Saturday, July 27, 2024

Robin 2011 v. Henry 2004: By the Numbers

Robin van Persie 2011

48 – Games played
3973 – Minutes played
83 – Minutes per game average
42 – Goals scored
216 – Shots
98 – Shots on goal
0.88 – Goals per game average
4.50 – Shots per game average
2.04 – Shots on goal per game
19 – Percent conversion rate (Goals/Shots)
21 – Goals scored from January 2011 to May 2011
21 – Goals scored from August 2011 to December 2011
23 – Games played from January 2011 to May 2011
25 – Games played from August 2011 to December 2011
0.91 – Goals per game average from January 2011 to May 2011
0.84 – Goals per game average August 2011 to December 2011
35 – Premier League goals*
5 – Champions League goals
1 – FA Cup goal
1 – League Cup goal
24 – Home games played
13 – Home games in which Robin scored a goal
20 – Goals scored in home games
17 – Away games in which Robin scored a goal
23 – Goals scored in away games
0 – Murders gotten away with

Thierry Henry 2004

53 – Games played
4633 – Minutes played
87 – Minutes per game average
43 – Goals scored
171 – Shots
108 – Shots on goal
0.81 – Goals per game average
3.23 – Shots per game
2.04 – Shots on goal per game
25 – Percent conversion rate (Goals/Shots)
23 – Goals scored from January 2004 to May 2004
20 – Goals scored from August 2004 to December 2004
26 – Games played from January 2004 to May 2004
27 – Games played from August 2004 to December 2004
0.82 – Goals per game average from January 2004 to May 2004
0.80 – Goals per game average August 2004 to December 2004
34 – Premier League goals
6 Champions League goals
3 – FA Cup goals
27 – Home games played
20 – Home games in which Henry scored a goal
31 – Goals scored in home games
10 – Away games in which Henry scored a goal
12 – Goals scored in away games

*Arsenal record


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Will be interesting to look over in the next few days.

For the moment however, most of us are still most likely in a fit of rage with the urge to break things and/or drink heavily.

Love your work though.

Cmno u SPURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

goonernugget? mor like “shitclubcantbeattottenhemwhowarethebestclubandbetterthanarsonalhahawesuck dickNugget”

‘Cmno u SPURS’?
More like
‘Cmon u TeamThatHasntWonTheLeagueIn50YearsAndHasACock-on-a-ballForTheirLogo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Come on Blogs, kick this fucker out.

I’m called Nugget cause I’m fat, OKAY?



3- number of shit teams we should have hammered, but didn’t in the past ten or so days.


Could be worse. We could be like Manchester United and lose to Venkeys Indian Chicken FC. I hear there number 1 signing at VIC FC is MS Dhoni


They beat us 4-2 🙁


We were in CRISIS then!


Could be even worse, we could be Man Utd….


Who gives a shit ? We should be more worried about our sixth defeat of the season than this crap. Predictable attacking where we never out chances away, Sunday league defending and predictably we lose against one of the worst teams in the league. January is upon us and he signs a player past his prime five years ago. What a load of crap….


Harsh Biscuit. Harsh.



Cold Meats
Scalloped Potatoes
Jellied Vegetable Salad
Hot Rolls
Glamorized Ice Cream
Fruit Sauce
and Coffee



You’ve finally lost it.


V thorough. One point though. When did calendar years start meaning anything? The football season runs from August -May so I think it would be interesting comparison come the end of the season.

What these stats also don’t tell you is that Titi was playing with Dennis, Bobby Pires, Freddie & Viera. Perse isn’t.


I find it a bit embarrssin to hear wenger slaughter the ref as if its all down to that. Ok he had a mare but the sending off was borderline. Definately a penalty but had we taken the chances these things become irrelevant. Arsene did say we didn’t take our chances, if that’s the case is that not telling us something. We need a top class striker, like blogs I don’t no who it’s not my job but as a fan I no we are short up front. We are so close to being the complete team again. Defence is… Read more »


Voldermort is completely right, this team is so close to being complete again, our defense is sugnificantly more solid than previous years, what people forget is that without our proven full backs, we have to completely change our attacking play as Sagna, Jenkinson, Santos and Gibbs are all very attacking players! A striker is definitely important, but there is a togetherness in this squad that we haven’t had in recent years which even if we didn’t win something this year, I strongly believe we will next! Come on you gooners!!

for gods sake

would that stat be how rubbish the refs have been the last 3 matches. i hope we dont get MR UTD(Howard Webb) for that match but i bet we do.


Heh,.. to any of the guys that read this site, has any of you seen the new “smoking kills” ad campaign in India? they’ve put a picture of that king of the cunts John terry on the cigarette boxes with the words “smoking kills” under Neath!! it’s absolutely brilliant!! check it out haha now that really has made my day!!


I was with a friend who has been a fulham season ticket holder since he was knee high to a grasshopper so had to behave with decorum last night. Without doubt the worst refereeing for quite some time and totally biased in Fulham’s favour. But then it is the first time for a while we have been in the top four which is clearly not what “someone” wants this year. Check out the stats on the UNTOLD ARSENAL web pages. Just because we are paranoid about refs doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get us!

Mr. G

We seriously need another forward (Chamakh is terrible and it’s becoming more and more obvious that Wenger only signed Park to increase our fandom in Asia), but I reckon better wingers are just as important. Walcott is becoming more and more like Arshavin was a year ago (in that he has one good game for about ten bad ones) and has scored ONE goal since August, plus we really don’t need a player who thinks he is better than he actually is. Gervinho has scored a few but should have scored at least 15 this season with the amount of… Read more »


The morning after the night before, things aren’t looking too bright, are they? I think that is now really beginning to sink in that we are not a great side. There are, however, two positives from the position that we are now in: Firstly, the transfer window is open. Wenger and the Board now have to get their heads out of their backsides and appreciate that in order to finish at least fourth we must significantly strengthen the squad. A quality striker and/or attacking midfielder is vital. We have a chronic problem with our lack of goals, apart from RvP… Read more »

Cmno u SPURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

u r fuckingshit arseonal HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAH


He won’t sign anyone. Sadly we will let 4 place slip from our grasp for the sake of a signing or two.


Just like last season when failure to buy anyone let us lose the 4 competitions we were in.


Thank you Tim, appreciate the effort you’ve put in to produce this.


Spurs fan stop embarrassing yourself, u can’t spell

Thierry Henry

These results are incomparable. Nine of my goals came in games where I didn’t even have a shot. I am surely the greatest player that ever lived… vavavoom.


Great stats, but since the criteria are almost identical on this numbers post, wouldn’t it be better if you could put your them side-by-side for easier comparison?


Our goals dried up as we lost our fullbacks. I mean; how many teams lose 4 fullbacks at once and then start losing CB’s played in those positions as well? There wasn’t a lot we could do about it as the transfer window wasn’t open, so hopefully Sagna and Santos are close to returning or there is a short-term option available (other than Wayne Bridge). We just need someone to add width again as Gervinho and Walcotts performances have also slumped due to having to do a lot more of the attacking from the wide positions rather than having someone… Read more »


Sorry, Arsene, but your argument makes no sense. Ok, I can see that if Sagna and Santo were fit then they could overlap and get a few crosses in, but who’s gonna put the chances away? If the chances fall to Walcott or Gervinho then the ball won’t go in. Our real problem is that these two muppets couldn’t score in a house of ill repute.


But it’s about pulling defenders out of position. It’s no coincidence that van Persie went from scoring 2-3 goals a game to just getting 1 as our fullbacks got injured. Without fullbacks attacking, Walcott and Gervinho are 1 v 2 or if through the middle van Persie is 1 v 2 as there weren’t any extra players attacking to even it out. With fbs, through the middle you’d have 3 v 2 or out wide 2 v 2. Odds then favour the attacking team.


The irony really , Arsenal lose their full backs and they stop scoring. Now teams will know how to play against us in the future.
Totally agree with you Steve.


I kind of meant that our attacks are now put through the middle, thus making it easier for a defensive partnership to nullify van Persie and this leaves crosses or even players cutting in with less options. CB’s as FB’s are going to be solid but aren’t trained or generally built to run up and down, thus leaving us very narrow. Until Djourou got sent off yesterday, i actually felt we could just hang on to 1-0 or even concede but still get at least a point as from a tactical point of view it’s harder to score against 4… Read more »


Agree with ya Fatgooner…. We either spend some fuckin money now or miss out on CL…. And missing out on CL will probably mean a certain Mr Van the man will be off… A striker is a fuckin must… Your choice le boss…..


It’s not actually his choice though is it…. He doesn’t get the final say in how much money is released to use and can only go with the decision of the board. In the summer they released the transfer funds but only, it seems, after we had already received the money from player sales. If they decide Wenger only gets 10 million, then he can only spend 10 million. It’s not as black and white as just Wenger has this much, go and spend it. After over 20 years in management, do you really think Wenger doesn’t know what one… Read more »


Agree 100%. This is not Football Manager or FIFA 12 where you get money and spend it freely. (example: I had 100 million pounds after one season at Arsenal in FIFA 12 and could have brought players like Messi, Ronaldo, and the player I created, Arsene Fuckspurs) but in reality that can not be. Wish it could be that simple though, really do.


Spot on Steve. For those of you vaguely interested, the NFL drain has just finished, & Silent Stans finished as the 2nd worst in the League, have just fired the coach, & they have an undrspend of $23m against their salary cap ( all NFL teams have an allocated amount of cash they can use in one season)
So he’s even tight with his US teams he’s owned for about 10 years! Don’t hold you breath for Goetze or Hazard boys


Know what your saying steve and I agree with you. But the last I heard there was £50 million + to spend? Where has all the cesc and nasri money gone? Or have the board said no, there is no money to strengthen the squad….? We’ll pay off more of the loan….!!!


As far as I was aware, the plan was to clear all the debts ASAP to free up all the money for funds later. This is also why our biggest income comes from player sales. We spent like 64 mil in the summer and received like 68 mil from the Nasri, Fabregas, Eboue, etc… sales, so we broke even in that instance. I found a website that listed all of Wengers transfers and he has spent 20 mil more than he’s made in total. Seems the club are trying to balance the books and in turn it makes Wenger look… Read more »


But it’s a false economy. If we don’t finish top four then we lose all that Champions’ League money. And then we could find ourselves caught in the same downward spiral that Liverpool are still in. No CL would mean no money for new talent…which would mean no top four…which would mean no money for new talent.

Sometimes you have to speculate to accumulate.


If that’s the case mate, point well made. Just seems to me that another top draw striker would help out Robin loads cause when he doesn’t score we’re in trouble. I know we’ve got a certain Mr Henry coming back but he’ll be gone in March…. What then? Back to Chamakh and Park…? If Robin gets injured we be in the proverbial….!!


does anyone know where the fuck diaby is?


At the Nike Headquarters in Portland, USA to test out there new super metal legs.


Well put together and an interesting comparison. Adding assists would have been very intriguing. I would imagine Thierry would be way in front in that?

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