Saturday, July 27, 2024

Vermaelen wants tip-top-toed Gunners

Thomas Vermaelen is encouraged by the response shown by Arsenal as they won against Man City yesterday, but says that the team must remain focused for the remaining games of the season.

Arsenal effectively ended City’s chances of winning the title yesterday, but says their scrap with United is irrelevant as Arsenal have their own battle to concentrate on.

“We know Manchester City and Manchester United are in a fight for the title,” he said, “but we are also in a massive fight for third place, which is really important

“We only look at ourselves and try to win every game. It was a really important win, especially after the result from last week because we are in a big fight for third place.”

“We had a good momentum before QPR, when we had seven wins in a row. That was a real negative moment so it was important to get the three points again, especially against Manchester City, who are a contender for the title.”

Vermaelen then made sure everybody is aware of what was important, but says that Wolves on Wednesday will provide a stern test.

“Every game is important for us at the moment, and each one will be hard,” he said.

“You could see that at QPR, and we dropped points there, so Wolves will be the same. We have to be on the top of our toes and play well there.”

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arsenal 5-2 tottenshit

great news from the vice captain.

Old man grape

”..because we are in a big fight for third place.” we were in 7th a couple of months ago.. this team has stood up to be counted.
very proud after such a big win yesterday.

fingers crossed that the ox gets more than 5 minutes on Wednesday.
it’s not that I think he should start every game.. i just love watching the young lad play!


Be great if we win at Wolves as the emirates is such a fortress now days I could see us beating wigan and having the oppertunity to knock fucking Chelsea out of the champs league for next season.

Now theres a dream ashley cole watching us on wednesday night in his fucking pyjamas.

Lord Teddy Ears

Here here !!!


one game at a time mate!


I freakin love Norwich man, got cheated and still dominated the scum


Redsy says:
“Now theres a dream ashley cole watching us on wednesday night in his fucking pyjamas”.

I had a similar dream, but he accidenatlly set fire to his wallet and because of the immense amount of paper work in it, it meant he caught fire as well. It was great!


I am no kitten puncher, I actually like Ramsey (and pussy cats) but we have more structure with Benny, Gervinho, and the Ox on the left than we do with Ramsey . The fact that Ramsey chose not to make the easy pass to the Ox or RVP yesterday, has me worried. Is he so hungry for first team action, that he wants to be the hero at all costs? In Rosicky’s current form, Ramsey cannot play midfield. When Jack is back, Ramsey will be even further down the pecking order. Will Wenger, do an Eboue and try to shoehorn… Read more »


I agree with your Ramsey related views 100%…i can however, understand why he chose “not to play the easy pass” and instead go for glory…fellow’s been at the receiving end of a lot of criticism from all quarters so that was a good opportunity to significantly contribute to the win…was surprised (actually shocked) that he was so off the mark…he still has quality but is terribly off his stride…
As for Wolves, hope we conquer..


Aaron was terrible yest and he has been throughout, esp so this season!! Why put him on the left?? We have other options…better ones!! What Aaron does best in any game is to play that square pass….that’s all he will do in games. He doesnt make through passes like song or arterta, because he cant!! The miss yest was too glaring to ignore!! He has missed similar chances before….a head down fr rvp to his feet and he ballooned it came to mind in recent games….and in that game alone he mossed three If I recall correctly. He is not… Read more »

Midfield Corporal

What a crock of shit. Can’t even be arsed to expand on it. Show the lad some support.


Steady on Nordin, Ramsey is not a bad player – he’s just a little off colour just now and he is being played out of position. If we have an injusry to Rosicky, Ramsey is the next best thing we currently have. Also, Ramsey will develope into one of the Prems best midfielders. Give him time (but not on Wednesday!)


I’m pretty sure Ramsey playing on the left has everything to do with needing to give him some playing time rather than “tweaking” with the lineup. Let’s face it, neither Benayoun nor Rosicky are the future for Arsenal at midfield.

Nevertheless, Ramsey seems to have regressed a bit this year. I’m wondering if he’s carrying a knock or two that aren’t serious enough to sideline him, but serious enough to affect his performance.

As for that non-pass, I’m with Arseblog – when an opportunity to shot presents itself, you ought to take it.


But it was a horrible miss.


Yup. Why do so many gooners have such trouble calling a spade a spade? Arshavin sucks, chamakh sucks, park sucks, and Ramsey needs to be loaned out.

I really hope Aaron comes good for us, but as it stands today, he needs to go to Bolton for 6 to 12 months and get his game together.


Bottom line I agree with Fats and the Frog. Face up to it, he needs extra time to sort his playing out elsewhere. NOT 1st team material at moment.

He has fluffed his finishing opportunities too many times this season.

Best option is to loan and learn.

Why is Ramsey rated so highly? His performances don’t show anything special.
Just my opinion and has been for a good while.

why is my name required

i agree, think about it people. it must have been a contender for miss of the season? he should at least make it on target. Luckily for us we were already one nil up. He missed such a glorious opportunity. you don’t get chances like that all the time … the goal was at his mercy. and bam, the ball went off target. i think if you ask Arsene Wenger or any other manager was that was a bad miss, what do you think they will say?


Well, I can’t disagree with that. It was a bad miss (though if we’re all honest with ourselves we’ve seen RVP miss some easy shots, Gervinho missed some easy shots – these things happen). Sadly, they do seem to be happening to Ramsey a lot more but here’s the thing – to miss these shots you have to at least create the chance or hustle to be on the end of those chances, which Ramsey is doing. He is not untalented as much as he is out of form right now. And he’s still young and still coming back from… Read more »

Midfield Corporal

Er….did you not see Yossi miss from 1 yard? Loaning Ramsey out at this stage of his career won’t help in IMO. He needs to be told to watch Arteta, make him understand that possession is key and not every ball has to be a Hollywood ball. Frog- people have a problem calling a spade a spade because invariably they’ll find out 6 months down the line that it’s actually a bloody shovel. A handful of poor games (no-one was moaning before Swansea) and your happy to write off a career of a 21 yr old, it’s would be quite… Read more »

Midfield Corporal

Frog- just read your post again, maybe I’m doing you a disservice lumping you in with some of the Ramsey doom mongers, apologies, you obviously want him to succeed. Disagree on loaning him out though.


I’m in no way saying we should sell Ramsey. I understand he has the potential to be a good player and we need good players. I just feel that today, he’s not up to the grade and could learn a lot with a loan to a side like Bolton. We went through to much pain trying to let players learn on the job in our midfield, ehem- Denilson. Let the lad go through the growing pains and learning stages at a mid table side, then bring him back when he’s ready. As far as the other three, its time to… Read more »

Midfield Corporal

Ha ha, agreed on that.


What I was trying to point out, in a simple and clear way, is that Ramsey CONSISTANTLY makes these mistakes. To the detriment of the team. He needs to have time to work on his game without fucking up the 1st teams chances.


Sort of but why take on a difficult shot when you can make a simple pass to a team mate who is far more likely to score. No harm done as it turns out but if we’d gone on to draw that match I don’t think Rambo would be getting such a stern defence.


I will defend Ramsey to the end because he is good enough. T’was a terrible miss, no doubt but did it even matter? What matters is he is good enough, I know 100% and you will all be enjoying the delicacies that are your own words. Out left is not his best position at all, And he’s still learning the attacking midfield position which he didn’t play so well this half of the season especially. He seems to have taken a step back in that regard but watched closely, i think he’s improved some aspects of it, particularly his positioning… Read more »


seconded to the “dot”. well put sir!


Sure he MAY be good, only time will tell, but for now he is’nt. Especially as the season draws to an end.


Well put, and don’t forget that he create that scoring opportunity for himself. The game was won after he came on. And, even RVP missed a lot of easier scoring chances. By the way, he did not score for 4 matches now. I do not hear any one give a bad comment on it. Any one remembered the Ox scored an own-goal with his limited time for games? How can people say for sure that he’s better than Ramsey now? Monday morning quarter backs!!! I rate RVP and the Ox highly. But I can’t for the life of me to… Read more »

Michael Carney

I dont think the pass to van persie was that simple. I would have taken the shot. But yes, he shouldnt be starting at this point. Also, Santos was great of the bench. I still feel like we need an attacking midfielder who can do a few step overs and beat a player or two.


Okay. I concede that the pass to RVP may not have been easy but what about the pass to the Ox? He could have made it many times over. I am disappointed because he took a couple of touches before blazing it wide. If he had done it almost immediately the way RVP, Ox or even Walcott would have, and blazed it wide, I would have anything to say. Ramsey had celebrities world wide in absolute terror when he put his laces through that ball.


im waiting for a director to buy the rights to make a film about the season arsenal have had so far, so much drama, epicness and joy, from 17th to 3rd, a real testament to teamwork, mental strength and attitude……………….COYG!!!!!!!

Mike Hawke

“Mental Strength – The Movie”


“From lacking sharpness to consistent domination – an Arsenal story”

Le Professor and Le Handbrakes.

Cygan's left testicle

‘Enter the LANS’


Wolves have been one of the Premier League’s unluckier side over the last few weeks, so there’s every chance we could see an own-goal fest from both sides!

Jokes apart, I hope the team go into the game with the QPR game on their minds as much as the City one.

The performance against City should give them the confidence to go for the kill, the performance against QPR should remind them how small lapses in concentration and complacency can affect the game.


Naija Gunner

Yes we can, COYG!!!


Oh and Norwich 2-1 up at the Lane. This is getting better and better.


yeh, Delia’s lot have won!!!!


why is my name required

i hope in games where we struggle a person will come out and say “fuck this i’d had enough” and he scores the winning goal …

sagna vs sp*rs
Verminator vs newcastle


And now Arteta=Man Citeh. 🙂


er, ‘=’ should read ‘vs’.


Haha, sp*rs lost haha. Is NUFC above them now?


Level on points but behind on goal difference, something like -11

Rad Carrot

Delicious response from the team, very proud to be a gooner today (not that I’m not usually, but you get my meaning). We’ve got to keep the focus, as TV5 says, but I feel at least 3rd is plausible now. With the spuds losing at Norwich today, we can hope that Newcastle will take 4th (I’d rather them than the chavs or the scum) so as long as the team take each game as it comes and play like they did yesterday, I can’t see many problems – although a resurgent Chelsea might cause us some grief. Feeling a lot… Read more »


Ecstatic over sp*rs loosing and this week just keeps getting better and better now lets beat Wolves and pull 5 clear of our noisy neighbours 🙂

Red & White Stripey Socks

Spurs result has made for a very nice Easter weekend.
Egg any one?…….look like Harry has it’s all over his face again!


Spurs dropped all 3 points points today. They are in danger of finishing 6 behind Chelski and Newcastle. Better yet, they looked ordinary – trailing by a goal, just a few minutes to go and they failed to get enough players forwards to get an equaliser.
Harry Rednapp prpbably heard Wenger say its difficult to stop a horse when he smells its stable and thought that with their “easy” run, third was a done deal. Unfortunately, Harry forgot that when you are shit, you are shit.


They were SOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo boring against Sunderland the other day. One of the dullest matches I have seen all season.

why is my name required

3,000 Norwich fans chanted “Thursday nights, Channel Five” at sp*rs ahahahaha


Does anyone else laugh every time they remember one of those ‘mind the gap’ shirts? I mean seriously, is there a dumber thing you could put on a shirt…..other than a cock?


We have a Coq who puts on a shirt, a glorious red and white shirt !!!

Butt Lightyear

Everyone seems to forget some of the stellar performances Ramsey put in the first half of the season. That turn into space to slip in Gervinho v Chelsea was one of the best individual pieces of skill I’ve seen in the PL this season. Without doubt he must be given time, he’s just come back from an ankle injury and he’s being played out of position. Its better to be in a position where he’s coming of the bench and slowly being eased in as opposed to being in the limelight due to a lack of depth. As someone mentioned… Read more »

Midfield Corporal

For all those writing Ramsey off, let’s not forget our opinion of Song in the early days. I think of all Arsenes success’s he was the one I just couldn’t see any potential in.


Yes that’s true. But for every song, we’ve had ten bentlys an denilsons and senderos’. It’s a two way street and I just hope arsene learns when it’s time to pull the plug. That Denilson shit went on for far to long. Not to mention that almunia was our number 1 for how long???

Midfield Corporal

The sad think with those players is they are probably not lacking the ability to forge some sort of career at the club, but they lack the attitude and fight to succeed. I guess AW had no choice to stick with them once they were offered silly long term contracts based on potential. Hopefully the club has learnt a lesson there.

Runcorn Gooner

If Stoke and Fulham win tonight Liverpool will be 10th.Just remind me how much have they spent on dross?


LOL. Clearly spending money is ALWAYS the best answer to all the problems.


Always seems to work for barca.


Obviously my point is that spending money is no guarantee of anything, and besides, this year Barca spent big on Sanchez and Fabregas and they might not finish first. Granted, they might finished second banana to another team that spent big a few years back, but the point stands – spending in and of itself does not guarantee results, it only improves the chances of good results.


What are you saying, Liverpool have bought amazing British players! British players like Rooney, Gerrard, Young etc are so much better than those dirty diving foreign scum who always dive their way to titles! LOL! ENGLAND DA BEST!


I hv 2 agree with butt lightyear. Give the kid sometime, he’s got d talent n he’ll come gud… Just like d arsenal, believe in d kid


Cup semi at the weekend as well. So win our next two and there’ll be some real distance opened up with that lot and the other lot.

An anthrax outbreak in the Wembley dressing rooms as well would make it pretty much a perfect week.

Midfield Corporal

Who thumbs down the possibility of anthrax infecting Spirs and Chelsea? Bloody do-gooders!


LOL!! 🙂


I just hope Vermealen stops slipping. He should have scored insted he was all off-balance.
Change of footwear needed perhaps?


It’s simple, Ramsey isn’t a winger nor a sided player. So I’m not going to throw him under the bus whatsoever. As other have noted, he just needs playing time at the moment and he isn’t ahead of Arteta/Song/Rosicky right now.


Ssssshhhhh sshhhhhhhhh every one listen closely….can anyone else hear a twitching sound? A nervous twitch at that? Title contenders may be the only team to finish sixth in a three horse race!!!!! Haha


Dont agree with Ramsey getting a hard time from everyone..

A honest opinion would be I remember hisgoal against Utd and a few other important ones that he has scored.
He has been steady however with Jack comming back he only has to look at level of wiltshire and understand keep working hard and imrove a little and that should be enough.

Dont write him off yet.


Spurs lose against Norwich, newcastle level with chelsea, howza bout that!
Imagine: 3rd – Arsenal, 4th Newcastle!!

Save 75 cents

For everyone saying he is just out of form and needs more game time…..then the same can be said for Chamakh…..He has been INCREDIBLY underwhelming this season. There is not a position on the field where he is better than other options. Sorry it hurts but its the truth. I like the guy just like I would always cheer for Eboue. You always support your players but just wanting them to come good doesn’t give them the right to start.

damien joyce

Wiv Chelsea dropping points and Sp*ds losing at home, we really need to finally take advantage of others slip ups, so often in recent years this is where we wld go out and lose or draw, if they really wanna show they hav spirit and strength lets give Wolves the hammering such a poor team deserve, last week sp*ds drew wiv sunderland but we went and lost to qpr (too many cunts in that club btw). Come on Arsenal, really wanna see us progress wiv at least the14pts from remaining games that wld secure 3rd place and a great finish… Read more »


The danger now is that we do what we did at Loftus Road and not bother to turn up.

Wolves are shit. We should beat them by at least 3 clear goals. But we are going to have to work for it – especially early on. If we play anything like we did yesterday then we should see them off easily.

The next two games are the last two games are very winnable. If we take maximum points from those 4 matches then we will be guaranteed at least fourth. But we should get third now.


I hope we can keep this type of performance up.
LOL at delusional spuds who beleived they were title challengers!

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