Friday, February 7, 2025

Wenger’s diplomacy stretches to St*ke fans

Arsene Wenger leapt to the defence of Aaron Ramsey after he was jeered for the entire game against Stoke today, then roundly booed when he was substituted in the second half.

Stoke fans, clearly still aggrieved by Ramsey’s vicious assault on Ryan Shawcross’s foot with his shin, made sure the Arsenal midfielder was left in no doubt about how they felt about him, but Wenger says they have no need to do so.

“I don’t think you can be especially proud to boo Aaron Ramsey,” he said , “because I don’t see what he has done wrong in his behaviour. That’s an old story where the fans of Stoke stand behind their player. But it shouldn’t go as far as booing Aaron Ramsey.”

Arsene is, of course, hugely diplomatic because Stoke fans are utter cretins who castigate a young man whose career was put on the line by one of their industrial, spasticated cloggers.

Wenger himself was on the receiving end of similar chants but said that such things don’t affect him.

“They have a relationship with me but I don’t have one with them! They do enjoy my visits] but I personally have enough experience to cope with that.

“I focus on what I love in my job and the way my players behave on the pitch. I am not responsible for the way people behave in the stands. If you want to stop that it is easy to stop but I cannot influence it. I have had so much in England, I have been here for 15 years, and basically I don’t hear it because I am focused on the game.

“It doesn’t bother me too much. I don’t listen too much to what people chant and I just think one day people in football will have to tackle that as well. It is easy to sit in the stand and insult people – it is the easiest sport in the world.”

And if it’s easy for mouth-breathing window lickers like Stoke fans, it’s easy for everyone.

Meanwhile, the manager was happy with his team’s performance, despite a scrappy second half, but wants two wins from the last two games to make sure of third place.

“I believe that it was a game where we have shown great character, great battling qualities. Overall we deserved at least a point and I can only give credit to my players for their battling qualities and the way they responded to what Stoke offered us – full commitment, well-organised, direct. We did not always cope with it but today I felt we did.

“It is important to win our next two games.”

And any Arsenal fan reading this should remember that Sp*rs lost at Stoke, City drew, United drew and Liverpool drew.

It’s still in our hands and any negativity should be directed towards the cap wearing goblin prince and his filthy Orcs, not at us.

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Whilst the Stoke fans were really out of order with the abuse of Ramsey I think we need to forget it and move on. I think this rivalry with them is toxic and counter-productive, it adds another game we dread to the fixture list and causes a lot of ill-feeling on both sides. I am not sure how healthy this is for the club or the players.

Time to worry about beating Norwich.


I have to say my hatred for Stoke burns even stronger every year, and I really enjoy the rivalry with them, for me it’s another game to relish as opposed to one to dread as you say. Their fans are a bunch of inbred, witless, northern monkeys. Their players are thuggish, simple-minded orcs who stamp around a mud-churned pitch looking to hurt/taunt opposition players at every opportunity. Their manager is an insipid, becapped, charmless, vile cunt. Their football is essentially glorified rugby, but with more throws. They are literally the perfect team to hate, and I love hating them, long… Read more »


You couldn’t have said it better.


These should be the words Wenger says to the squad before every encounter with Stoke. Journeymen, the whole feckin bunch of ’em.


ajax…keep up the good rhymes….their fans learn it from their dummy manager….who saw him ran away from wenger at the final whistle?


Never will I refer to stoke as “rivals” as they are frankly put, not in or anywhere near our league. Arsenal v.s Stoke is a clash of ideals, the beautiful game meets Quasimodo type of thing. It is our duty to beat them to protect the image of our sport and deter other teams from following in their example.

Ryan Shawcross

Is 163 thumbs up a record?

paul butcher

I agree, but their hatred of us has to be seen to be believed…
they do believe the only boo-ed Rambo after we got onto Sh**cruss


After a lot of reading, I came to the conclusion that: 1) Ramsey not forgiving Shawcross is his choice, be it childish or professional. 2) Stoke fans having a go at Ramsey for being an arse / classless to Shawcross is pretty stupid, isn’t it your choice if you want to forgive someone or not? 3) I now find abuse aimed at Shawcross to be more unjustifiable, but I think the thing we should be abusing is Stoke’s style of play that encourages (indirectly) dangerous tackles. 4) From what I read, Arsenal fans started singing about Shawcross, so Stoke fans… Read more »

Old man grape

what are you on about anon?

Ryan Shawcross

Stoke fans jeered Aaron off the pitch in 2010, last season they booed him too. If their manager and the culprit feel they have done nothing wrong, and furthermore turn the situation around so the culprit is made to be the victim, what can we expect of their fans. Just satisfy ourselves in the knowledge that they have no class and have never acheived anything of note in their history. They’ll be back down within 5 years and we’ll be there to wave them bye bye.

Midfield Corporal

Sorry, the above post was me, forgot to change name back after dicking about as our friend Ryan.


Talking about discipline, its seems nothing is going right for (past ) wonder boy- Stoke City’s Jermaine Pennant is charged by police with drink-driving and driving while disqualified and without insurance, and is due to appear before Trafford magistrates on Wednesday 9 May/

5280 Gunner

A student of the Tony Pubis Driving Academy? Maybe he can get the same traffic lawyer, too.


Meh…fuck ’em. A draw is good at their place, and most importantly we were not physically cowed.

Now lets not give the ass pickles any more thoughts….FORWARD!


Stoke are cunts. Nuff said….


Horrible fucking Neanderthals.



Stoke fans boo a player for having the temerity not to write off his career and actually come back and play against you again?
What exactly has he done wrong?
If you want to have a go at the Arsenal fans for booing Shawcross thats fine, but booing Ramsey doesnt really do that.
What next, boo the minutes silence for Hillsborough and take your dislikableness to Chelea levels?



They’re a lot worse than chelsea


Uber-cunts, then.


AW – good man…


Just to add, if it was me, i would ave gone all Cantona on their asses…

T Seaton

Ooh, Ramsay attacking someone, dead scary

Kubla Khan

The behaviour of Stoke fans is the result of an endemic and systemic patronage of a certain type of football and management. After the Ramsey assault, one remembers the support calls to that Stoke player by people like Ferguson etc. the media in this country backed Stoke. The debate was killed. A character certificate was written by Ferguson’s lackeys for Stoke. This includes the likes of Mcleish, Allardyce, Bruce and in the media by Motd, Talksport and right wing papers and tabloids. It was felt that it was Ramsey who was to blame. The vile behaviour of Stoke fans mimics… Read more »

Midfield Corporal

Excellent comment mate.


So it’s not the Stoke players & the manager, it’s even some of their fans that are class less!


I remember the Arsenal fans booing Ole Gunnar Solskjaer for being elbowed by Sol Campbell!

T Seaton

Why would they hide a comment that is a fact?

Old man grape

can you read?
they are an automatic response due to low


How can you be such an utter, complete, MASSIVE CUNT of a human being (or whatever those mistakes of human kind in the Shittania stands are called). Why would you boo Ramsey? Are Stoke fans part of some experiment, to see how utterly degraded you can make a persons mind? Are they all inbred? Are they all apes? And Pubis apparently said he was upset by the Arsenal fans booing that lump of disgrace called Shawcross. Well boo fucking hoo. I’ll break one of your players legs Tony and then lets see if you get a little upset with me.… Read more »

T Seaton

You couldn’t muster the strength to hurt any of our players, even though you tried by again committing more fouls than stoke for another season, southern softies ,we have a bow and arrow to beat your arsenal of machine guns, we will use what we want to survive, you have your money but still get your arses kicked

Midfield Corporal

Are Stoke fans really so thick not to understand the difference between committing a foul and thuggish career damaging challenges. At least as Arsenal fans we know that Stoke are just an annoying blip in the history of the Premier League, whose manager and style of play are a laughing stock. Christ with the money you spend you’d think you could at least try to play a bit of football.


@T Seaton,

That phrase “southern softies” When you’re back in the championship, which will be after next season. Why don’t you go to millwall away and start shouting “southern softies” there?

Then when you’ve had bones broken by some neanderthal thug, we’ll come see you and boo you for your injuries. Cunt!

Midfield Corporal

Ha ha, nice one.


Mate, your team is full of shitcunts playing Anti-football, the manager is a complete tosser, but I used to think you had a noisy, decent bunch of fans.

if you are anything to go by, or the mugs booing a guy for still being physically capable of playing, i was obviously wrong.

now jog on, you thick, classless, dirty northern bastard

for gods sake

Machine gun vs Bow and arrow. WTF are you talking about

Old man grape

you could make a TV movie out of ramsey’s ordeal starting from ”that” tackle.
i think it ended today, with rambo walking away proud, to the tune of ‘desperado’.
i think we showed how great a club we are today.
the fans out-sang the monkeys, the players out-played the cloggers. and
gimpy little pullis still wears a baseball cap.

we are gonna take all 6 points from them next season and watch them slink off down the hole, like the germs they are.

Rectum Spectrum

Embarrassment to their club, embarrassment to the premier league. a total fucking embarrassment all round. scum.


The thing that really gets me is the reporting of Wenger’s post match comments. He was asked about the abuse directed at himself and Ramsey. With regard to Ramsey he was diplomatic, as for himself he said he was focused on the game and doesn’t pay any attention to it. But both Sky and BBC go with headlines of ‘Wenger unhappy with abuse’. If you read the interview in full it’s clear he’s been asked a question and has tried to play it down. All it does it add to the animosity between the teams. This fixture is hard enough… Read more »

Old man grape

well after I read the headline on the BBC website ” van persie ‘may’ delay contract signing” and realised it was all just hot air and guff, I finally gave up hope for that organisation.. just to think that you go to jail if you don’t contribute to Robby Savage’s wages,,,wow..

..just saw linekar embarrass himself on MOTD.. pathetic stuff.

Dave Gooner

Would he be allowed to mock another manager like that I wonder? The fucking Spurs cunt.

Rad Carrot

Fucking hate the Stoke bastards. What a fucking joke. Cunts, how dare they boo a player who almost had his career ruined by their disgusting captain.

Couldn’t wish more misery onto them if I tried.

T Seaton

Leg was broke before tackle

Midfield Corporal

Nurse, straight jacket please!!!!!!

Black Matta

You unfunny, miserable fail of a troll. Go home and fuck your sister then log on to Stoke City Fans 4eva and tell the rest of your extended family about it.

Sunny Patel

And Tony Pulis is my dad, and Tony Pulis is my dad…and uncle!


May Alex Ferguson burn in hell for defending Shawcross for his butchering of Ramsey. Fucking stopped short of saying he’d let him marry his cousin’s daughter for that horror job. May he grow worms up his poisonous vocal tract.


If some people are now stepping back and realising we have a young, talented midfielder on our hands, whose career was almost ended at the hands of these (insert fully justifiable abusive words) and who was asked to take on the role of one of the world’s best playmakers, in his first full season for the club….

Well, a point may not have been the only good thing to come out of the trip to the underworld today.

Old man grape

cant see too many haters here today.. looks like they might be a bit ashamed of themselves.
maybe they finally realised that they are supposed to support our players and not act like stoke monkeys


Wtf is Gary line-acre’s game on motd? Ending with a slag on Arsene. Is he a stoke fan as well as a complete shitbag?

Stoke; The definition of utterly classless cunts! An embarrassment to humanity really. Fucking cunts, the lot of them.

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want proof of evolution?- just go to the brittania staduim and see the wild neanderthals celebrate and honor their barbaric gorrila-like idols in the form of tony pulis and his gang of bumbling plonkers


Some games are fixed. Tony Pulvis had deliberately lost his game to Castle last week, as this result will not cost Stoke. Both these managers are anti-wenger, and both are english, and BBC as usual, love to twist and bias what they are best at. Luckily Wigan’s Manager is a spanish, and beat Castle 4-0. Well done.

Infact Stoke are my most hatred team, way above the rest. Tony Pulvis is the master of cunt, including his fans.


And any Arsenal fan reading this should remember that Sp*rs lost at Stoke, City drew, United drew and Liverpool drew.
^ Actually, yes Stoke beat Sp*rs 2-1, City & United both drew 1-1, but Liverpool lost 1-0! Their other game at Anfield was the draw; a 0-0. Also, Chelsea played out a goalless draw at Stoke…so we can be happy (or at least relatively satisfied!) with our point


It’s a good point considering but there is hardly another team in the league that are as infuriating to watch us play against than stoke.

They’re.. Just.. So.. Shit fkn hell


I was really hoping we can score one more goal and shut the stock fans shite fuck up


Wenger only moans to create a headline that will detract from another feeble Arsenal performance. It’s so obvious, yet you frothing chumps fall for it every time.

damien joyce

Fuck Off Numpty Twat!!!!


ADMA= troll,Sperz style.Fuck off.

Ace McGoldrick

Really proud of Ramsey’s performance. Thought he was class in the face of this mindless abuse.

T Seaton

We are in the midlands you un educated southern softie, ramsays leg was broken before the tackle, and yes we too love you coming to stoke and sending you home looking like the southern wankers you are


4 pts out of six this year. next year it will be six. now just f*ck off you stupid window licker.


TSeaton What are you doing on here you chimp? Back to your cave……

Midfield Corporal

Uneducated is one word not two, probably best to learn how to spell before you start calling others uneducated.

for gods sake

He also forgot the capital letter at the start of a proper noun (Ramsey) and the ‘ at the end to say it belongs to someone not multiple people.


Liniker is a Sp*ds cunt who left his family for a young girl, Lawerenson is in a closet and the other gimp, and Alan, thanks for 89 you fucking cunt.
I encourageevery gooner to log on to the BBC website and make a complaint about that big eared cunt, it only takes a minute

Midfield Corporal

Actually you’ve reminded me, I was going to complain to BBC about a kids tv program called ‘the Slammer’ my 3yr old was watching yesterday. It’s a sort of talent show, but the girls dancing had flashing lights on their boobs, bit inappropriate I thought. Anyway I’ll mention Gary Lineker while I’m at it.

damien joyce

Lawro ain’t worth picking on, he not a cunt like most other pundits, closet or not it dont matter


I can’t really add athnying more to the tribute to Bob that Terry hasn’t said. However, I know that everyone at Disability Target Shooting Great Britain (DTSGB) will always be eternally grateful to Bob Nicholls, Bill Sanders, Terry Doe and so many other people for their help, their kindness, their generosity and their time. All of you have helped us to put Disability Target Shooting on the global map and to give us the respect and love we have craved for so long. THANK YOU to everyone who has been involved with the refurbishment project!Rikki Singh Chairman DTSGB


Mills: Thanks for your comment. Yes I read the same England news and aesumsd that they had decided on the team callups before the match and had already sent it to press (but I could be wrong). And you know what you are absolutely right it’s the approach that leads to these kind of horrific, career-threatening injurites, not the intent. But that doesn’t make it any better because someone has endorsed this behavior. I have nothing against Shawcross as a player (to be honest, this is the first time I’ve even noticed him) but if he needs to be banned… Read more »


A Stoke cunt on here, how sad is that. Imagine any gooner taking the time to visit a stoke website, do they have one?


no they don’t have a website, but on the positive side they discovered fire just last weekend


Gr8 overall game by our boys. lacked a bit of composure at times.
In a funny sort of way the game was easy. when we lost the ball in dangerous areas they either passed back (safe option) or just gave us the ball again. we worked hard all over the pitch. when the likes of wigan, stoke and blackburn are fighting for survival its sad that stoke gets another year playing top flight football.


-stoke +bolton

Glory hunter

Stoke will get what they deserve, you mark my words!
I can’t think of any justification to booing Ramsey!
To the stoke troll, you should be ashamed of your club!
Just remember karma is a bitch.

Midfield Corporal

When you take a step back and look at Stoke as a club, you really have to pity them. First of all, they live in Stoke, their manager is probably up bright and early on Sunday morning at a car boot sale before taking his wife (who he abuses when drunk before breaking down in tears and telling her he loves her and won’t do it again…….for the umpteenth time) for a Toby carvery because it’s good value. They cheer a bloody throw in like they’ve just seen Pele score a worldy. They live in Stoke. They cheat for 90… Read more »


Stoke can go fuck but we need to learn from this. Ramsey’s been unfailry slagged by us here and elsewhere this season. We need to learn to be slow to criticise our youth. Stoke boo Ramsey, so we must cheer him and not just at the Shittannia….

Midfield Corporal

Did I mention they live in Stoke!


England should be embarrassed at the treatment of Arsene…Let France thump them in the Euros.


Stoke just goes on to show how shit the EPL has become. I mean, the referees are BS, and so are most of the English players. Zero tactics + thugs = Current state of English football.

It’s a shame that it has come down to this. This’ll reflect in England’s Euro performance. I really hope they get past the group stage. Something is really really wrong.

Anyway, I don’t care about England, or teams like Stoke. it’s just a burning example of how shit the football is in England. Up the Arse!


almost a bigger disappointment to me than Arsenal not winning anything is that Stoke continue to avoid relegation.


Complained to the BBC regarding their coverage of the Stoke and how they seemed worryingly close to condoning the behaviour of the Stoke fans. I know its long, but read it if you get a chance, and join me in complaining if you feel suitably angered by it: My complaint concerns MOTD coverage of the Stoke City vs Arsenal match, during which Aaron Ramsey was repeatedly subjected to boos and Arsene Wenger was also mocked. I was interested to see how these incidents would be addressed on the show. I was initially impressed when the poor treatment Mr Ramsey received… Read more »


BBC’s response (my view is that it is the same fans/idiots booing Ramsey as Wenger so Lineker is encouraging them and that Lineker wasn’t funny – he isn’t even laughing or smiling): Gary Lineker’s closing line was a light-hearted reference to shots of Stoke fans behind the dugouts imitating Arsene Wenger’s mannerisms. A clear differentiation was made between this and the booing of Aaron Ramsey which Gary Lineker and Alan Hansen strongly condemned. In addition, Gary was not being xenophobic nor was he unfairly singling out a manager who has the admiration and respect of the whole ‘Match of the… Read more »

Cygan's Middle Foot

laughing stoke city players should just play (american) football


Surely time for some perspective and an end to all this hatred. First of all gary Lineker is an absolute jerk and when he watched back his childish attempt at humour he must have been really embarrassed. As for Stoke fans, well football fans in general are complete and utter twats in the main, who only see what they want to see. Their behaviour at games is often in response to others around them and for some reason all football fans appear to leave their brains at the turnstiles. Look at the stoke fans mocking Wenger. That woman with the… Read more »

Midfield Corporal

Let’s not get too bothered about the Stoke fans mimicking Arsene, perhaps next time they come to the grove we should all wear shell suits and a stupid cap in homage to Mr Pullis.

Copying someone’s actions is hardly terrace wit at its best. If my boy wants to wind up his sister he just copies everything she says or does, it’s effectively annoying, but he is only 6, these are grown men and women.


lineker is a fucking prat. he disgraced himself (not for the first time) and should be made to repent!

damien joyce

I’d just like to ask fellow blog posters to try and refrain from using the word “spastic” just because it’s an outdated term from times when people were a lot less liberal minded and empathetic to others in reference to …. exactly, i’m not here to educate people, I like the craic here but get uneasy feeling when i keep seeing words like that, and to be honest Fuck Stoke, Fuck Shawcross, Fuck Pulis and Fuck Sky and MOTD, we here for The Arsenal and the aforementioned cunts don’t deserve to be classed into any category other than CUNTS. sorry… Read more »

Asian Gunner

The ref in that match is truly a Cunt..!


Maybe all gooners should mimic Lineker’s Wa…..r advert…sorry Walkers still Arsene will I am sure remember the English saying that mimicry is the greatest form of adulation = Stoke fans must admire AW so much they just have to mimic him. MOTD need to be reminded that all staff should never mock any one- still Lineker having been a S… has no brain so he obviously does not understand the rules. GOYG

Naija Gunner

Stoke city, Cunt city of Mordor. Sounds scary!!!


We are stoke city we play how we want.

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