Saturday, July 27, 2024

Denilson extends Sao Paulo loan for another 12 months

Denilson will remain on loan with Sao Paulo for a further 12 months according to reports in Brazil this evening.

Sao Paulo’s director of football Adalberto Bautista thrashed out a deal with Denilson’s representatives, which required the Brazilian side to increase the money on offer to Arsenal.

The club were looking for a permanent deal, with a number of clubs in Spain mooted, but Denilson has established himself in the Sao Paulo side despite not scoring a goal in nearly 70 appearances. It also means that his contract will have just 12 months to run at the end of this loan deal, thus making a permanent transfer fee more affordable.

Had the deal not been done, Denilson would have been expected to return for pre-season training this coming Monday.

So, at least some good transfer news today. We kid, we kid.

Sort of.

Thanks to @brazilgunners

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This is why Van Persie isn’t signing a new contract. We need to show ambition and get Denilson on a new, long term contract.


If getting rid of denilson for another 12 months doesn’t show ambition then I don’t know what does.
Fingers crossed rvp realises this.

Runcorn Gooner

It’s the first time I have heard of hiding good news on a bad news day

Biggus Dickus

Nail on the head mate!

Bendys Pants

What!! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo… I wanted him to be made captain 🙁


Because it would assure he leaves next summer?


Oh fuck off Denilson! We’ve got bigger problems here to deal with.

Pissed Gunner

Sorry Denilson but nows not a good time mate.


At least i can smile with this news after the trickery and lies that dutchman performed and said today.


It is ridiculous that we can’t shift this stain, sorry but it’s embarrassing that he still has 2 yrs left on his contract and he’s on so much money nobody can even put in a cheeky bid! It’s not the kids fault but it’s mental, I love wenger but this sort of gamble fell flat on its face, all the while VPs contract withered away!

Danish Gooner

No one wants to buy the fucker,nice one Arsene.Lets put other rubbish on 60 grand a week and see how easily we ship them of……..Ohh you already did that,thanks uncle Arsene.

Arsene's bottle of water

Not 100% of his wages. I’d be very surprised if they are. That is, if he’s really on £60k a week, then roughly £240 a month, that would mean R$760k Reais (Brazilian currency) a month. Only top players earn this kind of money in Brazil. Needless to say, our lad Denilson is not one of them.


As long as the loanee club (e.g. Sao Paulo) is paying the player on loan (e.g. Denilson), I am totally fine with more loans to open up some room for more quality signings.

Sajit Kunnumkal

They pay his full wages. Stop trolling

Malaysian Gooner

I’m pretty sure if there is a loan fee (as in the loan is not for a young player to gain first team experience), more often than not – the player renegotiates his pay with the loan club. As in Denilson may have been paid 60k at Arsenal but he may only be paid 20k at SP. And Arsenal don’t have to pay the difference.

The reason why Arsenal want to sell him quickly is because his value can only drop while at SP.

Could be wrong though. Feel free to correct me.

Piers Morgan's punchable face

Well, at least there’s one piece of good news tonight.

[…] Denilson has been loaned to São Paulo for another year. This comes on the heals of news that Campbell was loaned to Real Betis. Pretty impressive that Gazidis can sign off on two loan deals in three days while he’s on a “two-week vacation.” […]

big dawg

I feel so smug when I hear m Piers Morgans comments…lnowing he’s a cunt but he’s still an Arsenal fan

Luton Gooner

Meh !

Eric Irish gunner


[…] 来源:[Arseblog News] […]


It’s a good move for him. He isn’t such a bad player so we may need him someday


I have to be the one to ask, why the hell do we do something like this? What good is it to keep this guy around and just let another team use him? Surely we can get like a million for him and a bag of tacos and call it a day?

Cygan's Right Foot

Because no team has met the £4.9m value we have put on him. While i’m sure we all want him off the wage bill permanently and would accept less, the club have obviously taken into account the cost of training and wages and have come up with a reasonable valuation


Finally some good news.

Armchair gooner

I think some fans have been taking arsene for granted, his talent, commitment and true loyalty are hard to come by, While other clubs are sacking managers and failing to stay in touch with the mega rich, failing to qualify for the champions league, arsene is keeping us at the top table. I think fans need to step back and realise we are in the toughest league in the world, fact. All concerned want titles for arsenal, but it’s not ‘football manager’, all teams can train hard and play well all year and still fail, that’s life. Football might be… Read more »

It is what it is

Thank you


Why are we being nice to a player who’s slagged us off in the press by allowing him a comfortable loan in his hometown again?
I could see doing this if it were 2013 now and the World Cup were about to begin, as if might improve Denilson’s chances of making the Brazilian squad (and thus be sold for a higher price after the tournament). However, I think we should just cash him out.

Cygan's Right Foot

So you’d rather keep him around the club even after his comments? Personally i’d like him to be as far away as possible and Brazil is pretty far from Colney


As an Arsenal FC and Sao Paulo FC fan, I can say Denilson would never have a chance of making the brazilian World Cup squad. Sao Paulo are quite short on Defending Mids, that’s why we keep him, but even among brazilian league players he’s not very above average, a ways from the top players in his position.

For this reason and for unreasonable money requirements I don’t think Sao Paulo would ever buy him.


I can believe that no one wants to buy him but another loan ,I mean come on ……If im borrowing fucking something its sugar and milk from next door.

Cygan's Right Foot

Would you like to have Squillaci on loan as a butler or something?


One of the best passing percentages at the club, yet we keep Diaby on high wages who has had a worse injury record that our captain who is now f’ing off.


That sentence applied to Van Persie when he was injured. & now he has fucked the club, fans and manager. Especially Wenger, absolutely fucking betrayed by a man who was part of the reason why Arsenal were not winning any fucking titles, because he spends most of his time on the treatment table having a fucking horse placenta on his leg. I dunno why but this felt worst than Na$ri.

Cygan's Right Foot

You mean the percentage of sideways and backwards passes that Ramsey has now taken a battering from fans about? I take it that it’s one rule for one, and one rule for another then….


Possession is possession, the other team can’t score if we have the ball, I wouldn’t expect you to know about that though.
wtf you talking about Ramsey for, not related?


Lets keep cutting out the cancers rvp denilson bendtner and any other fucker who doesnt want to play for us. there are hundreds of top quality players that do want to play for us and some are already at the club.
wenger should just call a meeting and get a hands up from the players on who wants to stay fight for their shirt and try to win trophies and who wants to fuck off

sell him

Sell that dutchman to the sheep!

why is my name required

Boooo Rvp you don’t know what your doing

Runcorn Gooner

One way to move forward is to tighten at the back….then we wouldn’t need
to score so many goals (though it would be good) .Its not rocket science.
To RVP .In football it can be a here today..gone tomorrow world.Never forget you
won those awards with AFC .
You will get all the money but will you get the same credit..doubt it

Cygan's Right Foot

He fucks you over when he wants,
He fucks you over when he wants,
Robin van Persie,
Fucks you over when he wants


To the same tune:
He’s here for himself,
He’s here for himself,
Robin van persie,
He’s here for himself.

Lord Teddy Ears

Is it me or does Denilson have a really square head and if we agree he does then whats the stats on headed goals for him ?

As for RVP he has shown no class to a club who have supported him and a fanbase that loves him.

So like all those others before you FUCK OFF as you have no class and maybe just maybe you should have taken a leaf out of you fellow country man Dennis who has class you can never hope to have.

the only sam is nelson

can we make bendtner skipper for the new season? that way he’ll score 35 goals and become worth £30m to Citeh.

or, perhaps, captain marouanne has a certain ring to it

got to say that we now have some big, quick forwards in the squad – are we going to see a 424 arsenal next season with full on wing play and a couple of big lads heading them in every week?


By the way blogs your piece on ‘ rotten gone persie’ was absolutely top class.
Ever read something and for some reason you can’t stop nodding your head in agreement?……………

yeah that’s how precise it was.

big black clock

I wish I cared more about this news

glory hunter

I know this wont be a popular opinion, but as RVP is definitely leaving, shouldn’t we just sell him to any other club apart from man city even if the offer is much less.
I would rather sell him to Juve or PSG for £15M than Man city for £25M
But that’s assuming RVP wants to go to either of those clubs.

Cos if we take the highest offer, what makes us so different from RVP???

the only sam is nelson

personally i think we should hold him to the last year of his contract

maybe use him as an impact sub or when other first team players are injured

then after we are crowned champions 2013, he can fuck off on a free, claiming that he wants to win trophies and it’s not about money.


I actually can’t believe the lack of support and respect you guys are showing to one of OUR players. He was never a bad player, but people just wants to remember the few bad moments in several years. Stomach “injury”, confidence/fitness issues and Wilshere ruined him.

Stop supporting individual players, hating on others instead of supporting the whole club like you should do.

glory hunter

Well said Nico! the irony is, we are moaning cos RVP wants to leave but on the other hand we want the club to get rid of Denilson, regardless of if he wants to stay or not. Just like we ridicule Bendtner and no one minds if he leaves but we all know RVP is quality and the fact that he doesn’t want to stay hurts, but instead of us admitting it hurts, we call him greedy, ungrateful and selfish! Rather than blame anyone, we need to find a solution that prevents our best players from leaving every summer. Cos… Read more »


Ha Denilson. If anyone typified Wenger’s idiotic youth policy it’s him. Overrated, overused and overpaid. Can’t get rid of him now. This is what happens when you put kids on obscene money before they’ve proved their worth. Multiply by 20 and you have the mess that is Arsenal’s wage bill – invented and implemented by Mr Economics degree Wenger, the man is a buffoon.

Cygan's Right Foot

So it’s Wenger and not Gazidis and before him Dein that sits down with the players agents to discuss wages… You are an idiot. Another anti-Wenger fan who doesn’t seem to know how the clubs dealings work but are happy to slag off Arsene. This isn’t football manager oft FIFA, the manager doesn’t sit down and do contracts. He says which players he wants and then it’s up to other people to sort out the deals


Wrong. Wenger and the board are completely interlinked and they act on his advice. The decision to pay young players extortionate wages did not come from the board but Wenger’s command – it was his policy, to build a youth team and give them massive wages to stop them being poached by other clubs. Wenger also decides the terms on the loan contracts, everything, all the board does is cross the Is and the Ts. Educate yourself for god’s sake.

Cygan's Right Foot

I did, it seems to me that you haven’t. You spew an incorrect opinion as if it’s fact and show a lack of knowledge of how it works

[…] Denilson has extended his loan spell with Sao Paolo for a further twelve months. Nice guy though he is, it tells you a lot about the disproportionate amount of money he was being […]

[…] then stay, ass.  If not, bugger off & leave the keys on the table. In other Arsenal news, Denilson does get his loan at São Paulo extended, so for those who would have been perturbed about having to switch back their scapegoat angst to […]


Oh neves dennis!!! Can’t you just be a good boy and let a young nice arsenal fan rest by not making the news?… Well atleast its good news and come take young who and shisha with you will you?…thanks now that’s a good boy

[…] Denilson has extended his loan spell with Sao Paolo for a further twelve months. Nice guy though he is, it tells you a lot about the disproportionate amount of money he was being […]

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