Saturday, February 8, 2025

Lehmann goes to town on Van Persie

Jens Lehmann has never been a man to mince his words, so it’s unsurprising that he has viewed Arsenal’s decision to sell Robin van Persie to Manchester United in uncompromising terms.

Having praised Lukas Podolski for his instant impact at the Emirates, Lehmann made clear that Arsene Wenger was absolutely right to cash-in on his former captain following his public betrayal.

“When you see a player wants to leave for money reasons and probably because he thinks that somewhere else it is easier to win, you have to let him go,” Lehmann told

“Particularly when he has only one year on his contract and when he played the first season without an injury in eight or nine years.”

While we fans are always quick to stick the knife into departing players, their former teammates are often rather coquettish when it comes to doing the same. It’s nice therefore that a player who will live long in the memory for his exploits with the ‘Invincibles’ is willing to dismiss Van Persie’s twattishness with one swipe of his big Teutonic hand.

Arseblog News hails Jens’ honesty.

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Taking The Mik

What a mann.


You mean, what a hand!


Like a proper lay-mann he does not mix his words, he tells it like it is.

Borneo Gooner

He tells what he want, he tells what he want..


Jens, a great man


Lehmann’s terms.

Declan O, Donovan

Have no idea why…. But lehmann always reminds me of david hasslehoff for some reason!!!


hasslehoffs big in Germany…….according to Norm

arsene's bottle of water

Well said Jens, well said! We don’t have to be classless about what happened, but it’s always right to mention how RVP spent 7 years picking up injuries and going grey-haired


And f*ing litte girls.

And the girl told the court.

He told me. “relax, relax I’m a little boy aswell”

Eboue's toe

you’re disgusting.

Jasper Littman

Hmmm…. Not really ‘going to town’ is it…..?

More like ‘measured criticism’.


@AAllen- it takes a village to know the departing idiot.


“In Lehmann’s Terms, he’s a cunt” ?


mad jens will crush you …you little girlie girlie man….yah


I love crazy Jens even more now


if this is “jens going to town” on someone, i wonder what you guys will call it when he REALLY disses someone.

Boom Boom

give him those coaching badges right now!


Could you see him and Bould in a few years? “OK, kid, I guess I’ve been too soft on you after all. I’m scheduling some training with Herr Lehmann. Good luck!”



Koscielny to the rescue again

Proper legend. Thanks for your continued service Jens hope we see you back at the club in some capacity.

the only sam is nelson

“because he thinks that somewhere else it will be easier to win” <— this is the killer blow

a put-down and a half

one can only imagine that rvp will speak to the child inside and then retort by making spazz noises whilst pulling a joey deacon face.

lehmann 1 – 0 van moneygrabber


Nailed it in the head mate !

Gutted gooner

Id love to nail RvP in the head, (with my fist.. or maybe one of his massive collection of crutches)

Mental Strength

It’s true. Our current midfield and defense is any day better than Man United’s. If RVP really wanted to “win” things, he would have stayed. Arsene knows and so does Mad Jens.


How long will it take for RVP to be subsituted when Alex sees Wenger about to bring on Frimpong?

Gearoid Kelly

Frimpong to start v United!!!

He can carry RvP off across his shoulder after 10 mins, then Diaby can come on for him 🙂

Note: Frimpong will be Man of the Match for a job well done, despite playing only 10 mins


The P.L officials confused just like they are 90% of the time will hand him the golden boot. But he’ll will not take it, he will instead stick it up rvps arse then be given another award for outstanding talent.


What a nutter! You just have to love him!

Koscielny to the rescue again

More people should thumbs up the above.

godwin iyogun

oh how i wish he played the full 90 against Barcelona at Paris..but his mad moment came and the rest is history


Mad fucking Gerrrman, we’ve got a mad fucking German. Love this guy.


yeaaaahhhh jens….money money money and it might be easier to win over there…..RVP WANTS TO PARASITE HIS WAY INTO TROPHIES…..and not break a sweat,


He should have added some more on nasri, ashley, adebayore then a statue would be befitting for him. Can I just say that rvp is fucking cunt, with no dignity at all. Play for Arsenal and kiss the badge then freaking leave some months after!. Fucker.


And my prayer is Man Utd don’t win anything this season with us lookin to win a lot.
Van Judas would hang himself…

Sajit Kunnumkal

I fucking love Germans

Midfield Corporal

I love Jens, my two abiding memories of him are firstly a remarkable save at old Trafford to help us to a 1-0 win, when you actually see Giggs say ‘how did he stop that’, and secondly him and Drogba shoving each other then falling over like a couple of girls, hilarious!


Heh, Drogba fell to the ground like he had just got shot. “you pushed me?, now i’ll come and push you back”……lehmann looking kinda scared starts to back away (prolly coz of drogbas fuming look), drogba pushes him anyway and lenns falls down like it was a snipers’ shot.

I watched that video in slow mo a couple of times and boy did I rotflmao. Comedy.


He was also pretty fucking remarkable in the FA Cup final against United and his penalty stop on Riquelme which took us to the CL final were also beautiful moments from the Mad German!


what about the one where he stopped CR7 fierce drive with he’s face

Sajit Kunnumkal

If Jens were here, I can see him twatting RvP into retirement


Crazy Jens, gradually becoming a legend!

Sajit Kunnumkal

Err. Anyone who has pushed Drogba and caught someone as disgusting as Davies by the neck is already a legend !

The Loving Hands of Wenger



I love jens he is an absolute legend and tells it like it is, hope he bumps into RVP sometime soon and tells him to his face before breaking his fucking neck!!!!


Wow. And Jens, help us a little with Don Vito’s and SZCZ’s training may be? How I wish he’d be back with Henry, Bergkamp, Tony Adams as part of our coaching staff. Goosebumps already!

50 Shades of Ramsey

Yes Lehmann you bloody legend. This is a fuck ton better than what we got from Mr Arsenal.


Jens. Fucking legend!! That is all.

Arsene Gunner 4 Life

Sod RVP. RVP could have been an Arsenal Legend by being Captain of this Team. We would have been another Invincible Team but RVP choose Greed over Substance. He soon will see that ManU are not the Team to be. He could have been a Legend and Captain us to the Title. He choose to betray us. He will regret this for the Rest of his Life cos Arsenal will go from strength to strength. We still have the fastest Winger in Ryo Miyachi and with Wiltshire and Diaby Arteta and Cazorla a Truly World class midfield! Even if Walcott… Read more »

big black clock

I say bring Jens back just for the Utd game so he can fulfill his hidden desire of pissing on Judas behind the goal posts


A silly thought: Jens the last couple of years has these cameo moments with Arsenal, that remind me of a wrestling match, when some kid is in trouble and a Rowdy Roddy Pipper or Stone Cold comes out, and shows the youngins what’s what.


make easy money? that you robin?


…. er, replying to a spammer who just vanished …..


RVP decision was very mysterious. how can u compromise your self proclaimed love for arsenal for the sick of money and think all will be well in the end. anyway Jann has just stroke the nail on the head. it will not be so nice RVP. monkey don’t leave its black hands behind.

Sol Goodman

“Monkey don’t leave its black hands behind” that I’ll learn em!

Mikel Artekkers

Who is RVP again? Did he play football once or something? I vaguely remember some sort of guy called Robert von Pisspot or something is that it?


You can’t help but love this crazy German. What a legend. He has got it spot on with Van Pur$ey. Money was his only motivation and he would even have gone to swamp dwellers up the road if they could have mortgaged their shitehole of a stadium and offered Bale and Modric plus 250k pieces of silver per week for this Judas cunt.
Bring back lehman for the Manc game so he can put the pussy into retirement for good.

Dick Law

Thank you nailed it..this is what all gooners should be saying..stop feeling sorry for him..RVP is fergie’s bitch now..i do not watch Man Utd or Spurs’s matches and his departure has given me one more reason to skip watching those snobs play…for every batistuta/maldini/de rossi/totti/messi there is one RVP…

Boombastic Shaggy

You legend you.


Take that Teutonic slap, pow! Mad Jens is pure gold as ever!


Dont ya just love jens, right he didnt go ape sh/t on rvp but at least he didnt do the oh hes a nice guy and i wish him well bit most pros do.


Van Pursestrings is a money grabbing turd and Lehman showed some restraint with his comments. Jens is mad but he’s a loyal man and clearly takes a dim view of the greedy badgers bullshit. No doubt last season saw him largely as a one man band in a team that couldn’t defend. How hilarious is it that he moved for more money only to find himself in the same situation whilst we are tighter than a ducks arse under water without him? Hahaha.

Dial Square

i would give anything to see wank utd win nothing for the next 3 years, just so it really hammers home to rvp that he sold his soul……and got fuck all in return !!!!!!!! Enjoy the money you greedy cunt…£120,000 a week not enough for you…you would give it all up when you see us win the title. i cant wait till you walk out onto the pitch at the emirates…the anger and hostility will make you physically sick…COYG

Mad Jens,arsenal inside.


rvp is fallen sick already, injured in the internationals. fergie should have known better to buy the medics who kept the kid in the head for the whole of last season before buying the wreck itself. he will regret. wenger is smart to make a price, tag it on rvp and sell him hot before he would acquire another injury and the price drops urgly again. kudos prof wenger.


Van Pussy is a sell-out, when he was a gunner and we went to Old Trafford, the glory hunters used to sing songs about Van Pussy being a rapist. He’s the ultimate sell out. Branding himself as ‘Number 1 fan’ and all that bullshit. Some people are saying that Van Pussy is in the same category as Nasri and Adebaywhore but for me Van Pussy is far worst than a money-grabber. It’s so sad to see a great player sell out on his principles just buy one more Ferrari. Prick.


A proper legend something rand van penny will gladly never say. I just don’t think there’s anything else you can add on what jens said.

You might yes go to pastures but the grass isn’t always greener. Coyg.

toruc macto

i know mad jens…this were’nt the exact words on his m.ind..bliv me.hes got real mean words for pursey.

Stevo Goono

Fatman and Robin, the Cash Crusaders.


I hope rv-payup flops really hard then it goes like.

“Fatman and flopin”.


“I’m screaming North side birthed me, I’m never switching sides I ain’t Van Persie….” – Chipmunk Freestyle. Top Man!


Absolutely shocking song. But decent lyric I guess.


and van pussy is like this…STAIGHT OUTTA (insert highest bidding club here) !!!!!!!!!!!


True words from one of the few footballers who know about loyalty. His last act was to come out of retirement to save our Arses, while RVPs was to move to the worst club possible for us


Mad Jens proper legend!off to get some Stella Artios


Jens still works for Arsenal once in a while in diff capacity. . .I think Per &Lukas arrival has in some ways has Jens hands on it. . .Coz Im sure Arsene or one of the.coaches wld hav probably pick up the phone & spoke to Jens abt them. An eccentric Gk but defintely a ver respectable one esp among the Gooners. . .after all he helped to make us Invincible & also carry us to CL final w the penalty stop during q-final i think. He is still well accepted at Emirates and I remember he was there abt… Read more »


Yeah mad JENS, he says what we all should say.


There’s only 1 Jens Lehmann!!
Lehmann may not be legendary status in every Gooner’s eyes, but he will be held in much higher regard than Robin will ever be.
I want Mad Jens in the coaching set up!

Too Drunk To Be Offside

Lehmann is a legend, as much as Wright, Henry and Bergkamp.


I hope Robber Van Poundsterling hears this and I hope he sobs like a baby in need of a candy. It’s a rare privilege to be called an Arsenal legend. You can’t make Arsenal-Arsenal makes true GUNNERS and you were never one

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