Saturday, July 27, 2024

Besiktas confirm Chamakh interest again

Besiktas have confirmed their interest in Arsenal striker Marouane Chamakh as they look to bolster their striking options for the new season.

According to Turkish Football, manager Samet Aybaba told local press, “We have decided to push forwards in our attempts to sign a striker, there is a high possibility we will sign Chamakh.”

It’s not the first time the Moroccan has been linked with a move to Istanbul, back in July Aybaba said Chamakh was a player they were interested in and with the transfer window about to close they need to make their move.

Chamakh joined Arsenal from Bordeaux in the summer of 2010, beginning his career in fine style, leading the line well in the absence of Robin van Persie and scoring some crucial goals.

The Dutchman’s return to the team, and subsequent form, meant Chamakh withered and died like a old flower, and he has scored just one goal in his 20 months at the club.

With the signings of Olivier Giroud and Lukas Podolski pushing him even further down the pecking order, it would be to everyone’s benefit if he were to move on.

Except, maybe, Besiktas, but that’s their problem.

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Besiktas doesn’t have a penny in the bank tho.

They were banned from Europa League this season because of financial troubles. Arsenal, also rejected their first offer due to lack of bank guarantees. Not sure, how they can afford to buy anything at the moment.

Master Bates

Maybe Arsenal are paying them to take Chamakh

Le Boss

I don’t want to comment on speculation.


Awful news. I have shares in a hair wax company and this guy’s been single-handedly been keeping me and my girlfriend solvent since he joined. I don’t know what we’ll do if he leaves…


Exiledgooner, I didn’t think that was was it it was actually hair. I thought it was Shishia tobacco that he smuggled into the country.


Wow my keyboard is responsive today – What I meant to say was: Exiledgooner, I didn’t think that was wax or even that it is actually hair. I thought it was Shishia tobacco that he smuggled into the country.

Dave Gooner

The fella has clearly lost his confidence in front of goal for us, so a move away might kick start him again. I hope so. I wish him well.


good riddance bring afobe back to cover!! great talent


Put up or shut up

Merlin's Panini

Yeh, go on Besiktas “bolster” your striking options.
Good luck to him if he moves. Just didn’t cut it with us. I’m sure he’d do ok in the right sort of team in the right league. The premier league is just a bit too fast and a bit too hard going for him.

Merlin's Panini

We really should sign another able striker though, just in case the new boys get injured. It’s clear Wenger doesn’t think he can rely on Park.
With Campbell and Afobe still very raw and on loan, and Theo probably fucking off, we’re left a bit short there.

Le Boss

It would’ve been nice if we had another striker who isn’t new to the club to score a goal or two while the new boys are settling in. You could see that they were playing with a little bit of handbrake in the first two games, but they have great mental strength and I’m confident they’ll come good.

Master Bates

They also lacked oils in the engine


Must say I respect players like Chamakh, Squillaci, Park – they’ve all clearly not worked out for us, but haven’t been bitches about it.

Midfield Corporal

I think that because they know they are on good money that they won’t get elsewhere, so they just keep a low profile a cash those cheques every week. After a very promising start to our transfer business I’m thoroughly disheartened now. RVP, song and Walcott between them accounted for the vast majority of goals and assists last season. We’ve lost/losing three productive regulars whilst still stuck with the duffers, and I have no expectations that we’ll sign anyone of note before the windows shuts. From thinking we stood a chance of challenging for honours this year it looks like… Read more »

Merlin's Panini

You can add Almunia to that too. Clearly a top guy and loved being at Arsenal, judging by his recent comments.

Roberry Ljungkamp

Are you kidding me and my friends?

The guy earns a tons of money and smokes shisha all day long. Of course he doesn’t moan about it.

Jose Ozorio

We can’t move on Bendtner TGSTEL, Chamakh or Squillaci because they are on big wages. Yet we can’t keep RVP, Song or Walcott because they are on shite wages. Anyone else see a pattern here? Why give shit players high wages, then sell our best players to rivals?

Seems like a really stupid strategy to me.


Oh yes Jose. So astute of you to spot the pattern on hindsight…NOT.

glory hunter

its so obvious Jose but our current board still cant figure it out!


Most players earn a similar wage at arsenal. why should walcott song be any different. they were not in the rvp or cesc league and would not have even been guaranteed a place this season.


Arsenals wage structure is really a big problem, Arsenal has pays nearly the same in total wages as ManU, but our top player earn far less, because our average players earn too much. This is deliberate, Arsenal implemented a flat wage strucutre to make the players more equal and to reward young talent. Maybe it works to attract the talent, we may very well offer better deals to younger and less expererienced or known player than other clubs. But we can’t keep them when they become stars and expect 100k or more a week.

That Mills Boy

Possible headline: TURKEY GOES TO TURKEY

Andrew Morgan

When Chamakh first came and scored like 5 and won 5 more pens, I was psyched. What happened.

Good luck to him if he does move on.

Lord Teddy Ears

See ya chama shame it didnt work but thanks for that goal at Man City !!!


Why do people always say fair play to the likes of Chamakh, Squillaci etc for not kicking up a fuss. Theyre on 60k a week, to train. Would you seriously kick up a fuss if you were being payed that, knowing full well you will never get that sort of wage at another club. Theyre happy to be in the shadows, checking their bank balance, in no hurry to move until their contract runs down ala Almunia.


Wudn’t mind del piero on a 1 year pay as you play deal unlikely as it might be.


Got a feeling this will be a loan with a view to permanent deal at the end of the season.

gunn cabinet

“bolster their striking options”. blogs, you do have a sense of humour! but i do wish chamakh better fortunes. he never found himself once rvpussilini returned. a change of scenery might do him good.


Plus TGSTEL is garnering interest from Juve & Milan. Unlikely Milan now since they have sign Bojan on loan.

Merlin's Panini

I hear the shisha (nargile) is good in Turkey


those 1st few months he looked really good, scoring goals and general play, then there was talk of him being ‘tired’ and it all just evaporated after that

i can understand players have a bad injury and never quite regaining their form, but he never had any cruciate/broken bones etc

it seems to be more mental/emotional or too much party time




So………. okay bye! I’m very excited for the next 3 days as I think there will be a lot of “last minute” offers finally coming in for some of our deadwood in the hopes that these other clubs will be able to get the players for a deal. The only players I’d hold out any hope for in terms of selling for a decent transfer fee are Arshavin and Bendtner. The rest of them can just go, I’d rather have the wage bill cleared and a spot open for young players to have a chance at the bench or a… Read more »


players like park and squilacci were never really good enough, but players like chamakh and arshavin are. its very frustrating that we pay them big wages and they dont play as well as we know they can. to be fair to cham he often seems to be trying really hard but seems to have lost all his confidence and self belief. i dont really understand how that has happened, and i guess the boss and they themselves dont know either but it just goes to show what a gamble it is with every new player we sign, and every renewal… Read more »


Park schillachi bender and Cham not good enough pure amd simple. I here spurs have loads of money maybe we get them to buy all of them for a cut price 10mill! Have to admit I will miss the Harry to Daniel Convo on the phone in front of the sky cameras from harrys car discussing multi million pound deals like they held the key go life between them. Did they not realise what pricks they looked! Maybe we will get a avb Daniel Convo this year to laugh at!


Can we all just agree that chamakh and co are like a bad smell.
The good side…….they don’t want to go away unlike others like walcott,rvp,song who can’t wait to go away.
The bad side…….no one wants bad smells and they sure as hell won’t pay huge money for it.


lets sell all our players… and without replacement. what do you say wenger? the kids will do a good job in the EPL after being promoted from the academy. from van persie to song to walcott to chamakh to bendtner to park to everyone!

Sol Goodman

I can’t believe it was Chamakh that was the last straw for you. Nooooooooo not Chamackh, a man can only take so much bad news in one month.




I could have sworn that Chamakh scored more than one goal in his 20months at Arsenal. I could have sworn that!!!!

MC Karu

I always thought that chamakh will come good. I thought of him as a shite ronaldo, but a shite ronaldo is still pretty good. Still wish the best for you, but take your overpaid friends with you,


If Arsene doesn’t sign anyone else this transfer window, then we have to keep Chamakh as contingency in case we get some injuries to our front line. If we get someone who can cover at centre forward, then fine to offload him, but if we don’t . . . Chamakh Attack has to stay with the Arsenal.

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