Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Bendtner furiously winking in Italy. Apparently

According to reports in Italy, Nicklas Bendtner could seal a move to Juventus before the end of the transfer window. Or it could be AC Milan. Or maybe Inter Milan. Or Genoa. Or Fiorentina. Or somewhere else in Italy.

Panicked by the fact that their favoured strike option, Spanish international Fernando Llorente, has yet to agree a deal with the Old Lady, Tuttosport and Gazzetta della Sport (among others) today claim that the Dane’s representatives have been contacted about a move to Turin.

Yesterday it was AC Milan who were linked with the 24-year-old; local rags suggesting that The Greatest Striker That Ever Lived could fill the void left by Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Perhaps Silvio Berlusconi enjoys the company of egocentric Scandinavian footballers when he Bunga Bungas…who knows?

One thing seems certain amidst the uncertainty – Bendtner and his agent Tom Brookes, having spent the summer twiddling their thumbs and precociously drawing up a list of requirements, are now desperately trying to sort a move away from Emirates with Italy the favoured destination.

Will he get what he wants? Only time will tell…

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good riddance


Let’s keep him just for the growth of the arsenal brand. Flash his new arsenal pants in a club and taddaah, everyone is all over sudden excited about arsenal!.

We need fans!.

What's my name?

Just frigging go, will you! Enough already with the talk of being so much in demand from all over Europe and yet with absolutely nothing to show for it. Was nice knowing you.

gnarly charlie

to bad rubbish


Apparently, as soon as Bendtner lands at the airport, he’s gonna declare himself as The Greatest Italian That Ever Lived.

Sol Goodman

Go get you shine box!

Sol Goodman

I mean, go get your shine box!

I’ll go get mine as well.




Well here’s something interesting.


Apparently we’ve signed him (shirt no 17) or a photo shop. I have no fucking idea what to believe.


Photoshop, don’t get excited.


The photoshop I see usually involve players posing in jerseys but this i must say is kinda different. I mean a photoshoped webpage?. It maybe a leak, we’ve seen that all the time.
And about not being excited, I’m sorry, I totally am.


What a winker

Trex d' Gunner

I wouldn’t mind volunteering to drive him to the airport. Hasta la vista dude


Doubt it’s Fiorentina. They got Berbatov now it seems & they wouldn’t want to pay the wages of both players…

Seriously, how is it that he hasn’t left yet? What are his 3 demands? Fuck me I’m getting annoyed 🙂


What are his 3 demands?
1) Recognition, written into the contract, that he is TGSTEL.
2) A salary commensurate with being TGSTEL.
3) A “do not touch” agreement with the local constabulary.

Unfortunately as he isn’t, he ain’t getting it and everyone’s plod love an easy nick, I think we’re stuck with him.


he is not asking for much is he? I wonder if anyone would be sad (in whole of UK ) to see him go?

Bobby Pires

Arsene is clearing the wankers out of the club, and this is one massive step there.

Bye and dont let your ego slam on the door frame.

Bendtner's Ego

You leave me out of this!!

glory hunter

No one goings to take the donkey, we are stuck with him!

Lord Teddy Ears

Lets all chip in and get rid of the fucker !!!


The story is inaccurate. The player that the Italians are trying to get their hands on is actually Bendtner’s brother, you all know him by sight, played well for Denmark recently. They look fairly similar but one is interested in scoring goals whilst the other prefers shots of rohypnol.


I actually work with a couple of the fellas that rep Nick. He went for a some drinks last night and ended up waddling up to the negotiating table this morning with his trousers around his ankles, telling everyone in the room that “he could buy them if he wanted”. We’re holding out for £175 p/w.

Darren Dein's Nipples

It’s like Henry leaving all over again… Oh god, the pain.

santi's panties

Rumors have it that the club will keep him to promote a new line of Arsenal F.C. underpants


If I buy a pair of a paddys will he be gone?. I’ll say bendtner needs to flash it more in ITALY.

The Grammar Nazi

You shouldn’t put full stops after exclamation marks.

Bobby Pires

You are supposed to be a Grammar Nazi yet you make an error yourself.

It’s a Question Mark…

Its not good when the alleged Grammar Gestapo make an blooper like that…

The Grammar Nazi

I did actually notice that. But his earlier post had a full stop after an exclamation mark. I was merely testing the good people of Arseblopolis to see if they had the skills to detect such awful grammar. In this case, I would like to offer you a golden ticket to the gilded halls of the Grammar Nazis, from where we shall devise plans to crush those who perpetrate bad grammar against the blogosphere.

Sol Goodman

Can we have another Nuremberg trial for the grammar Nazi?

Tenacious Defence

It’s going to be a busy last few hours before the window shuts, eh?


It shows there is something wrong with him that he is still with us at this point!!

Either its his wages, his ego or his list of requirements that new club must meet!!

Most likely all three


Does anyone know how much we are asking for him ?


Does it really matter? Let him just go please!!!!!


arsene knows..




Tree fiddy

Parisian Weetabix

First time I ever went to an Arsenal match was against Villa. We were 1-0 down thanks to a Senderos OG, and it was the 93rd minute. Then Bacary Sagna whips a beautiful ball in, there’s a scramble, and who was it that smashed the ball in to secure the point?

Nicklas Bendtner.

So goodbye Nick. You always were a dick with a massive ego, but perhaps I’ll remember you more fondly than most.

Fergie the Gooner

I remember when he came off the bench against sp*rs and thundered home that header with his first touch. I don’t think he’s as bad a player as everyone says, it’s his knobbish personality that lets him down…


And he doesn’t even have a knobbish personality – just people who think they know footballers on the strength of two magazine interviews.

80 starts, 40 goals – that’s what i remember. Oh and the underpants thing.


Ah, and i mean appearances not starts.

Fergie the Gooner

Fair enough, maybe saying he’s a knob isn’t quite right. I met the guy last summer, cracked a joke with him and he seemed to be a likeable fella. What I was trying to get at are the incidents that seem to follow him around like the egotistical statements, car vandalism, dropped trousers and of course the paddy pants. It’s trouble that we can do without.

Midfield Corporal

A more telling stat would be chance/conversion rate.

The guy is a joke, to me he is the epitome of our failings over the last 5 years as a club. Overpaying mediocre arrogant players with a poor work ethic. I will always remember his hatful of missed sitters against burnley and his embarrassing goading of orient or Huddersfield fans after shanking one in in the FA cup. Please just shut up and leave.


Ha! Remember his awesome showing against Leyton Orient? Ah…those were the good times.


It just goes to show how an emotional moment like that can tie a player to your heart-strings forever. God, I miss Senderos.

Merlin's Panini

It seems like he just likes talking to people. Never actually fucks off.


“Hi, Milan? What you doooin?”


Heh. This is a transfer worth being called a saga. If Wenger could right a book on his last summer, maybe TGSTEL should make a film on, erm, his life. I would watch it.

Merlin's Panini

it would just be like Dumb and Dumber, with Lee Cattermole.

Sol Goodman

There would have to be a scene in it like when Alan Partridge get’s drunk on a larger, gin n tonic and a baileys (lady boys). Oooh lady boys!

Merlin's Panini

naturally Bendtner’s drink would be spiked, of course.


At least he’s open about wanting to leave, unlike some of the other deadweight which just sticks around and feeds of the wages.


I still can’t believe we turned down Barcelona’s offer of Messi + Cesc as a trade for Bendtner. I mean we’d be getting 2 players for 1! Sure we lose TGSTEL but we get two players!


Oh, come on, you and I both know their wage demands would fall outside our wage structure.

Dolgion Ch.

Footballers are disgustingly spoiled people, money is destroying football….just saying


Never heard it put quite like that before. Have you considered a career in punditry?


I do hope that isn’t a typo in the title.

Mark the spark

Wish I knew what had gone wrong. I know he’s not brilliant but compared to Vela and Chamakh he’s a useful prop to the squad, fact is he did pop up with some important last minute goals before.
Yes I know he also popped up with some gasping missed sitters as well lol

Martin Keown is my hero

We are not selling any more players until just before the deadline closes…then we’ll sell Theo, Nick, Chamakh, Park. The reason for the delay in doing the deals is so that the board can say it is too late to buy anyone with the money and they’ll trouser the 20-30 million.

So I heard anyway……………


I’ve read a lot of comments stating that “if Walcott goes we need to replace him”, and “we desperately need to sign a CAM or DM or striker or GK or LB or whatever”. I am not so sure we will see any more signings this summer, regardless if Walcott stays or goes. We have brought in three players already. Santi replaces song, podolski for walcott and giroud for RVP. Obviously none of these are like-for-like replacements. I have no knowledge of Arsenals finances nor this mystery man Koenke. So my question to anyone with insight or any knowledge is… Read more »

Midfield Corporal

The accounts are published yearly for everyone to see, have a look at the Swiss ramble who breaks the figures down so they are more understandable to Jo Public.
Neither Kronke or any shareholder receives dividends, it seems we generally break even or make a small profit. If you look at the income and expenditure for this window we come out of it slightly in credit, it seems this money is being saved incase we miss out on CL football.


If Llorente is stalling on a deal then how about a swap for Bendtner ??


because bendtner isnt basque and bilbao play only basque player maybe……….


Why write on this pointle
ss story……….next please

the only sam is nelson

We’ll always have the day he came off the bench and slammed in a header from a corner against Spuds with his first touch. For that, and for twatting Adebayor, Bendtner will retain a measure of affection in my book. Of course the rest of the time he was a total fucking pillock. I mean how can you go to Sunderland and piss them off so much that not only do they offer £13m for Steven Fletcher, they take Kenwynne Jones back from his loan period at Stoke in preference to even offering 2 1/2 p and an old copy… Read more »

Merlin's Panini

Kenwyne Jones to Stoke was permanent for about £8 million. Other than that, agreed.

the only sam is nelson

blimey i must have had a cheese dream or something, i could have sworn that i saw jones back at sunderland over the long weekend. then again their game was fucking cancellend wasn’t it?

hmmmm. ah well that’s what happens when you rely on what’s in your head instead of what’s on google heh

Merlin's Panini

so Diaby has been called up for France, already.
For fucks sake Deschamps, he’s only just come back and needs more games for Arsenal before he can realistically play internationals. Stupid Chelsea twat.

the only sam is nelson

if diaby has a good 15 minute spell for the arsenal before xmas then the press will be lining him up as a mancini target to replace yaya toure in the jan transfer window… such is our lot these days

of course i hope abou has a storming season and career, with the arsenal. he’s an amazing talent – just needs to channel it in a consistent-but-not-in-patches way.


I hope rvp gets selected too. I need him to encounter more tackles with one eventually putting him down.
Joining that rooney.
Two twats!.


Oh, why doesn’t he just bugger off already.


f5, f5. f5. f5………………………….f5……………………………………………………….f5

Its the waiting that will kill ya



please god make it end … im dying inside … just make it end……..

kiss my arsenal

dzeko +£10 for walcott?


If u had to choose one of watt bendtner chamakh or park to be the back up striker who would it be. i guarantee that it will be a split decision. remember have to choose 1.

Merlin's Panini

I choose Kaba Diawara.

I'm too Fat for this shit.

@etid i’ll take Mr.Park. With Bendtner last! He got too much attitude.

[…] 来源:[Arseblog News] […]


So I’m the only one who likes nick? Id rather offer him the 75k we offered theo. keep him, and rotate him with giroud to see who wants to be our first choice.


Sadly, Frog, you are the only one who likes Nick. And that includes Nick’s teammates, and even his own mum.


Who cares if he’s a twat. I’d sign jeffry Dahmer if could bang in the goals. Maybe I’m the only one who noticed but, of our three first team strikers, the only one to ever score a goal in England is …………………………………..The Moroccan guy with terrible haircut who sucks. What’s the fucking rush to dumb nick. I’ve seen him score in premiership.

Mrs Bendtner

You leave my boy alone, he’s The Greatest Son That Ever Lived!

Bendtner's Dad

Sod him. I can’t stand him even if he is the fruit of my loins.

Mrs Bendtner

Dinner is ready.

TH 14

BREAKING NEWS :ARSENAL have agreed a deal to sign shakhtar dontesk striker (DENTINHO)


Once Walcott goes we will have no one with less that 2 years on their contracts next Summer. At least we can all relax then.

TH 14

BREAKING NEWS:cabaye sign with arsenal,it will official in the next 48 hour,according to a source who work at official site of arsenal(arsenal.com)

Merlin's Panini

and where did you get that from then?
Will believe it when I see it, as with the Dentinho thing. Whoever he is. Looks like he needs a good dentist though, so his name is quite funny.

Midfield Corporal

I doubt very much some guy who works for the website is going to be privvy to any transfer news until it happens. Unless Ivan is trying to impress the attractive work placement girl….’you know that Johan Cabaye- I’m gonna sign him, fancy a drink?’


Theo is staying,just announced were saved I tell ye.


Niklas Bentner’s business acronym is better than his footballing ability.

And that’s not saying much!!



Did you mean “acumen”?


it was a late night……. at 7:03pm.

‘Tis the curse of a jiggalo….. *sigh*


Am I right in thinking TGSTEL is now our top scorer at the club?!


Joint top scorer, don’t exaggerate!


Can we please SIGN………ANYONE!, ANYONE!


Soooo…..one day to go and I’m bored. I do find it frustrating this transfer window malarky. It’s grinding on me that the Spuds are out and about getting business done, with players I thought we might have had an interest in (Dembele, Remy, etc). Even with Walcott staying (in the short-term, brilliant), we need two new players. I would personally like to see one striker and one (sorry Arseblog) DM. That’s my preference. Who? I don’t really know. I’m not going to jump on the M’Vila bandwagon as in all honestly I don’t know too much about him, however I… Read more »

Gunsen Gunner

I find the lack of transfer news disturbing.


I have convinced myself this is because we are doing a massive under the radar signing!! I am sure this just end up as massive disappointment but at the moment its making me feel better due to the lack of real news!!


Somewhere in Italy?

That would make him TGSEOTS (The Greatest Striker Ever Offloaded To Stoke).

[…] apparently interested in Marouane Chamakh again & every club in Italy is interested (supposedly) in The Greatest Striker Who Ever Lived, the one & only Niklas Bendtner.  I hope […]

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