Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Wenger Eis Borussia midfield starlet

Rumours circulate this afternoon that Arsenal may indulge in a little January shopping after all.

Although nothing is confirmed, speculation (predominantly on Twitter) sees the Gunners linked with a move for Borussia Dortmund midfielder Thomas Eisfeld (pictured on the left).

Who he? Well quite. He doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page yet, but according to other sources, including the Guardian’s German football specialist Raphael Honistein, he’s a 19-year-old, right-footed, offensive midfielder who has already spent a year out of the game having ruptured his cruciate ligament in late 2009.

Could he sound more like an Arsene Wenger buy?

It appears the youngster, who has yet to make a real impact on the Bundesliga, is at London Colney undertaking a medical and could put pen-to-paper on a deal before tomorrow’s midnight transfer deadline.

Arseblog News at this point urges a sane response from supporters. If possible keep Amaury Bischoff / Lionel Messi premonitions to a minimum and don’t check his stats on Football Manager – it’s a fucking computer game, not real life. Got it? Good.

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…and that concludes Arsenal’s transfer business for this window.

Join us in the summer for more gnashing of teeth at a lack of activity 😉


Wicked is so fantastic, I saw it on sadartuy and I’m still buzzing from it, it was just so amazing. especially Rachel Tucker, her voice is unbelievable. We went to see Lee mainly (he sort of stole our pen again. he did that at Arthur Saville’s Crime too but at least he brought it back both times) but even if he wasn’t in it the show it would still be the one to see.

SF Gooner

Check book closed.

Richard Brouwer

Yeah, but what are his stats on Football Manager? Any 20s?


Yep, long throws.


the highest i had was 17 !!!! for natural bloody fitness… useless ……..lol

Master Bates

If he is signing in this trasnfer window does it mean he will be included in the First team , because he could have wait to get him for free in th summer. Plus the kid is u21 so no need to sell/delist someone for him to be in the squad


Can he play left back?


I think he is a goalkeeper…he spots a longsleeve. And is it just me, or he actually looks like Denilson?

Shaun Murphy

I bet he’s shit compared to Messi!!!! At least he probably won’t be as bad as Amaury Bischoff.




Typical Arsene. His obsession with proving people wrong. He had a deal agreed to bring that mario kid from dortmund but he got himself into an argument about his 19 year old friend being worse than bischoff. He ended up taking him instead. Just like that time people argued he couldn’t go the whole season undefeated. We know what happened there so messi better watch out


And here i was thinking about barrios


I checked his genealogy, Barrios is his 5th name.


I’m overwhelmed.


Maybe it’s a way to give Dortmund some instant cash (by buying the player and loaning him back) – which paves the way for the Götze deal this summer. Pure speculation of course. Rose tinted glasses and all that….


Why would Dortmund bother for such a low sum of money, and why would we loan him back considering he’s not playing for the first team anyway?


Getting a medical at our training center . The poor lad may never get out




To the new guy: Whatever they are telling Diaby to do…… do the opposite!




He’s apparently got 6 months on his contract, so loaning him back is out of question.
Height:177cm, so not an arshavin-sized player.
My only question to wenger: Why not ozyakup?

Cygan's Left Foot

Because he wants to rub it in.


Frankly, who else thinks we’ll get mariappa and rodallega? I do, sounds positively wengerish


“… and don’t check his stats on Football Manager – it’s a fucking computer game, not real life. Got it? Good.”


I’d rather see Götze or Hazard or Gourcouff myself. (Who wouldn’t) Hey ho…


Who needs him we have Chamahk and Diaby and Gervinho coming back that’s 3 LANS

Moo Moo Toure

Frimpong spent an year out too…But he’s DENCHing around now…hopefully the rumours are true and this lad can do a “Cesc”

Merlin's Panini

As long as he doesn’t do that last bit that Cesc did…


All I need is a miracle all I need is……….Thomas Eisfeld…

Since we know f**k all about him I’m picturing him as a young Stefan Effenberg.

Merlin's Panini

I just read Stefan Edberg! Seems to always shoot over the net that guy…


I’ve decided from the picture that hes rubbish because the ball isn’t stuck to his foot, also, he’s wearing at least one white boot, this means he’s cocky deffo. He doesn’t look like he can speak English and I don’t think I like his hair cut (I think.)


Wow he has 19 finishing ability on football manager…… (this is sarcasm)

So a young player who has been out injured for a year and not made the first team? How does our scouting network see him as a good signing?

Worth a gamble nonetheless I’m sure. Fingers crossed the boy ends up being a great player.


So a young player who has been out injured for a year and not made the first team?


I think the better question is, what couldn’t you sell Arsene Wenger?

Cygan's Left Foot

a proven talent.


Anyone who needs to shave and costs more than fourpence.

Jay gooner

too be fair if true he would not need to be a named squad member due to age, would eventually count as home grown and provide midfield cover we sorely need. seems like decent business. AKB


If someone can start throwing that little acronym around in a positive way then surely its fair game blogs?

Jay gooner

I must say ive never been overly bothered by a section of support not wanting wenger, I mean if he was treated as infallible by all then the club would stagnate, as much as i think he is the right man for the club ill admit he has had me shouting at the tv at some of his decisions eg. shava on for the ox against united


No, not fair game.

Let’s just remind people of the rules/regulations around here.

Jay, AKB in any form is not allowed here. Thanks.

Jay gooner

apologises wont happen again

The Don

why arent we allowed to use that acronym?


He won’t count for homegrown. Three years in England before the age of 21.

Jack Thomas

He doesn`t even have a youtube video.I am not holding my breath on him being the next Messi or Hleb for that matter.

Cygan's Right Foot

Do you have a YouTube video?


The medical team must be thrilled! He’ll be an actual new patient instead of the LANPS they always see.


19 years old. What stopped wenger from getting draxler/henriksen? Same age, arguably better. Add to that the fact that he won’t even be homegrown in the 25 man squad(when he’s 21+). This is of course thinking that he’s a first team signing, and not a reserves signing


heh, an injury-prone attacking midfielder.

Say no more…

why is my name required

why does he like to buy a player who no one cares about??

my god, why does he like to piss off our fans with these types of signings when the whole world knows we need more experience

(well this guy could be a massive potential like the Ox, but come on, miracles don’t happen twice)


dont be sucha cunny


I agree. Wenger should:

1) Chuck his million-quid scouting team and hire you. Then:
2) Pull £70m out of his arsehole and wrench Messi from Barca’s teat.
3) Pull another £20m out of his arse and hire a Serbian mafia hit squad to travel the country intimidating other premier league teams to throw their matches.

Result: League championship in the bag.


GolltyGosh! And I thought he wouldn`t launch into a flood of last minute star signings – and lo..” in one fell swoop” a teenage AMF. jExactly what every said we needed. He`ll immediatly feel at home with three other AMFs we have who captain Contries, oh, and Walcott and Ex-cel and PG Wilshire and……well, you getmy drift. Who needs a striker? It` not asthough RvP won`t be fit and in form for every game. And Vertonghen?only cover about six or seven poitions is it? Some even talked aout LB! Makes you laugh dunit? If you`renot crying.


That was really difficult to read. I think you might have a problem with your -space- key.


I think mikel arteta’s hair is just a helmet he puts on every morning

Nigerian Goon

So Mario Götze and Kevin Großkreutz were just smokescreens? Typical Wenger


wenger does do a good smoke screen. i think gervinho was a great buy and everyone thought we were going for hazard.


Attcking midfielder eh? injury prone eh? Not made Dortmund’s first team yet eh?

Arsene will only sign ‘top quality’ players.

Alex Hill

Some of these comments are unreal.

Just because we need to sign a couple of players that are capable of making an immediate impact, does that mean we are not allowed to sign players for the future at the moment?

Arsene is not signing him to wind you up, he is fairly well advised when it comes to young attacking midfielder and his record is better than most.


No, the comments are very much real. Some people are just a bit disappointed at the thought of signing yet another ‘good prospect’ when it’s clear the squad needs strengthening right now. Everyone welcomes the addition of players that have the potential to be great, of course, but that doesn’t help us right now unfortunately.

Plus, we haven’t even signed the kid – it’s just rumours at the moment. Let’s all calm down!

Alex Hill

That’s my point. The signing of a “good prospect” and signing an “immediate impact player” don’t have to be mutually exclusive, so why are people disappointed?!


Maybe, just maybe, this well wet Wenger’s whistle and create a thirst for more signings.


He now has a Wikipedia page, including the info that he signed for 500,000 chocolate coins! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Eisfeld


Dont be a cunner Blogs, i bought Arsharvin for my team 2 years before Arsenal did, i sent Wenger message after message begging him to sell the Pocket Russian at the end of the season for top coin before he became shit, and Voyeur didnt listen to me 🙁


“Who he? Well quite. He doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page yet”-err, blogger, you might want to reconsider that part of your report:
“Thomas Eisfeld (18/01/1993–present ) is an German attacking midfielder for Arsenal. He was born in Germany on January 18, 1993.[1] Formally of Borussia Dortmund academy, Thomas completed his move to Arsenal on Monday,30 January, for a fee believed to be around 500,000 spiderman candy sticks.”


Midfield Corporal

The new Stephan Malz I hear.

Cygan's Right Foot

Rather than Paolo Vernazza?


Lol…His Wikipedia page actually says this:

“Eisfeld completed his move to Arsenal on Monday, 30 January 2012, for a fee believed to be around 500,000 monopoly dollars”



” at London
Colney undertaking a medical” good news for Abou then. We finally get a donor for that ankle transplant


No it’s bad news for Diaby. Eisfeld will be taking the “permanently crocked midfielder” slot in the squad, so it’s transfer time come summer.


Our scouts are been deprived of a train ticket out of Germany and they just had to sign someone before tomorrow.


Cheers Blogs, that acronym winds me up regardless of context used.

The big gooseman

Don’t worry – after we spend no cash in the transfer window, at least we can look forward to wilshere, diaby, sagna et al returning. They will be “like having new signings”……….


Good news fellow gunners!!!!


looks like RVP won’t be getting done for the so called “elbow” after all. There’ll be more than one bitter scot this weekend!!!! 🙂

Arse crack

Signing youth players is what Wenger has done for years, so this isn’t too far out of his remit. But I can’t understand why he would this player if we have Ox and Ryo who can play in same position and are of similar age. But I’m hoping it’s the start of a transfer flurry………… I can wish.


Because maybe Ryo doesn’t pan out. Maybe the Ox becomes a superstar in the next two years and we sell him on to Man City for 50,000,000 pounds sterling. Because having competition at that position is a positive.


It’s not like Wenger to sign injury-prone 19-year-olds.

I bet it was our state-of-the-art medical centre that sealed it for the German.


Anyone know if we will be able to get a work permit for Campbell next season?
He’s certainly a player I’m more interested in than new potential signings we know nothing about yet.


Yeah, looks like Campbell has had a good loan spell at L’orient and scored goals.


agreed. his goal against the spanish national side for costa rica was quaaality.


looks a low-risk proposition. could be a steal. if not, no big deal,,,


Exactly, finally some perspective.

We are at the stage now where every decision by Wenger gets questioned, sad. These fans are gonna run him out the club and then where will we be?


With a manager that buys to strengthen the squad?


no gotze,no hazard,no gourcuff…no fuckin nice signing apart from underaged kids.This makes me sick…


Those three weren’t available in this window. Neither was Podolski. You can’t buy if the other team is not willing to sell, if the player doesn’t feel it’s time to move on.


At the begining of last season Fans were saying who the fuck is Koscielny?

Now people on the opposition teams are saying “WHO THE FUCK IS KOSCIELNY!!???” but for all the right reasons.




please stop, please.


Sounds very Wenger.


I don’t know why we are all disappointed, myself included, Wenger does not buy big names period, he cannot manage world stars, and every young player he turns into world stars leave.


We’re just harvesting him for parts. Both Wilshere and Diaby have dibbs on an ankle.


Do we really have to keep J.Y. Park around for two more seasons?


Nope, just one and a half. That’s when his military duty kicks in.

[…] yesterday there was all kinds of news about us signing an U19 from Dortmund. No, not Götze but a chap called Thomas Eisfeld. He’s an attacking midfielder yet to play for the Dortmund first team, whose contract is […]

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