Monday, February 17, 2025

Stoke 1-1 Arsenal: By the Numbers

430 – Arsenal passes completed versus Chelsea
411 – Arsenal passes completed versus Stoke
311 – Chelsea passes completed versus Arsenal
198 – Stoke passes completed versus Arsenal
88 – Arsenal passes completed in the Chelsea final third
104 – Arsenal passes completed in the Stoke final third
59 – Chelsea passes completed in the Arsenal final third
60 – Stoke passes completed in the Arsenal final third
58 – Percent of possession by Arsenal versus Chelsea
63 – Percent of possession by Arsenal versus Stoke
49.2 – Percent of territory owned by Arsenal versus Chelsea
49.8 – Percent of territory owned by Arsenal versus Stoke
51 – Long balls played by Chelsea versus Arsenal
66 – Long balls played by Stoke versus Arsenal
20 – Percent of Stoke’s passes versus Arsenal that were long balls
12 – Percent of Chelsea’s passes versus Arsenal that were long balls
10 – Through balls attempted by Arsenal
 1- Through balls attempted by Stoke (Glen Wheelan)
7 – Successful headed clearances by Arsenal versus Stoke (of 13 attempted)
18 – Successful headed clearances by Stoke (of 22)
10 – Successful aerial duels by Arsenal
18 – Successful aerial duels by Stoke
6 – Successful aerial duels by Peter Crouch (of 6 attempted)*
5 – Successful aerial duels by Bacary Sagna (of 10 attempted)**
3 – Number of those that were passes from Szczesny
15 – Number of long passes attempted by Szczesny
14 – Number of those long passes kicked to the right

Ramsey v. Song

Ramsey Song
Passes 58*/68* 54/67
Passes forward 26/35 29/42
1st half 12/19 12/17
2nd half 14/16 17/25
Passes in final 1/3 19/23 13/23
1st half 7/11 6/9
2nd half 12/12 7/14
Shots 2 0
Key Passes 1 0
Blocks 1 0
Interceptions 0 6*
Tackles 3 1

Odd ends

19 – Number of times I heard the Stoke City supporters booing Aaron Ramsey all the way from America
0 – Number of times Tony Pulis heard Stoke City supporters booing Aaron Ramsey whilst standing on the sideline in a tracksuit looking in need of the deep cleansing that only a shower with 14 other men can bring
4 –
Key passes by Tomas Rosicky*
3 – Key passes by Stoke City
3 – Attempted through balls by Tomas Rosicky*
20 – Passes in the Stoke final third by Tomas Rosicky*
2 – Successful dribbles by Rosicky (of 2 tried)*
2 – Successful dribbles by Benayoun (of 2 tried)*
2 – Successful dribbles by Diaby (of 2 tried)*
2 – Successful dribbles by Gibbs (of 2 tried)*
2 – Clearances by Rory Delap
1 – Throw in by Rory Delap
0 – Passes attempted by Rory Delap¹
27 – Successful passes by Marc Wilson (of 35 tried)**
5 – Successful tackles byMarc Wilson (of 5 tried)*
5 – Aerial duels won by Marc Wilson (of 7)
4 – Number of times Diaby was dispossessed*
2 – Number of times Aaron Ramsey was dispossesse
10 – Passes by Diaby
11 – Passes by Pennant
130 – Career Arsenal goals by Robin van Persie
28 – League goals this season by Robin van Persie
3 – Goals Robin van Persie needs in order to tie Alan Shearer and Christiano Ronaldo for most goals in a 38 game season


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*Lead all players
**Lead his team

1. Yes, you read that correctly. In fact, Rory Delap generated no other meaningful stats except his two clearances and the one Hail Mary Pass that caused a goal-line scramble and nearly won Stoke the game. I’m sure the “stats haters” will revel in this fact, whilst simultaneously missing the irony that it is a stat, it was collected, it had meaning, and was presented here to tell part of the story, though by no means the entire story. 

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35 and counting….make it happen rvp, smash it!!!.


anyone notice lineker being a cunt on motd

Thierry Henry

being a fucking massive one

Simao Segunda

You mean just today? Or every week?


Lineker = overpaid pillock.

Thierry Henry

“I saw that feller falling over and for me that’s not a penalty”. A touch of class and professionalism from our beloved Tony.


6 – coincidentally both the number of fingers on each stoke fan’s hands and their combined number of brain cells

Stoke is joke

Chris foy is noncompetitive and unfit ref. And today I finally decided to unfollow Piers Morgan. Man he’s woman in man’s body. So much he cries. And funny thing about Peanalty shout, heard Dean Sturridge commentating, for once he said it was a penalty and in after match Nigel said it wasn’t.

Btw, Did Tony Pulis said sorry on behalf of supporters and their behavior?


Sorry, as a woman, I would rather not be compared to Piers Morgan. Ugh.


I agree with watressinthesky. Piers Morgan is one of you lot, don’t go around calling him one of us…

Ryan Shawcross

This is all very confusing. Lots of numbers and words

Ryan Shawcross

dis is vry confusng. so many alfabets nd numbrs.

Ryan Shawcross

Mummy, Ryan’s winky get hard when he break legs.

Simao Segunda

0 – Number of relegations suffered by Arsene Wenger as a Manager
0 – Number of relegations suffered by Tony Pubis
0 – Number of trophies won by Pubis as a manager
15 – Number of trophies won by Wenger as a manager. (Not including individual awards)
100 – Chance, as a percentage, that Pulis isn’t fit to lick Wenger’s shoes as a man or a manager.


Actually, Wenger has suffered relegation with Nancy. That probably makes Pubis a better manager, so he should get the World Coach of the Century award. Pubis has certainly brought such an innovative and entertaining brand of football to our world… 😉


That’s all very nice, Tim, but I think we all know that stories don’t tell the whole numbers. Sheesh! What a cad.


Sometimes I wish that Arsenal had a “specialist” long thrower like Delap, but then I remember that it’s generally better to go out on the pitch with eleven players, rather than ten + one guy taking a nap in the corner.


I hate Stoke, the fans were disgusting.

but, I remember seeing delap score a nice goal with a bit of skill 1-2 years ago, he is well into his thirties and is being fazed out, but not totally useless.

That said, I hate the towel using, mouth breathing neandethals that are stoke city


100 – The percentage of the people that booed Aaron Ramsey who are certifiable thundercunts.

Le sausage

3-number of ephors in the film 300, and thus the number of tony pulis’ there are in existence.

Bob the Gunner

Tomas Rosicky you little Mozart !!!


31 – Actual age of Tomas Rosicky..
29 – What he claims as his footballing age..
19 – What i think his actual age should be after seeing that fucking brilliant display yesterday..


Ramsy deserves all the booes he can get.
Worst arsenal player in history !!
After we fail to qualify for Europe and Chelsea win champions league will all arsenal fans take their heads out of their @ss and realise its the likes of Ramsy and other useless over rated players that have destroyed this great club.
Stop hating and blaming others for the rubbish players Arsene buys !!!

We are pathetic yet we point fingers at other clubs demanding everyone treats us fairly.

Ramsy has done more damage to arsenal than stoke fans or Chelsea fans.

Wake up gooners !!


Hello? Ryan Shawcross, is that you? Get over it, man. How many times have we tried to explain to you, “Ramsey is not the sort of player to tackle studs up lunges with his shin.”


The word is “Ramsey”. You know with an “e” in between the s and y. Also the “a” in Arsenal should be capitalized as it is the name of a footy club… same with the “s” in Stoke City (this is college knowledge though so I doubt you would know this) Also its ASS not @ss. Of course you could be saying At Save Shakira who needs saving from a real man after John Terry went to see her after he got red carded knowing that Pique was at the hospital. And last but not least… when you use an… Read more »


Lol, where I went to school capitalizing titles (A in Arsenal) is considered more elementary level grammar then college level


You call yourself an arsenal fan!?? Go have a look at ramsey’s stats for yesterday’s match. He was leagues ahead of every stoke player as far as his performance is concerned.You should stop hating your own players and instead show some much needed support. Its ppl like who do more damage to the club.


i think its just an desperate attempt to get more attention.. cos nobody can be that stupid..


Thats a question I ask myself way too often on these comment sections; can people really be that stupid? I guess the answer is yes, but then I start thinking about other possible explanantions like; are they just little kids? or do the mentally handicapped go on the web? or do some people take some crazy drugs before posting? These all seem a far-fetched so, to me, it just comes down to; some people really are ‘that stupid’ while others are just pathetic attention-seeking sociopaths. I know its sad to acknowledge this, but being a psych student in grad school,… Read more »


@The Truth. Ramsey deserve the boos? That’s stretching it too far. We all know he is not our best player: but to shoot a man and curse him for bleeding, it takes morons of the highest order a la Stokes to do that. I bet those idiots would have booed Muamba for falling flat even though it was cardiac arrest. I assume what you are trying to say is that Arsene deserves all the boos because he has reduced us to such a bad team we get battered by Stokes so often. I guess they’ll boo less if we had… Read more »


Absolutely right! I’m a bit amused at the couple of Stoke fans that thumb-downed your comment.


@ The Truth:

You are so right! Ramsey is the reason Arsenal haven’t won a trophy in the last 7 years. In fact, we have yet to discover the true depths of his terribleness.

He also personally engineered Fabregas’ transfer to Barca, secretly administers Diaby with debilitating drugs so that he can’t stay fit, and whispered threats to Chamakh that if he ever scores a goal something bad will happen to his family.

Ramsey is the devil.

Old man grape

Ramsay smokes Marlborough cigarettes.


TheTruth is henceforth renamed as “TheCunt”. Thats probably the furthest from the truth a statement can possibly get. I’m literally scared to read the hidden comments because I’m afraid the “rage virus” will infect me and 28 days later I will be crying/laughing manically/talking in all caps on LeGrove

Old man grape

hoping mr blogs has banned this mouth breather.


TheTruth – STFU you back tickling ignorant.


I was particularly proud of Ramsey today. Kept his head held high all game, worked hard, went in hard physically, always looked for the ball and passed the ball well. Disgusting to hear that pack of morons booing his every touch and calling him a wanker… it just makes me want Aaron to succeed even more. also, did anyone else notice how hypocritical these cunts are? they pride themselves on being so physical and not going down easily and all that shit. Yet every time Kos or Verm started to get a bit tough with either Waters or Crouch, they… Read more »


Stoke’s ‘fans’ deserve their team & vice versa…
& no,that isn’t a compliment, just in case any of the inbred morons are trolling Arseblog(and can read,obviously).
And the stupid fuckers pay to watch that SHIT,it’s mind boggling!!


3 – Our position this season.
2 – Number of games left.
1 – Our position next year.
0 – Chances of Scums qualifying for CL next term.

Oh to be a gooner. So excited about Poldi + Ryo + Lansbury (he has been doing pretty awesome recently for West Ham after coming back from injury).

Crabbypatts Watch this video of Henri Lansbury doing the dougie, Adebywhore can learn some moves from him than doing his retarded dance haha.


2- consecutive weeks the stats show that ramsey is excellent (if stats were football, denilson would be a world class player)


get off the bandwagon mate… he played well, stats or no stats. The whole denilson comparison is getting a bit tedious to say the least. Why don’t you get behind a lad who’s giving everything and needs time to find his feet after his injury.

Old man grape

mug off

Ghana Gooner

I nearly jacked my d!ck off when I heard the stock fans booing Ramsey. Wtf, doesn’t make any sense to me. Your player broke my leg and you boo me? F@ck! Does London have a psycho-f@ck home? Stoke fans will be comfortable there.


Wait. You masturbate when you’re angry? You should get yourself checked out bud – that can’t be good for you or your partners in the long term.


You can masturbate when you’re angry? :-<3 (makes jealous face)


Question – if we get 3rd and the Chavs 4th, do we then go straight to the Group stages of the Champion’s (sic) League, by virtue of the fact the Chavs will have ‘qualified’ already, even of they then go on to win it?


4th place has to qualify.

The winning medal is equal to 4th place.

When pool got in this way, they had to qualify.

That year of course Everton were allowed in too – who’d finished 4th this year – as there was no legislation. And the poor saps got booted at the qualifying stage for all their efforts.

3rd is 3rd. group stages regardless of what happens below us.


Cheers. Just trying to work out who I’d prefer in 4th.

Spuds = cunts
Chavs = cunts
Pardew = cunt

Ah fuck em all.


Chelsea are not going to get 4th.
Bayern are going to beat Chelsea.
Chelsea to qualify for Europa League please, Thursday nights in Eastern Khazahkstan, Saturdays away at Stoke. 🙂


This is probably going to get me shot down in flames, but as long as Arsenal finishes 3rd I would prefer Chelsea to win it. It will probably make their fans insufferable cunts but there are selfish reasons for it. It would give a boost to PL which means more TV money, it would give a boost to the UEFA league coefficients which means the EPL stays in first place, and Abramovich may finally get bored and stop bankrolling his expensive toy which would send Chelsea into Inter Milan levels of fail.

Old man grape

so you want chelsea to win the games most highly regarded trophy before us?


How many games have Arsenal won in 2012 with Ramsey starting?
Wolves, and which other?




So the above numbers concerning Ramsey’s pass completion, forward-pass rate, passes in the final third etc. mean nothing because stats don’t tell the whole story, while the stat for the number of winning starts Ramsey’s had in 2012 tells you everything you need to know about him as a player?

It’s almost as if you’re just picking whichever numbers fit with what you already believe…


Looks like you’ve just done exactly what you claim others have done, in choosing which stats suit you.

Eg – loss to QPR. The team turn up and take the game too lightly, TV5 has a shocker, but Ramsey’s on the pitch. Ergo, Ramsey’s fault.


GunneEd, my apologies. We’re making the same point but I lost the thread on the iPhone.


Mooro, I can see how you got the impression, to be fair, but I didn’t actually state that I think Ramsey is a great player because of the above stats. I don’t think this in the same way that I don’t think he’s a bad player because of the winning starts in 2012 stat (which you succinctly showed to mean nothing).

Personally I’m ambivalent as to Ramsey – he could end up alright, he could not, I’m not really excited by making claims either way. I think my point as to picking whichever numbers suit our preconceived ideas still stands.


Right, got you. I thought we were.


That crimp faced hat wearing scum bag will be stuck with his pack of carnivores for eternity and my only wish is that they get relegated some day. Then and only, will sanity be brought back to football………….”i was more concerned about arsenal supporters booing ramsey”…………f*ckin penis.

[…] Match report – Video – By the numbers […]


I really feel the team is a lot stronger with yossi in for walcott, more fluent, were always playing with 11 men and he knows how to pick a pass like the one for rosicky’s cross, who would you rather have, Theo or yossi?


I think it’s good to have a mix of the Theo-type and the Yossi-type on either side of the forward. Too often we’ve been playing with both Walcott and Gervinho and run out of ideas. Benayoun’s underrated for the job he can do in getting through tightly packed defences – of which most in the Premier League are (he was incredible at this in the Spurs game, I thought). I worry as to what we’ll do when he goes as I’m not sure who else an do this job. Podolski plays on the left a lot but I don’t know… Read more »

Good question… it depends. Yossi will always give you a decent performance. Theo is more likely to give you a goal or an assist, yet there’s always a chance he will be utterly anonymous and a waste of space. That’s the problem with Theo – you never know which version of him will turn up, while with Yossi you know what you are gonna get, even if it’s not as potentially devastating.


Yossi. I really hope that he is at the club next season. Wenger should sign him and give him a two-year contract.


Yossi, easily. He doesn’t have a TON of goals for us this season, but I bet he would have done pretty well, had he gotten more playing time. Great player. Consistent like Mr. Arteta.


ah your an american! the name 7amkickoff suddenly makes a lot more sense!

Midfield Corporal

Just watching Star wars with my 6 yrs old, I’ve spotted another mistake. Obi Wan says to luke, ‘Mos Eisley, you’ll never find a more wretched place of scum and villiany’….er hello Obi Wan, you ever been to Stoke?

Arsene's Wonga

Check out RVP in his spare time 😉

AFC=Class, Stoke=Cunts

Oh!! our beloved Robin. A man of many talents.


I think arsenal fans that slag off ramsey and boo him are a 100 times worse than stoke fans. lets get our own house in order before being critical of others. Many of you will get your wish…….to see less of rambo next season as with a full stack ramsey probably sits behind song arteta rosicky wilshire diaby as it currently stands. Any new midfield signings will push him down the pecking order too


Is anyone else starting to hate Stoke more than Tottenham? I mean, Tottenha, are THE ENEMY but at least they play football and are pretty good at it! Stoke play a mixture of hoofball (just kick it up the field to the tall guy at the front!!!!) and rugby!

Plus their supporters actually boo a player who had his leg broken by their player (who becomes their CAPTAIN afterwards)!!! Like its Ramseys fault Shawcross broke his leg! WTF!!!!

I therefore, Stoke now overtakes Tottenham at number 1 on my hate list of teams. F*CK STOKE!!!!

Runcorn Gooner

1 – Number of players arrested for drink driving,no insurance and driving while
banned at 06.00 Sunday morning.AW gets rid of who he wants and Pennant
was a waste of space

Flights to Santorini

What’s up i am kavin, its my first time to commenting anywhere, when i read this article i thought i could also make comment due to this sensible post.

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