored but seriously this guy is quality when he’s on song.


agreed, but it was with his right foot


Feel sorry for the man. Though the club was happy to open it, no player would have loved to hang around the new Abou VarSICKLY medical building. He has really not had enough playing time in his time at the club to be judged. Hope he comes back stronger and proves most of us wrong(i was tired of seeing him played wide left. At his age play him in the center or….. ). I have a feeling he’ll be selected to cover for Zervinyu next month ahead of AA. And with the transfer window opening up soon not only will… Read more »


i think i said this before but i’d love to see this fella given a run up front. he could be a great centre forward in a front three. his technique is superb, he’s very quick, he’s enormously strong, can head the ball and has a good shot on him. he’d be a real handful for defenders.


I get what your saying, but he’s at his best when he can drive through the midfield into the attacking third with the ball at his feet. Might spend too much time with his back to goal as a forward.


Gotta feel sorry for the poor sod, that Dan Smith tackle was damn close to assault in my book, one of the worst i’ve seen. It would be a big shame if, through no fault of his own really, he can’t stay fit enough to fulfill his potential. Hope that ain’t the case as i think most of his frustratingness as a player could be ironed out just by having a clear run.
That said, 10 million looks a fucking good price at the moment. . . . .

Rickard M C S

Does it? I never felt anything when we receive x million for any player. I would if it was spent on bringing in another player or lowering the ticket prices a bit.


I really hope the lad can fight of these injury demons! I feel he would benefit from a months loan in January similar to what Ramsey did.

Cygan's Left Foot

“He is certainly lucky to have a manager as patient as Arsene Wenger, and with a couple of years left to run on his deal he still has time to turn things around.”

After reading this, I hope he gets fit and turn things around, But, just remember how patient we were with you and sign a new contract without asking us to sign top class players or you are off to win trophies.

Take a note Mr RVP.


I would have taken the 10mil every day of the week.

[…] we are left waiting patiently for Diaby, who got injured yet again, to recuperate and start showing us what he is capable of. Frankly, I adore the […]


no way after that silly red he once picked.Diaby?!no way i will be his fan…please i do not miss your absence at all


If getting red cards annoys you, how many teams have you supported in total? Do you just change whenever a players gets a red and then come back when you’ve been through all 96 league teams, hoping he’s been sold?


So one red card and you right him off?! Shite hart lanes down the way mate.

Good luck abou keep strong!


He’s been with us for years and years, whether due to injury or attitude it’s never happened for him. How much longer do we wait? He’s taking up squad space and wages on someone we could actually use. The midfield looks strong at the moment anyway, there is no one I’d drop if all fit to make way for him. He’d be better off in a lower intensity league, to improve his chances of staying fit.


I know where shite hart lane is……. Don’t question my support – 10 mil (for a player who plays once in a blue moon) would buy Gary Cahill. Who would you rather have?

Cygan's Left Foot

you lost me when you said Cahill, COMEON. if JD and Squillaci play for Bolton they would look a lot better.


Ugh maybe you didn’t get the memo, but, Gary Cahill sucks balls. We don’t want him because he’s not better than any of our FOUR current first team center backs. Arsene said he doesn’t need or want him.

So one more time for the new guy: we’re not going to sign Gary Cahill because he isn’t that good and being English makes him not only overrated but over priced. End of story.


You do know that notherngoon was talking about gunnie right? Hence the reference to the red card. I’d give you a slow clap but can’t be bothered….


would u swap Van Persie too then?
Just waiting for him to be fit again and get a proper run of games coz he’s quality.


Why would I swap rvp? He’s obvious class and our only decent forward. We are mobbed with decent midfielders – song, art, Ramsey, wilshere to come back. Why would you deny decent young players like le coq or frim just so u can give diaby 3 games a season? Like I say 10mil to buy a decent defender or more importantly a decent backup striker.


I just can’t believe he’s injured. Oh hold on, he’s played a total of 26 minutes since he was last crocked – that explains it.

The poor thing.


I’m not if this is sarcasm or an understanding that players generally get another injury after a long lay-off and you’re being sympathetic to his plight….

Kenyan Arse

This is where we as fans need to realize that these players are human. Through no fault of his, Diaby cannot fulfill his potential. Funny thing is even those ranting against him are not denying his talent. And perhaps Arsene is much more patient than we are. I don’t like Diaby but I am gutted that he might never prove me wrong because some cunt messed up his career. One time he made me take notice was a Porto game we won 4 – 0. He was immense. Wherever he goes, he deserves a career. May Dan Smith rot in… Read more »


I saw him play for France once and he was immense. Not denying his talent – just saying there’s no point holding onto him if he can’t be consistantly good for us (and you can get 10mil for him!!).


I remember reading about that offer, and I thought it was a tempting one. But here we are and AFC didn’t taken it.

He’s our player, he’s on the mend, and he’s only going to be 26 in May. Offer aside, that’s not too shabby as silver linings go.


“With a lengthy run in the side you sense he might iron out the idiosyncrasies and become a world-beater, but it really does 100% depend on his fitness. He is certainly lucky to have a manager as patient as Arsene Wenger, and with a couple of years left to run on his deal he still has time to turn things around.” – A thousand Robin van Persie supporters, circa 2009 (probably)


What the hell did they build the Medical center and employ the retinue of medics for? I have been sitting here for three years, hoping they will figure out the perfect antidote to the only Abu Diaby that will not be bought by Abu Dhabi (so rich they got the spellings of their very names wrong). I can take it no more, I have to thrust my ingenuity forward, and if my recipe is followed to the letters neither will Diaby get injured again nor would he ever need rest…AGAIN. Get Bendtner, saw his limb from the knee and exchange… Read more »

Pele of Romford

I know it’s been mentioned but I must repeat for those who still doubt his quality: HE HAD HIS ANKLE BROKEN AND DISLOCATED. Everything that has happened to him since is because of that. The lad is quality. We’ve all seen it.
And he kicked terry in the face. Epic.


We should sell him, and all the deadwood like Rosicky, Benayoun, Arteta, Wilshere, Walcott, Ramsey, Gervinho, RvP, Mertesacker, Koscielny, Vermaelen and buy players like Scott Parker, Cahill, Samba, Hazard, Goetze, Benzema, Falcao, Messi, Ronaldo, Torres, Carrol, Neymar and John Terry.


Surely the sarcasm becomes obvious when the sentence ends with buying John Terry.

Eric Irish gunner

Ye got abit worried till I seen that cunts name


I think you got thumbs down just for mentioning his name. You can’t use it in sentence. It’s cheating scum, racist scum, grass-eating scum or a mix of the three


@ goonerna.. below average comment.

Naija Gunner

Hope he recovered soon


The ups and downs of Abu Diaby summed up in a nutshell…he hoofed John Terry in the face & knocked the racist fall-over twat spark out…
HURRAH!!!…But then he injured himself doing the good deed…DOH!!!


The best thing about Diaby, not just his class, is he gave John Terry a good kick in the head


eft tapping Tapping for patience since computer guys truck is in the shop and his phone is out of order. Is Mercury in retrograde or something?…

Tapping for patience since computer guys truck is in the shop and his phone is out of order. Is Mercury in retrograde or something?…

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