Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Fabianski given permission to leave on loan

In what appears to be a rather overly-thoughtful and considerate move, Arseblog News (via Gunnerblog) understands that Arsenal have given Lukasz Fabianski permission to leave the club on loan.

The Polish stopper is currently recovering from injury and hasn’t played for the club since Thomas Vermaelen broke him during the 3-1 away defeat to Olympiacos back in early December.

Fabianski’s desire to leave is due to the upcoming European Championships being held in his native Poland, and in Ukraine. He has already fallen behind his younger compatriot, Wojciech Szczesny at club level, and any outside chance he has of getting the number 1 jersey for his national side rest on him playing regular football between now and the end of the season.

However, Arsenal fans will worry that with Vito Mannone also out on loan, any injury/suspension for Szczesny would see a return to first team action for Manuel Almunia, who started the season as 4th choice.

Unless Arsene Wenger has got a goalkeeping signing lined-up, or serious faith in youngster Damian Martinez, it does seem a risky move to allow Fabianski to leave.

Of course Szczesny could stay fit and unsuspended for the rest of the season, but it does add an element of worry to procedings.

At this moment in time there have been no offers for his services.

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David Walsh

On the bright side, Almunia can’t ruin our title push this year…

Glory hunter

If I can be honest, I’ve always blamed Almunia for our shortcomings over the last few years but its finally dawned on me that it wasnt all his fault!
It’s a team game & the team is & was never good enough!

Almunia at his best is no better or worse than Fabianski at his best!
Likewise Almunia at his worst is no different from Fabianski at his worst.

In conclusion
Alumina = Fabianski

It makes no fucking difference.

Boris Pimple

Where is he being loaned to? Somewhere far, far away I hope. Somewhere that is really hard to get back from. Do they have football clubs on the moon?


That pimple makes we want to puke.

Can I lance it for you?

Boris Pimple

found it on google images


no disrespect to Almunia but i dont want to see him as a backup to sczcesny .So a loan move for fabianski sorry a no-go.


Alright stop now. You’ve had your fun, but enough’s enough.

The amount of good news stories on this site today is now officially taking the piss.

John Gallagher

How about signing a quality backup keeper? The likes of Stoke (Sorensen) and Fulham (Schwarzer/Stockde) both have vastly superior backup keepers who you’d think could be tempted to join. Szcz although a top keeper is on a shaky run of form atm (getting angles wrong and when to come off his line). Looks like he could use a bit of competition in training and a senior pro to lend a hand at the moment. But instead the club seem to be, once again, winging it. Let’s hope if the Boss gives into Fabianski’s personal wishes, there’s an experienced, quality player… Read more »


The fact remains that nobody wanted Almunia when he was transfer listed. And West Ham took him on loan when Green got crocked, giving him back as soon as they could!!

So its not an embarrasment he is still on our books, more of a contractual thing!


actually west ham say they prefer almunia to green thats how much green is bad.almunia was there only on emergency loan because westham was short on GK


west ham fan that is

Master Bates

naaah ,that money should be spent on a striker…or something


Q: Why is Almunia compared to the Ancient Mariner?

A: Because he stoppeth one of three.


Almunia is def the nightmare of the sea.


who wuda thunk it. Genuine fear that Fabianski might leave for the rest of the season. My word my gunners are a scary team indeed. honestly i genuinely have no clue as to what Wenger is playing at but if he lets our number 2 goalie leave and we have to have Almunia at some stage in the year i think it’ll be safe to say he’s lost his marbles


Or that Lé boss has seen him and Almunia in training more than we have, is some kind of professional football coach rather than an armchair pundit, and genuinely thinks Almunia is a better backup.


I wouldn’t insult Wenger’s intelligence by suggesting he reckoned Almunia was a better back-up. The decision was probably more out of respect for Fabianski’s wish to maximise his chances of making it to EURO2012. I think Martinez will be second choice now because Almunia is terrified when he plays in goal for this team.

Also another slot has vacated itself in the 25-man squad… What we need now is a hybrid player that can cover RVP and both fullback positions and can also perform tea lady duties at any given moment… EBOUE!!!!!!!!!

g clarke

no official statement and no team to goto made up rubbish


…Or is it the same scenario as Almunia – nobody else wants him!


We seem to learn about everything else (transfers, injuries, etc) before the team makes an official statement. Nothing new here…


…Nothing new meaning we get news without an official statement all the time


Blogs what’s next denilson is coming back ? My cup overfloweth.


It would like Christmas all over again. If Christmas for you was sitting by yourself in a dark room drinking bourbon straight from the bottle and a single tear making its lonely way down your cheek.


I’m probably the only one here, as an American soccer enthusiast, who knows what your name refers to. Teal Bunbuy ftw!


I’ve heard of this fellow, but actually there’s no reference to Teal…or rather, I meant no reference to Teal when I constructed this hapless internet nickname many moons ago (I’m a lukewarmed left-over from BBC’s 606). My nickname references “The Importance of Being Earnest,” a play in which an imagined uncle named Bunbury (who is always ill), is the excuse which invariably gets Algernon out of social obligations. Hence, my name here refers to the time spent reading Arsenal blogs when I should be committed to my work obligations.

Long enough story for you?

Mr Teddy Ears

Denilson is coming back would be LANS wouldn’t it ?


Who cares all four keepers are on the same level


have you lost it? Szczesny is one of the best goalkeepers around while Almunia would struggle to get into a championship squad. And as for fabianski he can have his moments but his unconfidence leaves a lot to be desired.


Olympiakos-gate was in December, not October. Just saying.


What’s he thinking? He’s gonna be second to Szczesny in Poland as well…


If you are an optimist than you could argue Wenger is allowing Fabianski to leave on loan too free up a slot for a new signing elsewhere on the pitch. If I am not mistaken all of our places for the squad rules were full, hence Mannone leaving so Henry could be registered. So just maybe Wenger is cleaning up to fill other gaps in the team.


I hope you’re right! thats what I’m thinking


Well, I hope so!

Gooners & Roses

For Wayne Bridge?


goodbye Flappy! sorry mate but good riddance…!
i can’t stand almunia but i can’t stand the flappy one more….!


Thinking about an Almunia scenario is actually chuckle-worthy. Oh its so gonna happen.


Whoa, whoa, whoa! I do NOT want Almunia any closer to our first team.

I’m sorry, but Almunia’s haunted face still haunts me… and I’ll wager there’s a few of his teammates who feel the same.

He’s one of the weak links undermining team confidence that we have to replace, like we’ve been doing with Denilson, Bendtner etc. (Squillaci next please).

As for Fabianski, he’d have to do as a no.2 for now.

why is my name required

there is only one keeper in arsenal’s history who hasn’t conceded a goal while he’s between the sticks and his name is Matt Poom.

for referencial purposes

*Mart Poom


*for referential purposes


Maybe we could loan out Diaby, too? I’m sure there’s a club out there who’ll be just as eager as Arsenal to pay him £60k a week to do nothing, right?

One thing I’ve always admired about Arsenal is our charity work.


I thought Fabianski did a really good job for us last season before his injury. i remember all of us being really surprised, and thought he had done enough of a job to turn his handle (“flappy”) into a term of endearment. No? You don’t remember that turnaround? I do. Thought he looked quite good. I still trust SZCZ more, but I think both he and Fabianski are two wonderful keepers to have at the club. The rest? Meh.


Well said, I think this move will be for a number of reasons. Appease him enough so he’ll stay at the club; give him his shot at Euro 2012 and also to give him some game time. We can always pull him back if needed. Fabs a quality keeper, I remember the same as thon chap above.


There was a brief (very) period where he had a couple of decent games and didn’t make any absolute howlers, but he is a goalkeeper who lacks confidence and i cant see hom regaining that at the Arsenal im afraid. My Grandma would be better in goal than him.

Theoriginalmatt's grandma

Are you trying to be clever with silly hyperbole again, you little shit? I’ve always been rather fond of large poles, and alas I don’t see enough of them these days.


Van persie confirms arsenal have not signed his son. For fucks sake arsene pull your finger out. He’s 5 and won’t hang about forever.

Midfield Corporal

I like Flappy, his only weakness’s were shot stopping, crosses, dominance under pressure, decision making, catching and not giving the ball straight back to portugese players to pass the ball into an open goal. Apart from that I thought he had real promise.

Glory hunter

So true, his howlers are 2nd to none apart from Gomez who’s in a league of his own!
I actually like Flappy but hes just too dodgy, & with a porous defence, he’s always likely to make a mistake.


although i like the thought of clearing all the deadwood around the place, Arsene surely know’s to build a new team he actually has to buy players right? ive trolled the net this morning looking for signs of new players coming in, so far the count is 4 stories about players going out, not one coming in. what is worrying is that last season we had Na$ri/Cesc/RVP/Sagna/TV/Koscielny comign in to their prime age…… this season i can only name the same players minus a couple? ramsey is a long way off, jacky boy is out, maybe the only one to… Read more »

Glory hunter

On a positive note, Pato’s pulled his hamstring, apparently out for month!

Willy young

Not to worry according to Tim Stillman ( Arsenlog) everything is rosy and we have a superb squad and have just been a shade unlucky


Also, blogs / Andrew Allen, in the future can these stories not be accompanied by a player jizzing in his pants?


what’s wrong with that? Besides, I looked at the photo and thought he’d just chucked one in his own net….if you look at that photo and what enters your mind first is Fab popping a shot, then that says more about you than the photo does about Fab…….


Wow, Gary, you’re fit to use a spade, aren’t you?


Shouldn’t be much of a surprise that we need to clear out some wage bills if we want new players or a hope to re-sign RVP (yea, right). A couple of google searches turns up the following salary estimates: Bendtner £50K week Almunia 50K Diaby 60K Denilson 60K Squillaci ~50K Rosicky ~50-55K Fabianski ~45K Arshavin ~80K (just a big guess) That’s what our dead weight is costing us, close to half a million per week. If you think about it, we’re almost hamstrung like Man City in the sense that we can’t get rid of these players because no one… Read more »


I did read we’re in for a young Greek keeper…maybe that’s going to go through?

North Bank Ned

Martinez is highly regarded, and good enough to have had a call-up to the full Argentina national squad last summer.

[…] Lukasz Fabiasnki, concerned about his place in the Poland squad ahead of Euro 2012, has been given permission to leave the club on loan. Perhaps only for a month at a time, but as yet there have been no offers. Seems risky to me, given […]


we should keep fabianski, n sell szcz. could make more monies that way!


I hope your comment was sarcasm, frankieboy…..


Good riddance he is an absolute disgrace to the profession, him and that joker Almunia cost us 12 points two seasons ago. What the hell is wrong with Wenger other than having a total blind spot when it comes to goalies he is over loyal to players who should be in a Championship side. I think he has lost his stardust years ago when it comes to signing any talent. Cygan – Rubbish Jeffers – Rubbish Senderos – Rubbish Almunia – Rubbish Denilson – Rubbish Reyes – Rubbish Chamakh – Rubbish Bendtner – Rubbish Diaby – Rubbish Mertesacker – Rubbish… Read more »


Hey! Good list but why did you leave out Vivas?…and Mendez….and Diawara…and Malz…and Baptista…and Shaaban…and Stepanovs…and Traore…and Eboue…


Eboue is a fucking legend. Remember his swandive in the CL final, from which free-kick Big Sol put us 1 up? I will always love him for that, if nothing else.


I love how everyone conveniently leaves out that Senderos was at the heart of a team that set the record for longest clean sheet in the Champions League. Arsene just left him out to dry and everyone picked him as a goat. His celebration after his flick-on led to the first goal at Craven Cottage said a lot to me.

Personally, I wouldn’t have allowed Sol back on the team after walking out on it, but that’s me.


You’re all nervous about Alumnia “getting closer to the first team”…..you know, if Woj tweaks his hamstring in warmup, Alumnia’s starting on Sunday! You can’t get any closer to the first team other than being in the starting XI.

Also, lets get behind the guy! He’s on OUR team, right? I don’t want him playing, but if he’s in there, he needs our support!

the only sam is nelson

Seems a while since it was all “england’s number 1”, eh


or maybe that’s just t’interwebs

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