Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Wenger: transfer activity likely to get intense

Arsene Wenger says that while he feels he has a strong squad when the likes of Jack Wilshere and Tomas Rosicky return to full fitness, he’s still in the market for new players and has got some lovely delicious bargains for other clubs.

Speaking to Arsenal Player ahead of Sunday’s game against Stoke, the boss said, “Some things can still happen. I don’t want make a promise that I cannot keep. It does not only depend on me. But there still could be some action on the transfer market – ins and outs.”

“We are working, we’ll see what we can do.”

Obviously any deals involving ‘outs’ are dependent on other clubs wanting the players we want to get rid of. To varying degrees it would be no surprise to see Arsenal make people aware of the availability of Bendtner, Chamakh, Park, Arshavin and Squillaci, along with some youngsters like Henderson and Miquel who could benefit from a loan move.

And the manager is aware that the transfer activity heats up as the window closes, and it means there’ll be plenty going on in the week ahead.

“The transfer market is open for two months and yet for one month and three weeks it is nearly closed. It wakes up completely in the last week and then every minute becomes important.

“Everybody has played for time for seven or eight weeks and now suddenly everyone is in a hurry. And that is when the most intense activity happens.”

The deadline is Friday 31st at 11pm, we believe, and with much to sort out in both directions it looks as if we’ll be busy, even if it’s not as manic as the close of the window last summer.

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I’m hoping Wenger does not continue to overlook the most glaring hole we have in the squad. As we are knackered if he gets injured.



Should have never sold eboue!


Gunnersaurus is immortal. I wouldn’t object to playing him in defensive midfield. Can you imagine the look on Shawcross’s face as a pissed off t-rex in an Arsenal shirt comes charging at him?


what? I thought frimpong was still out injured?

Cygan's Left Foot

No, Gunnersaurus is fine …….here what you have to worry about … “We have Diaby and Oxlade-Chamberlain back now while Rosicky and Wilshere are coming back. They are all international-stature players. I focus highly on that. If we get these players back in good shape then we have a very, very strong squad.” Wenger on Arsenal.com” LOL ..how much profit the bank manager going to make this window 20M AGAIN???. If you don’t sign anyone and could not get rid of the dross ..SHAME ON YOU Mr Wenger to call yourself a football manager. I just hope you still have… Read more »


I’d be ashamed if I had turned a frankly average team who would have been swept away in this era of oil-billions into a club with one of the biggest turnovers in Europe and the only club in the UK guarenteed to still be competing at the top in 50 years.

Cygan's Left Foot

I would be ashamed if I were you to just be happy the club make a profit and being taking like a fool as yourself.

Football is not about how much money you make it is about WINING. We don’t ask to break the bank we ask to spend WHAT WE HAVE. But LOSERS like you, the manager and the board have no pride and accept humiliation as the norm.


you know, I love you as a manager and all that wenger, but thats what you say every summer, and end up buying no one…

arsene knows… but I just wish he knew a litle bit more 😀


You’re saying this, after one of the busiest transfer windows?


no no, i dont mean this summer, this summer has been great even with our departures, but i’m just saying, whenever wenger talks about future transfers in this manner, we usually dont buy anyone.


Let’s all have this arguement when the transfer window closes shall we?.


Well you can’t mean last summer when he bought five players. So which summer are you talking about?

Cygan's Left Foot

Hahahahaha at when the window close ….

EVERY year the blind sheep come up with this line and end up disappointed and still follow the French shephered like a blind sheep.

This window was great until the french bank manager managed to turn it into a nightmare by selling song and wasting time to sign Sahin and forgot about the dross still at the club. That is how to be happy without a trophy and the blind sheep still positive lol.



@Cygan’s Left Foot: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again wenger is the best thing that has happened to this club and he is the best manager for sure, van persie is a cunt, if we replace song then I think it’s a step forward, so people slamming the manager for transfers don’t know what they’re talking about. I mean of all the people you think arsene actually benefits from selling big??? like the he takes a proportion of the money or something?? @THEREISBEARCUM: last summer was a disaster, you know it and I know it, even wenger… Read more »


Well, in this case i do agree. But remember that he’s already talked about bringing in 2 players, in as concrete a manner as he could.
As long as we spend all the money we earn on transfers, we’ll be fine. Giroud+Pod+caz= approx 35 m. RVP+Song+Vela+bendtner(IF he goes, appx 5m)+Arsh (Again, IF, appx 5 m)= approx 50m. That’s 2 good squad players, a 10m DM and a 5 m versatile defender.

damien joyce

the only kind of defender we can get for 5million is a Squillaci/Silvestre, no thanks, we need hit 10m to get another Koscielny type, remember Kos cost 8m and no-one knew him

Cygan's Left Foot

Dream on …

ready this AGAIN ….

“We have Diaby and Oxlade-Chamberlain back now while Rosicky and Wilshere are coming back. They are all international-stature players. I focus highly on that. If we get these players back in good shape then we have a very, very strong squad.” Wenger on Arsenal.com”

You still can trust a man like that, a coward???.

Matt F

You mean like when he signed five players players in the final week of last summer’s transfer window?

Cygan's Left Foot

No ….like when we finished 19 points behind the champion???? or like after we got hammered 8/2???

I am sure you are proud of being called a loser just like your manager.

Deluded mugs thinking they can win the league with a loser as a manager.

This new breed of ARSENE and not The Arsenal supporters are as deluded as the spuds.


I’d rather lose with Wenger than win with a fickle fan like you.

Cygan's Left Foot

LOL …What a LOSER. I hope when he leaves OUR CLUB you go away with him.


Also, its important to remember the 25-man squad rules. We’re at full capacity on non-homegrown players right now, including park, squid, chamakh, arsh. Assuming we loan/sell/delist all four of these, we’ll bring in 4 players. We’re always at full capacity in non-homegrown players. The question is, who wants them? Chamakh and squilacci are practically unsaleable, due to extreme wages. Park should be on lower wages, but we seem to be unwilling to take that big a hit on selling price. Arshavin is the one player of the 4 most gooners won’t mind keeping. If sold, he will need to be… Read more »

Cygan's Left Foot

that is the right thing to do but he won’t do it …..

Players like Chamakh and Squad you tell them one thing …..move and take pay cut or you will spend your time in the reserve till your contract run out, the will find club so quick after that.

But he won’t, he loves making money and keeping the dross.


You have shit for brains cygan, shite for brains!


This is the time in the window when we get gazumped by other teams paying too much for players. You can’t really blame Arsene or the club for sticking to their guns and trying to run the club sensibly.


Mate, we got 5 new players in last season, 3 already this season, shut it yeah?

Cygan's Left Foot

Gooner for life, are you confused? in one comment you call him a LIAR in the other you call him the best things happened to The Arsenal?

He is not, he earn 7 million a year. He is not cheap but only cheap at spending money. And yes he is a LIAR and proved it so many times. Has no pride as all good players lost faith on him and the fool won’t get it.


He was never that open about new & future signings so I hope he will sign some more and offload others as well.


We won’t sign 4-5 players this deadline day. I’d be happy with 2, a versatile defender and a central mid. Ideally it should be 3, the aforementioned 2 and a winger/striker. Thankfully, the players we’re linked with seem to be in this mould.

On a side note, what’s wrong with Tim Payton? Comparing this summer to last summer, saying that its the same. 2 best players out (Song? Seriously??) and 3 players in (Compares Gerv, Jenks and Ox with our 3 signings).


1. A deep, positionally alert, hard working midfielder
2. A versatile, hungry defender
3. A goal poacher able to make an impact with fragmented game time

4. An experienced, team-friendly goalkeeper

I wish.


Unless fabianski leaves, 4. won’t happen.
1,2,3 i agree with. I reckon if theo’s gonna be pushed to cf, we could sign a winger instead of a poacher. And poachers don’t really fit in well with a 1-striker system.


what’s a “team-friendly goalkeeper”?

Merlin's Panini

only plays in the team in friendlies?…


I’m guessing one who wouldn’t object to a fair bit of sitting around.

Merlin's Panini

Stuart Taylor it is then!


Fullop was very friendly to us last game of the season.

henerys statue

Is love to see llorente , sahin and mabye a versitile defender for the lb cb spots ,


What! Now we won’t catch Arsene Sahin, that Sahin is like a Nuri Sahin! 🙁


i am just frustrated by the fact we spent so much time on him to get him signed for a loan( it would have been worth it) but… The fact that we always say here that a club buying a player on loan should play full wages and we were looking for some 3/4th payment of his wages ,so no more we can make that point.Yes if he signed he would have been 1 of the highest earners but the fact that we were looking for a option of buy him ( i get it improving a player for free… Read more »

Bob Smith

I can’t be the only once thinking that this isn’t the end of the world, Sahin would have been really good for us, but we all if he had come the problem of us having too many similar players could crop up again.
When Arsene retired and writes a book we’ll find out we came close to signing a lot more quality signings that fell through than just Sahin.

I am puzzled why we can’t sell some of our fringe players, IMO there much better than some players you see moving around lower down the table.

Andrew Morgan

Its their wages Bob, Squillaci, Park, Bendtner, Chamakh and Arshavin are all on £50,000+. Arshavin Closer to £80-90,000. No one can take them with those wage demands.


close the transfer window right nowwww, so that we can keep lord Bendtner…


I’d be happy if sahin goes to Liverpool if a loan is the best we get. Its one thing being treated like a feeder club by bastardloner but giving real Madrid players valuable game time only to have to give them back is a step too far

Mach III

M’vila in!

Master Bates

M’bungalow OUT!!


just don’t finish with a positive transfer budget balance again..


Why whats wrong with that? i would rather we fijish with a positive transfer balance than spend over £70m on the likes of henderson downing and carroll like liverpool did. our board would have either paid 30m for all 3 or not bought them at all. i would have no problem with either of those decisions rather than spend 70m on them!

glory hunter

Why are comparing us to Liverpool? why not Chelsea, Man City or Man Utd??
Daglish wasted a lot of money, but that’s Liverpool’s problem, not ours!!

I agree with bigboned that i wouldn’t mind if we made a loss for once in the Transfer window, it’ll definitely prove that we are not just worried about balancing the books but rather improving the team.

And guess what, a better team means success which equals more money 🙂


Why can’t we be happy with good signings and a good budget?


Goddammit i look forward to the window is closed, and we can consentrate on football again!


I can’t wait for the window to shut. I think I’ve developed a full-on addiction to transfer news.

Die Hard Gunner

Wenger please wrap up the pending deals on time and let this team gel on time before we face the tough fixtures. I can’t wait…


Can we kidnap someone decent this time.


Wenger give us tangeble player like m’vila and liorente this week to make ous squard strong than other club.up gunner

Merlin's Panini



I say get llorente for £19 millli or dudu for cheaper than that, seems he wants back in.
Jesus navas for £15 milli or even more than that, he’s definetly worth it.

Try to flog arshavin for £5 milli
Park on loan.
Squillaci for……………well the pleasure of seeing him finally leave

And we should be all set.
In wenger we….yeah, all that.

Andrew Morgan

I doubt we will sign either of those players. At most two players will come in: a defender and a midfielder. Our strikers will be Pod, Giroud, Chamakh and Theo. Wingers: Gerv, Theo and Ox. Cazorla will be our creator either from a false wing position or behind the striker. and cenre mid will be divvied up between Arteta, new mid, diaby, Ramsey, coquelin and Wilshere when fit.


Wenger and his management team re killing our darling team gradually, each time we close 2 signing players, we could sell our players @good money, bt could not buy players @that same price! It a shame, loose out on Sahin already.


… I’m sure we will sign M’Vila, Mexes, & Frey….

Andrew Morgan

M’Vila, nice. Mexes and Frey? No thanks.


I’m really disapointed about missing out on Sahin. I just feel like arsenal will always be 1-2 players short of competing with too much faith placed in underperforming players, the Ramseys, Arshavins, Bendtners, Denilsons of seasons past.

It is a big gamble if Diaby, Wilshere, Ramsey, Coq, Frimpong, and Yanarris can hold up the midfield when the going gets tough.

Are Arsenal in better position to challenge than last year? or the year before? not really.

I thought this summer was different, damn you Wenger (and/or BOD), damn you to hell!


The most frustrating part was that Arsenal gossip page on the official site itself.
The other is that most of us had already lined up some sahin jokes .

Andrew Morgan

Why include Ramsey in underperforming players? This witch hunt against him, is totally unwarranted. His first full season back after an horrific injury, and he was very good at the beginning of the season, but faded towards the end, understandable as fatigue finally caught up with him. He was also heavily weighed down by the expectation to be the creative replacement of Fabregas and Nasri. So give him a break. He’ll be great this year.

Merlin's Panini

couldn’t agree more. The kid was dynamite before he broke his leg and lost his mentor (Cesc) last season. Now we have Santi in I have a feeling Ramsey’s sparkle will return.


Ramsey still isn’t an acceptable STARTER for Arsenal. He’s not ready yet. Last season was scary seeing him on the pitch. Not saying he won’t ever be ready, but
he needs time (and possibly a loan).

Andrew Morgan

Absolute rubbish.


I am not saying the team should get rid of Ramsey, the problem last season was that we did not have anybody to compete for his position (until Rosicky and to certain extent, Benayoun, did). After losing Fabregas and Nasri the creative role was left to existing squad players, leaving us short handed.


Ramsey needs a few months on loan to be honest, with the Ox moving into midfield and all the midfielders we already have he wouldnt feature much.

Good player before the injury but we carried him last season and we cant afford to this one, we’ll need to carry Jack and possibly Diaby back to form for a while but all of them need gametime

Andrew Morgan

Why move Ox into centre midfield when we only have two wingers? Why do we need to carry Ramsey? You need to go back and watch the first half of last season, Ramsey was playing well. But fatigue caught up with him, followed by people getting on his back, followed by a loss of confidence. It seemed if he wasn’t setting up a goal a game, he was branded a rubbish replacement to Cesc AND Nasri. But be serious for a second. There are not many players like Cesc in world football. To expect him to come back from a… Read more »

Jack Wilson

Wenger has said he needs a creative player on the wing and that the Ox is playing central this year. I assume that means the Ox will be behind Podolski with Cazorla on the left wing and Theo on the right. Then we have Wilshere, Diaby and Arteta to choose from holding midfield. I don’t really think we need anyone else in the first team do we?

Andrew Morgan

We have two wingers, Gerv and Theo. To play Ox in a crowded central position is folly. He should play wide. Podolski behind Giroud, Santi on one wing, Theo or Gerv on the other. Like against Koln where we scored 4 and looked good.

We don’t have Wilshere as he is injured until October and won’t be fully fit, up to speed, got his touch back until months after that. We need a holding midfielder. Plus wilshere is far too talented to waste that far deep on the pitch.

Andrew Morgan

The biggest worry now, is Theo Walcott signing a new contract. We absolutely must tie him down. To lose our top three attacking players in one season is a MASSIVE blow. you can’t argue against that.

But i’m confident we will have a good campaign. Two or three more additions and we look strong. I hope Giroud starts and isnt allowed to get short of confidence.


There’s a part in me that would feel reluctant to let Theo goes, considering what he could bring to the team if he is able to add consistency to his game, better utilise his explosive pace and be a more effective player. But I also ask myself this question – if Theo is not a arsenal player, would I be craving for AW to make a bid for him based on his past performance? Bottom line, if his wage demand is reasonable, I suppose it is worthwhile for us to extend his contract and he would have the chance to… Read more »

Andrew Morgan

It’s easy to say let him go. But that would leave us with one recognised winger Gerv. Who else can you get in for reasonable cash, reasonable wages, premier league experience and as much productivity as Theo in (20+ goals and 20+ assists in last two years) seven days before the window closes? Its not easy.


There is some doubt with regards to Walcott. I am torn regarding Walcott. He is so frustratingly inconsistent. We are definitely looking at DM position. Wenger himself has said it and personally I don’t really care about who we sign, I trust the boss to make more informed decisions on the signing than us fans who mostly watched the players via YouTube. Regarding Sahin, we PULLED out of the deal it seems. We wanted buy option at the end of the loan deal but Madrid does not want a buy option. Liverpool are paying £5M with 70% of his 120k/week… Read more »

Bob Smith

I agree with you, the fact that Liverpool agreed those terms smells of desperation but the needed him a lot more than we did, fans seem to ignore that fact.


Walcott is our Nani, scintillating on his day, frustrating on most others.

Bob Smith

Theo’s “fits and spurts” did us some favours, losing him would damage our continuity, with such limited prem experience in the team. That’s aside from the HUGE slap in the face it would be. Wenger was right to pursue a option to buy, especially given the fee we were paying just to loan him and ~£70 p/w wages, we were just outbid by a team who has a bad history of making shrewd purchases of late and a poor midfield, it’s a shame but what’s shit happens. He’s pulled 3 rabbits out of a hat already, a third would be… Read more »

Andrew Morgan

Thats old. And wrong. Liverpool in pole position according to news outlets today. And Brendan Rogers’ comments last night.


Damn, I just read the Lfc story now 🙁

Andrew Morgan

Its gutting isn’t it. Sahin is a quality player! 🙁 But if the deal isn’t right. Next!


When the transfer window closes,and we have all done our mathmatics,we
will find,that Arsenal have made a profit once again,all the Directors and
Shareholders will say, “WELL DONE ARSENE”,in my opinion,unless he does
something regarding a couple of new players in the next seven days i’m
afraid i don’t rate us ,i think we are a weaker team than last season, and look
at the silly points we dropped last season, and to poor teams.It’s alright
Wenger saying,we’ve got Wilshere to come back,i have my doubts,i hope i’m wrong,So please Arsene, “PULL YOUR FINGER OUT ,7,DAYS TO GO”.

Lord Teddy Ears

I love this new look Wenger he is bullish and open to the fact we will spend. I can see a few of the fringe players going and I cant help but feel he has a couple of specials in the bag waiting for us.

COYG !!!

PS John Terry is a lady flower


I think sahin looked at things and said, arsenal midfield, pretty good players in there, might not get to play every week, liverpool, oh god, thats just awful! but I’ll get game time… I can’t say I blame him for that.

M’Vila is now top priority, he seems to not want to go anywhere but here, and I think we are using that to low ball them on the transfer fee.
This defensive signing, I don’t see it as more of a luxury than a priority.


I think people are under-rating liverpool. last year they were doing well and then poor finishing got the best of them and they started hemoraging points. however, they dominated a lot of their games in a way Arsenal did not, and they hit the woodwork more than any other team.

I hope Arsenal finsh above liverpool this season, but at the moment I am not confident that they will. If Sahin gets them CL football, then the loan was worth it, regardless if he stays or not.


they were shit last year and havent brought anyone to make them better this year no they arent underrated,they have midtable player with only 3-4 very good player

Cazorla Board

Unless we are going to resign Cygan and Senderos I am not interested!

Cazorla Board

Neutral! Are you a Liverpool fan?


haha…I was thinking just that, but even Liverpool fans are not that delusional.


I’d say Biglia and that versatile defender, Cheikh M’Bengue? The one who can play anywhere along the back line? I’d be happy with that, they wouldn’t necessarily be starters, but people are forgetting we actually have a very strong starting 11. Once they gel – and it may take time – the team will be devastating.

The only thing I’m particularly concerned over is scoring goals in the meantime. If Theo and Fivehead step up their game, and Arteta and Cazorla add in a few goals, they should fill the gap until Poldi and Giroud start firing on all cyclinders.

Santi Caz

Biglia apparently talking to Norwich about loan deal. M’Vila is needed. As much as he doesn’t like it, TV5 can play LB if need be. I think we need more cover for RB as we dont know if Sagna will be able to stay fit for the whole season with his leg breaking twice in a year. We need another striker/winger. I would love to see Theo thru the middle. Think it would bring out the best in him bc its what he has always wanted. Could see a few thru balls from Caz to Theo. We’ll see I suppose…… Read more »

Dial Square

Theo through the middle ??? He couldn’t finish an ice cream, he’s just not a natural finisher.


Blogs please could you boot of cygans left foot? He is a spurs fan. Cheers!


I’m fine with us not signing Sahin as the terms I’ve seen quoted are ridiculous and Real only want him loaned with no option to buy. That’s not good business.

If we bring in M’Vila, Sakho and Llorente we will have a few trophies very soon. I truly hope the “loss” of Sahin and the departure of Song will finally get the checkbook out for M’Vila!!!

Dial Square

We were right to pull out of the Sahin deal, with no option to buy its far too costly for a one season loan. As for incoming and out going transfers, one thing you can be sure of is that when the window closes we will have recouped more money than we have spent, does this mean the team is weaker…not in my opinion…but the problem is that doing this every season means the ‘new’ team takes a while to settle in and gel (against Sunderland for example) so at the start of the season we never hit the ground… Read more »

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–a reliable midfielder who can help the defence
-jesus navas

and then we are sorted but Wenger will do a last minute gamble like the Park transfer last season

Chelsea signed Moses, Arsenal want Jesus, Utd have Judas

It’s always nice to read about Wenger wanting to add to the squad but I just don’t believe a lot of what he says any more. I think he is a fantastic manager, what he has done for us and for football is phenomenal. I have nothing but respect for the man but I think he puts too much trust into the mediocre players. Ideally we need a versatile defender, an immediate replacement for Song (M’Vila) and a proven striker. (8) You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one (8) Will any of these required signings… Read more »


If we don’t sign a replacement for song and break level once again – I have a harder and harder time denying that we are turning into a selling club.

Bitter Pill

I love you Cygan’s left foot. Telling it like it is. Lol.


We are a selling club. Simple as that. An probably won’t sign any new more players. And with this squad it’s jar to see us winning anything. The team is strong the squad is not. And we are not a club that manages well with a few injuries.
It’s not a blight on arsenal its about realism. After the song situation I’ve come to accept that we can’t compete any longer and the will of the board is lacking.
Il continue to support my team as per normal but with much lower expectations. Sad realy. But the arsenal of today.


spot on Voldermort. I know everyone hates Van Persie but is it any surprise he has left us for Man Utd? End of the day he knows he has better chance of silverware


jesus nochance gets homesick if he goes to the corner shop,get it out of your heads he’s gonna move,or that we could afford him. There is never any point trying to second guess wenger on transfers,but i think he’s not bluffing about needing a couple of players like he has in the past-the squad really does need some bolstering-and screw theo walcott,who in the hell does he think he is?been rubbish for years,football is not in him-bite liverpool/city’s handoff if they come in for him,grab dyer from swansea

He's got no hair but we don't care...

Regardless of who we do or most likely don’t sign, when this team clicks, we’re going to be unstoppable. Considering how badly we started last season, we’ve already got a jump on that! Our 3 new boys will scare the crap out of defenses when they gel and are high on confidence.

I do however, really wish AW wouldn’t come out with the “we’re still active…if a top, top, top player becomes available” comments, especially when, in truth, that’s almost certainly not the case. Would LOVED to be proved wrong.


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