Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Vermaelen in the dark over RVP

Thomas Vermaelen has spoken fondly of his friendship with Robin van Persie but admits he’s none the wiser about where the captain will play his football next season.

Speaking about the qualities of the player and the man, Vermaelen waxed lyrical about his Dutch teammate, saying, “What is exceptional about Robin is his technique. He never loses a ball and his left foot is phenomenal. I think Robin is also a very clever striker. he knows exactly where he should be asking for the ball. He is without doubt the best striker in the Premier League. ”

And Vermaelen points to his lack of injury as the reason he’s been such a success in the last 18 months.

“The difference between now and the Robin of Robin of the past is that he is now much fitter. He always had the technique, now there’s an impressive physique too.”

The two Arsenal man will come against each other this week as Belgium entertain their neighbours with Vermaelen talking about their close friendship.

“Robin is a friend, yes. We see each other off the field, we go eat together. I love his Dutch humor. Robin is someone who is always available for a laugh.

“I look forward to playing against him on Wednesday.”

However, with respect to van Persie’s future, Vermaelen seems to know as much as the rest of us but is encouraged by the club’s business this summer.

“I really do not know Robin will still be an Arsenal player next month. There is a lot speculation about him and in the last days of the transfer window something can always happen.

“To see him leave would be a great loss, but I think Arsenal has bought well. Giroud and Podolski are excellent players, but the one who has really  impressed me is Santi Cazorla He is without doubt one of the best midfielders I’ve ever played with. It’s no coincidence he comes in just behind Xavi and Iniesta in the Spanish pecking order.”

So, no clues from Tommy V about where RVP will be at ASAP, but he loves Santi C which is good enough for … us? ME!

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Robin Van Persie is obviously off to Man U. If that’s the case he can go and fuck himself in the ear.

I hope he enjoys hearing ‘He scores when he wants, he scores when he waaaaants, Lukas Podolski, he scores when he wants’ this season.


He shags who wants, he shags who he waaaants
Olivier Giroud, he shags who he wants.

…hopefully John T*rry’s missus, out of spite.


@Gearoid : I think he’d rather be shagging Terry himself, than Terry’s missus, if you catch my drift. No judgment, just calling it like I see it.


@asexual: I’d imagine if he is that way inclined he’s got better taste. Or at least a sense of self-preservation. I’d imagine sticking your dick in a bees’ nest would be less hazardous than that disease-ridden cunt


@asexual: perhaps, but shagging the missus would hurt more. and have a nice sense of justice about it. i do like to see thugs get their comeuppance


I’d much more like to hear this song when he scores http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcHdHNbC3jM

Here's Waldo

We, the fans, just have to accept that this depressing RvP situation is out of our hands and hope the team wins the league with or without the dutchman.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

I want to win the League with Van Persie. I want him to do an about turn as he realises that there is more to life than money (even if the money is made at a club that has a theoretically better chance than Arsenal of winning trophies due to their riches). I want us to utilise his skills this season, even if it is his last, because every edge you can get is good. However, wanting us to win the league with RVP is really just me playing it safe and being conservative. What I would prefer, if it… Read more »


I was told that Tommy V had a conersation with Arsene the Wenger over the phone and the latter allowed Verminator to broke RvStapeltons legs as a suprise package called for big red nose and his (actually ours now) 20m pounds.


Now can you repeat that in English please

ernest lesego gooner

lol.i just like u 4 ure comment.cudn’t stop laughing pls.hahahaaaaaaaah………….u definately made my day u know

YOU guys

“Arsene the Wenger”

Fuck yeah! Sounds so badass.


*head scratching*


thumbs up from me, for the sheer artistry (presuming you aren’t actually a dolt)

godwin iyogun

if RVP leaves, he automatically shoots up to 1st on the JUDAS list, disrespected the club way too much


so where does “cashley “lie then?

Mikel Anon

Joint 1st?

gnarly charlie

Cashley is a cunt of impossibly large magnitude. So much of a cunt he jointly takes up spots 1 to infinity.

Persie out, arsenal lives

Ashley, the synchronised gymnast?.
Yep, a definite cunt that one.

godwin iyogun

come to think of it, coming from ‘fans’ beloved’ to joint top on the JUDAS list should be a remarkable acheivement!

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

This is getting too much like Sol and the Spuds.

If he goes he’s history. Forget him. Hate him and you make us no better than the Spuds and their eternal hatred of Sol Campbell. Aren’t we better than that?


Nasri says no.


He’s gotta fight Nasrat and Adebawhore for the number 1 spot of disrespecting the team.

Rad Carrot

I’m not particularly concerned with what happens with Robin after the signings we’ve made, although obviously I’d rather not strengthen a rival while diminishing our own team. Personally, unless a large bid is made, I’d say keep him for the year and see what happens.

Love the Verminator, though. Give him the armband, Arsene!


I support what u said about keeping RVP than selling to a rival club. Is not doing us good as a club rather killing the prospect of us winning a title. For me, I will keep RVP than sell him to Man Utd no matter their offer. Is Arsenal all about profit? No matter the hate fans have for him, I still like him and wish he stays.


Just say you’re sorry Robin :'(

why is my name required

I don’t have a good feeling about that mate.
What i see in his eyes are £££ signs. He would rather go to Man United than going to another league and he doesn’t even feel guilty after what Arsene Wenger has done for his career what a prick.

Smash Arsenal GH

RVP is RIP to me… lets all support the players we have to win a trophy or two for the MIGHTY ARSENAL!!!

Bendtner's Ego

I kind of like those one-off kits with the lettering.

Also, the purple kit is starting to grow on me too. What does that say about me????


Nah, it’s alright. It’s better that that blue on blue turd from last season. Still don’t know what’s wrong with the classic yellow and blue but still…


I’m color blind and the i think the new orange kits are as classy as they come


the purple kit treads a fine line between being a good kit and being horrendously awful, but I think it’s growing on me. Definitely beats our last aways.

Rad Carrot

I actually really liked the last away kit, I thought it was pretty smart. I know I’m very much in the minority with that one though!

Don’t care much for the ‘Purple Reign’ kit, although should it appear in the papers in May with Verm holding up the CL Trophy, I’m sure I’d warm to it quickly!

Fergie the Gooner

Were you watching Giroud when you decided you liked it?

Mikel Anon

He would look good in a fucking Manchester United shirt.

Even that fucking gray one.

Italian Gunner

To be fair, Bendtner’s Ego thinks pink boots are a good colour too…


Up close, I’m still like “Ugh, really?”

But on TV, at a 240p resolution, they don’t look that bad.


240p resolution on a TV?Am I in the past?


That’s what I felt like trying to stream these preseason games over the last couple of weeks.


The purple strip still reminds me of Disney’s Cheshire cat, but I definitely like it better than last season’s.


I am also in the dark over RVP the Verminator!!! All of us are really are!!


Tommy, stud him in the shin this week. Business is business!

die barca die

Fucking aim for the throat

Naija Gunner

“He loves Santi” I love Santi too!


i’m bored


Play with the toys you have. I’m not buying you any more. You already have too many!

gooner from bangladesh

AS MUCH AS I LOVE THE VERMINATOR, I’d love to see Koscielny and Mert combination in some games (e.g. against Man Utd or Stoke, etc).


It’s high time footballers chose teams for the football they play and not the wages they pay. Hang your head Robin and contemplate all the years that we were loyal to you.

Arsene's bottle of water

The Verminator is excellent, he has that drive and desire. Give him the armband.
He has to concentrate more on defending though.
I’ve been thinking about what Arsene has at his disposal this season and how he could shift starting lineups. Sagna is solid, but our left backs aren’t too good at defending. Against strong opposition such as United, City, Chelski, I’d stick the Verminator as left back and have the big Mert partner Kos as centre half.
It’s good to have options and I can’t remember going into a season that comfortable with our strength in depth.

Wes Mantooth

I’m surprised no one has considered playing TV5 as a defensive midfielder. I personally think he would add more dimension to that role than Alex Song. Among other things, I think our defensive shape would be tighter than in past seasons (ie. TV5 tends to be a bit more defensively-minded, despite his forward runs). Of course, I say this without knowing whether Song was asked to take on a more creative mind-set last season. But perhaps more importantly, having TV5 in that role changes the shape of how teams approach Arsenal. We struggle to break down teams that park the… Read more »

Too Drunk To Be Offside

I don’t really know if RvP is staying or for the matter whether I want him to stay…………but either way the armband has to go to around a more committed arm than RvPs. Even if he stays, I don’t think the Arsenal Caption should be one who we all know is going to jump ships in a years time.



The Wasp

Any chance you could whisper?

Mikel Anon

More chances of RVP owning a cunt.


I hope Robin van Eisrep will be injuried in the game. I don’t think Red nose will need an injuried striker especially when he must spend 4 him. Then let our rvp stay on the bench until January and sell him to Paris Saint German. £10m is enough.


Without Van Persie Plus a new striker and one more Defensive Midfielder we will Definitely be League Champions. By the way we dont need a captain that intends to play for United in our team. RVP was just a spy in d team. He Loved Manutd All these years. He was just waiting to be fit b4 showing his Love for Man Utd over ARsenal. I cant wait for him to Go. We can net goals without him

big black clock

If RVP leaves then he’s dead to me. I do not want to hear his name in my life ever again. Pretty sure it will be the board’s decision to sell him to Man Utd rather than to make him see out his contract tho. Wenger would never do that to us.

Pretty sure I’ll get thumbs down for this but it seems like we’re the only club who would sell their best player to their direct rivals for a nice bit of profit. Shame.

Merlin's Panini

really not interested in the RVP saga anymore. I’m just pretending he’s not there as much as I can, and if he stays then that’s potentially a bonus (even if it is a bit of a Tevez-esque cunty one).

Persie out, arsenal lives

I fucking hate the pussiness that has invaded rvp.


It’s a nice story, but off course Vermaelen knows what RVP intends to do. Van Persie’s wife has said the two are ‘like brothers’ that’s how close they are. How hard would it be for TV to have a conversation abt Van Persie’s intentions. If Twitter is to be believed, they do spend quite a bit of time together dining, shopping, visiting each others homes etc…Footballers iritate me, and I take everything they say with a pinch of salt. You don’t see anyone else in any other team sport behaving they way they do…


Far as I’m concerned, the saga is over. Let’s just look for solid support at the Emirates on Saturday & get 3 points. A good start will determine what our aspirations are but I just can’t see how we can go for the title losing another player of RVP’s quality.


What Robin needs to do is explain that the press release was not his idea, that he was badly advised by his agent, sack him and sign a new contract with Arsenal. Then maybe we’ll accept him back. Any thoughts?

Persie out, arsenal lives

Make a movie and recreate those events but here in the real world, never gunner happen!!.
Sailed boats!.

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Phred The Doc.

Verminator for Armband. Robin Van Persie,”The grass is not always Greener.” follow a gooner from Kenya please.

Eboue's Cheeky Smile

I think we should keep RVP against his will.
If he’s proffessional about it, he’ll only strengthen the squad.
If he’s a dick about it, throw him in the reserves for the year.
People bleat on about money… But I don’t work for the accounts department, I’m just a loyal fan that wants us to return to the glory years.!!


If Wenger and Arsenal are clever here they could give us a great chance of the league….let Utd think they are going to sign RVP right up towards deadline, then pull the plug on the transfer. This will give Utd no time to bring in a striker they so obviously need, improving our chances of finishing above them. RVP can play or rot, who cares? We are in a stronger position either way.


I hope RVP stays….n pay us back 4 seven injured seasons will paid his bill for CASHELY CUNT COLE….he can go 2 blazes wit his stupid cunt face


rooney is united main and dependable striker which means that rvp will be a second class in that role. It is better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven….RIP TO RVP..till 90min judgment day at emirate.


There are a lot of understandably angry fans out there but whatever happens lets not boo or jeer RVP on Saturday if he is still here. Ignore him if you like but lets just get behind the team positively from day 1 this season

Gervinho's Forehead

Dont worry guys, I’m ready to fill the void if RVP leaves


with your skill or your…errm….forehead….?

YOU guys

Are you saying that Gervinho’s forehead is so massive it has a forehead of its own?


the void wont be that big

Won Addis

I am having nightmares at dreaming RVP on united jersey. lets sell him to machackalalala…we both will end up getting a handsome cut , he is far from our site, ….we will live(not him) happily ever after

H. P. Arsecraft

“I think Robin is also a very clever striker”

To bad he’s a stupid human.


Not necessarily a stupid human being…just showing either a lack of judgement or poor character.


He used to kiss the badge, we were so patient with him! And now, he is a pathetic greedy and an unthankful bastard!!!!

He is a Judas, a greedy fucking Judas!


The longer it drags on, the more likely I think it means he’ll stay. Just my intuition, no rhyme or reason to it.

And 6-0 on Saturday, yes, please, and thank you.


It’s a shame this (and stupid pre season interlull) are overshadowing what should be a very exciting start to the season, we have a home game in 5 days and I for one am looking forward to getting back to the Wengerdome, seeing our new signings and the defensive improvements 2 weeks training with Steve Bould have brought about.

I hope RVP plays on Saturday and he can see that (with him) we are a formidable beast again. I will be cheering for all our players (quietly obviously from the comfort of the upper tier)!


Spell check wouldn’t go amiss here! hate to see those high Arseblog standards slipping…


I don’t see why people think that ManU is more of a title contenders then we are?!
If you look at player2player comparisons we are at least equally equipped, and with little extra work we could easily top them… Ok, I know they got the reffs, but still…

[…] There will be a couple of head-to-heads, as Andriy Arshavin’s Russia lock horns with Gervinho’s Ivory Coast, in Moscow. Again, will be interesting to see the reception that Arshavin will get after his scathing comments following his country’s elimination from the Euro’s. Also facing off will be the best of buddies, Thomas Vermaelen and Robin van Persie as Belgium entertain Holland in Brussels. The Belgian defender, who is everyone”s favorite, revealed that he has no idea where the Dutchman will ply his trade next season. […]


don’t kid yourself Robin van pursestrings will be a scum player this week. like so many others that have gone there over the years and flopped I honestly think last season was a one off and his boundness of injuries will come back to haunt him and he will be keeping the bench warm at old Trafford. I am more positive this season than the last 5 years. let’s get behind the team,give the new lads time to adjust and I reckon we shall be real contenders. let him go arsenal will go on without him. grass greener???


ps, only reason I shall be gutted is when I throw my sons last 2 seasons shirts with rvp on the back in the bin. £80 down the drain. lol

Die Hard Gunner

Verminator for Captain!! RVP out! Arsenal win Champions League and Premier League!!!Anyone???


hate to say I told you so but I told you so lol. @die hard gunner, what a dream that would be but I’m gonna place £30 for premier league but my heart says a 3rd place. champ league 1/4 finalists and league/fa cup double. although I knew it was coming I just can’t believe rvp has jumped ship when he criticised the club for lack of quality in the transfer Market and the reason for leaving. I’m about to eat humble pie and admit I agreed with him. but now wenger has turned his policy of experience over youth… Read more »

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