Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Mixed emotions for Miyaichi

Ryo Miyaichi is happy. But Ryo Miyaichi is also sad.

This has nothing to do with being in tune with both sides of the universe but everything to do with the fact he made his Bolton debut at the weekend, and almost scored, but Bolton lost.

Ryo had a chance late on and while Al Habsi made a good save I suspect Ryo would be the first to admit the contact he made with the ball wasn’t as true as it might have been. Nevertheless, he’s glad to have made his debut but frustrated at the result.

Speaking the official Bolton Wanderers site, he said, “I was happy to be playing and I found out more about the Premier League, but we lost the game so I can’t enjoy it too much.”

“The manager told me to go and play my football and be confident. He wanted me to run at the defenders and take them on, so that was what I tried to do.

“I could have got a goal but the goalkeeper made a good save. If I had scored then everything would be more positive. Next time I’m sure I can score.”

And with the Trotters having won just 1 of their last 5 league games, and firmly entrenched in the bottom three, they’ll need some of that good good stuff from Ryo to aid their chances of survival.

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NA na na na na na
Ryo Miyaichi
NA na na na na na
Ryo Miyaichi

Midfield Corporal

Not sure that scans mate, it seems his surname is pronounced Miya-ichi (4 sylabuls) as opposed to miyachi (3 sylabuls).
God I’m bored.


From the little I saw the lad is technically gifted, he could just do with bulking up a bit.

I’m surprised there’s no word on here about Hazard and his Spurs link. Fucking disgusting if you ask me that those hillbillies are showing more ambition in the market than us. And while he’s not signed yet he admits they are in talks. Things need to be said.

Ace McGoldrick

Not really relevant to us at the moment is it the Hazard thing? A guy we have been linked to is now being linked to Spurs. Hardly comment worthy.


The website that is reporting it is the same website that said he had signed for us, and then for Madrid. They are basing it on no quotes, facts, nothing other than speculation that he said he would go to a number of clubs (including Arsenal, Chelsea etc), not just Tottenham.

What you are reading is grade A journalism bullshit

Johnny Massacre

Yeah man the Daily Mail and co. really weren’t stirring the pot with that one; legitimate story there.


I say fuck transfer gossip for now.

Merlin's Panini

it’s easy lazy journalism. Take the flavour of the month player and add to the flavour of the month team. If they sign him he’s obviously a cunt. So fuck it. Anyone who wants to run around with a cock on their shirt has something wrong with them.


I second that!

the minute i saw Hazard and S*µ%§ in the same sentence i started to not like him


Oh, so there IS at least one person who believes everything they read in the papers.

Good to know…


And there’s always some smart arse who doesn’t read. The interview was on SSN not in a tabloid.

It is what it is

It’s the second week of February, and transfer talk is already causing heart attacks and raising blood pressures. If he goes to twitchy and his shite heads, it would hopefully mean the decline of one of their current squad players or indeed him (as there is no guarantee for success), which is fine by me. Before Hazard rose to prominence, we had targets. If we get him or not, we’ll continue to have targets……and I hope these targets stay under the radar, so that their price may be fair and true. As soon as these lazy journos realise he has… Read more »


You can do it


A very exciting prospect.
Really looking forward to seeing him in the Arsenal shirt once he has been schooled in…. Another one to give Walcott a run for his (too much?) money in both pace and ability…..


Jose Ozorio


He has a better attitude. He is much faster, better technique, he has much more potential.

And he doesn’t think he’s better than Pele,Maradonna,Messi and Cronaldo put together.

Ryo hasn’t keyed any cars recently or tried to get free pizza by Yelling “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?” in a Danish Pizzeria.

The only thing that B52 has over Ryo is Strength and a F**king EU passport!

Get rid of Bendtner as he is a disgrace to The Arsenal Football Club

Merlin's Panini

pretty much anyone>Bendtner.

Merlin's Panini

i’m only joking. He is a total penis though.


God, I miss Bendtner. What a guy!


He looks incredible there.

Should’ve gotten an assist!

Jermaine Pedant

Blimey, Blogs, you were right – he looks very happy when he comes on and then a little sad when he misses the goal.

Heh, emotions eh?


I liked that he almost immediately got up after missing, good attitude!


I think the best part was the Wigan player diving for a penalty. Even Webb isn’t thick enough to think Ryo could shove him to the ground 😛


He was unlucky not to score but Al habsi was perfectly placed to make the save and it would have taken an exceptional finish to beat him. Easier chances will fall his way and I expect he will take them

Jose Ozorio

He slipped on the shitty pitch if I remembered right.

Malaysian Gooner

Their next league game will be against the chavs. Hope he will score and do us a massive favor in our top 4 claim!!


He might as well grab a hat trick. He knows we needs the chavs to drop points and you know he scores when he wants as he says it in that interview


I am excited about Ryo. The kid may be likened to Ronaldo but he seems to have Neymar traits. He can dribble with both legs, he can put cross with both legs and he can even bloody put Dead balls with both legs and that’s something. Ain’t it?


Hory crap he quick!


I’m always amazed at how far we cast the scouting net. Wasn’t this kid playing in a Japanese high school league 2 years ago? Amazing how they get “discovered”… Maybe it’s Wenger’s network from his Japan days pre-Arsenal.


I don’t think we found him. I read some where, he had trial at Ajax and he failed it some how. That’s when we came to know of him. I guess Denis must have called AW up and said look out for this kid. And after that we hijacked him.

Ace McGoldrick

I think he had a trial with us and then at the Ajax trial he broke his leg quite badly so they ended their interest and we pounced as it were.

Naija Gunner

Good lad, and a very humble one too. Hope to see more of the good stuff from him.


Bam transfers full stop. All the talk and little action does my blood pressure.
Spurs can’t sign him till the summer anyway. And by that time we will have unearthed another amazing 12yr old prodigy.
Keep the faith gooners the future is only ever a few years away….again.


Honestly i dont know why we would need Hazard when we have Jack, Rambo, Ryo, OX n i dare to say Song and Frimpong too because they all play in midfield. We have a great squad bar injuries. How many of the above can be replaced by the spuds midfield with the exception of Modric?. We seem to be very desperate to buy players. I dont care who we buy but i just want JW back and the remaining to be fit. How many of us killed wenger for not buying Cahill for an inflated price? And look he cant… Read more »


Hazard is a top quality Player and would improve any team. Arguably you could say we don’t need him with the players we have in the midfield., but we are 4th for a reason. Be it defence or lack of goals from midfield. So we do need players like hazard and any players that can help us improve.
The question is will we get them. Probably not on past experience. So its best left as it is and prepare for the fact that hel go to spurs or city.


bang on voldermort my son

the table doesnae lie
and just bout sitting in 4 th the spuds are miles away , 3 difficult fixtures coming up

i dread to think , brains saying europa league at best next season even though the heart aint yet conceded

the ilks of hazard et al are necessary to restore us in to premie league contenders else wel just be living off past glories as pool have been doing for the last 5 years

so buy mr wenger
else i may just come after you with
a gun


But really the only reason we’re fourth is out start to the season, before we bought five players to improve us. I think if we’d wrapped all those deals up before the season started we’d be third easy.




arsenal need to ask mr wenger to kindly vacate his position this summer, i16 years is being a bit greedy esp seen as we aint won anything since ….
however we need some new brains to the set up a new way of thinking

mourinho? at least wed win stuff
bet he goes to spurs and they do exactly just that

just saying it as i see it



If Hazard goes to Spuds, I’ll eat my shoe mate.

This smacks of what happened to us with Mata in the summer……….YES, WE ARE TALKING TO SPURS….(waits for phone to ring)…Hello? Who? Oh, hello you Oil rich cunt/Bent Russian cunt/AN Other cunt…………triple the wages you say? Where do I sign….?

Let the Spud wankers mess themselves over the prospect of getting him. They’ll be mad to look fuckin stupid. Again.


When ryo comes back to us and becomes a beast we will all be very hyaipy

Imagine the coq thrusting forward constantly feeding balls into ryo, what a sight that will be

*runs away*


Something about that sounds really really ….gay….. #justsaying


Ryo has true talent and a very bright future ahead of him but we’ve all got to be patient with him. We’re gonna have to be more patient than with the Ox I’d wager. This kid has to add some muscle and get stronger before he’s gonna make a true impact with Arsenal. We’ve got to bring him along correctly and this loan move is a perfect way to help that along. Don’t rush him and lose him to injury.

Glory hunter

Just keep running Hasan!!!

There’s no way in the world that Hazard would sign for Sp*rs, of all the clubs in the world!
It’s absolute nonsense & I refuse to even discuss it.

Ryo is class, I’ve had high hopes ever since I 1st saw him! go on Coyle work your magic just like u did with Jacky boy & Sturridge.


No one said he’s so poor he wouldn’t get in our team/squad. All they are saying is its mid feb. Stop moaning about trash you read on transfer speculation (moreover from shitty sources). If he comes he comes. If he joins whoever then so be it. The mail and your everyday caughtoffside trash will drive you insane. Support the football part of football for a change and not just the transfer part of the game. Thats why the windows close in september and feb. And if he plays any part in any of spurs’s remaining games this season then i’ll… Read more »


If Ryo did want Bendy did he would be castrated back in Japan.

When the Arsenal boys got him to join Twitter the Japanese press went mental calling him “big time” and that he should be concentrating on his football.

He deleted it and said sorry.


I came back to say

hazard to spurs!!-british newspapers

spurs are cunts!-rest of the world

Fariz Izwan

Banzai Ryo!


I am from Belgium and I d love to see Hazard in the Premier League. Arsenal would be of course better than our lousy neighbours. I am afraid though we cant afford him. I mean 40 million pounds out of Arsene’s pocket is hard to imagine. He would be a better contribution than Walcott on the right wing though and provides good concurrence to the Ox. He could play just behind Van Persie also and already has outstanding understanding with the display of Gervinho. If we need to sign someone for the next window, I ll go for him. The… Read more »


If he did actually stand on his hind legs on Belgian TV and say he’d prefer to join Sp*rs, there’s only one conclusion to draw:

He’s the world’s most complete knob end.


After John Terry, of course.

the only sam is nelson

I see Harry’s last club are going into administration for the second time in 2 years, poor old Pompey. That’s the future for the boys from Shite Hart Lane, right there, once ‘Arry has worked his magic. As to Hazard I’m old enough to remember Mickey and frankly the idea of a Hazzard in red and white is… well, just plain wrong. It’s all idle gossip, rumour and invention in any case so can’t imagine why anyone gets all bothered about it. Might as well get all angry about Bolton sticking in a £10m bid for Diaby and having it… Read more »


Sp*rs in administration? Unlikely. Joe Lewis has billions, most of it made with George Soros on Black Wednesday.

the only sam is nelson

while that’s true, joe lewis effectively runs the lillywhites through ENIC, who i seem to remember are registered offshore, giving him some serious wriggle room when it comes to an exit strategy that leaves him home and dry. the moment he loses interest, it’s going to take somebody with a shitload of cash to save them. if they get into a sticky situation with a stadium redevelopment (which will reduce their capacity severely for seasons at a time) it could yet go tits up, and badly so, for the cocks of shite hart lane. idle speculation for sure, but nice… Read more »


Honestly Voldemort they’re mental on here now. All – wait – its half term. That’s where they’ve come from. See you next week.


People shouldn’t direct their hate at Hazard, there was a bogus report that he had signed with Sp*rs. When asked about it he answered diplomatically saying no he had not signed anything but wanted to play for a top club and Sp*rs are a top club. Obviously he is wrong about them being a top club but that was the most diplomatic answer. But anyone who thinks he goes to Sp*rs is crazy. Chelsea want this kid bad and if Sp*rs came close to offering the wages Chelsea would, I believe, it’d lead to a slippery slope. I can’t imagine… Read more »

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