Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger: trio set to leave

Arsene Wenger says that he expects a number of departures this week as the club return to London after their Asia tour.

With the futures of Robin van Persie and Theo Walcott still to be decided, some of the fringe players in the squad are due to find themselves new clubs and the names will not be a surprise to anyone.

“Bendtner, Squillaci and Park will be on their way to go somewhere,” he said. The Danish striker caught the eye with his goals and underpants at Euro 2012 and has been linked with clubs like Celta Vigo, Galatasaray and AC Milan.

Squillaci had been talking to newly promoted French side Bastia but a move was ruled out because of financial issues. Having signed from Sevilla there have been one or two stories suggesting a return to La Liga might be a possibility and the finances on offer might well accommodate a deal.

As for Park, who the hell knows? It will certainly go down as one of Arsene Wenger’s strangest transfer deals – if indeed it was one of his deals – and the South Korean’s stock could hardly be lower. He ruled out a move to Emirates side Al Ain last week so where he ends up is anybody’s guess.

Meanwhile, Wenger hinted Andrei Arshavin may remain at the club in spite of strong interest from Zenit to take him ‘home’. Mrs Arshavin is pregnant with their third child and is reportedly keen to stay in London. A loan move to Fulham has been mooted but Wenger said,  “Arshavin, it depends. We have to sit together and talks. He could still have a future at the club.”

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Hahahaha. I always hated those comments.. Anyway I think Arshavin could be a good impact sub. Even if RVP goes, Arsenal (if we get Cazorla) will have an excellent team on paper for the first time since 2008. We have the right mix of experience and youth too. I’m really looking forward to the new season.


Bugger. As soon as I jump on a trend, that boat has already sailed.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

At least you had the sense to jump ship to the MV Humourous Posts.

Barry McKenzie

What about if I said we’ll be FIRST in the leauge this year!
Congratulations to the Arshavins for the new baby, he’s a bit lazy for the wing sometimes but maybe AM would suit him better.

mj the goon

well,he is not lazy in the bedroom…


Haha… Arseblogger you beauty.


Oh yes… sounds like they’re making room in the wage structure. Oh what a summer it would be if we got Cazorla and Sahin. Ouch!!!


Park who?


What? Park is leaving?
Off to burn that no 9 shirt now.
Eduardo and now park!!.
T-shirt no 9 is not good business at all.


Shit. Thought it said Wenger to leave. Panic Over.

[…] manager also spoke about potential departures, suggesting at least three players could be on their way out. Bendtner, Squillaci and Park will be on their way to go somewhere. Arshavin, it depends. We have […]

Anthony Iyamah

Diaby should be on the list of players to leave.

gooner from bangladesh

If Diaby stays fit, he’ll be one of the best players for us this season.


I’ve got a feeling Diaby will have a great season. Hopefully he won’t do an ‘RvP’ next summer. Re: One good season.

Cygan's Left Foot

Why didn’t he include the useless shesha smoker in that list????

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Cygan, Adel Taarabt doesn’t actually play for Arsenal, so we’re not allowed to sell him.

Tenacious Defence

What a brilliant comment… NOT.


Yeah, he should leave.
We are waiting him to deliver for too long.
And he does not have the footballing brain.
You know, he does not know when to kick the ball to safety / when to dribble and when to pass the ball quickly – these are instincts, you cant teach all these.
And same is the case with Walcott.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

If in doubt ask an expert.

Now, all we need is to find an expert, and stop listening to this moaning minnie.


Is it only me or is Wenger a little more open when talking about transfers these few weeks?


He is a lot more open because the fans have demanded more transparency and the Eastern media are more friendly. A few of his quotes surprised me but he is still keeping most things secret. He hasn’t said anything too revealing about our transfer plans, but that’s only a good thing.


the fans always demanded transparency – I think its more that’s he done with these three and basically has asked any club to pick them up at whatever price they want.

Alex Song's already been booked!

Good to hear something from the boss about these players, even if it’s as vague as “on their way to go somewhere”.
To be fair to Big Nick, I’d rather have him around than Chamakh, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

It could just mean he’s making them walk to Sunderland to save on air fare.

Jose Ozorio

Gervinho Motm against Kitchee. Song, Ox and Theo the most popular players. Alex Song had the media in the palm of his hand.


The ladies went in for some salon advice i’m guessing, tbh I too would be all in songs face. He seems quiter than all the guys but talks best when on the pitch.


Yeah, J.Y. Park, what a strange transfer. If Arsene is set to sell Park or loan him out, he should do it promptly for everyone’s interest. We need to move on and he needs to move on. I think we owe him at least that much. Personally, assuming Park wants to stay in Europe, my bet is on a sale back to a Ligue 1 team.

Der Springer

Unless there is some secret reason for not giving Park any playing time then I think AFC owes him an apology for wasting a full season of his career. I know that he was paid handsomely for doing nothing (a dream job for most of us) but I am pretty sure that he also loves playing football. All I mean by apology is that there is some public recognition of his sacrifice. I really hope that we can find a team for him where he will be given the chance for some game time.


The signing of Park was a waste of time. He did not play any game and frankly I feel sorry for him. I blame the fm who was desperate last summer.Llet’s hope there is no repeat.
As for RVPI hope Arsenal cup tie him for the cl. That will send a signal the gunners are not hard uo for the 20 million. If they do,that shows they are no longer big club which continues to sell its best players.These were the words of the fm last summer.


Park but no chamakh cos he is miles ahead of Maroune or maybe nobody wants him
but park was good for the U-23 team

gunn cabinet

It would be nice if they went to a workplace where they actually work for their money for a change.


where and when did arsene say this?


Am feeling quite optimistic this season.

Los Polandos

Anybody else thinking that Theo may want to run his contract, so that he gets to leave on bosman and join his beloved liverpuke, who otherwise wouldn’t be able to pay him what he thinks he’s worth? It must be monday that makes such a disgusting idea appear perfectly logical to me.

Eric Irish gunner

Maybe right and he’ll end up like joe cole did

Rad Carrot

Gave you a thumbs up because I don’t believe pessimistic remarks should be voted down simply because someone might not like what you’re saying.

I’m worried, I’d like to keep Theo, but if he goes he goes, and this could be something he might do.

Los Polandos

I do not actually think that i’m pessimistic. If I, being Arsenal supporter, played for a different team in the league, that is exactly what i would do.
Having said that, thanks for noting that not liking the idea is very often a reason to thumb somebody down around here. Thumbs down should be used to indicate agree/disagree with a point made, rather than I-sure-like-that-form-of-indulgment/fuck-off-you-must-be-a-rotten-spud…

glory hunter

You could just be rotten?!?!

Eric Irish gunner

I’d like him to stay too but he’d want to be more consistent before he demands what he’s looking for


i will be so happy if wenger can keep nicklas bendtner he is better then charmch when Rvp leave he can replace him pls to wenger to keep him as this new strikers dont have the experience for the premier leaug nicklas bendtner can lead our line


Nooooo, how can we allow park to leave?, he has scored many goals for us..right, right, they we’re all international.

So meh.


I hope we finish our transfers before the Sunderland game. By the way, when was the last time we had a good start in the league? I think it was in 2007.


2009. We beat Everton 6-1, then Portsmouth 4-1.

Los Polandos

Which was followed by two defeats against mancuntians. I think 2007 was the last start to wet everyone’s pants. God I swear I could smell Fergie shit his pants. Which was unusual back then, his sphincters being bit younger.


Oh please, it’s about time we let him go. Yes he’s good but with more additions coming in and the unending trust that wenger has in chamakh coming good I don’t think he’l have enough time to impress.


Fantastic news. These departures will soften the Cazorla transfer fee and leave some room for even more potent players. COYG

TGSTEL's First Touch

What if we play against Qatar or Kuwait? Who will bag in the hat tricks for us?
#keepark (is that what you do on facebook?)
Lots Of Love.


Steps in the right direction.


a good start

what about chamack, djourou, fabianski, mannone etc etc

Merlin's Panini

Trio! trio! i want a trio and i want one now! Erm… but not that one.


Hey Arseblog, what is the source for these qoutes? Would be interesting. A newspaper?


This one’s definetly legit. It’s everywhere.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

You can’t take “It’s everywhere” as your guide. All the newspapers jump in on the same story all the time, and they all do it as an exclusive.


This is time for arsenal Board to sit up and know W̸ƕα̲̅ƭ to do and. Buy correct players Because all fans expect trophy from the club for this new season an wenger have work to do on Diaby , chamak, Djoru or try to loan them out because D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥y are not capable to stay in the club again arsenal we need cazorla we need Trophy ooo

Rad Carrot

Are you typing that on a potato?

Mark Renton

I don’t remember Arsene been this upfront about players that will depart.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

He didn’t say they were departing, he only said they will be going somewhere. He could mean the pub.

Le Professeur

I do hope Tomas Rosicky will be utilised more often in midfield this season. His range of passing, if not for his poor injury record, would put him on par with the likes of Xavi and Iniesta. On his day, he’d be a real threat with his incisive runs and pinpoint passes. I’d also like to see Marouane Chamakh stay. When he initially signed for Arsenal, you could see that he was a capable finisher. He led the attack well and grabbed a few goals in the absence of RVP. Now that RVP is firing on all cylinders, I think… Read more »


Ramsay has been great for team gb at the Olympics, get off his back, we’re gonna need him this year. I am so excited for our Number 1 superstar AOC, could he dominate the premier league at such a young age.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Strangely enough Ramsey, Giggs and Bellamy are the driving force of Team GB.

Or perhaps it’s not so strange as two of them are seasoned pros enjoying a rare moment in the international limelight, while the other is an up and coming star of the future who has already become his National team captain.

I still wish they’d chosen Beckham instead of Fuckyer Richass. His disgustingly selfish behaviour is probably what triggered RVPs little outburst.

Barry McKenzie

Ramsey was poor last season but I you shouldn’t write him off. I don’t know if a loan deal might help. He could hit the ground running this year.

Der Springer

This comment makes many points – some of which I agree with and some not. A 15 to 1 thumbs down is a little harsh. My opinion: On Rosicky – no vote because I would love to see what you suggest happen but I can’t see it because of his injury history and age. On Chamakh – Thumbs up. I believe that he could be a great striker and that last season he was a victim of circumstance. On Ramsey – Thumbs down. I think the problems he was having at latter portion of last season were a result of… Read more »

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

You’d find masturbation a better pastime than following cretins on twitter. Addictive, but not disconcerting. Take it from an expert. I’m a wanker you know. My wife tells me so on a regular basis.


squillaci < Chamakh < park < arshavin < bendtner

if we can get all those 5 out it opens up 5 places in the 25 man squad.

cazorla sahin mbwia sakho capoue = sorted

Lord Teddy Ears

I wish the guys the best of luck I have to go with the other posters here that would have liked to see Nick work out and maybe Chamakh leave but as we have all seen time and time again just because you have a talent does not mean you are the best in the world. As for Theo well he is playing a silly game I still feel he has a lot to prove at Arsenal before he starts to demand. However these footballers never learn and never get it that Agents only really make money when players are… Read more »


Does that mean that three full mature international slots have now opened up in the 25 man roster? Or is it only two with B52 being deemed home-grown?

Either way I still wish (unkindly, I know) that it were Chamakh before Bendtner.

Dr Baptiste

2 as NB is homegrown. It might actually lower our 25 total due to one less homegrown player needed for the quota but i may be wrong


Good luck to Park! I hope he finds a good team and gets into their starting 11. He scored for South Korea against Switzerland this weekend. Still don’t know who/why we signed him but I think he deserves better.

Squid & Bendtner can’t leave soon enough! Goodbye!

Hope they go to make room for a couple new signings.

AA23… I won’t be surprised if he stays but Wenger better hammer him with the fact that his lazy & seemingly uninterested attitude while on the pitch will NOT be tolerated.


TEAM GB OLYMPICS; I went to Wembley yesterday to support TeamGB in the footie. I must say Ramsey played well. I think being surrounded by elder Welsh Men in the team may be helping him and his confidence. Bravo Giggs and Bellamy. ARSENAL: Three players leaving… plus! Maybe! Unsure! RVP. Wow Arsene is being active this summer. You all can’t complain too much…especially as the market is so broke (Europe) and his intent is carefully placed to the mast of his intending incomings. Bravo Arsene. PRE; SEASON: I really want to travel to Germany but it’s the weekend of the… Read more »


Also I would be wary of the Number 9 shirt at Arsenal…. Please shy away from it.

[…] 来源:[Arseblog News] […]


i wont be surprised if none of them left.

Barry McKenzie

You sound like Marvin the paranoid android.


Arshavin is a very good player.. He just plays in the wrong position. Just put him behind the striker and he’ll play well. Rmember the bolton game with park. I dont get park situation, he hasnt even been given a chance. Seen him at olympics and he’s a very clever player…


I think Arshavin is worth another go, on his day he’s a fantastic player, we just need him and put his heart into it again….and step away from the pie’s!!

[…]  From a few days ago, Arséne Wenger, doing a cameo as Captain Obvious, reiterated that indeed a trio of playerss will be leaving.  There’s no surprise names on there except the one that’s been getting […]

[…] good news, then that Arsene Wenger has confirmed, that the unproductive trio of Niklas Bendtner, Sebastien Squillaci and Park Chu-Young are set to leave. Personally I would prefer Bendtner staying over Chamakh, but clearly he feels he is at the peak of […]

[…] manager also spoke about potential departures, suggesting at least three players could be on their way out. Bendtner, Squillaci and Park will be on their way to go somewhere. Arshavin, it depends. We have […]

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