Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger: we want to extend Walcott’s contract

Arsene Wenger has confirmed that the club want to extend Theo Walcott’s contract and says that negotiations between the club and Walcott’s people are ongoing.

The England international is into the final year of his contract and if he fails to agree a new deal with Arsenal could leave on a free next summer. It had been thought that because of his age Arsenal had some security as the club would have to be compensated for his development, but this Guardian article reveals that because his 24th birthday is in March no such compensation would apply.

Quizzed today at his press conference for the latest on the situation and if the club might be forced into a quick sale to avoid the financial hit, the boss said, “Negotiations continue, at the moment not directly with me, but we try to sort it out before the window closes, one way or the other.

“We want to extend his contract, but you need not only our desire. I think his desire is right, and we need to find an agreement. I could spend all my press conferences talking about the word ‘if’, but let’s live in the real world, both parties are at the table.”

Meanwhile, Wenger has backed Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain to continue his development this season. He’s made real progress and featured for England (ahead of Walcott) at the European Championships this summer, and the manager believes that experience will have been of huge benefit to him.

“Last year he was a young boy still discovering the Premier League. This year he’s still a young boy but has matured a lot. I think because of the Euros, he has improved football wise.

“Confidence wise the Euros were positive, to have the experience with the players from other big clubs, how you prepare for the big games, how you cope with pressure. It’s normal you move forward quickly at that age.

“I expect to contribute much more this season. He’s on the way up.”

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I am tired of this. What’s the guarantee he won’t delay talks till Sep 1st and then back out? After RVP, can we really trust players?

Ask him to sign immediately or flog him to the highest bidder.


Because he is special. He’s not a money hungry foreigner like the past lot. Otherwise we would be branding the C word on him


Ashley Cole wasn’t a money hungry FOREIGNER either.

fight against fickleness

But he is money hungry.
2 out of 3 eh!!!


@fight against fickleness – I was commenting on this notion that only the foreigners are money-hungry. I could even argue that in delaying this long, Theo is exhibiting money-hungry behavior.


If he was to sign a new contract i’d expect it be done by now. I think he wants to leave but is afraid of a move from away his comfort zone (where we can lower our expectations of him). Imagine walcott putting in a below par shift at let’s say intermilan, the fans won’t be as understanding as we have been
So sign walcott, it’s your only option!

Cygan's Left Foot

I agree, it is a sign of time how low the club thought of when an average headless sprinter hold us to pay me what I want or I am off. Any decent manager with a brain can see Theo is NOT arsenal standard player. How must Bobby and Freddy watching this sprinter treating our team like a god gift to us and cringe. Wake up Mr Wenger and stop being everyone favourite GRANDDAD look at what Fegie did with Nani. with two years to go. asked him to sign or will be sold, with the wages that he offered… Read more »

One Arsenal

Yea, yea, as if Wenger would say anything different. I think Wenger should only tell fans about Walcott when he’s signed or sold.
Getting tired of all the talk


I’m sure they are at the negotiating table but Wenger said everything was fine with Song and he was happy at Arsenal. He said he wanted to keep RVP. So I really don’t put any faith in the truth about what’s going on until I read an official report on about a new contract having been signed.

We need a DM to replace Song! A proper DM and since Sahin is most likely to Liverpool there had better be someone somewhere talking to someone about something.


Song was not a proper DM in fact im struggling to think who has been a proper DM since gilberto left. also who is man city or nited or chelseas proper DM? barry? carrick? mikel? you see im not convinced that we need a proper DM. Arteta is every bit as good as anyone of those 3 at being the last man in midfield. DM no but none of them really are. The game has changed since the makele role and wenger like all the other managers wants a more technical player in that role hence he was looking to… Read more »


I believe Podolski should play on left an Gervinho on right coz Gervinho is ggood at right foot. Play walcott againt team who do not sit back so its better to play him in Champiions league and games where oppn is not stoke/sunderland.
Better throw him out if he does not sign bu monday.


If anything arteta was our proper dm last season…


I actually wouldn’t mind if he goes as well. RVP, Song, Walcott, plus Tourè, Gallas, Fabregas, Adebayor, Clichy and many others are all part of a generation that failed to live up to its hype, and that has won nothing. Starting from last summer, Wenger started a new cycle, and I guess the time it’s right

Midfield Corporal

Bit harsh, he was just a kid suffering numerous injuries for a large chunk of that time. After spending money on his development it seems a bit foolish to let him go now. Whilst he has his faults, he can also win you a game. I see him being more effective away from home and in big games where the other team comes at you rather than at home against Sunderland where they park the bus.
The media and fans put too much expectation on him too early, but we are improvements every season so I say stick with him.


That is very true, he often struggles with “park the bus” teams. But he sure is a fantastic big game player!


A thoroughly sensible post, I agree. What I would say though is that if we’re playing a team who want to park the bus maybe he shouldn’t start. We have other options


Mista wenga u must sign samba his very tal


After PVR Nasri Song, this is the last cancerous cell remaining in the team. Remove!

fight against fickleness

i was quite fond of PVR!
Dont know why but i was!


Maybe it`s because of your little boy inside 😉
Watch your step mong!


Walcott don’t have the little boy inside,………he is the little boy and has been very consistent at that.


Whether you believe it or not Song’s agent said they almost insulted them by saying “we’ll discuss a contract in September”. I can’t help but think if Theo wanted to sign it would be done by now and to wait until now does not suit the club either.

Hence, Walcott is gone, guaranteed. We sell our three most effective players from last season. And make another tidy profit in the process.

Midfield Corporal

How is telling a player we’ll discuss your contract that has 3 years to go, in a couple of weeks time an insult? Unless you’re agitating for a move the Sept 1 deadline wouldn’t be an issue and you would understand that the club probably have more pressing business to attend to during the transfer window.


We sold kos and arteta?


Walcott is gone for sure, everything Wenger is saying is just posturing for a higher transfer fee, just like with RVP and Song. If he wanted to sign a new contract it would have been done months ago.

Right now my expectations for Arsenal’s season are rock bottom, I hope, like last year, to be surprised.


Regardless of the situation, Wenger will say that he wants Theo to sign an extension. “Theo wants to go”, “We want Theo to go”, “We want Theo to stay, Theo wants to stay but there’s no way we’re paying him that fucking much” would only open the door to another club doing business on their terms. It’s obviously a good way to do business but, unfortunately for us fans, it means dangerously high sodium levels when reading transfer news.


does not look to me like we are going to sign anybody, and whats all this noise about walcott, Jesus better players had deals after him and they have all signed, why do we keep letting over hyped players take us for granted, i say sell him to blackburn or something, this is a new team we need players with 100% commitment and 100% consistency

Big Dave

I’m usually quite a calm fan. I like Wenger, occasionally get frustrated with him, but in no way a hater. But his quote today really annoyed me… “I would like to remind people who question this kind of decision that Song was once described as the worst player I had ever signed and now he is playing for Barcelona. It shows that we are not doing everything so badly here.” I think what he’s said here is unbelievable. The word ‘Barcelona’ should be ‘Arsenal’. He’s also made this a personal triumph, i.e. “because of me he is now great”. Mr… Read more »


You’re right, he’s wrong. Song is not playing for Barca: he wasn’t even on the bench last night when they defeated Real Madrid


It seems to me someone suggested to him that he’d lost his marbles for his faith in some player or the other (maybe Diaby? Just a hunch) and Wenger told him that even some of his most bizarre decisions end up looking great.

I don’t see Wenger as making it his personal triumph.

I think Wenger is a far, far more ambitious man than people give him credit for.

Midfield Corporal

I see your point Dave, but perhaps he feels he has to justify his decision as the same media who rate Scott bleeding Parker above Song now claim we’ve lost a world class player to put pressure on AW.

Big Dave

Good point. And we all know the media hate Wenger with a passion. Nobs.

Tola Balogun

God bless u. D press always look 4 opportunity to take a swipe at Wenger and if we fans are not careful we’ll unnecessarily put pressure on him till he quits,i bet u Arsenl cannot replace Wenger.D Guardiolas,Mourinhos,Mancinis only stay at clubs there is much money to throw around and we hav 2 face it Arsenal is not one of such clubs. D same media dat does not rate our players high as dey rate inferior players of other clubs come back to say Arsenal hav lost world class player when dey leave d club. D unfortunate thing is dat… Read more »


fuck all this.bring on stoke.we have to beat them away.those cunts.


– our three
most effective players from
last season

+ our three
most offensive players from
last season

Eric Irish gunner

By paying him 100 grand a week he’d proberly be our best paid midfielder and the least consistant, he needs a reality check and to start fucking performing week in week out before he consider those wages, if he dos’ent sign this week he’s more likely not to sign so I’d get what we can for him and move on


I would be very glad if Walcott left. He looses the ball so many times, it puts pressure on the rest of the team. Most of all the opposotion gets confidence by winning the ball !


Something that was discussed in today’s arsecast was the fact that there hasn’t been a lot of interest in Walcott from other clubs. Just a thought – could this be because Walcott and agent have not shown any interest in other clubs. Usually when another club bids or enquires about a player, they would’ve already felt the players intention beforehand. Is it possible that Walcott and co have shown no inclination of leaving Arsenal until now?


I’m not really sure where Theo would realistically want to go. He’s hardly the finished article so it would have to to be somewhere willing to put up with and iron our his weaknesses and give him the regular game time he need’s to stay productive. It would be a step down in most cases and I can’t see any club with that amount of time and effort to devote to him bringing a signing on fee in suitcase to boot. Arsenal is an incredible, one of a kind club to play for. Theo will only become another player to… Read more »


Thats what i’m saying – that i dont think he wants to leave the club … that he seems happy enough not to send out a marching band to other clubs to see if anyone’s looking …

But its taking longer than expected to finalise the contract talks


If Theo does have that perspective, and has managed to ignore the self-serving disgrace representing him, I don’t see why they haven’t banged this contract out Koscielny style.

Midfield Corporal

There was talk of Chelsea but they’ve signed Moses, can’t see Liverpool being an attractive option, Man Utd have spent all their money on some injury probe foreign guy I’ve never heard of, City? They’re signing Sinclair. I don’t think he could handle the vitriol if he moved up the road. It’s could be a bit of a catch 22 situation, we think we hold the cards because no one wants him, however if he doesn’t sign a new deal, who are we going to sell him to?


get Adam Johnson!

Runcorn Gooner

Sunderland have

glory hunter

I love Arsenal!
Even though it breaks my heart every season, i keep coming back.
I guess i’m just a sucker for love.

Midfield Corporal

She’s like an unfaithful wife who keeps cheating on you but you keep forgiving her.


He had better buy a DM I hope he is not looking to mikel to fill that position, we need mikel to operate where he knows better CM and not sitting In front of the back 4


Come on. Wenger are you after keeking Walcott for football or modelling reasons?


gooner – Cashley wasnt a foreigner but just as money hungry.

Agents are the reason we live with this bullshit year in year out, the sort of agents who get walcott deals for sportswear, playstation games etc etc and then think that because their client is a good ‘brand’ they should be paid higher wages at the football club even if their on field performances don’t necessarily merit it. This is where football crosses over into marketing way too much for my liking


our faith in these merceneries must end..


Reality is Theo faces some massive competition for his place. Does he believe in his abilities and is he up for the fight?

[…] 来源:[Arseblog News] […]


I think we should sell Walcott to a french club with a buy back clause after three seasons. I bet by then he will be a devastating center forward


Only 1 week left in this transfer window. If he doesn’t sign today, then we should sell him. It really is that simple.


I have to agree here. We can’t take another player into the final year of the season on good faith that they’ll eventually put pen to paper.

I reckon the Jesus rumours are there to force Theo into making a decision.

robbie kahlow

I like Theo. He’s useful and sometimes he actually good but if he doesn’t want to stay, he can fuck right off. Simples


If Theo does go it will destroy my last thread of belief that any of players really give a shit about anything other than money. Even now I don’t know if I can take to the new signings because I don’t for a minute think they have any idea what it means to play for ‘Arsenal.’ Maybe Wilshere n possibly the Ox care abt Arsenal, none of the others do, and the fact is, that if Wilsheres here in a couple of seasons and still not won anything, he’ll be told by his agent and pundits that he has to… Read more »


There is some truth in what you write, Gunnerzed. But I don’t think it is that bad though. I believe there are more players who care in the current Arsenal squad. Sagna, Arteta, Szczesny, Jenkinson, koscielny and more. Let’s be a little bit positive!


We should include some sort of anti-cunt clause in all new contracts, something like “if other teams offer you loads more money you will not turn into a (i) traitorous cunt (RVP) (ii) money grabbing cunt (nasri, cashley) or (iii) an epic thunder-cunt (John Terry, Shawcross). Arsenal will decide if and when you can leave.”


The story is, he wants £100 K plus, per week on account of his ‘England’ connections, as he feels that’s the going rate. He ain’t worth what we’re paying him now, let alone that. Is it really credible that a player who is consistently incapable of playing for 90 minutes, should be the highest earner at the Club ? More than the current Captain ? John Cross’s take on this, in the Arsecast was risible. If Walcott won’t extend his contract – and he’s had plenty of time to do just that, then we should cash in. Cross’s idea that… Read more »


In years of watching The Arse, I really struggle to remember another player like Theo. He can be shit, great, clueless, direct, wayward and devastating. And that’s just in the warm-up. Would we look to buy him if he were at another club? Likely not. Do we want to sell him, knowing the player he MAY become? The problem is a lot of what he’s about is still potential. Yes he contributes when he’s in the mood and/or allowed time and space to by the oppo, but the feeling is he could and should do so much more. The proverbial… Read more »

Midfield Corporal

I would say he’s the English Boa Morte.


in other news on another right sided midfielder (well, former) – not reporting this?


One of my favourite Arsenal memories is watching some FA cup game – my nan walks into the room, takes look at Freddie who at the time was rocking his red mohawk, sighed and went “What’s he wanna look like that for? Is he a poof?”

Old people!

Lord Teddy Ears

Theo really could do well at Arsenal if he stayed and while we all give him stick he does from time to time show that magic that makes us fan get all emotional about. However ever if he thinks he is better than Arsenal then really its time to leave us and go elsewhere to play. We are Arsenal we are not a feeder club we are one of the most successful clubs in the world and also one of the richest. The boss has cleared out almost all the team that has done nothing for us over the past… Read more »

Cygan's Anal Beads

Fuck off you Wally Walcott!


Theo: I want 100k a week. I’m an England international and am really fast.

AW: But your technique and passing are poor and you trip over the ball all the time. Here’s 60k a week and a voucher for childrens book writing skills with JK Rowling. These are like gold dust.

Theo: Really?! Done!


Per's Nimble Footwork

Theo, just sign, will you? We’ll let you keep writing as many children’s books as you want.

damien joyce

I’m not actually fussed if he signs or not but what does bother me is Wenger coming out with these comments a week before deadline day, the season has already started, I would almost be willing to bet my house on the fact Wenger already knows what the situation is regarding any contract but is feeding BS anyway, If he not gonna sign then he should have been flogged (Sold not biblical!!) to highest bidder regardless of to whom, (RVP to Utd anyone) and a replacement should have been bedded in already. If he gonna sign then just do it.… Read more »


“We want to extend Walcott’s contract” is Wenger-speak for “Theo’s on his way out.”


Wouldn’t surprise me if the delay is not only about money. Theo has always stressed he wants to be a central striker to fulfil his potential…if Wenger sees him as a wide man you can’t blame Theo for wanting a move. Personally I don’t think he’s good enough as a wide man, he lacks the vision to play Wengers style. Stick him up top and I think he’d score shed loads, he’s a good finisher. He seems like a level headed lad to me…not a Nasri/Adebayor type. I’m prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt (until he demands… Read more »

Runcorn Gooner

Most delays are about money.It is normally about personal terms like Dawson to
QPR or hanging on for the best deal which is why it becomes chaotic around the
transfer window

Dial Square

Arsenal should put an offer on the table, take it or leave it, he wouldn’t be a massive loss and any club he moves to would be a step down. As for being a central striker…never going to happen at Arsenal, he is just not a natural finisher, it would be ok if every team we played defended on the half way line but they wouldn’t, they would sit deep and what would he do then, he is not even a good footballer, he can just run very fast but that doesn’t make you a finisher…if he is holding out… Read more »

jim jimminy

anyone else getting sick to death of how open transfer and contract details are these days. All i want to know is that we’ve signed ‘so and so’ or that theyve signed a new contract. I dont care about anything in between. I blame Sky. They are killing football. Them and billionaires.


A few points: (1) if he doesn’t sign do we have a buyer lined up to do a deal in a week? (2) how does his status as a home grown player in the squad effect this negotiation? (3) at least he isn’t in the tabloids every other week speeding in someone else’s car, with his pants down, pretending to be Lewis Hamilton.

I don’t see the harm in letting him play for his new contract and see how things stand in January.


My guess is that Liverpool have made an open offer that the club are dithering over. On August 31st, one side or the other will blink, then a deal will quickly be done.

Arsenal will not allow him to run his contract down. And they probably won’t pay the stupid money that this utterly average player wants.

So he’ll be gone.



here is a quote from Wenger “We try to sort it out, and we will try to sort it out one way or the other,” he continued. -this means “were open to offers but we want you to think we want to keep him to drive up the transfer fee” “We want to extend his contract, and to keep him at the club. His desire is also right, he wants to stay and we need to find an agreement.” -this means” you are going to have to pay a lot, a real lot” If I was Wenger I might sell… Read more »


please can we sell him!?! I don’t understand how he’s tolerated playing in an arsenal team based on technique, when he clearly has none. We can find many, many better wingers. His pace is his only asset, and we’ve given him about 6 seasons to progress. Cut our losses- especially if he thinks he deserves more than his current £50-60 odd thousand a week. Is he joking? Nothing against the guy he seems really nice, but don’t rate him as a footballer at all. Ox has better technique, and thus is a much better prospect to mould for arsene.


Something will happen with this deal or not. But keep it under your knooowse.. Haha.


Arsene-“are you signing the contract or not?”
Walcott-“I’m not sure yet,my agent says…”
Arsene-“fuck you arsehole,you’re out”

Dial Square

I dont mind being ‘thumbed down’ but you could at least leave a reply as to why….if Walcott loved the club and wanted to stay he would have signed instead of holding out for more money…he seems a good kid but that doesn’t mean he should get an extra twenty grand a week…


I may be grievously wrong, but I do believe that he is more interested in assurances of being played as a striker than an extra 20 or 30k a week. Of course, I was also convinced RVP wasn’t a money-hungry cunt so I may well be misreading him completely.

[…] um, Wenger wants to extend Theo Walcott’s contract.  Ok, we’ll see how that goes.  Problem is players have to want to extend their deals too. […]

[…] also spoke about Theo Walcott, confirming the club were in talks over a new contract: Negotiations continue, at the moment not directly with me, but we try to sort it out before the […]

Arsene's Wonga

Theo, sign up or find another job.

This is Arsenal Football Club, this is as good as it gets.

[…] the manager will also be keen in getting Walcott to sign the new contract offer that is tabled.  Negotiations are still on, and it will be interesting to watch in the coming days how this goes. Of course Arsenal will lose […]

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[…] also spoke about Theo Walcott, confirming the club were in talks over a new contract: Negotiations continue, at the moment not directly with me, but we try to sort it out before the […]

[…] we start with the Theo Walcott nonsense?  Sure, let’s do that.  After promises that there would be contract extension talks, Arsenal have apparently offered Theo £75k per week, he currently makes £60k per week, but the […]

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