Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Former Gunner given Academy role

Former Gunner Kwame Ampadu has re-joined the club as an academy coach.

He joins from Exeter City where he has been under 18s coach under manager Paul Tisdale. Speaking to exetercity.co.uk, the former Republic of Ireland U21 international said, “I am delighted to receive a fantastic opportunity like this at such a huge club and I was really really happy to get the offer.

“I’ll be predominantly working full time with the Under 14s to begin with at a club where I spent three unbelievable years from 1988 after coming over from Ireland aged 17,” he said.

“Everyone knows the sort of club Arsenal is and what it stands for and luckily enough the way we try to play football in our youth set-up here at Exeter, trying to get the kids to pass the ball, is what they do there as well.

“Arsenal have a reputation of blooding young talent and City are very much in the same vein, if the managers think the players are good enough then they’ll play them.

“There are plenty of legendary figures throughout the set up at the club and I’ll just be going about my business quietly and keeping my head down!”

Midfielder Ampadu played just twice for Arsenal, coming on as a substitute against Derby County in a first division clash in February 1990 before making his final appearance a week later against Everton.

He was tranfered to West Brom in 1991 and also played for Swansea, Leyton Orient, Exeter City and Newport County.

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Rollo Tommasi

Welcome back home Kwame!


Kwame reminds me of history class. Let’s see if he can show the boys the future.


does this mean steve gatting is moving up from U16’s to the U18’s managers role and that whoever was U14 manager is taking the U16’s spot


Kwame’s back!!!!, ah who am I kidding? I don’t know the first thing about the guy but still, he’s BACK!!!.


True testament to the saying ” you never really leave Arsenal”. Welcome back!.

Midfield Corporal

Fuck me, you know you’re getting old when you remember Bumping into a young trainee called Kwame Ampadu on the steps of the old east stand entrance. Great soul glo hair and Kool and the Gang moustache I recall.


Seems like a nice young man. 😉


Watched ‘Pat’ Ampadu many times down the Vetch for Swansea City in my youth. A truly committed midfielder, I hope this rubs off on the youngsters to get them ready for the First Team

John Connolly

AAAAAMMMPA-DU-DU-DU- Ampa-ampa-ampa-du

Solid workhorse midfelder, and a bit of a nutter if i remember his time at the swans.


Eddie Magoldrick to coach the Under 2’s?

Midfield Corporal

Eddie McGoldrick, the start of Georgie Graham’s demise. Flog The Super Swede and bring in Eddie and Jimmy Carthorse.


Then the cherry on the cake Glenn helder. The Dutch Lionel Ritchie


Under 2’s?, rvp will take care of that, he is all about looking to the future.

Adam, Watford

. . . or throwing his toys out of the pram.

Tantrum training first exercise of the day.

Waaaaah ! Trophies . . . waaaah ! Money . . . waaaaaaah ! Ambition . . . etc.


No RvP would be an agent. He does not agree with club’s way forward. This is good for his wallet.

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Never thought ide hear that name again. A real blast from the past.
Nice to see that he was still earning a living from the game.

Eric Irish gunner

Haha I just about remember him with his good paddy name welcome back kwame

Merlin's Panini

Kwame again?


Ledknee king finally retires……his knee just won’t let him humiliate himself in a totts shirt anymore. Now let’s rip this sp*d defence apart, shall we?

the only sam is nelson

that’s the north bank in the background, there… *wipes tear from eye*

ah those were the days

from teh look of it we must have been playing coventry that day


Anyone remember Steve williams that guy was filthy ?

North bank used to chant stevies gonna getcha

an outsourcer writes...

i remember going away to st james’ park in november 1988

the gallowgate were chucking fireworks at stevie whenever he went up to take a corner at their end

from williams’ reaction they might have well been throwing candy floss at him



Paul Davis was placid as a player but when pushed over the edge… MEAN left hook

Tom Hall

That is QPR is it not? And must be a reserve game. Kit from 1990-2. Great pic of the terraces.

vinny harrison

best of luck kmame ljke your old mentor take no shit

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