Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Szczesny a doubt as Wenger targets three points

Wojciech Szczesny is a doubt for Sunday’s game with West Brom. The Polish stopper has been nursing an injury which Arseblog News understands is a knee problem although today’s Guardian mentions an issue with his back.

The issue has been ongoing for the last month and may explain, while not excusing, his under-par performance against Norwich. Should he fail to make it, Lukas Fabianski could play his final game for Arsenal, as he will seek to leave the club having fallen behind his compatriot in the pecking order this season.

Arsene Wenger is targeting the three points necessary to secure third place and says that his team must remember they have defensive, as well as offensive, duties to perform.

“At Stoke we had a good game and offensively against Norwich we had a good game. Defensively, though, we had not the expected level. Maybe we were focused too much on winning the game and forgot that to win the game you need to defend as well”.

And after such a disastrous start to the season, the manager feels finishing third would be something to be proud of.

“It will be a great achievement if we manage to do it. I believe it would be reward for a group which has exceptional strength,” he said.

“They have come through some difficult times, always recovered and always battled. Therefore I will be extremely delighted when we do it. Let’s make sure we finish third and win our game – that is the only answer we can give. To do that of course you need a full, committed performance from everybody.

“On that front I am quite sure we will get that from our players and then we will have a very good chance to do it.”

Obviously third and the points we’ve dropped this season aren’t anyone’s idea of an ideal campaign but under the circumstances it’s about the best we could have hoped for when we lay 17th early on.

The last time it was this tight on the last day of the season was the final game at Highbury when Sp*rs were struck down by an attack of the green apple splatters, but the Arsenal manager still isn’t sure what happened.

“Frankly I didn’t know what happened,’’ he said. “I didn’t cook that day. If I had cooked more of them would have been ill!”

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Hopefully, this is just some of those mind games that we keep hearing so much about.


Just go out and win comfortable with 2-0. Thank you.


11-0 please.


Why stop at 11? I want to see Van Persie get more goals than Messi 🙂

I say 42-0!

the only sam is nelson

I was just about to smash my computer into a million tiny bits after seeing AW talk about the “exceptional strength” of the squad that he just said sometimes “forgot that to win the game you need to defend as well”

and then, this

“Frankly I didn’t know what happened,’’ he said. “I didn’t cook that day. If I had cooked more of them would have been ill!”

and all is forgiven

just fucking win on Sunday, won’t you?

thanks in advance


Wenger’s delightful lasagne.


I think he’d cook a better leSagna

Merlin's Panini


Cygan's Right Foot

That’s a very ‘Bould’ choice of joke….. Oh sorry, wrong blog


What would be even Boulder is if you had that laSagna with Rice.


leSagna, brilliant! You, good sir, have won teh internets!

Pat Johnson

Why the fuck did you thumb down you fucking arseholes that was the wittiest comment I have ever seen.


Oh Fuck! The Flap in goal. I hope he has one last outstanding game.


If I wasn’t nervous before, I am now. Fucking Flapianski. This joker has barely played this season given his status but when he does play, god he looks dodgy. Hope he doesn’t have anything to do. UTA


He’s played, what, once? Overly harsh, in my book. He’d be OK, if he got regular playing time.


Fabianski was outstanding before he got injured and szesz took.his place.

Midfield Corporal

Bloody hell, I can just see Flappy leaving us with an abiding memory, one we’ll be able to recall every Thursday night next season as we travel to play the Lituanian Champions. I’ve got a bad feeling about this one.


This is great news…Arry will be giving an interview later from our training ground, discussing our plans for champs lge football next season…you Arsenal jokers…Europa League for you CUs

Merlin's Panini

fuck off. the end.

actually, not the end. I forgot to add: prick.


haha… wait till JOL sticks up a bolt URANUS……… and than ur dreams for champs league might just come true

Domhuaille MacMathghamhna

Is that where Arry fondled you, then butt fucked you twice over, while his dof licked your pussy/penis…InArrysJeep? You’re a bottom-feeding spudscum douchebag whose finest hour was when you porked your baby sister while your syphallitic parents applauded and screamed that’s Tiny Totts for ya!

Monkey foot. And head.

‘arry Redknapp is your mum.




Shocking comments. Fab was in excellent form before his injury. Top class club two top class keepers. Amazed a so called Arsenal blog allows such insulting comments about Arsenal players.


I agree that the comments are out of order but I am happy to see a blog that is happy to allow fans to say what they like within reason. There are plenty of other sites that follow the “everything is happy and we’ll delete your comments if you pretend otherwise” or the “doom and gloom everywhere, especially in the comments if you know what’s good for your account” blueprint.


Au contraire, one must thank the fine folk that run this site that negative or doubting opinions are allowed. We are all adults–or most of us are, anyway–and I think the legitimate doubts expressed by fans should be aired. There is nothing like a free marketplace of ideas for politics–or football.

Good Omens

And I’m amazed that in this day and age some people think that others arn’t allowed to express an opinion. Don’t be an opinion Nazi steww.


well spoken arseblog


Exactly, people are entitled to their opinion of players and ultimately we should all be mature enough on the internet to moderate forums ourself (or at least that’s what I’d expect from a group of Arsenal fans!). There’s a dislike button for a reason…

Midfield Corporal

Interesting spin on Fabianskis form Stew, he was certainly in the best form of his Arsenal career before his injury, the Wolves away game was his best performance for us in my opinion. But let’s not forget the mess he made of the high ball into his box against Newcastle a couple of games before that, and subsequently he looked like an accident waiting to happen when any ball was aimlessly lobbed into the area. I don’t think you can blame anyone for worrying about us having to play a keeper who has proved he is prone to the odd… Read more »


Why not to have a freedom to say what you think about players from the club you support? They are not protected by the law or there is no chance that their fragile young harts will be troubled what we say about them. So please people dnt be anal about it. And if that sometimes comes from non-arsenal fans ignore them. Let them die alone on this blog. This blog is good. 🙂

Mental Strength

I foresee Fabianski to make some amazing Seaman-esque saves, Chamakh to net in typical Henry style and Park to net in the 92nd minute winner Michael Thomas style.

Good Omens

I wish I had your mental strength…or some kind of your mental anyways. 🙂


Pass me that shit son.

Domhuaille MacMathghamhna

Do I detect a hint of cynicism and irony in your post mental strength?

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Why on earth would you want Fabianski to make some amazing Seaman-esque saves? What I want to see is Fabianski walking off the pitch at full time without having to have made a single save because our defence has prevented WBA from getting any shots off. I agree with your hopes for Chamakh and Park, but I would prefer their goals to be the 7th and 8th ‘winners’ for the team today. In reality I expect to sit through the match groaning and swearing at the team and feeling an uncomfortable tightness in my chest brought on by stress as… Read more »

Mr. Eboue Armann Yes

This has the potential to become Manuel Almunia’s testimonial match. Will we remember him as the guy who cost us the CL spot this year or the lad that kept us away from being embarrassed by Wancelona with a once-in-a-lifetime performance?


Almunia cannot play he is not registered in the 25. if woj dont make it its flap with shea or martinez on the bench


I would take flappy over almunia any day. Almunia just makes me come out in boils and makes my nails itch.
Flappy will be fine as long as the defence don’t go walkabout like Norwich. They have to realise that defending a lead is not a crime against football. It’s about intelligence and Gibbs, verm


And especially song need to wise on Sunday.

Master Bates

Wenger is such a troll

the only sam is nelson

this is the correct motorcycle

Domhuaille MacMathghamhna

Well you being a mental midget, neanderthal, self-abusing AAA cretin disguised as a supporter must know what its like to live in the dark and try and find your tiny genitals with a magnifying glass so you live up to your name,since no women in her right mind would dein to give you the time of day!

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Blogs said a few comments back that he hadn’t seen any comments like this one. You’re working on the theory that once he’s written a comment in an article he won’t return to it and read the later comments, aren’t you? Not a good plan.


twice a lifetime u mean, the one time at home when zlatan scored twice vs him, during that game he was unbeatable in the first half… and yeah vs barca last season when the came in for Wojech!!

Taking The Mik

It’s true that Fabianski was outstanding during his run in the team last season, but it’s clear that most of his mistakes have come, somewhat understandably, when he’s been thrust into the team having not played for ages. Hope we see 2010/11 Fabianski rather than 2009/10 Fabianski if he plays on Sunday.

Good Omens

Concur with that; there are very few keepers who can suddenly get into the side and be comfortable and in exceptional form ( the only one for us I remember doing that was Alex Manniger, remember that run in, West Ham performance was immense) – lets just hope if Fabianski does play the message has finally got across to the defence that they have to defend. Fingers x’d folks.

Midfield Corporal

Do we not think ‘outstanding’ is overdoing it a little. Or are we judging him by the pretty poor standard he had set. I think he’s as good a No 2 as any of the top teams have let’s not go overboard on how he performed prior to his injury.


Sounds like an “injury” rather than an injury to me.

Good ploy by Wenger if Fabianski has a blinder it sets up a real pre season fight for the No.1 shirt.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Yeah, I can just see Wenger thinking this one through…

“OK, I’ll bet the 20 million pounds we’d get for qualifying for the Champions League that if I drop Chesney and play Fabianski in this game that he will play a blinder even though he hasn’t played for six months and will be a true contender for the number 1 spot next season”.

I think it sounds like an injury rather than an ‘injury’. What good would it do for Wenger to leave Chesney thinking “Fuck, Wenger doesn’t trust me any more”.


I highly doubt this is true. Even if it is true, whoever we have in goal is negligible if our back 4 and midfield fail to play defense like they did against Norwich!!!! We must score at least 3 goals to beat WBA because I’m not putting any stock in us keeping a clean sheet regardless of who’s in the net!


I think ours, sp*rs and newcastle’s games are all equally tough fixtures. Just hope we perform well and clinch 3rd, which ultimately would be a very good season.
Biggest game for a long long time…
I think I’ll get my ballbag out if we win

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

You’re a bingo caller are you? So if we fail to lose it’s no bingo for the old dears, your balls are staying firmly in your bag, eh?


If he was injured Saturday he hour not of been playing. He was really bad, especially compared to how great he has been


oh god no….


haha “If i had cooked more of them would have fallen ill” hahahaha
AW – what a legend!!!!! How about cooking it this weekend Arsene??!

Midfield Corporal

I’ve just seen a billboard advertising the new Chelsea kit with the tag line -‘we are all Chelsea’, like fuck we are, they should be prosecuted under the trade misdescriptions act.

Merlin's Panini

they are all something beginning with “c”.

Midfield Corporal



So are they calling us all soulless cunts? That’s a bit harsh of them.

Lucas Fabianski

Aren’t you the frontman from Deacon Blue RickRoss?


Aren’t you that really good goalkeeper that plays for Arsenal? Ohh wait that’s the other pole

Emma Talent


Cygan's Right Foot

Surely it’s West Br0m – Ar5enal


guys please talk positively about fabiasnki so as to encourage him put a good show on Sunday. he actually reads this blog.a source close to arsenal told me…

Lucas Fabianski

Zat iz correct Gunner2013, I does love ze Arseblog. Have no fear please my Arsenal loving friends, I will do you proud on ………..

………. Sorry my people’s, I dropped my phone.


Wow, Wenger dropping Szczesny after his shithouse performance at Norwich and for such a big game. Hope it doesn’t backfire – but we know it will.

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Naija Gunner

Hope for the better lads, for the better.

two smoking barrels

stay the fuck calm everyone, Wenger’s got a 40mil CL wager on this one.
Arsene Knows!


delusional much? we are losing 3-1 tommorow because this team are a bunch of bottlers

watch arsene make excuses though , like global warming,arab spring etc as to why we missed out on CL

We didn’t win any of the last 4 games, 3 which were at home and people expect us to win tommorow? get a grip


Let give Fabiansky another chance. Atleast,he was better than Almounia

[…] making history against with a landmark goal against West Brom. However, there are doubts over the fitness of Wojciech Szczesny in the crunch […]

[…] this season, and Arsene Wenger wants him to be in the France squad. Also, recent news that Wojciech Szczesny could be out for the final game, because of a knee/back problem, no one knows for sure. Meanwhile, Nigerian striker Peter […]

[…] this season, and Arsene Wenger wants him to be in the France squad. Also, recent news that Wojciech Szczesny could be out for the final game, because of a knee/back problem, no one knows for sure. Meanwhile, Nigerian striker Peter […]

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