Saturday, July 27, 2024

French trio eye Squillaci capture

According to France Football, French side Bastia are keen on taking Sebastien Squillaci off Arsenal’s hands. The newly promoted Ligue 1 side are thought to be talking with the player’s representatives, with Arsene Wenger more than happy for the former Sevilla man to leave the Emirates. Evian and Brest are also keeping tabs on the player’s situation.

Squillaci, who arrived ahead of the 2010/11 season for a fee thought to be around the £4 million, mark barely featured last season garnering only 9 (very costly) minutes of Premier League action as a substitute against Fulham at Craven Cottage.

While he was afforded more playing time in the domestic cup competitions, the former French international never looked like threatening the first choice quartet of Thomas Vermaelen, Per Mertesacker, Laurent Koscielny and Johan Djourou.

At only 31-years-old, Squillaci certainly has a few more years left in the tank. Unfortunately for him, Gooners will merely add his name to the growing list of dodgy centre-backs signed during the Wenger era alongside Pascal Cygan, Igor Stepanovs and Stathis Tavlaridis.

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Please. Take him.


since sp*rs will be losing all of their players we could sell squid to them where he’ll probably be an automatic in the first 11


They did take our trash when Gallas moved there (and he was a starter there too), so that’s not really a bad idea.


To think he was the guy we thought would partner Tommy while the others grew into the league. Oh well good luck to him he never asked to be a crap centre back on the big stage.

Rad Carrot

Yeah, hope he goes and plays well abroad. Never rated him particularly highly but all the best to him all the same – he’s kept his mouth fairly shut about not playing, so he can’t be all bad.


Too good to be true, fingers crossed.


Have to be a bit of a Mr Knowitall here – Squillaci did not play his nine league minutes v Sunderland, it was v Fulham away. It was his header straight across the area that set up Zamora for their last-second winner. He wasn’t in the squad at all for Sunderland away.


Where does it mention Sunderland in the piece written by Andrew?


Bren, it’s been updated since 🙂

Domhuaille MacMathghamhna

Andrew Allen….why the little last minute jibe at Wenger? SAF and every other manager have been equally profligate in their poor transfers but other than SAF, they don’t have Wenger’s far superior success at finding stars and winning trophies. Nice anti-Wenger backhand but it only makes you a jerk for doing that, having written a reasonable article up until then.


How did you forget Silvestre on your dodgy centre-backs list?

Cygan's Left Foot

He said dodgy CB, never said shites!!!!!!!!.


Squillaci played his nine minutes at Craven Cottage, not the Stadium of Light. He wasn’t in the squad at all for the latter game, but against Fulham he contributed to our loss by heading the ball straight across our own area to Zamora who won the match for them with virtually the last kick of the game.


Phew! Finally, I hope we see the last of squillacis’ witty posts on arseblog. I will personaly drive him to the airport if wenger is ofcourse too busy that is.


Sorry for double-posting, I got some sort of error message saying the first post didn’t get through but apparenty it did…


He was decent for Sevilla a few years back, made the French national team on a number of occasions. Looked pretty shot by the time he came to Arse though. Not nearly enough pace to cope with the prem in the autumn of his career. Shame.

Bonne chance, Sebastien.


Oh please, please do. Do they want us to pay them for taking him away? I’ll chip in a tenner!

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Merlin's Panini

I hear he’s very good at cleaning boots

Sami Rockfeller

So Dennis Bergkamp has finally decided to answer our prayers.


Another transfer flop, and a spectacular one at it if we actually paid anything other than his wages – the suggestion of 4 million actually makes me shiver. In an area in which we used to excel, Squillaci joins the growing list of dud signings we have made over the years.

Another area in Arsenal that needs due attention in my opinion.

Merlin's Panini

Everyone makes shit signings. Get over it. At least ours don’t cost us £20million+
Red nose has signed a ton of shite in his time, so have Benitez, Redkrapp, Dalglish, Abramovich (I don’t believe a single Chelsea manager since Mourinho has actually had a say in their signings), and so on.

Domhuaille MacMathghamhna

LT the anti-Wenger AAA website known as LeGrove is that way……


One of the unluckiest guys ever to play for us.. Anyone who has seen him play before in France and spain will tell you he was never shit .. Sometimes average sometimes really good but never as shite/unlucky as he was for us. I hope they buy him for both our sakes .. Good luck Squiddy. As far as I can tell he has acted exemplary through what must have been a hard (embarrasing) period so he is fine by me..


On that note, does the club have any plans of retiring the number 18? Or at least not awarding it to french center backs.


Please Wenger don’t get an auction going with a reserved price, jut let him go to the highest bidder. @ elly, a tenner, ok you have won he is all yours!


Why dies everyone take our best players. Selling club


Actually when he signed I thought it was a good move. Experienced,seems good at reading the game and International class CB and the fact he looks decent/average whenever he played. But he turned a Silvestre-esque disaster of a signing. He will join the “honourable” list of CBs that “succeeded” at Arsenal.

“Honourable” list includes but not limited to:

Domhuaille MacMathghamhna

JAG…..why don’t you write another list…the great CB’s we have signed….that would be 4 times as long!

Hudson Hornet

Week in week out AFC and Wenger preach financial sustainability then go spunk 4m on this mediocre player and last year 2m on Park. + Wages and countless others.

Thank fuck something seems to be changing. I hope Arsene can get rid of this self acquired trash and bring in more quality.

Super quality is dreamland, just settle for good Arsene.

Rad Carrot

That’s not much, considering. Remember ten years ago when £30m plus was spunked away on Veron? He did fuck all for Utd. Carroll, Torres, Shevchenko, Aquilani… all these players were transferred for more money than our top signing! We might not have a sugar daddy, but £4m plus wages was a fair gamble. It didn’t pay off, so fair enough, but hindsight is always 20/20.

Hudson Hornet

Fair enough Mr Carrot, you do have a point.

Hudson Hornet

I suppose the 17m on Arshavin, 10m on Jeffers was just a bad dream.


If it helps, spud spend 17m on David Bentley.

Master Bates

17M on Arshavin worth it

4M on squid is understandable , the guy won league title and trophies . Flops are inevitable

Rad Carrot

Again, Arshavin had some good games for us – far more than Shevchenko and Aquilani did for their respective teams. I’ll concede Jeffers was a more expensive mistake, but I can forgive him as he came in with a number of other signings that one us the league that year. We have to spend money to try. We’re not always going to get the diamonds in the rough, but I can guarantee that we’re one of the most effective teams in the country for finding bargains. Just because a few don’t turn out as we want, doesn’t mean that we… Read more »

Domhuaille MacMathghamhna

Hotshit Horny……… know piss all…….there is no proof what was paid for any player….it is all BS but you will believe anything negative about AFc and Wenger………..just another mindless AAA!


shame he never made it but seriously..thank fuck!
complete bag of nerves anytime the ball came anywhere near him..
bye bye squill…
opens up a space in the squad

Naija Gunner

In fact this is gonna be the best transfer window for Arsenal, if all the news we are hearing are true.

And by the way let me seize this opportunity in bidding Squillaci “Adios Amigo” do have a good life away from the Emirates and you are welcome for visits anytime.


@elly, seems you might have an alternative ‘bidder’ in @Naija Gunner!


Naija, howsit mate? Very gracious post, shame more dont have the same values.


Good luck to him. Hope he can breathe a bit of life back into what’s left of his career.


Jesus, some of you people are sickening.

Yes, Squillaci was a bad, bad signing. It didn’t work out for Arsenal and, as a result, the poor bloke doesn’t exactly have his pick of clubs to resurrect his career. But he NEVER gobbed off about his lack of playing time, kept his head down, and stood up when called upon (which resulted in untold carnage on our defence, but Wenger picked him, not himself).

The same fans get all shirty when nobodies like Nasri mouth off to the press, but then subject Squillaci to the Hudson Hornet variety of comment.

Hudson Hornet

Calm down Sir.

We all have differing opinions, which may be tough for the Arsene Knows Best brigade to accept but thats life.

Converse and debate, dont whinge for gawdness sake.

Sickening my arse.


We’re not so much the “Arsene Knows Best Brigade” as we are the “Arsene Probably Knows Better Than We Do Brigade”. It’s all about deferring to a man who’s got more information, a better eye for talent, has won more silverware and signed better players than we’ve ever done. I think that’s sensibility, not sycophancy.

Domhuaille MacMathghamhna

WAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh another AAA crying in his beer…LeGrove webshite is that away mate……they miss you!


As usual lazy half arsed fuck wits paint things in black and white terms. he wasnt a bad defender for us, had a few ups and downs, but this slating of our players, including the snide last sentence to this piece of shit embarrasses the fuck out of me.


But he just wasn’t very good.

I wish him the best where ever he goes, just keep him out of The Arsenal IX.


I will pay for his flight!


In the Same vain as – St Totteringham’s Day – and just as regular
‘Happy Sack a Spud’s Day’


Igor Stepanovs and Stathis Tavlaridis. Who?


Stathis Tavlaridis was a prospect and shouldn´t be included in the duffers list. He wasn´t bought in to be a top player and didnt develop as hoped (probably due to that loan to Harry´s Portsmouth!).


please take him and the other dead wood in the team,


Prayers answered!


I agree with a few of the other comments, I do hope he does well somewhere else. We don’t need him nor do I rate him to wear the red and white, but he always seemed to be a decent chap and have a mentality to work hard. On another note, I loved him in FIFA because for about a month I had no idea why Martin Tyler would occasionally yell ENGLEHEART! when I had him in the side. Shows you what I know about former Sevilla players


Maybe THIS was the exciting news Gazidis mentioned! 😀


He’ll go to Brest. Who doesn’t want to play for a team named after the best body part in the universe?
I see us maybe recouping 10% of the payout we made to get him though….. 🙁


If he goes to Evian, I predict they’ll be in deep water next season. They won’t sign him though – they usually bottle it.

Back to my summer break.

Merlin's Panini

I think he’d make a splash there. If he doesn’t there may be waterworks.

Domhuaille MacMathghamhna

Its spelt Brest NOT breast!!


Thanks for everything.. I had a great time here. Too bad good times don’t last. I’ll love you gays forever…

*Waves goodbye in slow motion and runs off into a blinding white light*


Guys, let’s just hope the next CB Arsene signs isn’t given the number 18. It seems to be an unlucky number for our CBs – Cygan, Silvestre and now Squillaci. That said, there was nothing “unlucky” about Silvestre. He was always shite.


Bastia?? You clearly spelled Madrid wrong…

Merlin's Panini

Just dawned on me. Podolski squared up to Squillaci in the friendly against Koln last summer then signed the following season.
Previously there was a similar incident in a friendly with Vermaelen and RVP in the Emirates cup against Ajax.
Keep your eyes peeled in the preseason friendlies for opposition players starting on Gunners and we’ll surely see them in Red and White the next season.


Ok squillaci has so.far cost us 2.5 m in transfer fees and add-ons. we paid 2m plus 250 for each time we qualified for champions league. we also had add ons for each trophy won during his time here and for him making 100 appearances.
even so with the 55k wages he is still an expensive waste of space.

Merlin's Panini

And how much did we get for qualifying for the Champions League?
My heart bleeds for you, it really does.

Hudson Hornet

When you also take into account our wage bill there has been some wastage for sure but you cant argue with AW’s total net spend. Fantastic returns. There is however wastage in the wage bill, and funds maybe not better reinvested in the playing squad

Potential must come to victory atleast once in a decade – otherwise it becomes a bit of a joke.

Domhuaille MacMathghamhna

Where do you get these figures?


It’s the space they’re taking up that annoys me most. That, and the unwarranted amount of money they’re free-loading of us. And the shame … the deep embarrassment not in anyway relieved by opting to wear a paper bag in public … let’s not forget that. Add in the marginal possibility that one day they make it to the bench where misfortune manufactures a proper player to limp off and and improper one waffle on … And why do we have so many? From Squillaci and Denilson … to Bartley, Eastmond, and Lansbury*. We’ve loads. And we can’t get rid… Read more »

Merlin's Panini

Every team has its flops and it’s nothing new here either. Cygan, Bischoff, Silvestre, Jeffers, Helder, Stepanovs, Grimandi, Garde, McGoldrick, Morrow, Dickov, Kiwomya, Diawara, Wreh, Almunia, Malz, , Jensen, Caesar, Hillier, Marinello… I could go on. Shouldn’t get so worked up about it. Crap players have been making money out of club since time immemorial. It’s not their fault they were crap and if they could have left for first team football they would. Just takes time sometimes. The thing is, none of these players were regular starters, and most were never supposed to be, including the Squillster so let’s… Read more »

Hudson Hornet

Grimandi wasnt crap.

Merlin's Panini

I used to get the fear he would get sent off every time he came on. He wasn’t a good player. A defender/defensive midfielder who couldn’t tackle.

Eric Irish gunner

Grimandi was a legend, the innocent look on his face after he broke someone up was classic


You forgot to add sylvestre to the list of weird centre back signings


Just wanted to throw this out that does this mean we might now sign jan vert(however you spell his name) now that twitchy has gone back to twicthland and the squid going into the rainbow?

Domhuaille MacMathghamhna

How many CB’s do we need?


After he flashed his bits to the spuds? No thanks…

Eric Irish gunner

Fuck him he came out and said he was a spud

[…] matters Arsenal, such as they are, and there are suggestions that Sebastian Squillaci could be on his way out with three French clubs (Bastia, Evian and Brest) after his signature. He’s still just 31 […]


To me, Squillaci at 4M pounds was worth the risk. Over the years, I do feel the best wheeling and dealing manager is Wenger. Not biased or anything but about 75%(or more) of a time he gets value for money. Of course in this footballing climate of bazillionaires controlling football club like their tea cup playgrounds, getting value for money is hard but Wenger seems to been able to do it time and again.

p.s How can Arshavin be an expensive dud? His stats since he signed for us(bar this season) has been good.


Vertonghen? No. This fascination of Vertonghen is getting wee bit boring. Seen him play and he doesn’t seem those type of versatile defender that many claimed he is. He is a taller version of Vermaelen but less mobile compared to Vermaelen. He will find it hard to dislodge either of the Vermaelen and/or Kos and signing him on that price and the wages he is on would not really prove to be value for money. I rather have one of those Defenders from French league linked to us. We seemed to hit the mark when signing Defenders from the French… Read more »

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